The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 203 Uncle, the sturdy mother of Wang Yidi

Chapter 203 My Uncle, The Sturdy Wang Yidi's Mother

"Zhou Chen, I heard from Yingzi that you live alone now?"

Qiao Yingzi continued her LEGO career by the side, while Fang Yifan sat with Zhou Chen and wiped out the food on the table together.

"Well, I live alone."

"I really envy you. It's so comfortable to live alone. There are no parents in charge. You can do whatever you want. It's so cool."

Fang Yifan's face was full of envy, just like that of Qiao Yingzi two days ago, even exaggerated.

Zhou Chen: "If you feel comfortable, you can try it and let your parents let you go."

Fang Yifan: "If I dare to say such a thing, my mother can hack me to death with a knife."

Fang Yifan looked at Qiao Yingzi who was working hard on Lego, and enviously said: "You live here, Yingzi is probably the happiest one, and I can come to you to play Lego if I have nothing to do. Tell me about you, why don't you move to us?" How about a neighbor?"

"Moving to your house as a neighbor, will going to school every day make me exhausted?"

Fang Yifan's house is far away from Chunfeng Middle School, and he spends a long time on the bus every day. Zhou Chen doesn't want to suffer that kind of trouble, so it's better to live in a school district like Shuxiangyayuan, which can walk to the school.

Fang Yifan thought so too, he murmured in his heart, everyone lives in Scholarly Garden.

The most important thing is that his goddess Huang Zhitao also lives here, if he can also live here, will he be closer to the goddess, and he will have a better chance?

Zhou Chen didn't know Fang Yifan's mental activities, so after eating, he went with Fang Yifan to help Qiao Yingzi play Lego.

Not long after, Qiao Yingzi's phone rang, and it was her mother who asked her and Fang Yifan to go back to eat quickly.

Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yifan still wanted to invite Zhou Chen to go there, but Zhou Chen knew that today was a gathering of the two families, so he had no past thoughts, so he refused.

"Zhou Chen, I ate so much from you, I'll treat you to school."

After Fang Yifan left, he assured Zhou Chen loudly.

"Okay, Fang Hou, don't blot the ink."

After sending Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yifan away, Zhou Chen cleaned up the sundries on the table, put them in garbage bags, and threw them outside the door, preparing to throw them away when he went out tomorrow.

I remember that the placement test of Chunfeng Middle School was on the first day of school, and there were still two days before the official start of school, so he still had time to review.

In terms of English, Zhou Chen is not worried at all. In the several worlds he travels, except for the world of Let’s Get Married, he often deals with English in the other three worlds. He has no problem communicating in English normally. The high school English test Naturally, he couldn't help him, and getting a high score in the exam was not a big problem.

He is not nervous about Chinese, because Chinese is more about knowledge points, and the scores that need to be memorized directly are not too many. If you can't get a high score, it shouldn't be too bad.

The trouble is the science courses, so he is going to review these courses in the past few days.

At around nine o'clock, a phone call interrupted his review, and it turned out to be from his uncle who was far away from abroad.


"Xiaochen, you haven't slept yet. Your teacher called me just now, saying that your school will hold a swearing-in meeting tomorrow. I'm abroad now, and I won't be able to go back tomorrow. I can't go to school to attend the swearing-in meeting."

A very calm male voice came from the opposite side. This is his uncle, a well-known barrister, Song Yuan.

"It's okay, it's just a swearing-in meeting, it's not a big deal, I can do it alone."

"How can this work? Others are accompanied by their parents. It's ugly to be alone. Do you want to call Zhou Lingfeng? After all, you are also his son. He can't really care about everything, can he?"

Zhou Chen frowned, Zhou Lingfeng was the father of the original body, the cheating scumbag.

"No, I've already regarded him as dead, that's all right, uncle, you go about your own business, I can take care of it myself tomorrow."

"Uh, well, blame me this time. When I go back, I'll give you a present. I promise you will like it."

"Then I'll wait."

"Xiaochen, it's the third year of high school, you should go to bed early, don't stay up late, do you really need me to find you a nanny?"

"It's really unnecessary. There is only such a big place in total. There is no place to live when the nanny comes, and I spend most of my time at school, so there is no need to find a nanny."

"Okay, you've grown up too, and you can make your own decisions, so you should go to bed early, and uncle is busy."

"Goodbye, uncle."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chen smiled slightly. The original uncle was really nice, and he was taken with him when he was very young.

What is commendable is that his mother's inheritance was never used by his uncle at all, including the company's house, which was managed by his uncle Song Yuan. Until the time when Yuan Shen turned eighteen not long ago, he handed over all the money to him. bank card.

The company's shares, as well as the law firm's shares, were all transferred to him without any loss.

If this hadn't been experienced by the original body, Zhou Chen really couldn't believe that there is such a good uncle in the world, even if he is a real father and mother, it is nothing more than that.

So Zhou Chen was full of affection for this 'unknown' uncle.

"The swearing-in meeting."

Thinking of tomorrow's swearing-in meeting, Zhou Chen couldn't help thinking about the accident that would happen. Although Fang Yifan was fine in the TV series, the situation was indeed quite scary. If Fang Yifan didn't operate well, it was very likely will get hurt.

After staying at school for a day today, Zhou Chen still felt very good. After many years, he returned to the third year of high school again. He no longer had the feeling of oppression and tension that he had before, but was more relaxed and novel.

At eleven o'clock, Zhou Chen put away his books and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

The next morning, Zhou Chen woke up at [-] o'clock in the morning. He didn't stay in bed anymore, put on his sportswear and sneakers, and went downstairs to run around the neighborhood.

Zhou Chen has already looked at his own attributes. Although he has changed, his physical attributes have not changed, but the difference is that his body is younger now. If he starts exercising now, is it possible to change all aspects of his body? Item attributes get promoted faster.

In order to verify this idea, he decided to exercise every day in the future, one is to improve his attributes, and the other is to exercise his body.

After all, he hasn't decided how long to stay in this world, so before leaving, he must maintain a good physical fitness.

It's the end of August now, and the weather is still hot. The sun was shining brightly after five o'clock, and many people in the community came out for activities.

When he ran around the neighborhood, many people stared at him along the way, as if they were very surprised that he got up to run early in the morning.

When Zhou Chen ran to the square in the community, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen stopped to look, and it turned out to be Wang Yidi, and beside Wang Yidi was a middle-aged woman who was a little bloated.

"Zhou Chen, are you running? Why are you in our community?"

Wang Yidi is also an acquaintance, although he was not very familiar with Zhou Chen before, but after meeting Zhou Chen, he still showed a very familiar look.

Zhou Chen took a few breaths before replying, "I just moved to this community not long ago."

"What a handsome young man, Didi, is this your classmate?"

"Well, Mom, his name is Zhou Chen, and he's my classmate."

Wang Yidi's mother stared at Zhou Chen with a smile all over her face, and Zhou Chen felt a little nervous when she looked at her.

"It's classmate Chenchen. He's such a good boy. He knows how to get up early in the morning to exercise, and he's still in such a good shape. This little muscle."

As she said that, she reached out and touched Zhou Chen's arm, which frightened Zhou Chen and quickly took two steps back.

"Hehe, classmate Chenchen is quite shy."

The corners of Zhou Chen's mouth twitched. This has nothing to do with being shy. Anyone who is treated like this must have the same reaction.

"Auntie, you can call me by my name directly."

The name Chenchen really made him feel chills, Wang Yidi's mother felt even tougher than on TV.

(End of this chapter)

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