Chapter 192 Qiao Yingzi

"There is no mission without a mission."

Zhou Chen didn't get too entangled, so let's not think about tasks and rewards for now, let's get used to this new world first.

He got up and walked around the room. He rented this house not long ago, in order to be closer to the school in the next senior year of high school.

For this two-bedroom apartment, the monthly rent is more than 10,000, and after the third year of high school, I can go to a small city to pay the down payment for a small house.

It has been several days since I moved here, and the room has been tidied up. Although it is a two-bedroom, the area is not small. According to Zhou Chen's visual estimation, it can be about [-] square meters.

The master bedroom was lived by Zhou Chen himself, and the other bedroom was turned into a toy room, which was full of toys, which he moved from his original house.

The living room, dining room, etc. were all cleaned, especially the kitchen, because he hadn't cooked once after moving in, so it was spotless.

Because he is a student now, Zhou Chen took out the high school books that had been distributed in advance and read them.

After a few 10 minutes, he frowned, because he knew all the characters in these books, but when he looked at them carefully, except for Chinese and English, the other courses made him a little dizzy.

Although he accepted the memory of "himself", after all, he is now the leader. He has not studied mathematics, materialization, biology and other topics for many years. He couldn't understand it at all, because in his In his memory, the original body was just a scumbag.

"Learn shit."

Zhou Chen directly threw the book aside, reading is the best way out, but not reading does not mean there is no way out, with his current ability, even if he goes to any school, as long as he has qualifications, he will not have a bad life in the future .

What's more, his current status is not simple. Although his mother has left, she 'earned' a large amount of property for him before she left.

A company engaged in import and export trade, the company's assets are over 50.00 million, a large law firm, he holds [-]% of the shares, and the annual rent of the five front rooms in the bustling commercial street exceeds one million, let alone There are also real estate such as villas.

These assets were earned by his parents after more than ten years of hard work. When his cheap father cheated and was forced to divorce, [-]% of the property was divided between their mother and son.

Then he used legal channels to hand it over to his lawyer uncle for management. When he was [-] not long ago, all the inheritance had been inherited by him.

So, although he is only eighteen years old now, his various assets have already exceeded [-] million, which is considered to be at the top level in the country.

It's unbelievable for Zhou Chen to reach the pinnacle of his life after such a start.

Duo Duo was born in Rome, with this family property, what more do you need to be a top scorer in the college entrance examination.

What is the purpose of the college entrance examination? It is not for getting into a good university, getting a good diploma, finding a good job, and earning more money.

But these, he no longer lacks.

If it is said that going to university is the most attractive thing for him now, it is undoubtedly the wonderful university life and the network resources that can be accumulated in the university.

But these are still too far away for him, and there is no need to consider them for the time being.

Compared with the real world, the self in this world is really miserable. I personally sent my mother away at the age of ten, leaving only a dispensable father. All these years, I have been living with my uncle.

Fortunately, his uncle grew up dependent on his mother and had a deep relationship with him, treating him like his own child. That's why he was able to grow up steadily, and there were no tragedies of family property being seized by his relatives.

Through memory, Zhou Chen knew that the new senior high school students of Chunfeng Middle School were going back to school soon.

Returning to school means that the plot of Xiao Huanxi will officially start.

Without the system tasks, Zhou Chen felt much more relaxed. He didn't have to work hard to complete the tasks, and he could live his life as he wanted, as he wanted.

Young, rich and free, it was perfect for Zhou Chen.

At lunch time, because there was nothing at home, even if Zhou Chen could do it, he couldn't do it, so he changed his clothes and prepared to go out to eat at the gate of the community.

This is Shuxiang Yayuan, and opposite is Chunfeng Middle School. There is a lot of traffic, so naturally there will be no shortage of restaurants.

Zhou Chen closed the door, walked to the elevator, and waited for the elevator to come up. The house he rented was on the fourth floor, and the room number was 405, which was almost 404.

"Zhou Chen?"

A surprised female voice suddenly sounded behind him. Zhou Chen turned his head and saw a girl with a ponytail. The girl was looking at him in surprise.
The moment he saw this girl, a memory emerged, and Zhou Chen couldn't help shouting, "Qiao Yingzi?"

That's right, the girl who appeared in front of him was the very popular Qiao Yingzi in Xiao Huanxi, a lively and lovely, but also distressing and sensible girl.

The original body has a deep impression on Qiao Yingzi, because they are classmates, and Qiao Yingzi is the top student in the class, always occupying the top three in the class.

On the high school campus, it is difficult for people to forget this kind of top-ranking girl.

Qiao Yingzi has delicate facial features and fair skin. Although her appearance is not perfect, she is above average, especially her pair of big eyes, which are piercing and radiant, which adds a lot of points to her.

"Zhou Chen, why are you here?"

Zhou Chen: "I live here."

Qiao Yingzi's eyes widened, and he asked suspiciously: "How is it possible, I have lived here for several years, why didn't I know you lived here?"

Qiao Yingzi was not familiar with Zhou Chen, a classmate in the class, but she was known to all the classmates in the class with her cheerful personality. In her impression, Zhou Chen was the kind of boy who was taciturn and had no sense of presence.

Zhou Chen said: "Oh, I just moved here. I'm going to be in my third year of high school soon. It's too time-consuming to run back and forth, so I thought about moving closer. It happened that the 405 here was rented out, so I rented it."

"Ah, you live in 405?"

Qiao Yingzi clapped his hands together and exclaimed in surprise, "That's such a coincidence. I live in 403, Zhou Chen. From now on, we will not only be classmates, but also neighbors."

Looking at the smiling young girl, Zhou Chen was a little funny, so why should he be happy about this matter?

"Yes, we will be neighbors from now on."

While speaking, he took another serious look at Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi looks over 1.6 meters tall, wearing a white shirt on the upper body, black slacks with small feet underneath, and a pair of pink sandals and slippers on both feet, smiling all over the face, showing the youthful beauty of a girl.

Seeing Zhou Chen staring at him, Qiao Yingzi felt a little shy, and unconsciously moved his feet two steps.

"Zhou Chen, where are you going?"

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's unease, Zhou Chen immediately looked away, and replied, "It's time for dinner, I'm going out for dinner, how about you?"

Qiao Yingzi said, "I'm also planning to go out for dinner."

"Didn't your mother cook for you?"

Zhou Chen asked casually, because he had watched TV dramas and clearly knew how strict Qiao Yingzi's mother, Song Qian, was with her daughter. No matter how busy or tired he was, he would cook for Qiao Yingzi on time.

That's why he was surprised when Qiao Yingzi said that he was going out for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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