The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 188 Architect turned into a mason?

Chapter 188 Architect turned into a mason?
Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 11
Constitution: 14
Spirit: 15
Agility: 12
Remaining points: 0
Money clears the way: ………

God-level Yuelao: ………

Voldemort (passive): When the host has a blood-related sister in the film and television world, the host's sister must be Voldemort.


Torturer: All the protagonists with unrighteous views should be abused. The gold-worshiping girl and Bai Lianhua must not be let go. On the premise of not breaking the law, carry out the abuse of Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun (completed); Reward: To be received.

Master Architect: To become an excellent master architect, to design at least one iconic building, which has been recognized by the industry (completed); Reward: To be received.

After returning to the real world, Zhou Chen's will was very clear, better than the previous few times, so after squinting for a while, he called up the system panel.

The previous four attribute points were added to the four attributes in a balanced manner by Zhou Chen, because after passing through the four worlds, he found that these four attributes are very important. If there is no special need to focus on which one, balance Add a little better.

This time there were two tasks, so Zhou Chen chose to receive the rewards, and then looked at his system panel.

Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 11
Constitution: 14
Spirit: 15
Agility: 12
Remaining points: 4
Money clears the way: When the host actively uses money to do something, the success rate of this thing can be increased by 50.00%; cooldown: main world: one month; film and television world: only once per world.

God-level Yuelao: When the host takes the initiative to set up a bridge for the target’s love and marriage, the chances of the target’s successful holding hands will be greatly increased; cooldown: seven days.

Voldemort (passive): When the host has a blood-related sister in the film and television world, the host's sister must be Voldemort.

Master Builder: The firmness of the building built by the host will be greatly improved.


After seeing his system panel, Zhou Chen was full of question marks.

There is no doubt about the four attribute points, but what is the situation with this newly acquired skill?
The skill is called Master Builder, which sounds very good, but what is the situation in this introduction, the buildings built by him will be greatly improved in terms of firmness, so there is no such thing?
Fortunately, Zhou Chen has become accustomed to the various wonderful skills that the system rewards him, and the skills of this master builder also seem to be one of them.

The building built by him is to let him go to the construction site to build a house. What kind of master builder is this? He can simply be called a mason.

What made Zhou Chen unhappy was that he had two missions this time, and the rewards for the two missions were not as rich as the rewards for one mission in the previous world. Like the story card last time, he was eager to get it again. .

What a pity, what a pity.

He guessed that it was probably in the world of Golden Years. Although he completed the task, the evaluation he received was not high, so the reward was so ordinary.

It's just that so far, he hasn't fully figured out the specific situation of the system, and he doesn't know whether the system evaluates the tasks he has completed.

After turning off the system panel, Zhou Chen took out his mobile phone and started surfing the Internet, watching news and videos.

In the past few months, he always went to human resources websites to see if he could find a suitable job.

But since he has money in his pocket, he is still looking for a job. With tens of millions, in his small city, what can he do better than working for others?

Because all physical attributes have been improved, Zhou Chen decided to go to the gym to practice.

Originally, he planned to go alone, but he suddenly thought of Li Luo who loves to read but is silent, so he sent a message to Li Luo and asked her to go to the gym together.

In the eyes of others, Li Luo seemed a bit abnormal, but after Zhou Chen got along with her for a long time, he liked the way of getting along with her very much.

Although Li Luo seldom talks, Zhou Chen feels that this is not a shortcoming. If he talks less, he will naturally be quiet. He is used to traveling to various worlds, but he enjoys the quiet life mode of the real world more.

This world belongs to his real world, and it is definitely impossible for him to create whatever he wants like in the film and television world, so living an ordinary life here is the best choice for Zhou Chen.

Of course, his affection for Li Luo is only from the feeling of a friend, and it has not risen to the relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend.

After making an appointment with Li Luo, Zhou Chen drove to the city. He happened to have time, and he was going to buy a new car. He was used to driving a good car, and he really couldn't bear this car to accompany him more and more. A couple of years of Axela.

After shopping around the 4S stores of several major brands, Zhou Chen still decided to buy a charcoal black BMW 7 Series. Because there is no existing car, it will take a few days to pick it up, so Zhou Chen paid the deposit first, and planned to wait a few days Come pick up the car.

It's not that Zhou Chen has never thought about buying a sports car, after all, he is a man, and there are not many men who are not interested in sports cars.

However, he is quite rational. Given the road conditions in their county, the sports car can't be driven at all, with all kinds of speed bumps and potholes. I'm afraid the chassis of those supercars won't be able to handle it after a few laps.

He also bought a car for practicality, but a sports car is not practical in their city at all, so he ruled out the option of a sports car before looking at the car.

As for why he didn't buy a better one, it was also because he was more familiar with BMW and it was easier to drive. Besides, although he had tens of millions, it wasn't hundreds of millions.

People have no long-term considerations, and there must be near-term worries. Zhou Chen is also a person who has lived in the film and television world for many years, and he still understands the truth of sitting and eating.

Originally, Zhou Chen planned to leave after buying the car, but after thinking about it, he went to a Volkswagen 4S store and chose a high-end Passat.

This car was chosen for his father, because he thought that his father also has a driver's license, but he has been reluctant to buy a car. He rides an electric car every day. Now that he has money, he naturally wants to repay his parents.

But Zhou Chen also knew that if he bought a car that was too good, his father would definitely not want it, so he bought a Passat that was more than 20 yuan, and when the time came, he would directly take his father to pick up the car.

He came to pick her up at the gate of the community where Li Luo lived, told her to go to the gym, Li Luo nodded.

"My dad asked you to have dinner together at night."


Zhou Chen was startled by what Li Luo said, and asked, "Why did your father think of asking me out for dinner? To a restaurant, or where?"

Li Luo said: "Restaurant."

"That is not bad."

Zhou Chen was relieved to hear that he wasn't going to her house. Although he and Li Luo often went out together, he still hadn't made up his mind whether to pursue Li Luo or not, so he was somewhat repulsive and reluctant to see Li Luo's family. nervous.

"Then I'll find a restaurant later, and you tell your dad."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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