The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 219 Yingzi's worries, Taozi's complaints

Chapter 219 Yingzi's worries, Taozi's complaints

"Teacher Pan, look at the three of them. Don't let them cause any trouble. I'll go and see how the exam is going."

As a responsible grade leader, Li Meng naturally couldn't be idle. After the matter here was temporarily resolved, she thought about the other students who were taking the exam, and planned to go to the exam room to inspect.

"You go, I will look at the three of them and promise not to let them cause trouble."

Pan Shuai immediately patted his chest to make a promise for the task released by the goddess.

After Li Meng left, Pan Shuai said to Zhou Chen and the others: "I'm going to the bathroom, you three, be honest with me."

He has been so busy this afternoon that he didn't even have the time to go to the toilet. If he hadn't just wanted to maintain his image, he would have gone there long ago. Now that Li Meng left, he couldn't hold back any longer.

As soon as Pan Shuai left, Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan put down their books.

Ji Yangyang said to Zhou Chen in embarrassment: "Zhou Chen, I'm really sorry about what happened today."

"You have already apologized over there, there is no need to say it again."

Zhou Chen really didn't blame them too much, not that he was big-hearted, but that he felt that it was normal for a teenager at this age to act impulsively. Fortunately, the final result was not the worst.

"Even if I want to blame, I will find him."

Seeing Zhou Chen glance over, Fang Yifan's face was filled with embarrassment: "Zhou Chen, don't look at me like that, it's scary, I know it's my fault, it's my problem."

Zhou Chen snorted coldly: "If I had known you were so unreliable, I wouldn't have given you the car keys."

Fang Yifan laughed awkwardly: "I couldn't hold back for a while, I couldn't hold back for a while."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Chen sneered a few times in disdain, compared to Ji Yangyang, Fang Yifan was indeed much more cunning.

"Because of you, I didn't take the exam in the afternoon, and I have to accompany you to make up the exam at night."

Fang Yifan chuckled and said, "We are good brothers, we share the blessings, and share the difficulties."

"It's hard to be the same, but what can we share?"

"There will be a chance, there will be a chance."

"However, Zhou Chen, I really admire you. You dare to insult Li Tiegu, you're so awesome."

Fang Yifan looked at Zhou Chen with admiration, and even Ji Yangyang had the same expression.

Zhou Chen: "It's not because of you. Li Tiegu still doesn't know how to stare at me in the future."

He is not afraid of Li Meng, but Li Meng is the team leader of the third grade after all, if he really stares at him, it will be a trouble for him.

"I won't tell you anymore. I'm reading a book. I have to make up the exam at night."

Fang Yifan looked bored, looking at the book in his hand, he couldn't even arouse any interest, Ji Yangyang also behaved similarly to Fang Yifan.

Ten minutes later, Pan Shuai came back. Seeing that the three of Zhou Chen were honest, he didn't care too much and started busy with his own affairs.

Time passed quickly, and the bell for the end of the afternoon math test finally rang.

"Okay, you three can go back to the classroom."

Upon hearing Pan Shuai's words, the three of Zhou Chen stood up immediately. Zhou Chen was fine, but Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang were particularly uncomfortable with the feeling of this office. After packing up, they immediately headed towards the class.

"Oh, I have to go to the office to make up the exam at night. It's really a pain."

Fang Yifan and Zhou Chen walked side by side, complaining with a sigh.

"It's not because of you."

The three of Zhou Chen wandered back to the class. At this time, the exam was over, and all the students stayed in the classroom, ready to leave school.

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were sitting together. During the exam just now, they noticed that Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan, and Ji Yangyang had never appeared.

"Tao Zi, do you think Zhou Chen and the three of them will be okay?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't pay much attention to Ji Yangyang, but Fang Yifan and Zhou Chen didn't take the exam, which made her feel very disturbed, especially Zhou Chen sent her a message before and told her part of the situation, so she was even more worried.

Huang Zhitao also frowned: "I don't know, you should tell me that Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang caused trouble."

Qiao Yingzi analyzed: "The matter Fang Hou and Ji Yangyang provoked, but Zhou Chen was called away by Li Tiegun, and Li Tiegun refused to let Zhou Chen take the exam, which shows that Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang's affairs must not be serious. Small."

"Then quickly call and ask." Huang Zhitao urged.

Qiao Yingzi: "I dare not. Li Tiegun is back, but he didn't see Zhou Chen and the others. Maybe they are being talked about now."

Huang Zhitao complained: "It's all Fang Yifan's fault. You said he was fine, but you insisted on seeing some car and brought Ji Yangyang with you. Fang Yifan is a troublemaker."

She didn't have a good impression of Fang Yifan, because Fang Yifan always pestered her, and this time he even got involved with Ji Yangyang, whom she had a crush on, and she was even more dissatisfied with Fang Yifan.

Qiao Yingzi frowned slightly, "Fang Hou can't be blamed entirely. Zhou Chen said that Ji Yangyang was the one who drove the car, and he was the one who drove the car. Ji Yangyang should be more responsible."

She knew that Huang Zhitao had a crush on Ji Yangyang, but Fang Yifan had a better relationship with her, so when she heard Huang Zhitao slandering Fang Yifan, saying that Fang Yifan had harmed Ji Yangyang, she felt a little unhappy in her heart, thinking that Huang Zhitao had something wrong with her. biased.

"That's also Fang Yifan's instigation."

Huang Zhitao still believes that Fang Yifan is the culprit. Women are sometimes stubborn, even a top student. She has a good impression of Ji Yangyang, but he has a bad impression of Fang Yifan, so her words will naturally be biased towards Ji Yangyang.

Qiao Yingzi didn't argue any more, just sighed: "But Zhou Chen was really wronged. He kindly showed Fang Hou the car, but he fell into it himself. This Fang Hou, it really is."

Huang Zhitao: "According to me, Zhou Chen shouldn't have given Fang Yifan the car keys. If he didn't give the keys, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."


Qiao Yingzi didn't expect Huang Zhitao to say that. She said, "We can't blame Zhou Chen, we are all classmates, and we have a good relationship. Fang Hou wants to see a car, and he is not very good at refusing."

Just as she was talking, she suddenly paused and shouted, "Taozi, they're back."

Huang Zhitao hurriedly looked up, and saw Zhou Chen and the other three entered the classroom one after another.

Qiao Yingzi stood up abruptly and walked to the back of the class.

"Fang Hou, Zhou Chen, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Chen pointed at Fang Yifan: "Let him tell you."

Facing Qiao Yingzi's gaze, Fang Yifan chuckled: "Come on, Yingzi, let me tell you about our glorious deeds today."

"What about the glorious deeds, Fang Hou, you really put gold on your face." Qiao Yingzi was full of disdain.

Not only Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, but also other students in the class came here. The three of them didn't take the exam today, and the whole class saw it, so everyone was also very curious. How did the three of them go? where.

Fang Yifan, who was surrounded by the crowd, was full of pride, looked around the crowd, and waved his hand.

"Let me tell you, today we..."

"What? What?"

Fang Yifan was about to give a passionate speech, but suddenly Li Meng's angry reprimand sounded in the classroom, and all the students who were frightened quickly dispersed and returned to their seats, leaving Fang Yifan alone in embarrassment Stand still.

Li Meng pointed at Fang Yifan, and reprimanded: "Fang Yifan, I really don't know what to say about you. Why do you still have the face to tell your classmates about you? Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Fang Yifan's face was full of embarrassment: "No, Teacher Li, I just said it casually, casually." Then he quickly returned to his seat


Li Meng snorted coldly, the matter was over, and she didn't plan to say anything in front of the whole class, she looked around.

"Everyone is doing well, I have something to announce."

"I know that everyone took the exam for a day, and it was quite hard. In order not to let everyone relax at the end of the study, I announced that starting today, the school will support everyone to study by themselves in the evening. This is a special benefit for us in the third year of high school. "


As soon as this remark came out, the whole class was boiling, and everyone complained with pain on their faces.

"What kind of welfare is this?"

"Self-study last night can also be called welfare. I really learned a lot today."

"Just after a day's exam, we have to study by ourselves at night. This is forcing us to death."

"It's too miserable. I just took the exam on the first day of school, and now I have to study by myself at night. What a waste of a third year in high school."

"Hey, I'm already thinking about where to relax after school. Isn't this just playing with people?"


(End of this chapter)

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