The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 186 Come on, be my personal life assistant

Chapter 186 Come on, be my personal life assistant
Zhu Suosuo returned without success in the morning, and Jiang Nansun came to the door in person in the afternoon. Jiang Nansun was much more polite than Zhu Suosuo, and he came up through a pass.

"Miss Jiang came to the door in person, is she going to pay back the money?"

Anyway, they had already turned their backs, and Zhou Chen simply asked without any cover-up.

Jiang Nansun looked ugly, and said slowly: "Our family can't afford that much money now."

"Then why did you come here today?"

Jiang Nansun gritted his teeth and said, "I hope you can give us more time."

"How long will I give you, one year, two years, or three years? It's not that I look down on you, but based on the current situation of your family, how difficult it is to earn more than 1000 million in a short period of time, I'm afraid you are not very clear."

Zhou Chen didn't have the slightest sympathy. When this woman knew she owed money, she was still arrogant. Now that she knew she couldn't pay back the money, she began to think of ways to make him forgive. He is not a philanthropist, so he is willing to lend the money. The money is just for the task, so how could Jiang Nansun deliberately default on it.

Jiang Nansun: "I can assure you that starting tomorrow, I will look for a job. As long as I find a job, I will return the money to you regularly every month."

Zhou Chen said with a disdainful smile: "I know you graduated with a master's degree in architecture, but even if you start looking for a job now, what kind of job can you find? How much can you earn in a month and a year? You have a big family to support, and with the money you earn, I'm afraid you won't even be able to pay back the interest."

Zhou Chen's words made Jiang Nansun's face gloomy and uncertain. Of course, she knew that Zhou Chen's words were not nonsense. As an architectural designer with a master's degree, it is not so easy to find a suitable job, and most Jobs may not necessarily make money at the beginning.

Their family owed Zhou Chen a thousand more than 600 million. If calculated according to the interest, she might not be able to pay it back.

"I may not be able to make much money now, but it doesn't mean I won't be able to make money in the future. I promise I won't let you down for any money I owe you."

Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up: "Okay, I am ambitious, but you have time to wait, but I don't have time. If you need to pay back for decades, is it possible that I have to wait for you for decades?"

"Wait, you still have a chance to get the money back, but if you don't want to wait, you won't get any money." Jiang Nansun said.

Zhou Chen: "If you don't pay back the money, you still talk so grandly, but you still haven't seen the dangers of society. Do you think that if you don't pay back the money, I will have nothing to do with you? Actually, I don't need to do anything. Send a few people to your house, eat with you, sleep with you, don't do anything, don't bully others, just watch you, stay with you, even if you call the police, it's useless, how long can you hold on in this situation Woolen cloth?"

"You dare." Jiang Nansun shouted angrily.

Zhou Chen shrugged and said, "If you don't pay back the money, see if I dare."

Seeing Jiang Nansun's angry eyebrows and cold eyes, Zhou Chen said slowly and methodically: "I heard that you still have a rich aunt, you can try to borrow money from her to repay the debt, she used to talk to Ye Jinyan Yes, more than 1000 million, it shouldn't be too difficult for her."

Jiang Nansun didn't speak. Of course, she would not borrow money from her aunt, because her father owed the money, and even if she wanted to borrow money, it would not be her turn to ask.

Seeing that Jiang Nansun had nothing to say, Zhou Chen bared his fangs and revealed his purpose.

"Miss Jiang, if you want to pay back the money, I have a suggestion."

Of course Jiang Nansun would not believe Zhou Chen, and asked cautiously, "What do you want to do?"

Zhou Chen: "I'm advising you. You owe me money, and I want to get back the money. At that time, I wanted you to make money and then pay it back to me. So, I think, if you want to make money If so, I can offer you a good job."

Jiang Nansun snorted coldly: "Thank you, I don't need it."

After finishing speaking, she was about to leave, but Zhou Chen said slowly: "Whether you need it or not, you have to wait until I finish speaking before deciding, as my personal life assistant, one hundred thousand per month. You can also have performance, and you follow me, and you can learn professional architectural design experience from me;
Let me do the math for you, as long as you work hard behind me, you can get more than 100 million a year. As long as you can save money, at this rate, you can pay back the money you owe me in ten years. Pay off. "

"You are dreaming."

Jiang Nansun refused without hesitation, let alone a hundred thousand, even if it was one million, she would not be willing to work behind Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen was not angry, and continued: "Then you have to think about it clearly. With your current professional ability, and you are still a woman, even if you want to find a job with a monthly salary of tens of thousands, it is not easy. With such a small salary, you I’m afraid I’ll never pay back the money I owe me.”

"Of course, you may still have a way to go, and that is to sell yourself. You are somewhat pretty and temperamental. If you are ruthless, you may have some big money who are willing to spend tens of millions of maintenance You, in that case, you won't have to work so hard to pay back the money."

Hearing these words, Jiang Nansun was really trembling with anger, pointed at Zhou Chen and cursed: "Suosuo is right, you are a despicable and shameless bastard with no bottom line."

"Yes, I'm a bastard. You are all good people. It's not shameful to worship money, and it's not shameful to double-label white lotus, okay?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Nansun couldn't understand the specific meaning of Zhou Chen's words, but she knew that Zhou Chen must be scolding and mocking her.

"It's not interesting, you can leave, but you can think about it after you go back. After three months, I hope to see you pay me back the money, otherwise, I can only use my own means to ask your Jiang family for money gone."

Zhou Chen did not force Jiang Nansun too much. He gave a little buffer time. After Jiang Nansun realized the dangers and hardships of society, he would know how difficult it is to pay back so much money. At that time, no matter whether Jiang Nansun has a way If he pays back the money, he can attack Jiang Nansun.


At this moment, Jiang Nansun still didn't really realize his situation, and after a cold snort, he turned and left.

The reason why she came to admit this today is because after their family staged a martial arts exercise yesterday, her father seemed to be a different person, and his attitude towards her and her mother had undergone a huge change.

Although Jiang Nansun was very dissatisfied with her father's actions, but facing her strong father and the Jiang family who had trained her for many years, she could only compromise in the end and put the heavy responsibility of repaying the money on herself.


Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo curled up in the same bed, their heads leaning against each other.

"Shuo Suo, what do you think I should do?"

Zhu Suosuo hugged Jiang Nansun, and said bitterly: "I really didn't expect that the world would be so small, and Uncle Jiang's biggest creditor would be Ma Hongshu, Nansun, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that he would make things difficult for you. , making things difficult for the Jiang family."

She thought that Zhou Chen targeted Jiang Nansun and the others because of her.

Jiang Nansun: "Suosuo, this has nothing to do with you. It's not because of you, but because of my dad that he was given this opportunity."

"Nan Sun, what are you going to do? One thousand more than six million is not a small sum. Even if we are sold, it may not be able to sell for that much money."

For Zhu Suosuo, more than 1000 million is a huge sum of money. With her current salary, it is estimated that she will not be able to earn that much money in decades, let alone a Jiang Nansun who has never worked in society.

"Suosuo, the man surnamed Ma, he gave me a choice and told me to..."

After hesitating for a long time, Jiang Nansun still said what Zhou Chen told her today, "Do you think if I go out to look for a job, can I find a job with such a high salary?"

After Zhu Suosuo heard this, he was taken aback, and quickly persuaded: "Nan Sun, you must not trust Ma Hongshu. Although he pays a high salary and looks good, I think he must have a conspiracy. This person is the most shameless, you must not trust him."

Being Zhou Chen's personal assistant, Zhu Suosuo's first reaction was that it was dangerous, and then he felt that it was very strange.

Why did Zhou Chen ask Jiang Nansun to be his personal assistant? It must be because he was thinking about Jiang Nansun and broke up with her, but now he wants to get entangled with Jiang Nansun. She thinks that Zhou Chen must still want to take revenge on her. She can't let her best friend become a victim.

"Well, I understand." Jiang Nansun nodded silently, without speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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