The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 191 Xiaohuanxi, I was confused at the beginning

Chapter 191 Xiaohuanxi, I was confused at the beginning

"Next week, okay, no problem, tell me the location, and I'll go straight there."

Zhou Chen, who was about to take a rest and go through time travel, suddenly received a call from his former winery colleague and high school classmate Wang Jialong.

Wang Jialong asked him to have dinner next week, and asked him to help with something. He had known Wang Jialong for more than ten years, so naturally he would not refuse, and he agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chen called up the system panel and made another time travel.

One month passed quickly, and Zhou Chen watched more than a dozen TV dramas this month, because he found that he had traveled through the world of TV dramas and hadn't traveled through the world of movies, so he simply didn't go to the movies, Focus on TV dramas.

Strange bedroom, strange table and bed, after Zhou Chen saw the situation in the bedroom, he realized that he had crossed over.

When he looked down and saw his hands, his expression suddenly became astonished, because he found that his hands seemed to be a little smaller, and his skin seemed to be a little tenderer.

Soon, a strange memory flooded into his mind...

After a while, Zhou Chen received the system's memory and realized which world he had traveled to and his current situation.

This time he was wearing it, but there was a difference in the process. He changed from 28 years old to ten years younger, so he saw that his hands became smaller and tenderer.

The name is still Zhou Chen, but the identity background is completely different from the real world, especially the family, which is more complicated.

His father was still alive, and his mother died young, but what happened in between made Zhou Chen feel extremely disgusted with that cheap father.

The parents of 'my' are college classmates. After graduation, they started a business together. Relying on their own skills, they created a considerable foundation.

But when 'I' was ten years old, my mother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and it was still in the advanced stage, so I had to stay in the hospital for treatment.

What happened next really made Zhou Chen extremely disgusted.

The cheap father of 'myself', after a few months of his mother's hospitalization, actually cheated on his marriage, found a young female college student, and got her pregnant.

This kind of thing happened, and the mother, who was already terminally ill, could no longer hold on.

But I have to say that the mother is indeed a great creature. Even when her body and mind collapsed, she still did not forget her child. She gritted her teeth and persisted, wanting to fight for the interests of her son.

In the end, this great mother let go of her emotions and grief, divorced her husband, and divided the property, leaving all the inheritance to her son, and left with a smile.

After 'reading' this memory, tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Zhou Chen wiped away his tears and said silently: "Don't worry, from today onwards, I will be your son, and I will definitely live up to your expectations and live a good life."

After calming down, Zhou Chen continued to 'look' at his memory.

He is now located in Yanjing, a senior high school student of Chunfeng Middle School, a key high school in the district. The house he lives in now is a two-bedroom house in the school district next to Chunfeng Middle School, Shuxiang Yayuan.

Even relying on these messages alone, Zhou Chen immediately guessed which world he had traveled to. This was a popular TV series he had watched in the real world.

little joy!
Xiao Huanxi is a TV series that mainly focuses on the life and study of senior three students in the third year of high school. The plot mainly takes the perspective of three families, and tells the situation of different families and students in the college entrance examination.

In Yanjing City, three families preparing for the college entrance examination are not only facing the pressure of entering higher education, but also facing the problem of parent-child relationship.Tong Wenjie, a mother who hates iron but not steel, and Fang Yifan, a scumbag son, have many conflicts in their grades, and their father Fangyuan has to mediate;
Song Qian, a single mother who refused her ex-husband Qiao Weidong's invasion of her mother and daughter's life, began to care about her daughter Qiao Yingzi's life in an all-encompassing way, and misunderstandings and conflicts erupted unconsciously;
The sudden care of Ji Shengli, the airborne father, and Liu Jing, his mother, made Ji Yangyang, who was raised by his uncle Liu Zheng, at a loss as to what to do. The careful relationship between father and son did not bring peace to this relationship.

Middle-aged parents and children who have just entered adulthood, in the important trial of the third year of high school, overcome the many difficulties set by life, learn to grow in love and understanding, and welcome their own "little joys". '

Zhou Chen happened to watch this TV series in the past few months, so he can still remember the general plot.

Not only did he travel to the world of Little Huanxi, but he was still in the same class as Fang Yifan, Qiao Yingzi and others, and he would be officially promoted to the third year of high school in a few days.

It was really the first time for Zhou Chen to become a student.

In the first four worlds, the people he traveled through, except that the ages of the two soul wears did not match, the other two time travels were real self travels. After this kind of travel, he was still himself, but his body became younger. This is still an experience that he has never experienced before. .

The last time he was a high school student was many years ago. He had forgotten his life in the third year of high school, and he could only vaguely remember that it was a painful and difficult time.

However, unlike the situation in the TV series Xiaohuanxi, most of the conflicts in Xiaohuanxi came from the family, and Zhou Chen remembered that at that time, his parents did not put any pressure on him, but the school put a lot of pressure on them.

At this point, Zhou Chen is still very grateful to his parents. Although they all hoped for their own well-being, they did not impose their wishes on him. At most, they urged him to study and not to be playful. There is no excessive arrangement.

After roughly figuring out his current situation, Zhou Chen called up the system panel.

Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 11
Constitution: 14
Spirit: 15
Agility: 12
Remaining points: 4
Money clears the way: ………

God-level Yuelao: ………

Voldemort (passive): ...

Master Builder: The firmness of the building built by the host will be greatly improved.

There was no change on the panel, but when Zhou Chen saw the bottom, he was stunned.

"What about the mission?"

This is already the fifth world he has traversed, and he is used to opening the system panel to check the tasks after each time travel.

But this time there was an accident. From the beginning to the end, he did not find the task, nor did the task bar appear.

"System, what's the situation, what about my task?"

The system, which has never actively communicated, immediately conveyed a message to him.

According to the system, the film and television life experience system does not have missions every time it travels through the world.

Some worlds may not have quests, and the host needs to slowly integrate into it to experience this different life, instead of aiming at quests every time, ignoring the essence of this experience system.

The feedback from the system made Zhou Chen's tooth ache. He was used to traveling through worlds and then completing missions. As a result, there was another setting where not every world had missions.

This dog system has never let him down in deceiving people.

"Then there is no task, will there be rewards?"

This time the system did not reply again, as if it had resumed the downtime mode.

The sudden lack of tasks made Zhou Chen seem to have lost his motivation. He didn't know what to do or what to prepare for a while.

"According to what the system says, you don't need to have a purpose to have a life experience?"

(End of this chapter)

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