The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 201 He is here, that man is here

Chapter 201 He is here, that man is here

"Zhou Chen, why did Li Tiegun tell you to go there?"

When Zhou Chen returned to the classroom, there was no one else in the classroom, only a few students who love to study stayed in the classroom to read, and the rest of the people had already gone out to play.

Qiao Yingzi stayed in the classroom to read all the time, and when he saw Zhou Chen coming back, he went over and asked curiously.

Zhou Chen: "It's nothing, just chat with me casually."

"It's fine."

Qiao Yingzi was relieved. Although she hadn't known Zhou Chen for a long time, she felt that Zhou Chen was a very good person and got along very comfortably with him, so she was somewhat concerned.

"Look at my notes, if you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

"Of course, I will definitely ask you if I have any questions."

While Zhou Chen was seriously reading, suddenly there was a huge commotion outside the teaching building, and soon someone shouted that Fang Yifan was being chased and beaten by his mother outside.

Hearing this, Zhou Chen also laughed secretly. Among the whole Little Joy, Fang Yifan's family is definitely the happiest and most interesting.

Although Fang Yifan's mother Tong Wenjie is tough, she is absolutely good to her children and nephews, and it is precisely because of their family situation that Fang Yifan's personality is raised.

Anyway, from Zhou Chen's point of view, Fang Yifan's family is the best and the most heart-warming in the TV series. Although Ji Yangyang's mother is also good, she always feels that something is missing. She is too careful and not like a normal family.

In the afternoon, the first and second graders also returned to school, which made the school much more lively.

I came back to school today, and there were no classes. Everyone just moved books, tidied up the classroom, cleaned up, and then school was over at four or five in the afternoon.

Zhou Chen didn't leave the school immediately after school, but walked around Chunfeng Middle School again. Although he remembered this place in his memory, he still didn't go there personally.

There are not many students in Chunfeng Middle School, but the school is very big. Zhou Chen remembers that when he was in high school, there were 5000 people in a school from the first grade to the third grade. The school was not as big as Chunfeng Middle School, and it was really crowded at that time .

After walking around the playground twice, the empty playground made him feel very comfortable. Maybe it was because his body became younger, but Zhou Chen felt that his hands and feet became lighter.

"Zhou Chen, why haven't you gone back yet?"

Zhou Chen walked out of the playground and was about to leave the school, but before he reached the school gate, he saw Li Meng walking towards him.

Zhou Chen said: "I'm just wandering around the school and I'm about to go back."

Li Meng looked at Zhou Chen and said, "Go back quickly. If your uncle comes back these two days, you can let him come to school. If he doesn't come back, forget it."

"Okay, I get it now."

"Also, you are already in the third year of high school, you can no longer mess around like the sophomore in high school, work hard and get into a good university, you know?"

After chatting with Zhou Chen once, Li Meng was very sympathetic to Zhou Chen's family situation, and also felt that this child was good, so she very much hoped that Zhou Chen could be 'right'.

"I know, Mr. Li, don't worry, I promise to study hard and get into a good university in the third year of high school."

Zhou Chen has adapted to his current status as a student. Although his mental age is much older than Li Meng, he still behaves very politely.

"It's best if you realize this, and go back quickly."

Zhou Chen said goodbye to Li Meng, and walked towards Shuxiang Yayuan alone.

Shuxiang Yayuan is just opposite Chunfeng Middle School, and it can be reached within a few minutes' walk. Zhou Chen walked into the community without rushing.

Because this is a school district house, most of the people living in it are students, so the community is relatively strict, that is, seeing Zhou Chen in a school uniform, there is no security guard to intervene. If other strangers come in, they will be questioned by the security guard .

What satisfied Zhou Chen the most about Shuxiang Yayuan was not that it was close to the school, but that cars were not allowed to enter the community. In this way, the environment in the community was much more comfortable.

But today is a bit special. Several cars have entered the community. These are the cars of the moving company, mainly for new residents or people who have moved out.

When Zhou Chen walked to the building he was renting, he saw a security guard flirting with a short-cut man in a floral shirt and glasses. The man was holding a big suitcase.

"I'm really the owner here, can you stop pulling me away?"

"You still said that you are the owner. Other owners have said that they don't know you. What are you doing? Be honest and follow me to the security room. Otherwise, hum."

"Otherwise, what's the matter with you? I told you that I'm the owner here, why don't you believe me? I had some conflicts with my family, that's why she said that. "

"You still lie a lot until now, it seems that you really don't tell the eagle if you don't see the rabbit."

When the security guard was arguing with the man, a few more came over, trying to pull him away while the man in the floral shirt was struggling.

"and many more."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chen immediately stepped forward.

When the security guard saw Zhou Chen, his attitude was much more polite: "Student, do you have anything to do?"

"What are you doing?" Zhou Chen asked knowingly, he already knew who the man in the floral shirt was.

Security: "We suspect that this guy is probably a thief, but this has nothing to do with you, classmate, you go upstairs first."

After finishing speaking, he was about to pull people away.

Zhou Chen stopped them, pointed to the man in the flowered shirt and said, "Uncle Security, you misunderstood. This uncle is not a thief. He is the father of my classmate and the owner of our community."

The faces of the security guards suddenly changed, and they hurriedly asked: "Student, what you said is true? Is he really your classmate's parent? Kid, this is not a joke. Thieves are not good people, so don't be fooled by them." Lied to."

"Who did I lie to, me."

Qiao Weidong was dissatisfied and shook off the pull of the security guard, and said, "This kid has already said that I am a good person, why don't you believe me?"

Zhou Chen proved: "Uncle Security, he is really the parent of my classmate. If you don't believe me, I can testify that I live in 405 of this building. My name is Zhou Chen. You can check my information. "

Several security guards looked at each other, and then one of the security guards took out the walkie-talkie and began to communicate with the people in the security room. If it was really the owner's guarantee, they wouldn't need to go to great lengths to take the person away.

Soon, the security guard received the answer that Zhou Chen was indeed a tenant who moved in recently. With Zhou Chen's assurance, they still looked at Qiao Weidong warily before leaving.

"Hey, these security guards don't have any vision at all. How can a person like me be a thief? This is an insult to my personality."

Qiao Weidong complained to himself, but finally he didn't throw him into the security room.

He turned his head to look at Zhou Chen, pushed his eyes, and said with a smile: "This classmate, thank you just now, are you Yingzi's classmate?"

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Well, Qiao Yingzi and I are classmates."


Qiao Weidong asked curiously: "How do you know that I am Yingzi's father?"

Hearing the title Daddy, the corners of Zhou Chen's mouth twitched.

"I happened to see a photo of Qiao Yingzi and you, so I recognized you. Uncle Qiao, do you want to go up?"

"Yes, I went up to find Yingzi, but I didn't bring the access control card. I was misunderstood by the security guards just now. I still want to thank you, classmate, what's your name?"

"Uncle Qiao, just call me Zhou Chen."

Qiao Weidong said happily: "Zhou Chen, good boy."

Zhou Chen couldn't stand Qiao Weidong's familiar elder attitude, so he hurried to the stairs, swiped his card and walked in, while Qiao Weidong followed behind him with a big suitcase in his arms, and the two quickly got on the elevator.

"Zhou Chen, do you live here too? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Although Qiao Wendong seldom came here, he also knew some neighbors, and this was the first time he saw Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen replied: "I just moved here. I'm not in my third year of high school. Living here is close to the school and can save a lot of time."

"That's right, that's right, it's the third year of high school, so I really should tighten up..."

"Ding dong."

While speaking, the elevator reached the fourth floor.

 There are only two updates today, and I want to say sorry to everyone.

  Everyone knows about my cold before. It was already cured, but someone in my family caught a cold a few days ago. Unfortunately, my family got better, but they infected me. I have been very sick these days. Comfortable and top-heavy.

  It’s okay if it’s normal, but now our county can be regarded as an area with a relatively serious epidemic. Pharmacies don’t sell cold medicines, so we can only buy them in big hospitals.

  I thought I could get better after a few days, but today I feel very uncomfortable. Although I have been self-isolating at home for half a month and have not gone out, I still feel a little nervous, so I decided to go to the hospital if it doesn’t work tomorrow. Look.

  The problem now is that once you go to the hospital for a cold like this, not only will you have to do nucleic acid, but you will also have to be quarantined. Be sure to update.

  In any case, during the current epidemic, the body must be the most important thing, please be considerate and considerate.

  Alas, I haven't caught a cold for a year, but it happened at this time that I caught a cold, and I was really scared and nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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