The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 206 Accident at the Oath-taking Conference

Chapter 206 Accident at the Oath-taking Conference
Ji Shengli was able to become the deputy head of the district, so he was naturally capable. Standing on the stage, he was more imposing than the principal, and his speech level was also impressive.

Ji Shengli's speech received unanimous applause from all teachers and students in the school. After Ji Shengli finished speaking, it was time for the student representatives to speak.

Huang Zhitao was the student representative who was in charge of the speech at the swearing-in meeting. She had been preparing for a long time. After she came to the stage, she calmed down and began to speak with ease.

Compared with the speeches given by the principal and Ji Shengli, Huang Zhitao's speech was much shorter, and he left the stage very quickly.

The swearing-in meeting continued, and the next link was that the principal of Chunfeng Middle School led everyone to take the oath together, and all the teachers, students and parents stood up.

Zhou Chen stood at the end of the line, looking forward all the time. He was looking for Fang Yifan's position. Fang Yifan kept taking pictures, and the man disappeared in a flash. He could only look up at the high platform. on the shed.

"Please read it with me, I am confident."

"I am confident."

"I fight hard."

"I fight hard."

The vast majority of people shouted along with the principal, and a few remained indifferent. Only Zhou Chen quickly found Fang Yifan who had already sat on the shed and was taking pictures.

"This idiot has already reminded him."

Zhou Chen couldn't help cursing secretly, he had already reminded Fang Yifan before, telling him not to be a moth, but this kid is lucky, in order to please the goddess, he still did such a dangerous thing.

The shed is several meters high from the ground, if it fell directly, it would definitely not be light.

Just when he was thinking about how to stop Fang Yifan, an accident happened.

Fang Yifan on the top of the shed suddenly slipped, and he slid down from above uncontrollably until he reached the edge, holding onto the edge with both hands so that he didn't fall to the ground immediately.


Because of the direction, the students standing in the middle of the playground were the first to discover this situation, and many of them exclaimed.

Soon, the leaders on the stage and the parents sitting around also discovered this situation. In an instant, many people panicked.

Because the person hanging in the sky is wearing a school uniform, obviously a student of Chunfeng Middle School.

The scene was chaotic, especially after discovering that it was Fang Yifan, many people rushed over quickly.

Zhou Chen also rushed forward. Although he had only been with Fang Yifan for a few days, he felt that Fang Yifan was pretty good. Although Fang Yifan didn't have any problems with falling in the TV series, who knows if there will be a butterfly effect that can help? If so, of course I will help.

A group of people surrounded Fang Yifan, Fang Yifan's entire body was already suspended in mid-air, and he might fall down at any time.

At this time, someone had already climbed to the top, ready to pull Fang Yifan from above.


Fang Yifan, who tried his best, finally fell from the shed before the people who went up could catch him. Fortunately, he caught the banner, and the impact of the fall was reduced a lot, and then the people below fell again. They all shot to hold him, so that he didn't fall directly to the ground.

Zhou Chen also contributed. He was the first person to touch Fang Yifan's body. Fortunately, there were several people beside him, so the impact force did not fall on him alone, so naturally he was not injured.

Fang Yifan was also a real dog, he obviously didn't fall, but he still pretended to be miserable and passed out, scaring everyone around him.

Watching a group of people carry Fang Yifan away, Zhou Chen did not follow. He already knew that Fang Yifan was just pretending. Although this kid is young, he has a lot of tricks, and he is good at mischievous tricks. .

With Fang Yifan's accident, the swearing-in meeting was interrupted. After confirming that Fang Yifan was fine, the principal started the swearing-in meeting again in order to reduce the impact, and distributed a balloon to every student in every class , let them write their wishes on the balloons.

At the beginning of this session, Zhou Chen had already sneaked away. He came to the roof of the teaching building and looked at the crowd below.

In the entire third grade group, there were hundreds of students, most of whom were accompanied by their parents. It was absolutely rare for him to have no parents or relatives.

If Zhou Chen was really a young boy, facing such a scene, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

But Zhou Chen's mental age is not. He has experienced the New Year alone, so how could he be sentimentalized by the swearing-in meeting in front of him.

Finding a random place to sit down, Zhou Chen took out his phone and started playing.

He checked, and there are bitcoins in this world, but the price trend of bitcoins in this world is very different from the real world he lives in. In just 10,000 years, it has already risen to more than [-], while the price trend of bitcoins in the real world During this period, he remembered only a few thousand.

The price difference was so great that after he studied it for a while, he stopped paying attention. Without the foresight, he really didn't want to do this anymore.

I have also listened to some music in the past two days, which is at the same height as the real world. Although he can transfer music from the world, he has no interest in it now. At least in the third year of high school, he is not going to rely on it make money.

While Zhou Chen was boringly scrolling through the website videos, suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps approaching, and then he saw a figure running up.

Qiao Yingzi felt extremely wronged. Today's swearing-in meeting was held for senior high school candidates, and the balloons that let their dreams fly should be written on their wishes.

She had already written her wish on the balloon, but was vetoed by her mother Song Qian. She insisted on writing Beijing University Huada, and she also had to write a test score of more than [-].

This made Qiao Yingzi feel very angry and wronged. She felt that her mother was too strong and wanted to kill her own dreams. Their balloon blew up.

An exploding balloon is nothing, but for Qiao Yingzi, not only the balloon exploded, but her dream was also killed.

In shame and indignation, she ignored her parents' pull and ran out alone. At this moment, she didn't want to stay in front of her mother for a second.

Qiao Yingzi, who came to the rooftop, was so heartbroken that he didn't realize that there were other people on the rooftop, but just thought about it for himself.

The more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, and the tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Hey, isn't this our Xueba Qiao Yingzi, why did he cry so much because he was wronged?"

Qiao Yingzi was startled, and turned her head quickly. When she saw Zhou Chen sitting beside her, she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Zhou Chen, why are you here?"

Zhou Chen stood up, walked to Qiao Yingzi, took out a tissue to wipe Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi suddenly hid a little uncomfortable, and then took the tissue from him: "I will do it myself, thank you."

After wiping away tears, Qiao Yingzi asked again: "Why aren't you down there?"

Zhou Chen shrugged and said, "You also know my family situation. No one from our family came over today, so why should I stay here by myself?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Didn't Fang Hou say that Li Tiegun wants to be your parent and complete the link of letting your dreams fly with you?"

"Not interested in."

Zhou Chen waved his hand and said, "It's you, who came here crying alone, did you have a conflict with your parents?"

"How do you know?" Qiao Yingzi asked puzzled.

Zhou Chen: "Besides your parents, I really can't think of any other reason to make our strong classmate Qiao Yingzi cry bitterly."

Qiao Yingzi curled her lips and said, "You're right, it's my mother, Zhou Chen, you're better off, you live alone, you can do whatever you want, you can pursue whatever you want, unlike me, everything has to be punished." My mother is in charge, you don't know who my mother is, she is really too strong."

Qiao Yingzi, who was wronged in his heart, couldn't help but talk about his grievances in front of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen knew what happened to Qiao Yingzi, but he still asked, "Yingzi, if you treat me as a friend, you can tell me what's going on, and I can find a way to help you analyze it."

Qiao Yingzi hesitated for a moment, and finally said the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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