The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 221 Song Qian: Don't play with that Zhou Chen1

Chapter 221 Song Qian: Don't play with that Zhou Chen
"How did you do in the exam? I think I did very well in the exam this time."

Coming out of the office, Fang Yifan started to brag, as if he did well in the math test this time.

Zhou Chen chuckled. He remembered that in the plot, Fang Yifan was either the last or the second to last in the test. It seemed that he only scored around [-] points. How dare he say that he did well in the test?
When Zhou Chen and the others returned to the classroom, it happened that school was over. Many students had already left, and only a few left either packed their things or continued to study.

"Zhou Chen, let's go together."

Ji Yangyang packed up his things and said to Zhou Chen that he already knew that Zhou Chen lived in the same community as him, so he took the initiative to invite him.

"Well, let's go."

"Wait for me." Fang Yifan also brought Lin Lei'er to catch up.

When he arrived at the school gate, Fang Yifan saw his parents, and then he took Lin Lei'er and walked over together.

Zhou Chen and Ji Yangyang crossed the road together, and Ji Yangyang said: "Zhou Chen, I have already agreed with my uncle to go to his place on weekends, and then you can drive there."

Zhou Chen said: "Speaking of which, I haven't researched the modified car yet. Can the engine be changed?"

"The engine can be replaced, but the procedures are a bit cumbersome. Most of them are replaced with other parts, to improve the power appearance and so on."

Ji Yangyang likes racing cars very much, and has also studied modification, but in fact, he only knows half of it, and he doesn't know much about it.

Zhou Chen said: "To be honest, I just drive this car casually. If it can be modified, it's the best. If it can't be modified, it doesn't matter."

After hearing this, Ji Yangyang knew it in his mind. It seemed that Zhou Chen's family was richer than he imagined.

"Just go and have a look on the weekend, and there is a racing track over there with my uncle. I will show you around then."

"this is okay."

He is a little interested in racing, and now his spirit, agility, etc. have surpassed ordinary people, and he must have greatly improved racing, and he also wants to try it.

Soon arrived downstairs, Ji Yangyang returned to his home, Zhou Chen also took the elevator upstairs.

"Dad, Mom, it's already so late, and I still have to go to Yingzi's house."

After Fang Yifan's family left school, they did not go back directly, but planned to go to Qiao Yingzi's house.

Tong Wenjie said: "I have already agreed with Song Qian, I will go to her to do papers tonight and test your physics."

After coming out of school this afternoon, the couple didn't go back to work or go home. Instead, they walked around with Song Qian and stayed at Song Qian's house until school was over.

They have already agreed with Song Qian that after school in the evening, they will bring the two children over to do physics papers to test the level of Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er.

"Huh? Do you want to do papers again?"

When Fang Yifan heard that there was going to be a test paper, his brain became overwhelmed. Tonight's math test had already racked his brains. He didn't expect to have to do the test paper after school.

"Don't talk nonsense, your Auntie Song Qian can become a gold medal teacher in education, and no one else has a chance to ask her to guide you."

In the past, the couple had no demands from each other Yifan, but with the advent of the third year of high school and seeing the efforts of other parents and students, they were also infected and became urgent, wanting to start urging Fang Yifan and Lin Leier to study.

The family soon arrived at Qiao Yingzi's house, and Song Qian took out the papers for them to do.

"Mom, I have another classmate who lives next door, why don't you call him over to join us?"

Qiao Yingzi thought of Zhou Chen who lived next door, so he spoke to his mother Song Qian.

Song Qian frowned, "The one who drives the sports car?"

"Yes." Qiao Yingzi nodded.


Song Qian refused without hesitation, and then said worriedly: "Yingzi, let me tell you, in the future, you should avoid dealing with that kid, drive a sports car at a young age, talk lightly, and you will not be a good person at first sight."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why is Zhou Chen talking lightly? He is not a good person anymore. He is very good." Qiao Yingzi retorted

Fang Yifan also said: "Aunt Song, Yingzi is right, Zhou Chen is our good friend."

Song Qian sneered and said, "You still speak for him. Your parents told me what happened today. If it wasn't for his car, you wouldn't have had an accident."

Tong Wenjie agreed: "Fanfan, your Auntie Song is right, that Zhou Chen's family seems to be very rich, he is a rich second generation, and he is not the same as you."

"That's wrong. Even if you are a rich second generation, you can't say that you are not from the same way. I think that kid is good and mature."

Fang Yuan had a different opinion. He knew that Tong Wenjie had an opinion on Zhou Chen because of his son's affairs, but in his opinion, the incident could not be completely blamed on others, it was their son who provoked it on his own initiative.

But why Song Qian was so upset with Zhou Chen, he didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Okay, stop talking, the three of you are doing test papers here, Wen Jie, Fang Yuan, let's go to the room to chat."

The night passed, and the next day's exam came as scheduled.

"Zhou Chen, how did you do in the exam?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't listen to her mother at all, and treated Zhou Chen the same as before.

"There is no problem with English, but it is really difficult."

Li Zong is a physical and chemical student. For Zhou Chen who has just reviewed it for a few days, it is indeed not a small difficulty. He reckons that he can get half of the score in the test, which is not bad.

Qiao Yingzi frowned and said, "If you don't do well in the exam this time, you may have to go to the parallel class or the basic class."

Zhou Chen shrugged and said, "For me, it's the same no matter which class I go to."

He didn't care much about class placement. With his learning ability, it would take him a few months to re-enter the sprint class, and there would be absolutely no problem.

Compared with the sprint class led by Li Meng, he felt more comfortable under Pan Shuai's men.

After the exam, the results haven't come out yet, so the class placement has not been carried out. It wasn't until the third day after the exam that the results came out and posted on the bulletin board, and each student's name was followed by the class they belonged to.

Not surprisingly, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang occupied the bottom two, and Zhou Chen soon found his name.


Zhou Chen wasn't surprised by this score. It was mainly because the total score was lowered by the comprehensive score. He actually only got 300 in the comprehensive test with a score of 126, which is terrible.

He lost 174 points in this subject of science and comprehensiveness alone, but the other three major subjects were not bad.

Unsurprisingly, this score became the bottom 2 in this exam, No.[-] in the basic class.

"Zhou Chen, are you cheating? Did you get so many points?"

Fang Yifan only got more than 300 points in the test, so he saw that Zhou Chen got 489 points in the test, which was a hundred points higher than him. This time it was so much taller than him.

This is also called how much?

Zhou Chen also didn't bother to pay attention to Fang Yifan. It would be nice to be assigned to the basic class, because he knew that the head teacher of the basic class would be Pan Shuai.

"You two are really brothers and sisters."

Seeing that Zhou Chen and Fang Yifan were assigned to the basic class, Qiao Yingzi sighed with emotion.

Fang Yifan said dejectedly: "Now we will be separated from the goddess, alas."

Next, Zhou Chen and the others began to pack their things, left the original classroom, and went to the basic class.

The head teacher of the basic class is indeed Pan Shuai, who is also the Chinese teacher of their class.

After arriving in the basic class, there was no change in the schedule, but the atmosphere of the class changed a lot. It was not as tense as before in Li Meng's class. For Zhou Chen, it was much more relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and on Sunday, Ji Yangyang called Zhou Chen, preparing to go to his uncle's racing track.

Zhou Chen and Ji Yangyang met downstairs and walked out of the community. He was about to let Ji Yangyang drive, but suddenly thought that Ji Yangyang didn't have a driver's license now.

There is no other way, he can only drive Ji Yangyang.

Ji Yang Yang’s uncle Liu Zheng’s racing track is relatively remote. After all, even if it’s an indoor racing track, it needs a lot of space. The rent in a bustling area is very scary, and the noise of the racing track is also very loud, so it’s relatively remote. place is more appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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