The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 189 Quiet girls can also smoke people

Chapter 189 Quiet girls can also smoke people
There were not many people in the gym in the afternoon, Zhou Chen casually used the equipment here to exercise.

As for Li Luo, he was sitting next to him, holding a book, reading it carefully, and looked up at Zhou Chen from time to time, and then looked down at the book again.

While Zhou Chen was exercising, he was also paying attention to Li Luo. After finding that Li Luo was reading a book quietly, he didn't pay any more attention.

But after waiting for a while, he turned his head and suddenly found a muscular man wearing a two-muscle vest entangled Li Luo, which made him raise his brows, stopped his exercise, and walked over there .

But before he came to him, Li Luo suddenly raised his hand and slapped the muscular man on the face with a 'slap'. The loud sound echoed in the empty gymnasium.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chen was startled, and quickly rushed over, pulling Li Luo behind him.


Protecting Li Luo behind him, Zhou Chen looked at the ugly muscular man in front of him, and he recognized him. This guy is a fitness trainer in this gym. His surname is Chen. He had approached him before and wanted him to buy classes. , but was rejected by him.

"What are you doing? This woman hit me, why do you still ask me?"

Chen Shaowu's face was gloomy, the slap was completely on his face, it hurt him a lot, but this is not the point, the point is that he was slapped by a woman in public, which made him lose all face up.

Zhou Chen didn't care so much, a stranger, a friend of his own, of course he wanted to help Li Luo.

"Coach Chen, right? Li Luo is my friend. She came with me. I know her very well. She can't hit someone casually. If she really hits you, it's because you did something unruly. "

Chen Shaowu: "I was just introducing the course to her. I didn't do anything excessive at all. Even if you are guests, you can't hit people casually. If you don't give me an apology and compensation, I will call the police."

Zhou Chen sneered, seeing that Chen Shaowu was so muscular, yet he made things difficult for Li Luo, and wanted to call the police, which really made him very contemptuous.

He didn't look at Chen Shaowu again, but asked Li Luo: "Li Luo, what happened just now?"

Li Luo had a cold expression on his face: "He sells lessons, but I ignored him, and he tried to drag me, so I beat him."

The corner of Zhou Chen's mouth twitched, just like what he thought, but he didn't expect Li Luo to be so tough. Chen Shaowu didn't even make a move, so he just slapped him. He has a strong sense of self-protection.

But even so, Zhou Chen turned his head and warned Chen Shaowu: "It's already obvious that you were the one who attacked my friend first, so my friend hit you. There are surveillance cameras here. If you want to call the police, we will You can also accompany me."

"My uncle is the chief of the Public Security Bureau." Li Luo said suddenly.

Chen Shaowu and Zhou Chen's expressions changed when they heard the words. At this time, the person in charge of the gym also ran over quickly, pulling away the two parties who were arguing.

Under the mediation of the person in charge of the gym, the two parties did not have any further conflicts, and they separated. Zhou Chen did not intend to continue exercising, so he took a shower, changed his clothes, and left with Li Luo.

This incident was just a trivial matter to Zhou Chen and the others, but he was very surprised by Li Luo's identity.

"Li Luo, is your uncle really the chief of the Public Security Bureau?"

Li Luo sat in the co-pilot and replied calmly: "No, I don't have an uncle."

Zhou Chen showed astonishment: "Then you just now?"

"Lied to him."

Li Luo suddenly narrowed his eyes and laughed, quite cunningly trying to succeed in a plot.

Li Luo's smile made Zhou Chen stunned for a moment, this was the first time he saw her smile since he had known Li Luo for so long.

"You, you can laugh?"

It's not that he hasn't seen the world, it's that Li Luo's smile is really beautiful. If Li Luo's usual expression is to reject people thousands of miles away, then she is smiling at this moment, as if she has passed through the haze of the sun, full of beauty. It is warm and makes people yearn for it.

Realizing something was wrong, Li Luo immediately restrained her smile, and regained her icy look, as if the person laughing just now wasn't her.

Seeing Li Luo's self-conscious reaction, Zhou Chen smiled casually, took Li Luo to the fourth floor of a plaza, bought two movie tickets, and watched the movie.

In the evening, Zhou Chen met with Li Luo's father Li Ruiyang again. During the meal, Li Ruiyang kept thanking Zhou Chen, saying that because of him, Li Luo would not stay at home all the time, and it was also because of him that he was willing to stay at home. contact outside...

"Xiao Zhou, have you ever thought about developing in a big city? For example, Jinling."

Halfway through eating, Li Ruiyang suddenly asked Zhou Chen.

"Go to Jinling? I really haven't thought about it, Uncle Li."

Zhou Chen shook his head. To be honest, after so many years in his hometown, he has gotten used to the life here. Although he can adapt to the big cities, he will be far away from his parents and relatives, so he doesn’t really want to leave his hometown. Went to the big city.

It's not that he doesn't have ambitions, but that he doesn't think it's necessary. His experience in the film and television world is enough to make him unforgettable. Why should he go back to his own world and continue the stressful struggle? Isn't life good?
If he wants to struggle and make a living, he can rely on the system to travel to the world of film and television to struggle and make a living. In the real world, even if his mother keeps talking about him, he still wants to spend more time with his parents.

His reaction made Li Ruiyang a little dissatisfied: "Xiao Zhou, you are still young and not married. I don't know what is really important to a man. For a man, it is necessary to start a family and start a career. A man You should start a career instead of thinking about earning a dead salary and living a stable life."

"You may not understand it now, but when you are old and young, you will understand what I said. For a man, a career is a must, because only a career can bring you happiness. It comes from confidence and confidence; otherwise, in the future, the support of the elderly, child support, and other bits and pieces can really crush a man."

"Uncle told you, money is not a good thing, but you can't live without it. Most of your life, you are fighting with money..."

"Yes, yes, Uncle Li is right, it makes sense."

Zhou Chen didn't want to drink at first, but Li Ruiyang insisted on pulling him to drink. He had no choice but to accompany him.

Good guy, after this drink, Li Ruiyang was still motivated. The two of them drank four bottles of white wine. Zhou Chen was better, because he was already a big drinker, but after his physique and spirit became stronger, his drinking capacity increased a lot.

As the boss of an insurance company, Li Ruiyang naturally can't drink too much, but this time he really encountered Zhou Chen.

Of the four bottles of liquor, Zhou Chen drank two bottles without any sprinkles, but Li Ruiyang couldn't do it.

After the meal, Zhou Chen called a substitute driver, and he and Li Luo supported Li Ruiyang back to the community, and sent him to the door of his house before returning.

(End of this chapter)

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