Chapter 226 Respective Wishes

Fang Yifan was not afraid of Qiao Yingzi's threats at all, and said with a smile: "The gift we gave you is different from the gift Zhou Chen gave you."

"Fang Yifan, can you shut up that broken mouth of yours?"

Zhou Chen glared at Fang Yifan, this kid's mouth is not guarded, others just make fun of him, but this guy, if you don't stop him, he can talk for a long time.

"Okay, don't tell me, I won't tell you, then you can always tell us what gift you have prepared?"

"It's none of your business."

Zhou Chen scolded Fang Yifan angrily, and then said to Qiao Yingzi, "Yingzi, I've already prepared the gift, and I'll give it to you tomorrow, isn't it okay?"

"Zhou Chen, you don't have to be so polite." Qiao Yingzi said rather embarrassedly.

Zhou Chen: "I've already bought them, at worst, you can buy them for me when it's my birthday."

In fact, he hasn't bought it yet, but Fang Yifan has already said so. If he said he didn't buy it, wouldn't it seem that he didn't take Qiao Yingzi seriously?
"That, all right."

Seeing Zhou Chen's firm attitude, Qiao Yingzi could only agree.

Because of the large number of people in the store, the barbecue was slow. Zhou Chen and the others ordered a few cold dishes, drank beer, and ate cold dishes.

Although Pan Shuai had warned him before, Zhou Chen didn't think it would have much impact if a few boys drank some beer. The three of them are all over the age of three and are adults. It's not a problem to drink less beer .

"Fang Hou, drink slowly, don't act like you've never had beer before."

Seeing Fang Yifan gulping down half of the bottle, Zhou Chen immediately shouted at him, this is an innumerable guy, you can't let his temper go.

Several other people also said the same thing to Fang Yifan.

"Today is our birthday for Yingzi. Yingzi, as the birthday star, let me tell you what wish you have. If we can help you, we will help you fulfill it."


Qiao Yingzi was silent for a while under everyone's gaze, and then said: "I have many wishes. First, if possible, I hope that my parents can be together again. Second, I hope to be admitted to Jinling University. The astronomy department, and others are just small wishes, so I won’t talk about it.”

"Yingzi, it's really hard for us to help you with these two wishes of yours." Fang Yifan scratched his head. He really couldn't help with these two things.

Qiao Yingzi gave him a blank look: "I didn't expect you to help me."

Zhou Chen wrote down Qiao Yingzi's wishes. These two wishes are similar to the plots in the TV series, and they can also be said to be the biggest wish hidden in Qiao Yingzi's heart.

Because there are so many people now, Zhou Chen didn't say anything to Qiao Yingzi to help her.

Zhou Chen said: "Since it's rare for everyone to get together, let's all talk about our wishes, Fang Yifan, you come first."

Fang Yifan scratched his head, thought hard for a while, and then replied, "My wish is to catch up with my goddess Taozi."


Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Huang Zhitao, who was so angry that Huang Zhitao yelled at Fang Yifan: "Fang Hou, I asked you to say your wish, don't talk nonsense."

Fang Yifan: "I'm not talking nonsense, Tao Zi. For now, my biggest wish is indeed to be your boyfriend."

"Shut up, I'll tell you now, this is impossible." Huang Zhitao was a little out of breath.

Seeing Huang Zhitao's reaction, Fang Yifan's expression changed. He wasn't really heartless.

"Cough cough."

Zhou Chen coughed twice, and Fang Yifan said, "Okay, Fang Hou, stop joking, tell me your wish quickly."

Qiao Yingzi also quickly changed the topic: "Yes, Fang Hou, Tao Zi has a thin skin, don't make fun of her."

Fang Yifan could only go down the steps: "Just kidding, Tao Zi, don't mind me, I was just joking, to enliven the atmosphere."

Huang Zhitao was still angry: "Don't make such jokes next time." After speaking, he glanced at Ji Yangyang.

It's just that the current Ji Yangyang doesn't have any thoughts about Huang Zhitao, so he just sits there and listens.

Fang Yifan patted the table and said again: "My wish, well, I hope to go to college as soon as possible, far away from home, and enjoy college life freely. It would be even better if I can become a big star in the future. "

"You still want to be a big star?" Qiao Yingzi sneered disdainfully.

"Don't look down on people, I will definitely become a big star in the future."

Originally, he was just talking casually, but being so provoked by Qiao Yingzi, Fang Yifan immediately yelled with his neck stuck up.

"Lei'er, tell me, what is your wish?" Zhou Chen said to Lin Lei'er.

Lin Lei'er held the water glass in both hands, with a sad expression on her face. After more than ten seconds, she said, "I want to fulfill my mother's wish. My mother's wish is for me to be admitted to Shuimu University."


Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up, no matter what era it is, high school seniors who aim at Shuimu University are worthy of respect.

Fang Yifan patted Lin Lei'er on the shoulder and said, "Lei'er, you will definitely be admitted to Shuimu University. I believe in you, and my aunt's spirit in heaven will bless you."

Hearing what Fang Yifan said, Ji Yangyang and the others knew that Lin Lei'er's mother had passed away, so they hurriedly offered words of comfort.

Lin Lei'er wiped away her tears and said firmly, "Well, I will definitely be admitted to the Physics Department of Shuimu University."

Seeing how sad the atmosphere was, Zhou Chen quickly changed the subject and asked Ji Yangyang, "Ji Yangyang, how about you?"


Ji Yangyang didn't think much about it, and replied directly: "My wish is to become an excellent racing driver and participate in racing competitions around the world."

Huang Zhitao continued, "My wish is to be a doctor, an excellent doctor like my parents."

After everyone finished speaking, they all looked at Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, what about you?"

Zhou Chen: "Well, to be honest, in this world, I really haven't thought about it. If I have to say it, it is to find a suitable girl to marry, and then travel around the world to see the scenery. If you can, do charity and help those in need.”

Zhou Chen's words made Fang Yifan and the others a little confused, because what Zhou Chen said was completely different from what they said.

"Zhou Chen, you are still awesome. You are just in the third year of high school, and you want to find a girlfriend to marry, and travel around to see the scenery. If I didn't know that your family is rich, I would really spray you to death."

Facing Fang Yifan's disdain, Zhou Chen said indifferently: "After you achieve the same financial freedom as me, you might have the same thoughts as me."

"Fuck, Zhou Chen, I really feel like I'm going to beat you up now."

"Stop talking, come, have a drink."

 Let’s talk about a situation. My daughter-in-law is about to give birth. I just went to the hospital. Because there is no 48-hour nucleic acid report, I can’t be hospitalized for the time being. I can only be hospitalized after the nucleic acid report comes out tomorrow (irritability).

  Because we are in a dangerous area here, the hospital is very strict. There is only one person to accompany you in the hospital. There is no way, I can only go. It is conservatively estimated that it will take a week, or it may be longer. There is a high probability that there will be no time to code in the middle. In addition, there are no archives, so it is likely to be interrupted.

  Please explain the situation first, and please forgive me, but I promise that if I have time, I will try my best to keep updating. If I can't update, I will issue a single chapter to ask for leave.

  Finally, say sorry, work is important, and family is equally important.

(End of this chapter)

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