Chapter 193 Dinner with Qiao Yingzi

Although Qiao Yingzi wondered why Zhou Chen knew that her mother was cooking for her, she didn't think too much about it and answered in a low voice.

"My mother cooked for me, but she's busy today and doesn't have time to eat with me. I'm a little tired of her cooking, so I thought about going out to eat today."

Seeing the cute appearance of Qiao Yingzi answering in a low voice, Zhou Chen suppressed his laughter. Qiao Yingzi really didn't have any scheming, and expressed his thoughts openly.

"Then how about we go together and I invite you?"

Qiao Yingzi said shyly, "Isn't that good?"

"What's wrong, we are all classmates, and I just want to eat, and eating alone is so boring, one more person can still talk."

Zhou Chen took the initiative to invite, and just as the two were talking, the elevator reached the fourth floor with a 'ding dong'.

Zhou Chen walked into the elevator directly, and said to Qiao Yingzi: "Let's go, don't hesitate, isn't it just a meal?"


Qiao Yingzi didn't struggle anymore, walked into the elevator, and said to Zhou Chen: "You invite me this time, and I will invite you next time."

"No problem." Zhou Chen made an OK gesture.

Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi stood on the curb, looking at the restaurants on both sides.

"Which one to eat?"

If Zhou Chen just ate by himself, he would definitely pick one at random, but now that Qiao Yingzi is still around, he naturally wants to ask Qiao Yingzi for his opinion.

Qiao Yingzi shook his head: "I usually eat at home. I have never eaten here. I don't know which one is delicious. You decide."

I have lived in Shuxiangyayuan for so many years, and I haven't eaten in the surrounding restaurants. I am afraid that only Qiao Yingzi and her mother Song Qian can do it.

Zhou Chen nodded, then glanced around, and said, "Let's go, let's go there."

Picking the cleanest looking restaurant, Zhou Chen took Qiao Yingzi in.

The menu is just a piece of paper, and Zhou Chen handed it to Qiao Yingzi: "Qiao Yingzi, take a look, you can order whatever you want, you're welcome."

It was the first time for Qiao Yingzi to eat alone with a male classmate of similar age, especially in public, so it seemed very awkward.

"You can order, I can do it."

"Okay, then I'll order."

Zhou Chen took the menu and looked at it, then said to the waiter next to him, "Give us a hot and sour potato shreds, fried fish fillets..."

"Enough, enough."

Seeing that Zhou Chen reported five dishes all at once and wanted to continue, Qiao Yingzi was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him.

"Just the two of us, we can't eat that much."

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "It's okay, if I can't finish eating, I can pack it up and continue eating at night."

After speaking, he ordered another one, a total of six dishes, and then asked the waiter, "Do you still have crayfish for sale here?"

Waiter: "Yes, but the price is a bit expensive."

"It's okay, since there are, then give us another three catties of crayfish, thirteen flavors, medium spicy."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The waiter took the menu and left.

"Zhou Chen, I didn't realize that you are still a big local tyrant. It's just the two of us. You ordered six dishes and added a crayfish. Are you too cruel?"

Qiao Yingzi showed a surprised expression. She was planning to come out to have a quick snack, but she didn't expect Zhou Chen to be so stingy. Even at home, her mother never cooked so many dishes for her at once except for the New Year's Day. .

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Didn't you just say that you can't finish eating and take out, by the way, all the ones I ordered just now are spicy, can you eat spicy food?"

"No problem at all."

Qiao Yingzi acted as if I had no problem, "Zhou Chen, you don't know that when I was at home, my mother didn't give me spicy food at all. She insisted that it was bad for my throat. In fact, I still like spicy food very much. It's delicious. strong enough."

"I can't tell, you're still a hero among women."

Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up. In fact, he doesn't usually eat spicy food, but he knows that Qiao Yingzi likes spicy food, so most of the dishes he ordered just now are spicy.

Qiao Yingzi laughed and said, "That is."

"Zhou Chen, you said you just moved to Shuxiang Yayuan, what about your parents, won't they come to live with you?"

Zhou Chen said: "My mother left early, as for my father, he is just a jerk, so don't mention it."

After saying this, he quickly said in his heart: Dad, Mom, I'm not talking about you, please don't get me wrong.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Zhou Chen, I'm sorry."

When Qiao Yingzi heard this, she quickly put down the water glass and apologized repeatedly. Although she and Zhou Chen were classmates, she really didn't know anything about Zhou Chen's situation.

"It's okay, no need to apologize, I've already gotten used to it, although I moved to Shuxiang Yayuan, but now I live alone, so I usually either cook by myself or go out to eat, if you want to come out next time If you want to eat, you can call me directly, and I will bring you here."

"You live alone?"

"Well, what happened?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Envy, envy, hate, in fact, I also want to live alone, live alone, free, no one is in charge, how comfortable it is."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "That's just what you feel about yourself. Living alone means you have to do everything by yourself. It's not as comfortable as you think. It's better to live with your parents."

He disagreed with Qiao Yingzi's words.

At their age, of course it is best to live with their parents, otherwise, with the ability of this generation of children, self-care will be a problem, and it is a good thing not to starve to death.

But he also knew why Qiao Yingzi had such an idea, it was entirely because her mother was different from ordinary people's mothers, she was a mother with a strong desire for control.

Even Qiao Yingzi with such a cheerful personality was forced to suffer from depression in the end. If he was a child with a weaker mentality, he would have collapsed long ago.

"What's so good about living with your parents? I still envy you, Zhou Chen."

Qiao Yingzi's words came from the heart. After being strictly controlled by her mother for many years, she longed for freedom in her heart.

"There's no need to envy me. When you're admitted to university, you can do whatever you want." Zhou Chen said.

Qiao Yingzi nodded vigorously: "You are right, when I am admitted to university, I must leave Yanjing to pursue my freedom."

Seeing what Qiao Yingzi said was so serious, Zhou Chen didn't refute it, but he was absolutely sure that when Qiao Yingzi really got complete freedom, she would definitely miss her parents and the days she spent with them.

There were only two tables of customers in the store, so the dishes for Zhou Chen's table came out quickly.

"It's so hot, would you like some cold beer to cool down?"

"Huh? Drink beer?"

Qiao Yingzi's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Just kidding, forget about the beer, do you want iced Coke?"

"This can be."

Qiao Yingzi nodded quickly. In their house, iced cola is also a controlled substance, and her mother Song Qian doesn't give her to drink it at all.

After the iced cola was served, Zhou Chen poured two full glasses, then raised the glasses.

"Qiao Yingzi, this is the first time we have dinner together, come, let's have a drink to celebrate."

"Okay, done."

Qiao Yingzi clinked glasses with Zhou Chen boldly, and then took a big gulp.

"Drink less, eat the vegetables first, or you won't even be able to eat the vegetables later."

After chatting with Zhou Chen for so long, Qiao Yingzi also slowly let go of his guard, revealing his bold personality, talking with Zhou Chen while eating.

Soon, Thirteen Spicy Spicy Crayfish also came up. Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi put on disposable gloves and started to work.

"Well, not bad, hiss, it's spicy enough, and the crayfish still needs to be spicy and delicious."

Qiao Yingzi gave a thumbs up to praise while peeling and eating the crayfish, her nose and cheeks were covered with spicy oil.

Zhou Chen was also aroused by Qiao Yingzi's eating, so he joined the battle group.

The three catties of crayfish were quickly wiped out by the two of them. After eating, both of them were wheezing, because it was hot.

After taking a big mouthful of iced Coke, Qiao Yingzi exclaimed comfortably, "It's comfortable, I haven't eaten so comfortably for a long time."

She can only eat so refreshingly when she goes to see her father every month. At other times, she is under the control of her mother, how can she eat and drink so comfortably.

Zhou Chen also put down his chopsticks. The three catties of crayfish had already been eaten by the two of them, and most of the six dishes were eaten, so there wasn't much left.

"Zhou Chen, you can do it. You eat more than the two of us."

Zhou Chen leaned on the chair, "I'm already full, I have to rest for a while before I can leave."

Qiao Yingzi smiled and said, "Me too. I haven't eaten so much for a long time. After today, I'm afraid I'm going to grow meat again."

Zhou Chen looked at her: "You're so skinny, you can't even tell if you've grown fat."

Qiao Yingzi rolled her eyes: "I don't want to gain weight. I'm not as tall as Tao Zi, but I weigh a few pounds more than her, so I can't gain weight anymore."

"Women still need some flesh to look good, otherwise they will be skinny, and they will fly away when the wind blows. It's scary to look at."

Zhou Chen said bluntly, he doesn't agree with those women who are too skinny and tall. They are skinny and look weird. What's so good about them?

Qiao Yingzi had no contact with men and women at all, she didn't understand Zhou Chen's meaning at all, she just laughed.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, what kind of wind can blow people away, is it a tornado?"

(End of this chapter)

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