Chapter 199 Fights that cannot escape
The conversation between Fang Yifan and Wang Yidi left Zhou Chen quite speechless.

Wang Yidi, a character who has shown her face a lot in TV dramas, although she is very pretty, deserves to be called the so-called school belle.

But this broken mouth and emotional intelligence are really worrying, but thinking of her mother's posture, one can understand why.


Suddenly, a roar resounded across the campus. Everyone looked in the direction of the school gate in amazement upon hearing this sound.

Zhou Chen realized it immediately, he is also the person who founded the sports car, so he naturally knew what the sound was.

It was the roar of a sports car, and at the same time he realized what was going on.

Ji Yangyang is here!
The curious students all walked outside, and Zhou Chen also walked out of the teaching building with the crowd, and came to the open space in front of the teaching building.

At this time, a large group of students in school uniforms had already surrounded there, and a red sports car was parked in the crowd, followed by a security guard.

The security guard slammed on the door panting, "Get off, get off, get off quickly."

He didn't pay attention just now, and thought the driver was a teacher, so he put the car in, but after he put it in, he realized that the driver was actually a student, so he immediately ran after him.

The door of the Ferrari sports car was opened, and a teenager in a racing suit got out of the car with a schoolbag on his back.

This is different from the appearance of other students, and immediately caused a lot of discussion among the surrounding students, because many students recognized who this boy was.

Pointing to the boy, the security guard asked, "Who are you? Who told you to drive the car to the school?"

Ji Yangyang said: "I am a student here, and I came back to school today, why can't I come in?"

Security guard: "The school stipulates that only faculty and staff can drive into the school, and you, a student, cannot drive in."

Ji Yangyang said impatiently: "I saw you opened the door for me, so I drove in."

"Then drive out quickly."

"Wait a minute, I'll put my schoolbag on it, and then I'll drive it out."

The security guard grabbed Ji Yangyang's clothes, and said sternly: "No, you can drive out now, which class do you belong to, and who is the head teacher?"

Ji Yangyang is also a rebellious master, and he has no fear of the school security guard at all. Seeing the other party holding his clothes, he looked at the security guard with cold eyes.

"Let me go of your hand."

There are so many people around watching and pulling a student, it really has a bad influence, the security guard can only put his hands down.

He also worked in school for a while, and he knew that students like Ji Yangyang who could afford to drive a sports car must have backgrounds, and he was not something a security guard could afford.

"Okay, you wait here for me, I will go to your teacher."

Ji Yangyang didn't pay attention to the security guard's words at all, turned around and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he found that Fang Yifan was taking pictures of him with a mobile phone.

While filming, Fang Yifan muttered, "Everyone, come and see, here is a student who drives a sports car to school..."

"What are you shooting, turn it off for me."

Ji Yangyang pointed at Fang Yifan to warn.

Fang Yifan was not afraid of him at all, and continued: "Driving into the school without wearing a school uniform, blatantly violating school discipline and rules, you..."

"Shut it down for me, I asked you to shut it down for me, do you hear me?"

Ignoring Ji Yangyang's warning, Fang Yifan pointed his phone camera at the Ferrari F8, and shot around the sports car as Ji Yangyang chased him.

Enraged by Fang Yifan, Ji Yangyang suddenly pointed the schoolbag he was carrying at Fang Yifan and threw it at Fang Yifan. Fang Yifan's reaction was not slow, and he dodged by turning sideways.

The schoolbag was thrown straight at Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi, who were watching on the sidelines. Zhou Chen was standing next to them. He was prepared, and when the schoolbag hit him, he reached out and grabbed it, and threw the schoolbag behind him. on the ground.

The schoolbag almost hit someone, but Ji Yangyang didn't care at all, and continued to point at Fang Yifan.

Fang Yifan was instantly angry when he saw that if Zhou Chen hadn't caught the schoolbag with quick hands and eyes, he might have hit his goddess Huang Zhitao.

Stimulated by hormones, Fang Yifan handed the phone to Qiao Yingzi, turned around and rushed towards Ji Yangyang, and Ji Yangyang was also irritated by Fang Yifan, instead of shrinking back, he went forward and followed Fang Yifan Where wrestling together.

Looking at Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang who were wrestling together, Zhou Chen didn't stop it. It's normal for classmates to quarrel and fight.

In today's matter, Fang Yifan was indeed wrong, but Ji Yangyang was the one who was more wrong.

As a student, would Ji Yangyang know that students cannot drive into the school?But he still did that, why, isn't it just to put on a pen to show off.

For a key high school in the district, this is not a school for nobles, and it is not a place to compete for wealth. Ji Yangyang's actions are definitely very bad. If he has not a father who is the deputy head of the district, he will definitely be severely punished.

Fang Yifan's problem is that he is nosy and impulsive. Although he also wants to show off, the fights are more for his goddess.

Taking a glance, Zhou Chen found that many of the students around him had an attitude of having nothing to do with themselves.

This is also human nature.

On the contrary, Huang Zhitao was in a hurry, and loudly asked people to stop Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan.

After a while, the surrounding students took action one after another, separating Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang.

Ji Yangyang's face was full of displeasure. When he looked at his car, his expression suddenly changed, and he saw a scratch on the front of the sports car.

An angry Ji Yangyang pointed at Fang Yifan and shouted, "Fang Yifan, you rowed my car."

Fang Yifan walked in and took a look, and retorted: "I didn't draw it. I was wearing a school uniform without buttons. You must have drawn so many buttons on your body."

Ji Yangyang also understood that what Fang Yifan said was true, but he still shouted: "Obviously you did it, you still don't want to admit it, do you?"

Fang Yifan snorted, "Isn't it just a slash, I'll just paint it on you with a red pen, and I'll pay you if it's a big deal."

Ji Yangyang pointed at Fang Yifan with disdain: "Can you afford it?"

These words were indeed too hurtful, especially at Fang Yifan's age, how could he bear such agitation, and immediately pointed at Ji Yangyang and rushed over.

"What are you talking about?"

The two were about to fight again, but at this moment, Li Meng rushed out from the crowd and shouted angrily.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? You two are already in the third year of high school, and you still fight, what do you want to do?"

Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang stared at each other with dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, but when the teacher came, they naturally couldn't fight anymore.

"You two, follow me to the office."

The culprits, Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan, could only obediently follow Li Meng to the office under Li Meng's scolding.

Seeing that there was no excitement, the surrounding students left the scene in twos and threes. Huang Zhitao picked up Ji Yangyang's schoolbag, and Qiao Yingzi took Fang Yifan's cell phone.

A chubby student wearing glasses was constantly amazed around Ji Yangyang's Ferrari.

"What does Ji Yangyang's family do? They can afford to drive a Ferrari. Isn't this car cheap?"

Everyone is a high school student now. Except for a few people who love cars, I am afraid that few people can recognize what kind of car. It is not bad to be able to recognize a Ferrari.

Qiao Yingzi looked at the scratch marks and said worriedly: "This car is definitely not cheap. If Fang Hou is responsible for such a scratch, he will have to pay a lot of money, right?"

Huang Zhitao: "Probably not, Ji Yangyang is not that kind of person, we are all classmates, he probably won't let Fang Hou lose money?"

"Hard to say."

Wang Yidi said: "If Ji Yangyang asks Fang Yifan to pay, he really may not be able to rely on it, and Fang Hou will be miserable at that time."

"It's just you taking pleasure in other's misfortune."

Qiao Yingzi gave Wang Yidi a dissatisfied look, and then asked Zhou Chen who was standing aside: "Big local tyrant, do you know this car?"

Zhou Chen said: "Ferrari F8, about three million. If this scratch really needs to be repaired, keep it tens of thousands."

"How many tens of thousands?"

Qiao Yingzi and the others were shocked when they heard Zhou Chen's words. It seemed that Ji Yangyang was right. Fang Yifan really couldn't afford to pay this price.

Zhou Chen said: "Don't worry, Fang Yifan won't make the compensation. After all, it was Ji Yangyang who violated the school discipline and rules first. He drove the car in. Even if he really wants compensation, the school will settle it with him." If nothing happens to Fang Yifan, at most he will be punished, but this possibility is unlikely."

"Really?" Qiao Yingzi and the others were skeptical.

(End of this chapter)

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