Chapter 197

Qiao Yingzi set the alarm clock, and before noon, her mobile phone rang, and then she returned to her home as quickly as possible, waiting for her mother's return.

Qiao Yingzi's reaction really moved Zhou Chen a lot. Song Qian's management method was really too problematic, making Qiao Yingzi look like he was in jail.

And Qiao Yingzi is really filial. In order not to make her mother sad, even if she was under a lot of pressure, she didn't dare to resist, so she could only endure it silently.

For such a young and beautiful girl, Zhou Chen felt uncomfortable when he thought that she might suffer from depression in the future. He made a decision in his heart, and he must find a way to stop it in the future.

At noon, Zhou Chen still went out to eat. It was too hot, and he didn't want to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Qiao Yingzi came quietly again, this time she brought some snacks and her chemistry notes.

The two have a tacit understanding, one is studying, and the other is playing Lego.

After two days of contact with Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen also discovered that Qiao Yingzi is definitely a girl who loves to play. Although she is also very sensible, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the top of the grade without her mother constantly watching.

It was time to go back to school, and Zhou Chen got up early in the morning. After washing up, he went out to find a breakfast shop, and walked to the soy milk and fried dough sticks.

Spring Breeze Middle School is a key high school in Yanjing District. Every day, it can be admitted to Beijing University and Huada University. The undergraduate admission rate of candidates has reached an astonishing 90.00%. Even in the entire Yanjing City, it is also the top focus. high school.

As a key high school in the district, the teaching staff and school environment are naturally better than ordinary schools.

Standing at the gate of Chunfeng Middle School, Zhou Chen looked at the school with a lot of emotion in his heart.

After so many years, he actually wants to enter high school again, still as a senior high school student, it is really impermanent.

"Zhou Chen, what are you doing standing there, why don't you hurry in."

There was a sudden roar, which startled Zhou Chen. When he looked up, he saw a more than 20-year-old woman in a white shirt, staring at him with her hands on her hips.

Li Tiebang!
Zhou Chen, whose thoughts were interrupted, thought of this name reflexively. This is the famous teacher Li Meng, nicknamed Li Tiegu, and now the leader of the third grade group.

Li Meng is also the teacher of Chunfeng Middle School with the highest appearance rate in Xiaohuanxi. Although she is beautiful, she is cold and selfless, like an iron rod, so she was nicknamed Li Tiegu.

Zhou Chen was stunned for a few seconds, and Li Meng shouted again: "Zhou Chen, why are you still in a daze, you are already in the third year of high school, and you don't have any sense of urgency, go in quickly, don't waste time here."

Being scolded by Li Meng twice, Zhou Chen was quite embarrassed. His real age was much older than Li Meng, but now Li Meng pointed at his nose and scolded him, feeling very awkward.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, you must have been scolded by Li Tiegun."

Just when Zhou Chen was about to go in, suddenly a person ran over from behind, bumped him on the shoulder, and smiled gloatingly.

Zhou Chen turned his head and saw that he was also an acquaintance.

"Fang Yifan, Zhou Chen, why are you two dawdling, hurry up."

The one who bumped into Zhou Chen was one of Xiao Huanxi's protagonists, Fang Yifan, about 1.7 meters tall, the same as Zhou Chen, wearing a white and dark blue school uniform, and smiling all over his face.

"Okay, got it, Mr. Li, let's go in now."

Fang Yifan dragged Zhou Chen into the campus quickly, and then slowed down after entering.

"Zhou Chen, I haven't seen you for a summer vacation. You are taller than me. Are you taking hormones?"

"You're just on hormones."

Although Zhou Chen was taciturn in the past, Fang Yifan and Zhou Chen were quite familiar with each other because they were both scumbags.

Fang Yifan looked at Zhou Chen curiously: "Zhou Chen, I haven't seen you for a summer vacation. How did I find out that you have become a little different? And your hairstyle is so cool."

To save trouble, Zhou Chen shoveled off both sides of his hair, leaving an inch in the middle of his head. This hairstyle is relatively common in society now, but it is definitely very rare on campus.

Zhou Chen snorted, "Nonsense, no one has changed since we haven't seen each other for such a long time."

"That's right, but when your hairstyle changed, I almost didn't recognize you just now, but Li Tiegu could recognize you at a glance, it's amazing."

Not only Fang Yifan, Zhou Chen was also surprised. Now that his image has become a bit bigger, Li Meng can still recognize him from among the many students. I have to admit that this Li Meng really cares about the students.

"Next is the third year of high school, Zhou Chen, let me interview you, what do you think?"

Fang Yifan suddenly took out his phone, switched to video mode, and pointed at Zhou Chen to shoot.

Zhou Chen pushed his mobile phone over, "I don't think so, every day is a day."

Fang Yifan suddenly said dissatisfied: "You can't do this, we are still teenagers, youthful and full of vitality, we should have dreams and go forward..."

"Ah, ah, Zhou Chen, don't go, wait for me."

Zhou Chen quickened his pace, Fang Yifan was really a chatterbox, and the two walked into the teaching building one after the other.

The teaching building of Chunfeng Middle School should be newly built not long ago, and it looks brand new, which is countless times better than the high school he attended back then.

You must know that when he was in high school, the classroom was added on the last floor, and it was covered with aluminum plywood.

This is not alarmist talk, because when he was in high school, an incident happened. A student who wiped the glass wiped the entire window frame and fell downstairs. Fortunately, there was no one downstairs at that time, otherwise he would have died.

Think about it, how hard can you clean a window to wipe off the entire window frame?

It was after that incident that the school was renovated to ensure safety.

There are about 60 students in a class in Chunfeng Middle School, but at that time, there were more than [-] students in a class. It was really crowded, and the old-fashioned wooden tables were still used.

It's not a hole, but all kinds of earthy love words, and various names. Anyway, I can't find a good desk.

The past is unbearable, and the big capital is not comparable to his small city.

Walking into the teaching building, the first thing you see is a large exhibition hall, which is spacious and bright. Now only the third year of high school starts, so it is still very spacious here.

When Zhou Chen walked in, Fang Yifan didn't know where he had gone, so he just walked around with his schoolbag on his back.

The more he looked at it, the more emotional and envious he became.

Now this student is really very happy, the huge teaching building, the exhibition hall, the lounge, the tea room, and the concert hall...

Recalling when he was in high school, how could there be such leisure places? Even the classrooms were next to the toilets. When it was summer or it was windy, the smell was really mesmerizing and lingering.

Along the way, he saw a lot of students, all wearing the same school uniform, most of them he didn't know, only a few had an impression, but he didn't take the initiative to say hello, just walked around silently, watching .

Surrounded by young and immature students, Zhou Chen was also infected, as if he had really become younger.

Not as if, but really young.

It's time for youth.

(End of this chapter)

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