Chapter 222 The Sneaky Qiao Yingzi (Two in One)

"Uncle, this is my classmate Zhou Chen, whom you have seen before."

When he came to the racing track, Zhou Chen saw Liu Zheng whom he had seen last time, that is, Ji Yangyang's uncle.

"Student Zhou Chen, hello."

Liu Zheng was very enthusiastic. He had already heard from his nephew that Zhou Chen's family should be relatively rich. For business people like them, making friends with rich and powerful people had become a habit. Little, he didn't have the slightest attitude of contempt.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

Zhou Chen didn't call Uncle Liu, but called Mr. Liu directly.

Liu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, but when he looked at Zhou Chen's eyes, he immediately realized that Zhou Chen's intention was obvious, that he wanted to meet as an adult, not as a student.

'This child is much more mature than Yang Yang. '

This idea came to Liu Zheng's mind, and then he said with a smile: "Then I'll call you Zhou Chen. I heard from Yang Yang that you are interested in modifying cars?"

Zhou Chen said: "I haven't touched it before, so I am a little interested, but I don't know if my car can be modified?"

"It's no problem to modify your car, but it depends on what you want to do, just simply change the lighting, audio, etc., or plan to make a big change?"

"Then I wonder if Mr. Liu has any suggestions?"

"I don't mind. You are still a student. You don't have much time to drive, and the performance of that car is not bad. If you don't need it, you can make a small change. Of course, if you want to make a big change, I will It can also help you, but some parts are not so easy to get, and it may take a long time.”

"That's it."

Zhou Chen thought about it for a while, and this is also the reason. Now he spends most of his time at school, and there are not many places to use his car. It is really not necessary to modify the car on a large scale.

"Then Mr. Liu will just watch it, you are professionals after all."

"Okay, if you have any requirements, you can tell me, and I will ask you to help you change it."

Zhou Chen told Liu Zheng some of his thoughts, and then at the invitation of Ji Yangyang, he went to the track to drive.

Although Zhou Chen has been driving a car for decades, he has never played a racing car. Although the racing car here is not very professional, it still feels a bit like running.

At the beginning, Zhou Chen was a little flustered with the control, but after a lap, he was completely familiar with it, and it became more and more smooth.

Relying on a strong mental will, and a quick reaction far beyond ordinary people, after mastering the skills, the speed of progress is even faster.


Zhou Chen took off the hood and exhaled.

"Zhou Chen, have you played before?"

Ji Yangyang also got out of the car, because it was morning, and there were only the two of them running just now. He saw Zhou Chen's changes. At the end of the drive, Zhou Chen's speed was no less than his, which shocked him very much.

Zhou Chen: "I played it before."

"No wonder."

Ji Yangyang was relieved, mainly because Zhou Chen had changed too much before and after. If it was the first time to play, it would be too scary.

"Take a break, shall we run two more laps?"

"Okay, drink some water first."

Zhou Chen has also driven a sports car before, but he has never driven a car. Although the track here is not fast, he can play drifting. It is quite exciting, which makes Zhou Chen a little excited.

"Go, let's eat."

Liu Zheng said to Ji Yangyang and Zhou Chen who had rested for a while: "I know a family with good Japanese food, Zhou Chen, do you have Japanese food?"

Zhou Chen nodded: "I can do it."

"Let's go then."

Zhou Chen's car was being refitted, so he was in Liu Zheng's car. After driving for more than half an hour, he guessed the Japanese grocery store that Liu Zheng was talking about.

The service of the Japanese grocery store is good, and the food is also very good, but Zhou Chen still feels that the food in his own country tastes better.

During the meal, Liu Zheng pretended to be casual and asked, "Zhou Chen, what kind of business does your family do?"

Zhou Chen paused for a moment, and then replied as if nothing had happened: "My parents are gone, and I live with my uncle now. He opened a law firm. As for me, I inherited some property from the family, and I have an import and export business." small trading company."

Liu Zheng's eyes lit up. A lawyer is a powerful profession, let alone someone who runs a law firm. Such a person must have skills and methods.

But this is not what he cares about the most, what he cares most about is Zhou Chen's last sentence.

Zhou Chen actually owns a company that engages in import and export trade. As for Zhou Chen's talk about a small company, he doesn't take it seriously. A small company can just buy a sports car worth more than 100 million yuan?

Not to mention that he had just chatted with Zhou Chen for a while, and he clearly felt that Zhou Chen didn't care much about money at all, which showed that Zhou Chen's family had a solid foundation.

"Oh, you are engaged in import and export trade. This is a very good industry. I don't know which countries your company is connected to?"

After Zhou Chen thought for a while, he understood Liu Zheng's question.

"I really don't know about this, because I am still young and have no contact with the company's business. The company is managed by a professional manager hired by my uncle."

"Mr. Liu is interested in this aspect?"

Liu Zheng chuckled, he didn't expect that Zhou Chen was young, but his reaction was quick, and he guessed what he was thinking right away.

"I'm really interested. I'm into cars. I can't buy many things in China. I can only buy them abroad. But it's very troublesome to bring things back from abroad."

Although Liu Zheng is capable, the country's regulations are unavoidable. Even if there is a brother-in-law who is the deputy head of the district, his brother-in-law, alas, doesn't matter.

Since Zhou Chen's company is engaged in import and export trade, it means that in terms of import and export, it must be more professional and has a wider range of ways than him.


Zhou Chen also did business, so he naturally understood what Liu Zheng meant.

"However, I really don't know much about this aspect. In this way, Mr. Liu, if you don't bother, I can introduce the current person in charge of the company to you. Maybe we can cooperate."

Liu Zheng was overjoyed: "That would be great, thank you, Zhou Chen."

"No, they are all acquaintances, but I can't guarantee that I can help you."

"If you can help introduce it, it is considered a help."

Listening to the conversation between his uncle and Zhou Chen, Ji Yangyang kept muttering in his heart that he could understand all the conversations between the two, but he didn't expect such a coincidence that Zhou Chen's company could just help his uncle.

This day passed quickly, and Zhou Chen drove Ji Yangyang back to Shuxiang Yayuan in the evening.

There are not many places to modify sports cars, because even Liu Zheng's car factory does not have many items in stock, so he can only modify some parts that he has there.

"Your drift control is not very good today. If you go faster, you may overturn the car. If you run again next time, be careful..."

When Ji Yangyang talked about racing cars, it was as if he had become Fang Yifan, talking non-stop.

Zhou Chen listened carefully. Although his mental age was several times older than Ji Yangyang's, he was specialized in sports. In terms of racing, he was indeed inferior to Ji Yangyang.

Walking into the corridor, Zhou Chen stood at the entrance of the elevator and played with his mobile phone. The moment the elevator opened, he was ready to go in.

"Zhou Chen, where did you go?"

Zhou Chen looked up and saw that it was Qiao Yingzi, not only Qiao Yingzi, but also her father Qiao Weidong.

"Yingzi, Uncle Qiao, where are you going out?"

"Student Zhou Chen, hello." Qiao Weidong pushed his eyes and said to Zhou Chen with a smile.

Qiao Yingzi: "I'm going to eat with my dad, Zhou Chen, you haven't eaten yet, why don't you come with us, we're having hot pot today."

Zhou Chen glanced at Qiao Weidong, smiled and replied, "No, I have something to do at night, so I won't go with you."

"Okay, then I will invite you next time."

Qiao Yingzi and Qiao Weidong bid farewell to Zhou Chen. After Zhou Chen went up, Qiao Weidong asked his daughter.

"Yingzi, you said you wanted to invite that classmate to dinner, why did you invite him to dinner?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Because he treated me to a meal before, I want to treat him back."

"He invited you to dinner, are you alone?" Qiao Weidong's voice was distorted immediately.

"Ah, once alone, and once with Fang Hou and Tao Zi, all paid by him."

Qiao Weidong's expression changed, and he asked in a deep voice, "Yingzi, tell me honestly, is this kid trying to trick you?"


Qiao Yingzi was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "Dad, what are you thinking? We are classmates, so don't think about it."

Qiao Weidong said: "I'm not thinking wildly, Yingzi, you have to be careful, you can't be alone with male classmates in the future, let alone eat alone, the boys nowadays don't have a good thing, don't be fooled by him."

"Dad, you really think too much, Zhou Chen and I, how is it possible?"

Qiao Yingzi rolled her eyes. She admitted that she had a crush on Zhou Chen, but that was also because of her classmate relationship, and it was not the same thing as what Qiao Weidong thought.

Qiao Weidong was still worried, he said: "Since you want to pay back the favor, then, after Dad moves here, you invite him over for dinner, and I will pay it back for you."

He was still worried about his daughter, so he decided to go out in person and give this boy who might be a big cabbage to their family a try. He must be killed in the cradle.

Qiao Yingzi was a little hesitant: "Let's see when the time comes, but Dad, are you really going to move back?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you? I've already had someone redecorate it. I guess I'll be able to live in it soon. Then you can go to Dad's place to relax at any time."

"Dad, I'm still a little worried. It would be terrible if my mother found out." Qiao Yingzi showed worry.

Qiao Weidong snorted coldly with disdain: "What are you afraid of? Dad won't be afraid of her. Yingzi, believe in Dad. Dad can handle all this. You just need to wait quietly."

Qiao Yingzi muttered: "Anyone can say big things, but I'm afraid you will be scared when you see my mother."

She is very clear about her dad's piss, how could he beat her mother.

At around [-] o'clock in the evening, Qiao Yingzi suddenly called him to open the door. Zhou Chen opened the door rather puzzled, and saw Qiao Yingzi standing at the door of his house.

"what happened?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw a box on the ground, which was another Lego toy.

"This is?"

Qiao Yingzi said quietly: "Quick, help me move in."

Zhou Chen immediately understood what Qiao Yingzi meant, and moved the box in.

"My dad bought it for me, but I don't dare to take it back. It's fine to confiscate it when I take it home. I will definitely be scolded by my mother."

Speaking of her mother, Qiao Yingzi still has lingering fears.

"So, you want to let me here?" Zhou Chen asked.

Qiao Yingzi laughed and said, "Well, you won't help me, will you?"

Zhou Chen: "You brought things here, what can I say? It's just that you're always sneaky, aren't you tired?"

"I can't help it. I was forced by my mother. If I had a little way, I wouldn't be so sneaky."

Qiao Yingzi couldn't help complaining that she and her mother had been fighting wits and fighting for these Lego toys all these years, hiding everywhere.

Zhou Chen also knew Qiao Yingzi's embarrassment, he said: "I don't mind, but when you come to my place in the future, be careful, if your mother finds out that you are playing Lego with me, I don't know how much trouble you will make. Woolen cloth."

Thinking of Qiao Yingzi's mother Song Qian's character, if she really got mad, she might be able to do anything.

He wasn't afraid of Song Qian, but he didn't want Qiao Yingzi to get hurt.

"Don't worry about this, I will definitely be careful, and I will tell you a good news, my dad has decided to move back, and then his place will be my secret base, Zhou Chen, I will tell you alone, you must Don't let it out."

Although he was at Zhou Chen's house, Qiao Yingzi lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that the partition wall had ears.

"Your dad is moving here?"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised, but not very surprised, because he knew that this day would come back sooner or later, but he didn't expect that Qiao Weidong had already started to act after only one week of school.

"Well, don't tell others. I will leave the things here. I will continue to fight when I am free. I will go back first, or my mother will rush again."

Seeing Qiao Yingzi go home and open the door cautiously, Zhou Chen really felt sorry for her. This little girl was really frightened by her mother, and she even went home cautiously.

A week passed quickly, and it was Friday in the blink of an eye.

It has been two weeks since school started, and Zhou Chen has fully adapted to the current life. Although he is the busiest third year of high school, Zhou Chen feels much more relaxed than going to work. The main reason is that there is no pressure, and there is no intrigue.

"Zhou Chen, the National Day holiday is coming soon, have you decided where to go?"

Fang Yifan squeezed to Zhou Chen's side, first asked a question, and then said rather depressedly: "I'm miserable. Ever since I was assigned to the basic class, my mother has been forcing me to study all day long. During the National Day holiday I was going to go out to play, but she insisted on letting me stay at home to study, oh, it's so annoying."

"Zhou Chen, you are still welcome. No one is in charge of the family. You can go wherever you want. The most important thing is that you still have money."

Zhou Chen said lightly: "Who said that you must go out to play during the National Day holiday? Can't you study at home?"

"Stop messing around, you, are you really not going to go out to play?" Fang Yifan asked curiously.

Zhou Chen: "It's true that I don't have that kind of thought. Why go out alone, have an affair?"

"You can take Yingzi with you, hehe." Fang Yifan laughed.

Zhou Chen: "No problem, as long as you can help me deal with Yingzi's mother, I can take Yingzi out to play."

Fang Yifan shrank his neck: "Forget it, I can't even handle my mother, where can I get Ding Yingzi's mother, her mother is better than mine."

At this time, Ji Yangyang who was sitting next to him interjected: "Zhou Chen, if you don't want to go out to play during the National Day, we can go to my uncle's place together."

Zhou Chen thought for a while: "Let's talk about it at that time, there are still more than half a month, it's too early to say now."

"Then I have an appointment to play basketball with someone tomorrow night. It's next to the community. Will you come?"

"Playing basketball? That's no problem. Call me when the time comes."

Zhou Chen is no stranger to basketball. When he was in school, his favorite thing was to play basketball and watch the NBA. After traveling through several worlds, he often played sports and played basketball. Hitting high school students shouldn't be a big problem.

Occasional abuse of food is good for physical and mental health.

"Play basketball, add me, add me." Fang Yifan loves to join in the fun, and when he heard about playing basketball, he also became interested.

"You?" Ji Yangyang sneered disdainfully.

Although he is not as hostile to Fang Yifan as before, the relationship is definitely not good, and he is not used to the active Fang Yifan.

Seeing Ji Yangyang's expression, Fang Yifan immediately became angry: "Ji Yangyang, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me? If we have the ability, let's go down and fight one-on-one."


Ji Yangyang sneered and didn't speak.

Fang Yifan became even more angry, and was about to speak again, but Zhou Chen grabbed him.

"Okay, don't talk about it, if you really want to call, you can come over tomorrow."

Fang Yifan glared at Ji Yangyang in displeasure, and then asked Zhou Chen in a low voice: "Zhou Chen, I have discovered a problem these days, this Ji Yangyang always walks with my goddess Taozi every time after school, and he also Have you moved to Shuxiang Yayuan?"

"Well, it's just downstairs from me."

"That's it."

Fang Yifan's eyes were shining brightly. These days, he always saw Ji Yangyang and Tao Zi going to and from school together, and he was very upset.

"We must find a way, so that Tao Zi cannot be fooled by Ji Yangyang."

Zhou Chen ignored Fang Yifan and surfed the Internet with his mobile phone. The most enjoyable thing about this school was that he couldn't help the students' mobile phones.

When he was in high school, let alone a mobile phone, he didn't even think about bringing an MP3 player to school. When he read novels, he tore them out one by one and put them in a book.

Compared with that era, Chunfeng Middle School is simply too humane.

After all, he is an adult, Zhou Chen is making progress in his studies in an orderly manner, and staying at school is boring, so he thought about finding something else to do.

Although he is not short of money now, no one would think that there is too much money. For a better life in the future, he feels that he still needs to continue to earn more money.

It is now [-] years, and as a senior high school student, it is impossible for him to start a business, so he wants to find a business that can make money without delaying his schooling.

Well, in fact, apart from studying, you can also do other things in school, such as having a campus romance, but he really just thinks about it.

(End of this chapter)

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