Chapter 202
"Uncle Joe, then I'll go back first."

"Go, lad."

Zhou Chen greeted Qiao Weidong, and then returned to his home.

Back in his room, Zhou Chen took out his laptop and started to check the situation of the world online.

I was busy studying and reading books before, and forgot to check the background of this world at the first time. Now I just have time to check the situation of this world.

It took more than an hour, Zhou Chen checked a lot of content, and finally came to the conclusion that.

The background of this world is very similar to the real world, but there are some changes. For example, the piano piece "To Alice" he played before has never appeared in this world.

Another example is Moutai, Wuliangye, etc., which exist in this world, and the entertainment industry has not changed much, and many well-known artists already exist.

Regarding these, Zhou Chen just glanced over them, as long as he knows it, anyway, he is not going to start a business to make money now, his family background is already strong enough, even if he wants to make money, it will be a matter of the future, and now he wants to enjoy life and be an excellent and motivated person good student.

The system didn't stipulate when he would go back, so Zhou Chen was not in a hurry, he decided to live a good life in this world, which can be regarded as making up for life in the real world.

Now that he has time, Zhou Chen wants to study a useful major after he goes to college, at least a major that can allow him to develop in the real world.

Finance is good. In the parallel world, he can rely on a similar development trend to make some money from stocks, but when he returns to the real world, he doesn't know where he is going, and it is difficult for him to make money from finance unless he can become a financial leader in this world. The existence of a big boss, with sufficient knowledge and experience, etc.

Finance is an option. In addition to finance, Zhou Chen also wants to study other majors, but he hasn't made a decision on what to study, because there are too many choices.

But there is no rush, there is still nearly a year before he goes to college, and he has plenty of time to choose.

After Qiao Weidong went upstairs, he broke up with Song Qian for a while before entering the house, then went to find his daughter Qiao Yingzi, and told what happened downstairs.

"Yingzi, if it weren't for your classmate today, I wouldn't be able to come. What's the situation with that boy? I think he is quite familiar with you. Is there any bad intention?"

Qiao Yingzi flipped through the toys that Qiao Weidong bought for her, and replied casually, "Dad, what are you talking about? You have bad intentions. We are classmates, and he just moved here not long ago."

"Dad, you bring this thing here. My mother will definitely confiscate it when she sees it."

The thing is a good thing, but Qiao Yingzi can only sigh, this thing was seen by her mother, and it will not belong to her in the future.

Qiao Weidong volunteered and said, "Then I'll talk to your mother later, how could I treat you like this."

"Forget it, Dad, you better stop talking. The more you talk, the more fuel is added to the fire. Just let me live a stable life for a few days."

Qiao Yingzi hurriedly stopped her, but she knew how much her mother hated her father. If her father really dared to speak out, it would be hard for both father and daughter.

"Hey, are you looking down on Dad?" Qiao Weidong was unhappy.

Qiao Yingzi said helplessly: "Dad, I really don't look down on you, but the enemy is too powerful."

Qiao Weidong nodded approvingly: "Yes, your mother is too powerful, um, very powerful."

While their father and daughter were talking, Fang Yifan and his mother Tong Wenjie came. After Fang Yifan greeted Song Qian, he went to Qiao Yingzi's room.

"Yo, Uncle Joe, you're here too."

Fang Yifan, who pushed the door straight in, was startled when he saw Qiao Weidong, and hurriedly called out.

Qiao Weidong stood up and said, "Fanfan is here, are your parents here too?"

Fang Yifan said: "My mother and I came first, and my father went shopping, so he won't be there until later."


Qiao Weidong was overjoyed. If Fangyuan's family came, he would have an excuse to stay.

"Okay, Fanfan, talk to Yingzi, I'll go out and talk to your mother."

After Qiao Weidong went out, Fang Yifan chatted with Qiao Yingzi. He was very envious when he saw the gift Qiao Weidong bought.

"What is this? Let me tell you, Zhou Chen's stuff is out of print." Qiao Yingzi said to Fang Yifan.

"Zhou Chen?"

Fang Yifan looked puzzled: "Zhou Chen also plays these games? How do you know?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Zhou Chen has now moved to Shuxiang Yayuan, which is next door to our house in 405. There are really too many toys in his place, Lego, Ultraman, and others, many of which are limited editions. He really is a big rich man."

"Is it so awesome?" Fang Yifan was very surprised.

Although their family's living conditions are good, they haven't really bought any limited edition toys. He knows Qiao Yingzi's hobbies and Qiao Yingzi's vision, which can make Qiao Yingzi so envious, which shows that there must be something wrong with Zhou Chen. Simple.

"You said he lives next to your house, so let's go and have a look now?"

Qiao Yingzi hesitated, "Now?"

"That's right, anyway, my dad won't be here for a while. It's early for dinner. Let's go to Zhou Chen's place to play first."

Qiao Yingzi was very excited, of course she also wanted to play Lego: "Then why don't you tell me?"

"Go, tell my mother and your mother, they are next door anyway, and they will definitely not stop."

Zhou Chen took back the takeaway and put it on the dining table, ready to eat.

Today he didn't go to the restaurant to eat, but ordered some food from the takeaway, including steak, chicken legs, seafood noodles and so on.

The school food at noon was relatively mediocre, so at night, Zhou Chen was really a little hungry and ordered a lot of food.

Just as he was about to start, there was a knock on the door.

Someone will knock on the door at this point?
Zhou Chen couldn't help but think of Qiao Yingzi. So far, he has known Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao in Shuxiang Yayuan. Qiao Yingzi often came to him two days ago, but it's already night today. Could it be her?

Opening the door, it was really Qiao Yingzi, but there was an extra Fang Yifan.

"Zhou Chen, you can. When did you move to Shuxiang Yayuan? You also became Yingzi's neighbor. Are you planning to get the moon first?"

"Fang Hou, you really can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth."

Qiao Yingzi gave Fang Yifan a vicious look, "Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan and the others are visiting my house today. He heard that you live here, so he insisted on dragging me over to have a look."

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Then come in."

Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yifan were both relatively familiar with Zhou Chen. After changing their slippers, they went straight into the living room.

"Wow, Zhou Chen, did you order so much takeaway at night? Burgers, steaks, seafood noodles, French fries... Can you eat so much by yourself?"

Fang Yifan cried out in surprise when he saw the takeaway on the dining table.

Zhou Chen said: "Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, you can also get something to eat."

"Then I'm not being polite at all, I'm just a little hungry, so grab a hamburger to fill my stomach." Fang Yifan was really not polite at all, took a hamburger and ate it.

Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes: "Fang Hou, you are really a monkey, you don't know how to be polite at all."

Fang Yifan said: "Zhou Chen and I are good buddies, what's the matter with eating?"

Zhou Chen: "It's okay, I ordered a lot, you don't have to be polite, just eat whatever you want, there are still a lot of snacks at home after eating."

"Look how rich Zhou Chen is, Yingzi, you have to study hard."

Fang Yifan asked Zhou Chen while eating: "Zhou Chen, I heard from Yingzi that you have a lot of toys here?"

Qiao Yingzi sarcastically said, "You'll see the food as soon as you come in. Isn't everything on display there?"

Fang Yifan looked up, and sure enough, he saw Lego piled up in the living room, and walked over with a burger.

"Did you fight it? Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said, "No, Qiao Yingzi did it."

Qiao Yingzi said triumphantly: "This is my masterpiece two days ago. This is the famous 8499. Besides this, he has many other good things here."

"Really, good stuff, I learned a lot today."

(End of this chapter)

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