The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 227 Lei'er's Cell Phone

Chapter 227 Lei'er's Cell Phone

"Cousin, I'm going to the bathroom."

Lin Lei'er clutched his stomach, drank too much cold drink, he was a little upset and couldn't control it.


Fang Yifan was having a good time drinking with everyone, so he had no time to talk to Lin Lei'er.

"Zhou Chen, let's have another drink."

Zhou Chen frowned and said: "Fang Hou, please drink less, don't get drunk, it's hard to explain when you go back."

He could tell that Fang Yifan was a real dish, and he kept looking for someone to drink. According to his posture, he might be drunk in a short time.

"It's okay, I'm happy today. Besides, I only drank one and a half bottles, and you drank more than two bottles."

Qiao Yingzi said: "I drank more than two bottles of Zhou Chen, my face is not red and I am not out of breath. Look at you, I only drank more than one bottle, and my face is so red. You are still trying to be brave."

Huang Zhitao said to Ji Yangyang: "Ji Yangyang, drink less, drinking is not a good thing."

Ji Yangyang replied coldly: "I know it myself."

Fang Yifan said loudly: "Let me tell you, we are being controlled so tightly that we have no freedom at all. I think we should get together more like this, drinking, eating, and bragging together. Interesting."

Zhou Chen said: "How much pocket money do you have, can you survive this?"

Fang Yifan: "I don't have much pocket money, but you do. You are a big local tyrant."

"Fang Hou, you have to show some face, don't you still expect Zhou Chen to support you in the future?"

"Yes, Fang Hou, I think you are drunk and start talking nonsense. If your mother hears it, she will chase you down again."

"I'm not afraid of her."

"Just blow hard."

After Lin Lei'er went to the toilet, she just walked out with her head down, when she was knocked down by a man oncoming.


Lin Lei'er sat down on the ground, and he screamed in pain.

"You are blind, how do you walk?"

Before Lin Lei'er could react from the pain, the person who knocked him down cursed at him viciously.

Lin Lei'er looked up, and saw that the other party was a big man in his thirties, wearing a two-striped top, with tattoos that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, and a tiger but not a tiger on both arms. He was aggressive and looked very scary.

The timid Lin Lei'er, seeing the other party's posture, felt frightened, ignored the pain, and quickly got up to apologize.

"sorry Sorry."

The other party seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, and he staggered, and pushed Lin Lei'er away: "Don't get in the way, get out of the way."

Lin Lei'er, who was defenseless, was pushed so hard by him that he hit the wall of the bathroom directly.

Hearing a bang, Lin Lei'er hit the wall, this time he hit his head, and he cried out in pain, but he didn't have time to worry about other things, because the mobile phone he was holding fell to the ground due to the collision.

"My phone, my phone."

Lin Lei'er quickly straightened his glasses and picked up his phone, but the screen of his phone was broken at this time, no matter how he pressed it, he couldn't turn it on.

The man didn't care about Lin Lei'er at all, and walked into the toilet cubicle unsteadily.

Zhou Chen ate an oyster, put down the shell, and suddenly said, "Why hasn't Lei'er come back yet?"

Fang Yifan said: "Leave him alone, he is very slow to go to the toilet, we eat ours."

Hearing what Fang Yifan said, Zhou Chen didn't think about it anymore, maybe Lin Lei'er is in the tuba or not.

After a while, Lin Lei'er finally came back, but seeing his teary face, Zhou Chen and the others were startled.

"Lei'er, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Chen saw water stains on Lin Lei'er's clothes, and his eyes were even redder, and immediately realized something was wrong.

Fang Yifan, who was choked up by Lin Lei'er, said, "Cousin, cousin, my phone is broken."

Fang Yifan drank beer and was a little drunk at first, but when he saw Lin Leier's aggrieved appearance, he immediately became sober and asked nervously.

"Lei'er, what's going on, why is the phone broken?"

Lin Lei'er took out the phone, and Zhou Chen saw that the screen was broken and still black. He knew very well the importance of this phone to Lin Lei'er.

"Lei'er, what's going on? Didn't you go to the bathroom? How could your phone be broken? And what's going on with you?"

Fang Yifan asked belatedly: "Yes, Lei'er, did you fall?"

Qiao Yingzi and the others also stood up, and asked nervously, "Lei'er, what happened?"

Everyone has been with Lin Lei'er for a few days, and they ate at the same dinner table. They all know what Lin Lei'er's character is like. Seeing him so sad now must have been greatly wronged.

Lin Leier: "Cousin, someone pushed me just now and broke my phone. Cousin, you can see if you can fix it. This phone is very important to me. It is full of photos and voice messages left by my mother." , if it is broken, I will never hear her voice again, woo woo, cousin."

Hearing Lin Lei'er's choked-up cries, Zhou Chen and the others were immediately enraged, even the two girls Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao. They all knew that Lin Lei'er's mother had passed away, so they could understand Lin Lei'er. For Lin Leier, this mobile phone is really more important than anything else.

Fang Yifan immediately became furious, and he asked Lin Lei'er: "Lei'er, who pushed you, my cousin will avenge you."

But Lin Lei'er didn't answer, but held up her mobile phone: "Cousin, mobile phone, mobile phone."

"Show me your phone."

Zhou Chen said to Lin Lei'er, and then took the phone: "The screen is broken, but the inside is fine, and it should be repairable."

In the TV series, Lin Lei'er's mobile phone was also broken, but at that time it fell quite badly and was stepped on by many people, so it was difficult to repair.

But when Zhou Chen looked at the phone now, it wasn't completely broken. The parts inside shouldn't be broken. If someone repairs it, the problem shouldn't be too big.

"Really? Zhou Chen, can it really be fixed?" Lin Lei'er looked at Zhou Chen hopefully.

Seeing Lin Leier's look full of anticipation and pitiful waiting for his affirmative answer, Zhou Chen nodded.

"It can be repaired, so, Lei'er, put this phone with me first, I will find someone to help you repair it tomorrow, and make sure that there will be no shortage of content and files in it."


"Lei'er, don't worry, Zhou Chen's family is rich and capable, if he says it can be repaired, it will be repaired."

Fang Yifan comforted Lin Lei'er, and then asked angrily: "Lei'er, you said someone bullied you just now, tell cousin, who is bullying you?"

Ji Yangyang also asked: "Yes, Lei'er, tell me, who bullied you."

Lin Lei'er didn't want to cause trouble, and said in a low voice: "I'm fine, as long as the phone can be repaired, cousin, forget it."

Fang Yifan said angrily: "How can this be forgotten, I am your cousin, I want to protect you, whoever dares to bully you, I can't get around him."

They were all hot-blooded young people, and with two glasses of wine, Fang Yifan couldn't bear it.


Zhou Chen patted the ashes on Lin Lei'er, and said: "Lei'er, I know what you think, and I don't want to cause trouble, but sometimes it depends on the situation. If you are bullied, you can't just try to avoid it. The more you In this way, others will think you are easy to bully, Lei Er, tell me, who pushed you and broke your phone?"

Zhou Chen has lived for so many years, and he knows this truth very well. Sometimes he can be coaxed, but sometimes he must not be coaxed.

From Lin Lei'er's choked up words just now, he could hear that the person who pushed him didn't seem to be unintentional, but more like intentional.

This made him unbearable. Lin Lei'er is a very pitiful child. Such an honest person is bullied. It's fine if he doesn't meet him. But if he does, he can't pretend that nothing happened. .

Fang Yifan nodded in agreement: "Yes, Zhou Chen is right, Lei'er, tell us who bullied you, and we will avenge you."

Lin Lei'er was still hesitating a bit.

Huang Zhitao suddenly said: "Lei'er doesn't want to say it, so don't force him, let's not cause trouble."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen glanced at Huang Zhitao indifferently, and was about to speak, but Qiao Yingzi said eagerly, "This is not causing trouble, Lei'er is so honest, she was bullied by others, this is intolerable, Lei'er, you can rest assured to say it , we will help you avenge."

Ji Yangyang also said: "Lei'er, don't be afraid, we will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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