Chapter 198 The Little Prince of Piano

"Hey, Zhou Chen, you're here."

Suddenly someone greeted Zhou Chen, he turned his head and saw that it was Huang Zhitao, so he smiled at her: "Yes."

When he walked to the rest area, Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a pitch-black piano in the middle of the rest area.

Seeing this piano, Zhou Chen couldn't control his itchy hands again. He has been doing music for more than [-] years in the world of good things. It can be said that he has worked for the longest time. He has developed a kind of Habit.

In the real world, he was busy watching dramas and had no time to play musical instruments. In the world of golden years, he often went to the music restaurant to play musical instruments. Well, he also discussed with the proprietress of the music restaurant. Life.

He quickly walked to the piano. Although there were several people standing around the piano, no one sat down. They were all chatting.

Zhou Chen sat in front of the piano, lifted the cover of the piano, looked at the keys of the piano, and slid his fingers lightly.

With one touch, Zhou Chen knew that this piano was very ordinary. As a qualified musician, he could feel the quality of the piano as soon as he started to use it.

But think about it, this is just a piano used by the school to decorate the rest area, and it is often touched by people, so how could it be possible to buy those expensive pianos.

Just as Zhou Chen was touching the piano lightly, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

"Zhou Chen, are you going to play the piano?"

Zhou Chen knew who it was just by hearing the voice, he turned his head and said, "I have this idea."

Qiao Yingzi was full of surprise: "Yes, Zhou Chen, I can't see that you are versatile, but can you do it, here are all classmates, don't try to be brave, you will be the one who will lose face at that time."

Although Qiao Yingzi said it bluntly, Zhou Chen could tell that this little girl actually cared about him and was afraid that he would lose face.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I won't lose anyone in this regard."

Gently pressed the piano keys, making a crisp sound, which attracted all the students around.

After pressing it several times in a row, Zhou Chen's expression froze suddenly, and he sat upright, with his hands and fingers on the piano.


The melodious sound of the zither sounded suddenly, and Zhou Chen's classmates who heard the sound of the zither all looked at Zhou Chen's position, and those who were talking also stopped the conversation, pricked up their ears, and began to listen.


Qiao Yingzi was a little worried about Zhou Chen at first, but after hearing the sound of the piano, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Although she didn't study music, she could tell that Zhou Chen's piano sound was unusual, and it seemed to be no worse than those played by those people on TV.

Many students were infected by the melodious sound of the piano, and looked at Zhou Chen who was playing. The students who knew Zhou Chen were all surprised, and the students who didn't know Zhou Chen all asked others in a low voice. .

A piano piece ended in a few minutes, and the entire rest area was silent at first, and then there were many discussions.

At this moment, Zhou Chen undoubtedly became the focus of attention.

"You are so awesome, Zhou Chen, you are really hiding something deep, and you have such a unique skill."

Qiao Yingzi exclaimed in a fuss, she was really shocked by the flowing song just now.

Zhou Chen frowned slightly dissatisfied and said: "I don't play very well, the quality of this piano is not good, and the sound is slightly deteriorated."

Qiao Yingzi said angrily, "Isn't that good? You are so humble. I don't think even a music teacher can play better than you."

"Qiao Yingzi is right, Zhou Chen, you play really well, even if you are a tenth-grade piano player, you may not be better at playing the piano than you."

A large group of students gathered around, and one of them, a female student with fluttering hair and delicate appearance, sincerely admired it.

"I have also learned the piano, and I have also passed the level test, but compared with you, it is really not the same level."

"Hey, Wang Yidi, have you ever taken the piano test?"

Fang Yifan suddenly squeezed in from the crowd, first taunted the girl who had just spoken, and then looked around Zhou Chen back and forth.

"Fang Hou, what are you shaking?"

Qiao Yingzi was standing next to Zhou Chen, the two were closest, Fang Yifan looked back and forth, which made her very uncomfortable.

Fang Yifan said: "I'm just curious, this guy Zhou Chen has always been a boring fart before, how did he become good at dancing after a summer vacation?"

Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes and snorted coldly: "You think everyone is like you, they haven't made any progress."

Fang Yifan said dissatisfiedly: "Yingzi, I'm talking to Zhou Chen, why are you interrupting, you protect Zhou Chen so much, it's the two of you, hehe..."

"Fang Hou, get the hell out of here." Qiao Yingzi cursed angrily.

Fang Yifan dodged suddenly, hid to the side, and then said regretfully: "Zhou Chen, if you play it again, I didn't have time to record it just now. If you record it and upload the fast note, you will definitely be able to get it." Lots of likes."

"Not interested in."

Zhou Chen directly refused. He didn't want to be famous. Wouldn't it be nice to be a wealthy student in peace?

Qiao Yingzi asked Zhou Chen curiously: "Zhou Chen, what song did you play just now?"


Just as Zhou Chen was about to say something, he suddenly realized that he didn't understand the situation in this world. Who knows if this song exists in this world.

"You play blindly, or call it, To Qiao Yingzi?"


There was a burst of booing all around, and Qiao Yingzi blushed suddenly.

"Zhou Chen, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's shy and embarrassed face, Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "Just kidding, just kidding."

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, the students around quickly dispersed, leaving only Zhou Chen and a few people.

Fang Yifan took out his mobile phone again, propped it up with a stand, pointed it at Zhou Chen and the others, and said, "Everyone, I will be in my third year of high school soon, and I will interview everyone. If you have any ideas, please tell me, Yingzi, you first."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." But Qiao Yingzi didn't show any face at all.

Fang Yifan had no choice but to look at Huang Zhitao, and said like licking a dog: "Goddess, Goddess, tell me."

Huang Zhitao glanced at him and ignored him, but took out the earphones and put them on his ears.

"Fang Hou, I'll come, let me tell."

Wang Yidi raised his hand, wanting to be interviewed, but Fang Yifan was upset because the goddess ignored him.

"Why are you everywhere?"

"Fang Hou, what do you mean?" Wang Yidi scolded angrily.

Wang Yidi, who has been beautiful since she was a child, has always been the envy of others. Fang Yifan's attitude made her very dissatisfied.

Fang Yifan didn't care about him at all, and pointed his phone at Zhou Chen: "Our little piano prince, tell me how you feel."

Before Zhou Chen could speak, Wang Yidi snorted dissatisfiedly: "You are the second-to-last interview and the third-to-last, what do you have to say?"

The scene turned cold in an instant. Last semester, the second-to-last student was Fang Yifan, the third-to-last student was Zhou Chen, and the last-to-last student was Ji Yangyang, whose father was the district chief.

"Wang Yidi, is there something wrong with you? If you can't speak, don't speak. If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Fang Yifan scolded mercilessly, although Wang Yidi was very beautiful, but Fang Yifan was just Huang Zhitao's licking dog, not hers.

"Fang Hou, you." Wang Yidi stomped his feet angrily, turned and left in shame.

(End of this chapter)

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