Chapter 228 Fighting
With everyone's encouragement, Lin Lei'er finally sniffled, mustered up the courage, and pointed to one of the tables.

"That's the one with the tattoo on his hand. He pushed me and the phone broke."

"I fuck."

It can be said that Fang Yifan is now under the influence of alcohol. After determining the target, regardless of 21, he rushed over directly, and Zhou Chen couldn't hold back even if he wanted to.


Fang Yifan walked over aggressively, and slapped the tattooed man on the shoulder. Suddenly, the four big men on the table turned their heads to look at him at the same time, causing Fang Yifan's expression to change suddenly.

"Is something wrong?"

The tattooed man turned his head to look at Fang Yifan and asked.

The four people on one side are all big men in their thirties, and they don't look like any good people, and there is only Fang Yifan on the other side, and Fang Yifan suddenly becomes a little cowardly.

The aura was gone all of a sudden, but Fang Yifan still summoned up his courage and asked the tattooed man, "You are such an adult, why did you bully my brother and push him down, causing his cell phone to break?" .”

"Boy, what did you say?"

A man sitting next to the tattooed man asked in confusion when he saw Fang Yifan running over to question him.

Fang Yifan pointed at the tattooed man: "He bullied my brother, pushed my brother down, and broke his phone."

Immediately, the tattooed man's three companions all looked at the tattooed man, and one of them sneered, "Dalin, you kid still bullying children?"

The tattooed man named Dalin was ridiculed by his companions, and suddenly felt that his face was dull. He was half drunk and half awake, and he was easily irritated.

Standing up with a 'wow', looking at Fang Yifan, he shouted, "Boy, get out of here."

Although Fang Yifan escaped, but he had no experience in contacting social people, he was scolded by the tattooed man, and his expression suddenly became very nervous.

"You're such an adult, what's the point of bullying our students? You pushed my cousin down and broke his phone. You have to apologize to my cousin and pay compensation."

"Little kid, get out of here quickly." The tattooed man pointed at Fang Yifan and yelled.

Fang Yifan's stubbornness also came up, "No, you have to apologize to my cousin."

"Da Lin, don't bully other children, and apologize to them quickly." One of the tattooed man's companions persuaded him.

But the tattooed man was already drunk at this time, and he didn't want to lose face in front of his friends, so he became even angrier and pushed Fang Yifan away.

"Boy, hurry up, get out of here, don't interfere with our drinking."

Fang Yifan was pushed staggeringly, and shouted angrily: "What are you doing, why are you beating someone?"

"Dalin, why are you bullying other people's children?"

"Don't worry about it, a brat with no hair yet dares to tell me what to do."

"Go away, hurry up."

The tattooed man wanted to push Fang Yifan again, but his hand was stopped suddenly, and a handsome young man stood in front of Fang Yifan.

"Who are you? Let go."

The tattooed man's wrist was grabbed, and he tried hard to break free, but found that he couldn't break free from the control of the young man in front of him. His face, which was already flushed from drinking, became even redder.

Zhou Chen's face was stern, and he didn't need to be polite to this kind of drunk. He used his hands to shake off the tattooed man's hand.

"Boy, you."

"What are you? Are you so old that you only bully students after drinking two glasses of wine?" Zhou Chen said coldly.

The tattooed man and his three friends all stood up, and at this time, Ji Yangyang and the others also walked over and stood behind Zhou Chen.

"What do you want to do? A few brats with no hair at all, want to make trouble like others? Go back quickly." One of the tattooed man's companions shouted at Zhou Chen and the others.

The other two companions of the tattooed man also grabbed the tattooed man who was about to get up.

Zhou Chen stood in front, confronting them, and said in a calm tone: "My brother was bullied, as a brother, I can't pretend it didn't happen, the phone doesn't have to be compensated, but I have to apologize to my brother, a sincere apology. "

"Apologize? Brat, let me apologize? Hurry up, or I will kill you." The tattooed man shouted.

Zhou Chen said coldly: "You can try, I tell you, if you don't apologize to my brother today, I promise you will have a bad life in the future."

"Young man, I think you should still be students. Don't speak too arrogantly. This society is not as simple as you think. Hurry up and leave, and don't cause trouble for your family."

The man in the plaid shirt next to the tattooed man, with a beard, also looked difficult to get along with, and warned Zhou Chen in a serious tone.

Zhou Chen: "I'm not afraid of getting into trouble, but I just can't suffer. If I apologize to my brother, this matter will be over. If I don't apologize..."

"How about not apologizing?" the tattooed man asked disdainfully.

"Alas, alas, how many, how many."

At this moment, the person from the barbecue shop suddenly ran over and quickly persuaded: "Sorry, everyone, calm down, calm down."

"I'm the boss here, a few, we are also a small business, to save face, don't make trouble here, okay?"

The owner of the barbecue shop is a man of about 40 years old. I don't know if it is because of the barbecue. He is covered in sweat, and he carefully persuades the two parties.

"Boss, we are also your regular customers here. We have never caused any trouble here. These little guys are here to make trouble today, not us."

The owner of the barbecue shop nodded with a smile: "Yes, I know, I'll persuade them."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhou Chen, and he could tell that Zhou Chen should be the leader of this group of students.

"Student, I'm the boss here. Give me some face. Let's forget about it. I'll give you a [-]% discount on today's meal, okay?"

Zhou Chen naturally had no objection to the owner of the barbecue shop, but when he heard what he said, his brows frowned unnaturally.

"Boss, you didn't even figure out the matter, so let us forget it? I don't need a discount, we just need an apology."

Being told by Zhou Chen, the owner of the barbecue shop was a little embarrassed, but being a boss is still flexible.

"Little classmate, if you're away from home, it's better not to cause trouble. There's no need to be so stiff over such a trivial matter."

"Small thing?"

Zhou Chen's voice was raised in vain, and his face was cold: "For us, this is not a trivial matter. He must apologize to my brother today, otherwise the matter will not be resolved."

"You little bastard, I want me to apologize to you, believe it or not, I will beat you to death, little bastard."

The tattooed man angrily pushed the boss aside, pointed at Zhou Chen's head and cursed.

Zhou Chen stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed the tattooed man's finger, and twisted it forcefully.


The tattooed man wailed in pain and couldn't even stand upright.

"Dalin, what are you doing? Kid, let go, you are looking for death."

When the tattooed man's companions saw the tattooed man being bullied, they couldn't sit still immediately, and rushed to Zhou Chen's face one by one, and one of them even raised his hand to slap Zhou Chen.

"I'm sorry!"

Fang Yifan, who couldn't bear it for a long time, rushed over without warning, knocked the person who was going to hit Zhou Chen aside, and then punched him with his fist.

"Let you bully my cousin, let you bully Lei'er, I will beat you to death."

Well, he was also on top, and he didn't even recognize him, so he was beaten violently.

This action immediately seemed to ignite a dynamite bag, and the other two companions of the tattooed man rushed towards Fang Yifan and Zhou Chen.

Ji Yangyang also yelled, pushed away the owner of the barbecue shop in front of him, and hit one of them.

In an instant, there was a crackling sound in the barbecue restaurant, and it became a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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