Chapter 190 Picking up the Car
A few days later, Zhou Chen took the initiative to go back to his parents, told him about buying the car, and asked his parents to pick up the car with him.

"Xiaochen, what do you mean, you bought two cars, one for you and one for your father?"

Mother Li Congping sat at the table and cross-examined Zhou Chen who was sitting next to her, while father Zhou Zhiming's eyes were blank, with mixed joy and sorrow in his eyes.

Zhou Chen nodded, and said: "Yes, I bought two cars. I will drive a BMW and a Passat for my dad. The deposit has been paid. They have told me to pick up the car today. Dad, pack up quickly and let the car go. Sister take us there."

Zhou Zhiming was a little moved, but he glanced at his wife, and sat still as a mountain, and asked Zhou Chen: "Son, why did you think of buying a car, and you bought two at once, where did you get so much money?"

"Yes, Zhou Chen, where did you get the money?"

The eldest sister Zhou Xin also looked skeptical, mainly because she knew her younger brother very well, and Zhou Chen would tell her about any important matters, but suddenly bought two cars at a high price, which made her feel Very suddenly, it is inevitable that I will be very worried.

Li Congping was even more straightforward, patted the table and asked, "Tell me, what's going on, you haven't spent all the money you've saved in the past few years, have you?"

"Mom, with his little savings, he needs a down payment to buy a Passat, how can he afford two."

Li Congping is not sensitive to the price of the car, but Zhou Xin knows a little bit about it. Zhou Chen has worked for a few years, and his salary is only so little. How can he have any spare money.

Zhou Chen immediately retorted: "Sister, you can't say that. Why do I have no money? I have money, richer than you, but I didn't tell you before."

The family of three stared at Zhou Chen, waiting for Zhou Chen's answer.

"The thing is like this. When I was in college, in addition to learning professional knowledge, I also took some financial courses. After going to work, I have been studying..."

Zhou Chen said a lot without changing his face. Although it was all bragging, it was logical and well-founded, which made his parents and sister stunned.

In short, Zhou Chen is saying that he has money, and his money is earned through financial investment and wealth management, such as Bitcoin last year, and stocks before.

These are all things he has studied, not to mention his elderly parents, even his sister Zhou Xin who works in the workplace, can't understand them very well.

"Then how much money do you have now?"

After Zhou Chen finished speaking, Li Congping was the first to realize that what she first asked was not how Zhou Chen made money, but how much money Zhou Chen still had.

Zhou Chen: "There are thousands more."

"How much."

"more than 1000 million."

"more specific."

"After buying the car, there are still more than 1000 taels over one million."

Under the pressure of his mother, Zhou Chen could only report a number casually, but he dared not say 50 million, because he knew his mother very well.

Li Congping really stared: "The total is more than 1000 million, and you spent more than 100 million on the car? Buy it if you want, you are young, you need a car when you are in love and marriage, but your father is an old man, you What kind of car should I buy him? What should I do if I still buy such a good car? "

Zhou Zhiming said embarrassingly: "I can't say anything. I also have a driver's license and I can drive a car. Besides, if I have a car, we don't need to call the children back every time we have something to do at home. , we can drive straight away.”

Knowing that his son still has more than 1000 million deposits, he will feel no pressure. It is only natural for his son to honor his father with a car if he has money.

Li Congping snorted and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't drive for you. Didn't my son buy a new car? It's fine to just give you the car he's driving now. Why do you need to buy it again?"

Zhou Zhiming muttered a few words.

Zhou Chen said: "Mom, I have bought that car for several years. Besides, I have money now, so I should buy a new one for Dad. Look at Uncle Liu next door. His son bought him a polo. I show off my power in front of my dad every day, and I'm doing it for my dad."

"Yes, my son is right. You can also see how proud that old Liu is. Our son is no worse than his son, so we will drive better than him." Zhou Zhiming raised his hands in agreement.

"Okay, you two stop acting."

Li Congping waved her hand with a look of impatience. Doesn't she understand her husband and son?

"You bought two cars, what about the car you drive now, sell it?"

Zhou Chen had made up his mind a long time ago, and he said, "Mom, I don't think it's necessary to sell it. Don't you have a driver's license yet? I think you can take advantage of this time to learn a driver's license, and then use my car to practice. It doesn’t hurt if you touch it, and when your skills are developed, I’ll give you another one, which is guaranteed to be better than Dad’s.”

"What's the matter? After earning some money, I started to spend a lot of money. I don't want your money. Hurry up and find me someone to marry."

Seeing that his mother turned to getting married again, Zhou Chen quickly changed the topic: "Okay, Mom, I have to pick up the car, let's go."

Li Congping had already recognized her, so the family of four went to the 4S store to pick up the car in Zhou Xin's car.

The process of picking up the car was very smooth. Bring all the documents and pay the money. They will help you with everything, and then drive back happily.

There was one car when they came, and three cars when they went back. Zhou Chen drove a new BMW, and his parents drove a new Passat.

When he got home, his brother-in-law had already booked a hotel and was waiting. Originally, when the new car came home, firecrackers should be set off to celebrate, but now that the control is under control, naturally it can't be done.

The second day after the new car was brought back, Zhou Chen was urged by his mother again.

This time, in addition to asking him to find a girlfriend as soon as possible, let him save some money and find something to do. He can't just do nothing all day because he has money. He still has to work, whether it's a part-time job or doing things by himself. , in short, just can't be idle.

Zhou Chen naturally wouldn't object, and nodded repeatedly, expressing that everything would be done according to his mother's instructions.

In fact, he has been thinking about finding something to do, but he has not found a suitable way. After he has experienced several worlds, it is definitely impossible to work part-time again.

Now he has a lot of professional skills, but what he lacks is relevant documents.

By the way, the master builder he just obtained has good skills. If he builds a house as a mason, the house he builds will definitely be stronger than the house built by others.

But the problem is, it is impossible for him to build a house.

In the following days, Zhou Chen returned to his usual pattern, watching dramas every day, exercising, watching the news, watching finance, and at the same time preparing for the next world.

(End of this chapter)

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