The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 220 Licking to the end, 1 has nothing

Chapter 220 Licking to the end, nothing left

For this group of students who have never been to evening self-study before, it is naturally difficult to adapt to the sudden start of evening self-study, and there are various discussions.

The three of Zhou Chen had already heard the news in the office, so they seemed very calm instead.

"Fang Hou, why are you so calm?"

He Hongyu, the big bear next to Fang Yifan, asked puzzledly, Fang Yifan is definitely the most boisterous person in the class, it stands to reason that this is the time for Fang Yifan to perform, why does Fang Yifan seem to be a little angry today? It's different.

Fang Yifan said with a chuckle, "Because I already knew about it."

"You already knew?" Big Bear asked in astonishment, but Fang Yifan didn't answer this time.

"What are you doing, please be quiet."

Li Meng glanced unkindly at everyone's faces.

"I know that there are many students in my class who don't want to go to this evening self-study.

"This is for the school to create a good atmosphere and learning environment for everyone. There will be special teachers on duty in the evening self-study. The content is to answer questions for various subjects. If you have any questions, you can ask the teacher when the time comes. Is it better to play at home or study by yourself?"

"Didn't you take the Chinese and math exams today? Teachers from these two subjects will come over later. If you have any questions, you can ask the teachers."

Zhou Chen agrees with this, but he just wants to ask, do you charge for evening self-study?

Although everyone was dissatisfied, there was no Fang Yifan who stood out, and the others didn't jump out, so they had no choice but to accept the result.

"Since no one wants to leave, everyone should go and take back their books. Those who want to ask questions ask questions. Those who want to review the content of tomorrow's exam should review the content of tomorrow's exam. When it is dinner time, in principle, you are not allowed to leave School, you must eat in the school cafeteria, do you understand? You are not allowed to leave the school."

Originally, the school didn't have this regulation, but what happened at noon today, although the principal didn't decide to go into it, it did attract attention.

Ever since, there was the rule that Li Meng is talking about now, students are not allowed to leave the school, and they can only eat at the school.

Immediately there was another moan and sigh, but compared to the blow of self-study last night, not being allowed to go out to eat is easier to accept.

When everyone was going to get books from the bookcase outside, a male teacher came in. He was the teacher in charge of the self-study tonight.

"Fang Hou, tell me what's going on with you today?"

Taking advantage of the gap between holding the book, Qiao Yingzi asked Yifan again.

Fang Yifan said: "It's nothing serious, it's just me today..."

Fang Yifan's eloquence was really good, and he quickly gave the general idea of ​​the matter.

"Fang Hou, you are really capable of causing trouble, even Zhou Chen has been implicated by you."

"Hey, Yingzi, are we childhood sweethearts? You don't care about me first, but Zhou Chen first, and you say you have nothing to do with Zhou Chen?"

Fang Yifan said to Qiao Yingzi with a depressed face.

Qiao Yingzi snorted coldly, "I'm speaking with facts."

"Fang Hou, what Yingzi said is correct, not only Zhou Chen, but Ji Yangyang was also implicated by you. Fortunately, you are all fine, and the school didn't investigate."

Huang Zhitao also stood by and listened all the time, and expressed his opinion after listening.

Fang Yifan immediately complained: "It's not all my fault, it's my name Ji Yangyang, that's right, but in the final analysis, Ji Yangyang is the one driving the car."

Although he had reconciled with Ji Yangyang and apologized to each other, he felt very uncomfortable when he heard that Huang Zhitao helped Ji Yangyang talk about him.

"That's your fault too." After Huang Zhitao said this, he turned around and walked into the classroom.

Zhou Chen looked at Fang Yifan who was full of depression, and patted him on the shoulder: "Lick the dog, lick the dog, until the end, there is nothing left."

Qiao Yingzi also imitated Zhou Chen's movements, and patted Fang Yifan's shoulder: "What Zhou Chen said makes sense, Fang Hou, you should be more careful."

"Ah, ah, what do you two mean?"

Fang Yifan was even more depressed after being teased by Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi. He turned to look at Lin Lei'er who had been standing behind him.

"Lei'er, tell me, is this all my responsibility?"

Lin Lei'er hesitated and said, "Cousin, I don't think it's all your fault."

Upon hearing this, Fang Yifan said happily, "That's right, Lei'er, you still understand."

"But it was indeed caused by you. I think you should stop doing such dangerous things in the future, otherwise my aunt and uncle will be very worried."


Before Fang Yifan became happy, he was stabbed in the back by Lin Lei'er again, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Take your schoolbag, go in and review."


Lin Lei'er was holding her schoolbag, feeling aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law, and followed Fang Yifan into the classroom.

Zhou Chen took the math book and looked at it seriously. The front of the podium was very busy, and many students came to the teacher to ask questions.

It was not until more than six o'clock that the teacher announced a break and asked everyone to go to the cafeteria to eat.

At dinner, Zhou Chen sat at a table with Qiao Yingzi, Fang Yifan and Lin Leier.

"Are you going to the office to make up the exam at night?" Qiao Yingzi was very surprised when he heard the news.

Zhou Chen: "Yeah, I didn't plan to take the exam at first, but who knew that Li Tiegun still wanted to make up the exam, alas."

No matter which class he is assigned to, he doesn't really care much, but he needs to make up the exam, which annoys him.

"Fang Monkey, Fang Monkey."

Qiao Yingzi pushed Fang Yifan who was in a daze, and asked, "Why are you in a daze?"

Fang Yifan gritted his teeth and pointed to the front right: "Why is Tao Zi sitting with Ji Yangyang?"

Qiao Yingzi turned his head and saw Huang Zhitao and Ji Yangyang sitting at the same table, they looked relatively close.

"Are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid? Can't you see that Tao Zi has a crush on Ji Yangyang?"

Fang Yifan gritted his teeth and said, "Why, I can't compare to Ji Yangyang, I'm so good to Tao Zi, why doesn't she like me?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Let's not say, you really have no one Ji Yangyang is handsome, and no one is mature."

"Yingzi, are you still my brother, do you despise me so much?" Fang Yifan looked unhappy.

"Zhou Chen, come and judge, am I worse than Ji Yangyang?"

Zhou Chen said lightly: "Do you want to hear the truth, or lies?"

"Of course it's true."

"The truth is, apart from your eloquence, you are really inferior to Ji Yangyang. He is more handsome than you, and his family has money. The key is that he has a district chief dad."

"Fuck, do you want to be so realistic?"

"It's already a third year in high school, do you think everyone is as naive as you?"

Zhou Chen shook his head. Fang Yifan was actually a pretty good person, with a lively personality, but because he was well protected, he was still childish and immature at all.

Huang Zhitao's parents have not been around since he was a child, and his personality is precocious, so he naturally likes those who are mature and stable.

Huang Zhitao didn't like Fang Yifan's character at all. To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for his classmates, Huang Zhitao might not have even glanced at him.

Qiao Yingzi: "Fang Hou, Zhou Chen is right, I think you should give up, Tao Zi, you have no chance at all."

She and Huang Zhitao are good best friends, but she also has a good relationship with Fang Yifan, so she doesn't want the two to fall out because of their relationship.

"You two are really bad friends. It's fine if you don't help me, but you will hit me." Fang Yifan said depressingly.

"Hurry up and eat, Li Tiegun asked us to go to the office to report for the make-up exam at seven o'clock."

After Zhou Chen finished speaking, he quickly finished his meal, and quickly returned to the classroom with Qiao Yingzi and the others.

Li Meng put three math test papers in front of Zhou Chen and the three of them.

"This is your test paper for this make-up exam. It's the same time as the college entrance examination, two and a half hours, starting at [-]:[-] and ending at [-]:[-]."

The school had a lot of test papers, and Li Meng easily found three mock test papers for the third year of senior high school. Although they were not as difficult as the test papers for the placement test this time, they were similar.

(End of this chapter)

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