The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 207 Zhou Chen's persuasion, let the dream fly

Chapter 207 Zhou Chen's persuasion, let the dream fly
After listening to what Qiao Yingzi said, Zhou Chen was thoughtful.

Song Qian is just like in the TV plot. She doesn't agree with Qiao Yingzi's dream, but she wants Qiao Yingzi to follow her arrangement, because in her opinion, her arrangement is the most suitable for her daughter, and the one that can let her go the least. detour.

But Qiao Yingzi had already had enough of her mother's various control over her. The entrance to Jinling University was indeed for her dream, but more of it was to escape her mother's control.

One wants to escape, and the other wants to continue to control, and conflicts naturally arise.

But with Qiao Yingzi's personality, she couldn't beat Song Qian at all, so she hid on the rooftop and cried aggrievedly.

"Zhou Chen, did my mother go too far with today's matter?" Qiao Yingzi asked Zhou Chen aggrievedly.

"It's really a bit too much."

Zhou Chen nodded, no matter from the perspective of Qiao Yingzi's friend or from the perspective of a bystander, Song Qian was indeed going too far.

"Everyone is an independent individual. It is true that she is your mother, and she is definitely right for your own good, but your own life should be your own decision. She can guide you and save you from detours, but not It should directly determine your life."

He has also been a father in the good world. Although he is not competent, he can understand some ideas of being a parent.

Qiao Yingzi's mother, Song Qian, as a mother, is absolutely impeccable, delicate and particular about taking care of Qiao Yingzi's life.

Learning also plays a supervisory role. Song Qian must play at least half of Qiao Yingzi's ability to become a top student and maintain it.

But the problem is that Song Qian's management of Qiao Yingzi is too strict, and everything must be done according to her wishes. No matter how Qiao Yingzi resists, she has a way to solve it. Give a candy with a stick, and Qiao Yingzi is under her control. deadly.

If Qiao Yingzi is the kind of person who doesn't have her own goals and ideals, then that's fine; but the problem is that Qiao Yingzi has her own goals and ideals, so as she grows older, she has become more and more uncomfortable with being controlled. She longed to escape this prison.

Today's matter seems to be a dispute over grades and universities, but it is actually about control.

Song Qian wanted Qiao Yingzi to be admitted to the university in Yanjing, so that even if Qiao Yingzi went to university in the future, she could continue to discipline him, but if Qiao Yingzi went to Jinling, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, then she would not be able to control her daughter. This is what she cannot tolerate.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Zhou Chen with a strange look, and said, "What you said makes sense."

"What kind of eyes do you have? I'm analyzing the problem with you. Also, there is no overnight hatred between mother and daughter. It's useless for you to be angry here. If you have any ideas, you can communicate with your mother directly."

Qiao Yingzi sighed: "That's because you don't know my mother, she is a person, and it's useless to reason with her. If I can reason, I won't feel uncomfortable."

"Then you have to be tough."

Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes: "How can I be tough? Are you arguing with my mother? It doesn't work at all."

"Who says quarreling is tough..."

While talking, suddenly two more people ran over, they were Huang Zhitao and Fang Yifan.

"Yingzi, how are you?" Huang Zhitao ran to Qiao Yingzi, grabbed her hands, and asked with concern.

Although Qiao Yingzi's eyes were still red, she stopped crying: "Tao Zi, I'm fine."

Fang Yifan was relieved when he saw that Qiao Yingzi was fine, and turned to look at Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, why are you here?"

Zhou Chen said: "I'm the first to come, okay. I just saw Qiao Yingzi's crying pear blossom running here with rain, and I even tried to comfort her."

"Shut up, whoever's pear blossoms are bringing rain, don't talk nonsense."

Qiao Yingzi shouted angrily, but seeing Zhou Chen's half-smile eyes, her face blushed immediately, and she quickly changed the subject.

"Fang Hou, you can. In order to take a photo of Tao Zi, you climbed to such a high place and fell from it. What do you think?"

Fang Yifan laughed and said, "For my goddess, I will go through fire and water, and I will never blink."

"Hey, disgusting." Qiao Yingzi looked disgusted.

Huang Zhitao said embarrassingly: "Fang Hou, don't talk nonsense, but you pretended to be dizzy in order to avoid punishment, thanks to you for thinking it out."

Fang Yifan: "I can't help it. If I didn't pretend to be dizzy at that time, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yingzi, I just saw you had an argument with your mother, what happened?" Huang Zhitao asked.

Qiao Yingzi has already told Zhou Chen, and now I don't want to say more: "It's nothing, it's just that there was a conflict, and the balloon was blown up."

"It's okay if it blows up, you can write it here." Fang Yifan volunteered to donate the balloon.

Qiao Yingzi: "I didn't write on yours, I wrote on Taozi's balloon."

Of course, Huang Zhitao had no objection, took out the pen and the balloon, and asked Qiao Yingzi to write down his goal.

"Zhou Chen, you didn't take the balloon either, did you?"

After Qiao Yingzi finished writing, he remembered that Zhou Chen hadn't written either, so he said, "You can write on Fang Hou's balloon."

Fang Yifan immediately put the balloon in front of Zhou Chen: "You're welcome, just write on me."

Zhou Chen said: "I really don't have any dreams."

"No dream?" The three of Qiao Yingzi looked at Zhou Chen in astonishment.

Zhou Chen started Versailles again: "I really don't have any dreams. You see, I am worth hundreds of millions. In the future, I can just go to college and become a boss. These days, as long as I have enough money, most Dreams can be realized, so I really can’t think of any dreams that I need to fight for.”

"Depend on."

The three of Qiao Yingzi all looked contemptuous: "Zhou Chen, you are really shameless."

"This is a fact."

Zhou Chen chuckled, then picked up a pen and wrote a sentence on Fang Yifan's balloon.

"Every world leaves no regrets."

Fang Yifan read out the sentence written by Zhou Chen, and then asked with a confused face: "What does this sentence mean?"

Qiao Yingzi gave a 'cut': "If you don't leave regrets, don't leave regrets, right? Return every world? How many worlds do you think you can live?"

Zhou Chen didn't refute, because Qiao Yingzi told the truth, he can indeed live in many worlds, but wanting to have no regrets in each world is really only a dream.

At this moment, the countdown to the broadcast sounded.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

"Quick, quick, it's about to fly."

Fang Yifan shouted excitedly, and raised the balloon in his hand high, ready to release it at any time, as did Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi next to him.


In an instant, countless colorful balloons flew into the sky, and amidst the cheers, the balloons that carried the dreams of Fang Yifan and Zhou Chen also flew up.

"Yingzi, tell your parents later that you will stay at school for self-study in the afternoon, and then we will go to the movies. I have already told my parents."

After hearing Fang Yifan's words, Qiao Yingzi showed hesitation: "I just had a conflict with my mother, so it's not good to lie to her like this?"

Fang Yifan hurriedly persuaded: "This is not called cheating. The third year of high school will officially start soon. It is rare to have time to relax. I have already agreed. Zhou Chen and Tao Zi have no one at home. Now it is up to you, you You can't lose the chain, after watching the movie, Zhou Chen still said that he would treat us to a big meal, right, Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Yes, have a big meal. I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat then."

Fang Yifan said with a smile: "See, Zhou's big local tyrants have spoken, and they can eat whatever they want. Why are you hesitating, Yingzi?"

Huang Zhitao also persuaded: "Yes, Yingzi, indulge yourself before school starts, and it will not be so easy when you really enter the third year of high school."

Of course Qiao Yingzi also wanted to play, but she was worried about her mother, but she was also shaken when she saw that her friends were persuading her.

"Then I'll tell my dad later and let him tell my mom."

(End of this chapter)

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