The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 231 The entanglement of Wang Yidi

Chapter 231 Wang Yidi's Entanglement
It was a peaceful night, and Zhou Chen went out early the next morning. Last night, he asked his uncle to find an acquaintance who repairs the mobile phone, and today he took Lin Leier's mobile phone to be repaired.

Then I went to the mall again, planning to choose a birthday gift for Qiao Yingzi. After all, I had already said what I said yesterday, so I must honor it.

After shopping all morning, Zhou Chen didn't see anything that satisfied him, so he finally thought about it and decided to buy an astronomical telescope for Qiao Yingzi.

He knew that Qiao Yingzi might already have an astronomical telescope, but he definitely couldn't play it now, so he decided to buy a good one for Qiao Yingzi.

If Qiao Yingzi dare not take it home, then put it in her own home for the time being, Qiao Yingzi can come and see it when she is free, and then give it to her when she is free.

After searching for a long time, Zhou Chen finally found a store specializing in telescopes, and chose a refracting telescope worth nearly [-] yuan.

But what made Zhou Chen depressed was that there was no stock in the store, and it took two days to transfer the stock, but another cheaper one was in stock.

Zhou Chen thought about it for a while, and finally decided to buy the better one. After all, it was the first birthday present for Qiao Yingzi, so it shouldn't be too shabby. Qiao Yingzi probably wouldn't mind waiting two more days.

After paying the money and getting the invoice, Zhou Chen gave his address to the clerk, and asked them to deliver the goods directly to his residence when they arrived.

While eating at noon, Zhou Chen received a call from Fang Yifan and complained to him, saying that he was scolded badly last night, and if it wasn't for the injuries on his body, his mother would even kill him.

Ji Yangyang and Lin Lei'er were also drawn into the prestige group formed by Fang Yifan. Ji Yangyang still sent a message in the group this morning, saying that he is fine and don't worry.

Although Zhou Chen has prestige, he has always been not used to contacting by prestige. If there is anything, he will call to talk about it, so he rarely speaks actively in the prestige group.

On the other hand, Fang Yifan was very active and often spoke in the group.

Seeing Fang Yifan complaining repeatedly in the group, Zhou Chen smiled, left Weixin, and watched small videos online.

The rest time is always short, and it will be Monday in the blink of an eye, and Chunfeng Middle School becomes lively again.

Today, Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang are particularly eye-catching, especially Fang Yifan, who seems to have become an Internet celebrity in Chunfeng Middle School. Before the morning reading class is over, it has spread throughout the school.

"Zhou Chen, what's the situation with the three of you? Did you get into a fight?"

Daxiong sat with Zhou Chen, he saw the scars on the faces of Zhou Chen and the others, and asked Zhou Chen very surprised.

Zhou Chen said in a calm tone: "I fell down playing basketball."

"Did you fall in basketball? Zhou Chen, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid to ask such an obvious question?"

"Uh, you're ruthless, but who did you fight with? Why don't you call me? If you call me, I promise you will do two for you."

Big Bear rolled up his short cuffs, revealing his fleshy arms that were comparable to the thighs of ordinary people.

"Big Bear, stop blowing it up." Fang Yifan walked over and said with disdain.

"I'm blowing? Fang Hou, just like you, it's okay for me to hit you two. It's also a fight. You can see that Zhou Chen's face is not injured. If you look at you again, you can't see it."

Da Xiong compared Fang Yifan with Zhou Chen with a look of disdain.

"Your sister, Big Bear, if you can't speak, don't speak."

Fang Yifan was very upset. He admitted that his fighting power was not as good as Zhou Chen, but it would be different if someone told him about it.

"Zhou Chen, I was taught a lesson by my mother the night before yesterday. Oh, I still envy you. Look at how nice your uncle is. Even if you fight, I won't talk about you."

"By the way, is Lei'er's phone fixed yet? Lei'er was talking about it all day yesterday."

Zhou Chen took out the mobile phone in the bag from the drawer, and handed it to Fang Yifan: "It has been repaired, and the data is not lost."

"Great, now Lei'er doesn't have to worry."

Fang Yifan was very happy. Although he didn't get along with his cousin Lin Lei'er for a long time, he still took good care of this cousin.

Especially in yesterday's situation, the timid Lin Lei'er was able to muster up the courage to act for him, which moved him very much, and felt that the love for this cousin was not in vain.

"Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan, Ji Yangyang, the three of you come out."

Pan Shuai came in from the back door and called Zhou Chen and the others to the corridor.

"The three of you are really talented. How did I tell you the day before yesterday? Especially you, Zhou Chen, how did you promise me? Then you turned around and got into a fight."

Zhou Chen was quite embarrassed. He was indeed the one who promised Pan Shuai that Saturday night, but who would have thought that such a coincidence would happen.

Although Fang Yifan had a watch on his face, his temper remained the same: "Mr. Pan, you really can't blame us for the fight. Those guys even bullied Lei'er. We are avenging Lei'er."

"Get ahead, take revenge."

Pan Shuai glared at him, and then said: "It's your impulsive behavior that always causes trouble. It's only been a few days since school started. Look at the three of you. I really don't know what to say about you, that is, you are not here. The school will beat you, or you will all be punished."

"Teacher Pan, we really can't blame us for this."

"Stop talking, I know who you Fang Yifan are, I just want to tell you, don't do that when you encounter this kind of thing in the future, I live in the community, don't you know to call me ?”

"But you guys are a bit masculine, and you didn't let the two female students participate in the fight."

Pan Shuai was angry, but he was more fortunate that no more serious consequences had happened. If he met those cruel people in society, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Have you heard it?"

"Listen, listen."

All three of Zhou Chen nodded in response.

"Okay, you guys go back to class."

Because today is Monday, the school is going to hold a flag-raising ceremony, and everyone went to the playground to line up.

Now, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang, who had the most exaggerated faces, suddenly became the focus of attention and were constantly pointed out.

Far from feeling awkward, Fang Yifan became more active, and being the focus seemed to make him happier than doing anything else.

But Zhou Chen doesn't care, he has lived for so many years, and he is much more mature than these seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school students, and he doesn't care about their eyes at all.

On the contrary, Ji Yangyang felt very uncomfortable. He was not as active as Fang Yifan, and he was not as open-minded as Zhou Chen, so he was not used to the constant gaze of others.

During the lunch break, Zhou Chen sat with Qiao Yingzi and told her about the astronomical telescope he bought.

Qiao Yingzi originally wanted to refuse because it was too expensive, but how could she win over Zhou Chen, so she could only agree in the end.

Then I started talking to Zhou Chen about astronomical telescopes, astronomical knowledge and so on.

Zhou Chen didn't know much about these, that is, he had obtained some memories in this area from the original body's memory, which was far worse than that of Qiao Yingzi, an amateur professional.

When Qiao Yingzi talked about astronomy-related knowledge, he was in a particularly good mood, and instantly turned into a big chatterbox.

"Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen."

Wang Yidi ran over from a distance and stood in front of Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Chen asked.

Wang Yidi is a bit like Fang Yifan, with a cheerful and active personality, but a bit of a broken mouth. This is why she is very beautiful, but she is not very popular.

Wang Yidi: "It's the piano piece you played when you started school, can you teach me?"

Upon hearing this, before Zhou Chen answered, Qiao Yingzi's face turned red, because she still remembered the situation that day.

"The one you're talking about, To...Qiao Yingzi?"

While Zhou Chen was talking, he looked at Qiao Yingzi with a half-smile, which made Qiao Yingzi's face even more rosy.

Wang Yidi was shocked: "Zhou Chen, the name of your piano piece is really Zhiqiao Yingzi?"

"What, can't you?"

"It's not impossible, but how is it possible, that song is so beautiful, I have never heard of it before, it must have taken a long time to make it, are you a genius, and you have a crush on Yingzi a long time ago, and then you made it To Qiao Yingzi? Yes, that's right, it should be like this."

The more Wang Yidi said, the brighter his eyes became, and his beautiful big eyes were fixed on Zhou Chen.


Zhou Chen didn't expect Wang Yidi to say such a thing, and he was quite shocked, but according to the logical thinking of normal people, it really makes sense.

From Qiao Yingzi's shy expression, one can tell.

"Tell me, Zhou Chen, do you really have a crush on Yingzi, that's why you made this song 'To Qiao Yingzi', but you've only known Yingzi for two years. Could it be that you've been secretly in love with Yingzi since the first year of high school? ?”

Although Qiao Yingzi was very shy, she didn't run away. Instead, she looked like she didn't dare to look but wanted to look. She kept glancing at Zhou Chen from the corner of her eye.

Zhou Chen glared at Wang Yidi, and said unhappily, "Why are you so gossip?"

Wang Yidi said with a smile: "I'm just curious that a scumbag like you would have a crush on a top student like Yingzi. Tell me quickly, am I right? Also, when did you start to have a crush on Yingzi. "

Zhou Chen didn't have the embarrassment and shyness of being broken into a relationship, and his face quickly returned to calm.

"Okay, since you want to know, then I will tell you, yes, I have a crush on Yingzi, and I have had a crush on Yingzi since the first year of high school, and the song to Qiao Yingzi was indeed written for Yingzi, how about it, Are you satisfied?"

"Cough cough."

Wang Yidi suddenly coughed loudly. She was really curious and wanted to ask, but she never expected Zhou Chen to answer so simply.

The main reason why secret love is called secret love is that it is hidden and cannot be put on the bright side, so they try to hide it as much as possible.

But Zhou Chen is good, not only made his secret love public, but also expressed his thoughts in front of the crush, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Whether Zhou Chen was embarrassed or not, Qiao Yingzi didn't know, anyway, she was extremely embarrassed now.

Qiao Yingzi, who is usually very manly, has completely turned into a little woman at this moment. She secretly glanced at Zhou Chen, couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and ran away.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, I found that your skin is not worse than Fang Yifan." Wang Yidi said.

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes at him, and said, "You're not thin-skinned, you're pretty, but it's a pity you have a mouth."

"You say I'm pretty?" Wang Yidi asked with a happy face.

Zhou Chen supported his forehead: "Is this the most important meaning of my words?"

Only then did Wang Yidi come to his senses: "Zhou Chen, you actually scolded me."

Zhou Chen didn't want to say anything, stood up and left. Sometimes Wang Yidi was really low in both IQ and EQ. With her, Zhou Chen was really afraid that his EQ would also drop.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, you haven't made it clear yet, did you just scold me? Let me tell you, I..."

Wang Yidi followed behind Zhou Chen, talking non-stop.

"Can you stop following me?" Zhou Chen turned around and asked helplessly.

Wang Yidi: "I just want to ask, are you willing to teach me the song To Qiao Yingzi?"

Zhou Chen asked: "Then why do you insist on learning that piece? There are so many beautiful piano pieces in the world, why do you choose to learn this piece?"

"It sounds good. I think 'To Qiao Yingzi' is really good. I like it very much, so I want to learn it. Please teach me. Please, Zhou Chen."

Seeing Wang Yidi pouting, acting coquettish and cute, he might still find it cute if nothing happened before, but now, he really just wants to get rid of Wang Yidi.

"I'm sorry, I'm too busy to teach you."

"Why don't you have time, we can study in our spare time."

"I said Wang Yidi, can you have a little insight?"

"Could it be that you don't want to teach me because Qiao Yingzi, are you afraid that she will be jealous?"

Suddenly Wang Yidi's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had reached the key point: "Yes, it must be like this, I am so beautiful, you must be afraid that Yingzi will be jealous."

"You really..."

Zhou Chen was really defeated by Wang Yidi, this woman is not only broken-hearted, but also narcissistic.

"Stop following me, if you still want to learn."

Zhou Chen stopped suddenly and threatened Wang Yidi.

Wang Yidi was overjoyed: "Then you mean, are you willing to teach me 'To Qiao Yingzi'?"


With a soft hum, Wang Yidi stopped in his tracks.

"Whether I teach you or not depends on my mood, but if you follow me again, I promise you will never learn from me." Zhou Chen threatened again.

Wang Yidi did not act stupid again this time, but smiled happily: "Then we have agreed, I will not follow you, you must teach me next time."

"Tell me to see how I feel."

After speaking, Zhou Chen turned around and left.

Wang Yidi didn't catch up this time, but stood there with a face full of thought.

"No, I have to think about it again, so that he must teach me. If I learn that song and play it in the art test, it will definitely give me extra points."

A piece of music that not many people know, but it is very pleasant, if it is played in front of the art test teacher, it will definitely be a bonus item.

This is also the reason why Wang Yidi insisted on pestering Zhou Chen.

She, Wang Yidi, is destined to take the art test, so she must make adequate preparations.

"Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen has a crush on Qiao Yingzi, then Qiao Yingzi must be his lifeblood."

Wang Yidi finally took advantage of her not-so-low IQ and thought of an important person.

(End of this chapter)

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