Chapter 218 The make-up exams are out

"By the way, uncle, my classmate Zhou Chen is very interested in modified cars. I asked him to visit your place on weekends. Are you free on weekends?"

Ji Yangyang suddenly remembered the agreement with Zhou Chen this morning, so he asked his uncle Liu Zheng.

"He wants to modify that 911?" Liu Zheng asked curiously.

"He just said that, and I don't know the specifics, but I think he seems very interested."

"Is it the weekend, okay, I'm free, you can bring him over to have a look then."

"Then it's done, uncle."

Listening to the conversation between her younger brother and her son, Liu Jing wanted to say something, but hesitated for a while, and still didn't say it.

She doesn't agree with her son driving, but if it's in her younger brother's indoor racing track, that's acceptable, and she also believes that her younger brother Liu Zheng knows well and will definitely not harm Ji Yangyang.

"Sister, do you think you should tell brother-in-law about today's incident?" Liu Zheng suddenly asked Liu Jing.

Under Ji Yangyang's nervous gaze, Liu Jing said hesitantly: "I haven't made up my mind yet, but this kind of thing should not be kept secret."

Liu Zheng: "As far as my brother-in-law's temper is concerned, if he knows that Yang Yang has made such a mistake, he doesn't know how angry he will be. I think if the matter is dealt with, he can't tell if he can."

Liu Jing glared at him, "You're the only one who talks too much."

She knew that her younger brother felt sorry for Ji Yangyang, and was afraid that their father and son would have conflicts, but the problem was that they were a family, and if they kept it from her husband, it would be nothing, it would be even more irresponsible.

"I know it well, so you don't need to say so much."

Ji Yangyang pursed his lips and did not speak. He understood what his mother meant, but he was not afraid either, so he would not be afraid of his father.

At most, that is, a little worried.

Pan Shuai and Zhou Chen were the fastest, and when the car arrived at the gate of Shuxiang Yayuan, Pan Shuai asked, "Do you stop here?"

"Well, just find a parking space and stop." Zhou Chen said.

Pan Shuai quickly parked the car and handed over the car keys to Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, what happened today is a warning to you. Don't lend your car to others in the future. If something happens, you are also responsible."

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I see."

"Then let's go, go back to school, I don't know what to do with the math test for the three of you."

Pan Shuai shook his head, and the two walked towards Chunfeng Middle School opposite.

Ten minutes later, the two families, as well as Zhou Chen, came to the office of the third grade group.

Because the senior three students were taking the exam, all the senior senior teachers in this office went to invigilate the class, so there was no one else except Zhou Chen and the others.

"Yang Yang's mother, Yifan's mother, on the way here, I already called the principal, and the principal said that we will not pursue this matter any further."

On the way here, Li Meng did call the principal and told them about their situation, but the reply he got was that they would not be held accountable.

Li Meng is not an idiot, she knows very well that the reason why the principal made this decision must be for the sake of Ji Yangyang's father, Ji Shengli, otherwise, if such a thing happens, at least he will be punished.

Although Li Meng is straightforward, she also knows how to work in the workplace, so naturally she would not disobey the principal's order.

"Don't pursue it, that's good, that's good."

Tong Wenjie was the first to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this. As long as her son is not punished, she will be relieved.

Liu Jing is a smart person, and she understood what was going on, but she didn't say anything. After all, she was her own son, and she was not as rigid as her husband Ji Shengli. Still acceptable.

"Ms. Li, what about the children's exams?"

"Yes, the three children failed to catch up with today's exam, Mr. Li, you can't give up on them." Tong Wenjie said.

Li Meng: "Mother Yang Yang, mother Yifan, don't worry, as teachers, we will not give up any of our children. When we were just on the way, I already thought about it. Since they can't catch up with the exam in the afternoon, let them Take the test alone for three nights."

"Take an exam alone, Mr. Li, what does it mean to take an exam alone?"

Fang Yifan was still happy about being able to escape the exam, so he could listen to Li Meng's words and hurriedly asked.

"Yes, Teacher Li, please explain clearly." Both parents asked curiously.

Li Meng explained: "What I mean is, arrange a separate test for the three children at night, and the test results will be included in the total score, so that their results will not be delayed."

"Is that so, that would be the best."

Both Tong Wenjie and Liu Jing showed satisfaction, as long as their son's grades were not delayed, they would accept it.

As soon as she finished speaking, Tong Wenjie suddenly realized: "Wait, Mr. Li, you mean to make up the exam at night?"

Li Meng said: "Yes, I planned to announce it in the class group in the afternoon, but it was delayed because of this matter. From today onwards, the third year of high school will start evening self-study."

"Self-study last night?"

Although the parents of the two parties were a little surprised, they were not too surprised. They are already in the third year of high school, and it is normal for them to study by themselves at night.

On the contrary, Fang Yifan exclaimed, "What? Do you want to study by yourself at night?"

"Fang Yifan, what's your ghost name?"

Tong Wenjie slapped her across the face, "The school is responsible to you for letting you study by yourself at night. Be honest with me."

Fang Yifan said dejectedly: "No, we were already under a lot of pressure in the third year of high school, and if we went to study by ourselves at night, we wouldn't have time to rest."

Li Meng said lightly: "This school will make arrangements and give you enough rest time."

Zhou Chen, who has always been a transparent person, was quite speechless listening to their conversation.

It’s better to be a student in the big capital city. It’s only in the third year of high school that I start to study by myself at night.

You must know that when he was in school, he started to go to evening self-study from the first day of junior high school, and it was even more terrible when he was in the third year of high school. Evening self-study did not end until after ten o'clock in the evening, and he would arrive at school after six o'clock the next day.

So for Zhou Chen, it really doesn't matter whether he can go to evening self-study or not.

"When will the self-study end that night?" Fang Yuan asked.

Li Meng: "This will be announced in the class group, you can watch it later."


Fang Yuan scratched her head, feeling a little depressed, because it was only a matter of one sentence, and she insisted on causing such trouble.

"Yifan's mother, Yifan's father, Yang Yang's mother, Yang Yang's uncle, if you have something to do, you can go first."

Hearing Li Meng's words, Tong Wenjie and the others nodded, talked to their children, and left the office one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there were only five people left in the office, Li Meng, Pan Shuai, Zhou Chen, Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan.

"Did you all hear what I said just now?" Li Meng asked Zhou Chen and the others.

Neither Zhou Chen nor Ji Yangyang said anything, only Fang Yifan said: "I heard that, but Mr. Li, if we make up the exam at night, is it still the paper for the afternoon exam?"

"This idiot."

Zhou Chen gave Fang Yifan a sharp look. This kid really doesn't have a brain. If you ask him this way, even if Li Meng originally planned to do it, he definitely wouldn't do it.

Sure enough, Li Meng looked at Fang Yifan: "Fang Yifan, put away your little thoughts, the test papers for the three of you in the evening will not be the papers in the afternoon, but the results of the three of you will be shared with others. Compete together."

"Okay." Fang Yifan was disappointed.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Just review in the office. After everyone else finishes the exam, you go back. During the evening self-study, I will let the three of you go to the office to take the make-up exam."

"Ah? Why do you have to go to the office to make up the exam? Can't it be done in the classroom?" Fang Yifan complained.

"Fang Yifan, why do you have so many questions? Do whatever you are asked to do." Li Meng scolded impatiently.

Fang Yifan could only raise his hands: "Okay, I get it, your lord has a lot, so don't be angry."

"The three of you find a place for me to sit down, Mr. Pan, you give them the book to review."

"Ok, no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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