Chapter 230

"Ji Yangyang, your family's situation is special. You will go to the police station later. Don't talk. Even if you are asked to call your parents, don't say anything. Let me handle it."

Zhou Chen instructed Ji Yangyang.

Ji Yangyang's situation is different from the three of them. His father, Ji Shengli, is a state cadre. If his son is arrested for fighting, it will definitely be a very serious matter for Ji Shengli, and it will have a great impact.

That's why Zhou Chen told Ji Yangyang. After all, Ji Yangyang was loyal enough to help out today's matter, and he couldn't harm his father's future.

With the help of his uncle's barrister, he is confident that he can handle this matter.

Ji Yangyang was more mature than ordinary children, and when he heard Zhou Chen's instruction, he didn't object, but just nodded silently.

He was dissatisfied with his father, but that was also his father, and it was impossible for him to harm his father because of these things.

"I see."

Zhou Chen looked at Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er again, especially Fang Yifan, who was the worst of the four of them. The corner of his eye was broken, his nose was bleeding, and his clothes were stained with blood. There were also several wounds on the arms and legs.

Lin Lei'er is much better, because he is protected and cared for, but his glasses are broken.

"Don't talk to the two of you later, just follow my wink and act, do you understand?"

At this moment, Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er seemed very scared, especially Lin Lei'er, who couldn't believe that he had participated in the fight just now. Uncle's disgust.

But Fang Yifan's worry was much purer. He knew that his mother would definitely suffer when he saw him like this when he went back. This was a lesson learned from blood.

A group of four tattooed men are also gathered together at this time. They are all very depressed. They are all 40 years old. Today, they actually got into a fight with a group of teenage kids. Annoyed, it seems that he still lost.

These four teenagers, especially the leader, were very fierce, and the two most seriously injured were beaten by him.

"The children nowadays are really cruel."

"Da Lin, why do you have to bully other people's children if you have nothing to do, and now you have ended up like this."

Dalin, the tattooed man who was blamed by his companions, lowered his head and said nothing, feeling helpless in his heart. Now that he is clear-headed, thinking about what happened just now, he is really inexplicable.

It was nothing more than pushing a child. I didn't expect it to be like stabbing a hornet's nest, being hanged and beaten by others, and finally made a fuss to the point of calling the police.

"Damn, I didn't know it would happen."

The investigators from the police arrived soon, took Zhou Chen and the others and the tattooed man to the police station, and took away witnesses like the owner of the barbecue restaurant. Evidence surveillance and other things were naturally carried out. collection.

Because of Zhou Chen's reminder, after arriving at the police station, Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan didn't say anything, it was Zhou Chen who was talking, and what Zhou Chen said had only one meaning, which was to wait for the lawyer to come.

This made the investigators very surprised. Are the children now so stupid?
But the group of tattooed men confessed everything.

Song Yuan came very quickly. As the head of a large law firm, Song Yuan has been in this industry for many years, so it is easy to deal with this kind of fighting incident.

First he appeared as a lawyer, and then he took the initiative to find the tattooed man and let them settle it privately.

No one knows what he said to the tattooed men, but they quickly relented and were willing to mediate privately.

It was said to be a private mediation, but Zhou Chen and the others did not compensate the tattooed man in the end. Instead, they acted first because of the tattooed man. After being warned by Song Yuan with evidence, they honestly apologized to Lin Leier and asked for forgiveness. .

As for the medical expenses of both parties, they are responsible for themselves.

With the help of Song Yuan, although Zhou Chen and the others took a little responsibility in the end, they did not leave any criminal record, but made a simple record. However, for the damage and loss of the barbecue restaurant, both of them have to pay a certain amount of compensation .

From entering the police station to leaving, it was resolved in less than two hours. Except for Song Yuan, Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan's parents were not called over.

"Uncle, thank you."

After Zhou Chen came out, he said to his uncle Song Yuan.

Song Yuan glared at Zhou Chen: "You boy, you didn't go to school well, and you actually got into a fight with someone, you can do what you can."

Zhou Chen said: "Uncle, you can't blame me for this, they beat my classmate first."

"Okay, I don't know you yet, fighting is nothing, but you have to know your identity, those people are not good people at first sight, you dare to fight with others, and even bring your classmates to fight, if you are disabled , broken, can you take responsibility?"

Facing Song Yuan's instruction, Zhou Chen could only nod his head, not daring to refute.

"Uncle, it's getting late, let's go back first, help me send the two classmates back first, and then send me back to Scholarly Garden."

"Remember what I said, go, get in the car with me, and take you to the hospital."

While driving, Song Yuan said that the reason why today's matter can be resolved so quickly, apart from his lawyer status and ability, the most critical point is evidence.

Because of Zhou Chen's previous warning, the owner of the barbecue shop honestly kept a monitor, and the monitor clearly showed that it was the tattooed man who made the move first.

In the face of absolute evidence, he was warned by Song Yuan again, and the tattooed men were immediately persuaded, so they were able to solve the matter so quickly.

Then there was another lecture, Zhou Chen didn't speak, Fang Yifan and the others naturally couldn't speak, and listened carefully to Song Yuan's teaching.

When they were bandaging in the hospital, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang both received calls from home, but they prevaricated and said they would go back right away.

After sending Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er to the gate of their community, Lin Lei'er thanked Zhou Chen in a low voice.

"Zhou Chen, thank you for today."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Thank you, we are classmates and friends, of course we want to help you."

"Thank you, then, me, my phone?"

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to fix it tomorrow, and I'll bring it to you on Monday when it's done."

"Thank you."

"Lei'er, um, be brave in the future."

Zhou Chen patted Lin Lei'er on the shoulder and encouraged him.


Zhou Chen looked at Fang Yifan again, and asked, "How are you going to explain it when you go back?"

Fang Yifan had Band-Aids on several places on his face, and he looked a bit miserable.

"I've thought about it a long time ago. I fell while playing basketball."

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes, with your miserable appearance, did you fall into the sewer?
"You can say that, what about Lei'er's injury?"


Fang Yifan was stunned, he really didn't expect how to explain Lin Lei'er's injury.

"You go back and say that when you were playing basketball with someone, Lei'er's cell phone was broken by him, and you got into a fight to stand out for Lei'er, and Lei'er was also injured by him when he was helping you. "

"If I say that, my mother can tear me apart."

"If you say you went to the police station, your mother will even kill you."

"Okay, but you have to make a good statement with Yingzi. My mother will definitely call her and ask her if she knows that I am with her. Maybe she has already done so."

"I've told Yingzi a long time ago, so you can safely tell your mother that."

"Hey, you're still thoughtful, then Lei'er and I will go back first."

After sending off Fang Yifan, Song Yuan sent Zhou Chen and Ji Yangyang back to the Scholars Garden. Originally, he wanted Zhou Chen to go back with him, but Zhou Chen didn't want to go because he thought it was troublesome.

"Ji Yangyang, is it okay for you to go back?"

Ji Yangyang looked indifferent: "I'm fine."

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Then you go back first, uncle and I will go to the barbecue shop to deal with the matter."

"do you need my help?"

"No, you go back first."

After Ji Yangyang left, Zhou Chen and his uncle Song Yuan went to the barbecue restaurant. When they came out, they had already agreed to come back to discuss compensation.

Although the owner of the barbecue shop was very upset that Zhou Chen and the others had affected his business, he didn't dare to get too entangled after knowing that Zhou Chen was not easy. However, when discussing compensation, he was unwilling to suffer at all. After talking for a long time, The two sides reached a consensus.

(End of this chapter)

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