Chapter 187 Boring, come back!
Time flies, and several months have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few months, Chenxing Real Estate has developed rapidly under the leadership of Zhou Chen, Yang Ke and others.

He fought against Jingyan Group twice more, with one win and one loss in the end. Ye Jinyan has been able to stand in Shanghai for so many years because of his connections and abilities.

Although Chenxing Real Estate is coming aggressively, it is not so easy to defeat Jingyan Group.

However, Zhou Chen and Yang Ke did another important thing, that is, they recruited Tang Xin, the number one officer under Ye Jinyan of the Jingyan Group, and now Tang Xin has also become a small shareholder of Chenxing Real Estate.

Chenxing Real Estate, which was jointly established by several parties, has not been around for a long time, but its strength is very strong, and it has become one of the biggest opponents of Jingyan Group.

In addition to developing the company during this period, Zhou Chen continued to study the knowledge of architectural design. He also had a mission to become a master architect, so he had to meet the requirements as soon as possible.

"President Ma, here is the coffee you want."

Jiang Nansun put the packaged coffee in front of Zhou Chen, with no emotions on his face.

Zhou Chen picked up the coffee, took a sip, and shook his head: "It's a bit cold."

Anger flashed across Jiang Nansun's face, and he said dissatisfiedly: "I bought it as fast as I could, and there was no delay for 1 minute on the way. How could it be cold?"

"Don't believe me? Then try it yourself."

Zhou Chen put the coffee on the table.

"Disgusting." Jiang Nansun snorted coldly.

Zhou Chen's face turned cold: "Jiang Nansun, you have to recognize your current identity. You are now my personal assistant, and I am your boss. Have you ever seen an employee talk to the boss like you?"

After these months of reality blows, under the pressure of life and his father's constant persecution, Jiang Nansun finally accepted the reality and compromised with Zhou Chen.

Ever since, Jiang Nansun officially became Zhou Chen's personal life assistant two days ago, mainly responsible for helping him with some chores.

In the past two days, Zhou Chen made things difficult for Jiang Nansun, asking her to buy this or that. From going to work in the morning to leaving get off work, she basically didn't have much rest.

Zhou Chen originally thought that Jiang Nansun would not be able to persevere, but what surprised him was that although Jiang Nansun had a dead face, he persisted in a daze.

Jiang Nansun said dissatisfiedly: "I'm just your employee, not your slave. I can work for you, but you don't want to insult me."

"Insulting is a bit of an exaggeration."

Zhou Chen: "If you feel unhappy, you can choose to resign, but before that, are you sure you can find a job with such a salary?"

Jiang Nansun's anger surged up. Although she was very dissatisfied with Zhou Chen's intentional bullying of her, she had to admit that Zhou Chen's salary for her, with her qualifications, might not be found in the whole devil. The second one.

She came here to work not for money, but because their family owed Zhou Chen money. If it wasn't for this reason, she wouldn't consider it even if it was [-] a month.

"By the way, I have a personal question for you. Does Zhu Suosuo know that you are here with me?"

Zhou Chen was really curious about Zhu Suosuo's reaction when Jiang Nansun came to work here.

Jiang Nansun's face was gloomy. She came here to work, of course she had discussed it with Zhu Suosuo. After all, she was very aware of the conflict between her best friend and Zhou Chen.

And Zhu Suosuo is worthy of being her best best friend. Even though she was very dissatisfied with Zhou Chen, after knowing Jiang Nansun's situation, she still resisted the awkwardness in her heart and asked her best best friend to work with Zhou Chen.

"It has nothing to do with you. If you have any work matters, you can tell me. If there is no work, I will go out first."

Jiang Nansun showed a stubborn face, and he was not willing to talk to Zhou Chen about things other than work, especially about his best friend Zhu Suosuo.

Watching Jiang Nansun walk out of the office, Zhou Chen leaned back on the chair.

Although Jiang Nansun is a white lotus woman with double standards, she has to admit that she does have a smarter brain than ordinary women and a tenacious will.

If she hadn't known the labels on her, Jiang Nansun would indeed be a very attractive woman.

After Jiang Nansun became a personal life assistant, Zhou Chen started all kinds of tricks of his own, abusing Jiang Nansun in various ways, such as asking her to buy clothes, inner storage, underwear, etc. Although there was no real insult, but For Jiang Nansun, it was extremely painful.

Although Zhou Chen abused Jiang Nansun, in terms of salary, it would only be more than [-], not less than [-]. Even in terms of work, many designs would go through Jiang Nansun's hands.

So even though Jiang Nansun was very angry at Zhou Chen's various difficulties, she had to admit that she had learned a lot of professional knowledge from Zhou Chen, and Zhou Chen's talent was much better than she imagined.

It was precisely for this reason that she was able to grit her teeth and persevere, and silently vowed in her heart that she must seize the opportunity, pay off Zhou Chen's money, and learn Zhou Chen's skills, so that she could have another To open the door, there is no need to continue to be humiliated by Zhou Chen's subordinates.


In the blink of an eye, several years have passed.

"President Ma, everyone on the board of directors has arrived and is waiting for you to go over."

Jiang Nansun, who was dressed in a white lady's suit, opened the door of the office and said to Zhou Chen who was sitting in the office.

Zhou Chen raised his head and looked at the smiling Jiang Nansun. A few years later, Jiang Nansun has become his secretary and his right-hand man.

Jiang Nansun, who is nearly thirty years old, still has not paid off the money owed to him, because most of the money Jiang Nansun earned was used by her prodigal parents, and the money that was actually used to repay the debt was more than 1000 million. A fraction of is not enough.

After a few years, Jiang Nansun seemed to have resigned to his fate, and he had no other thoughts, so he stayed by Zhou Chen's side safely. No matter what Zhou Chen asked her to do, she would do it seriously, so now Jiang Nansun has adapted to her own life. identity.

After becoming Zhou Chen's secretary, she learned a lot from Zhou Chen. If she hadn't stayed by Zhou Chen's side all the time, she would definitely be able to become an independent architectural designer when she went outside.

"Let's go."

Standing up, Zhou Chen walked out of the office and went to the meeting room where the board of directors was held.

The purpose of holding the board meeting today is for the ribbon-cutting ceremony that will be held soon after the formal completion of the group building belonging to Chenxing Real Estate.

Chenxing Building is the architectural design that Chenxing Real Estate has spent several years. Zhou Chen led a group of architects to complete the architectural design. It is definitely ahead of the current world level. features.

This Chenxing building is also the answer that Zhou Chen handed over for his own mission. From the beginning to the end, he paid great attention to it.

The rise of Chenxing Real Estate is based on Jingyan Group. Although Jingyan Group still exists today, it is not as good as before. Even their bosses have been replaced by others. The original boss Ye Jinyan, It went to other cities to develop.

As for Zhu Suosuo, he had already left Shanghai two years ago. According to Zhou Chen's understanding, it seemed that he and Jiang Nansun had something to do with him. Although Jiang Nansun never admitted it, Zhou Chen felt that there should be nothing wrong.

Recalling that when he first came to this world, he was very interested and passionate about abusing the two heroines, but as time went by, and his unilateral bullying started, he gradually lost interest.

Even if he hadn't been used to Jiang Nansun being around to help him with things, he didn't want to have too much entanglement with Jiang Nansun anymore.

As his design has been recognized by the industry, his second mission has been completed, so Zhou Chen has no intention of staying in this world anymore, he is ready to leave this world.

He didn't want to come back to this world, so he didn't choose a place, he just stayed in his office, communicated with the system, and chose to leave this world.

 After voting, the next world is: Xiaohuanxi!
(End of this chapter)

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