Chapter 233 Not going well, gossip
"Yingzi, are you planning not to go back today?"

Zhou Chen glanced at the time and asked Qiao Yingzi.

When Qiao Yingzi heard Zhou Chen's voice, he raised his head as if waking up from a dream, and then looked at his mobile phone in surprise.

"No, my mother is off work."

Qiao Yingzi was shocked, because she hadn't come to Zhou Chen for a long time, so she had let down her vigilance and forgot to set the alarm.

Standing up in a panic, Qiao Yingzi did not leave immediately, but paced back and forth a few steps, thinking of an excuse.

The music ringtone suddenly rang, and Qiao Yingzi, who was holding the phone, shivered in fright, because it was her phone ringtone that rang.

"It's Tao Zi."

Qiao Yingzi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the caller ID was Huang Zhitao. She was really afraid that it was her mother who called just now.

If it was before, she would not be so afraid, but since she entered the third year of high school, the relationship between their mother and daughter seems to have become much worse.

What's more, her mother had already warned her not to play with Zhou Chen. If her mother knew that she was playing Lego with Zhou Chen, she would be really angry.

"Hello, Tao Zi."

"Yingzi, what's your situation? Your mother called me just now and asked if you were with me."

"Then what did you say?"

"Of course I said we were together. I said you were checking the question with me, and then your mother asked you to go back early. Where did you go?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I'll go back now, thank you, Tao Zi."

After Qiao Yingzi hung up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and stood there thinking for a while.

"Zhou Chen, do me a favor, go out and see what's going on in our house now?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Yingzi, you and your mother are really a pair of miraculous mother and daughter."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you are a buddy, hurry up and show me."

"Okay, you wait here, I'll go out and take a look for you."

Zhou Chen had no choice but to open the door and go out for a stroll.

"The door of your house is closed, and I didn't hear any movement in your house, and I didn't see your mother in the elevator."

"That's good, Zhou Chen, then I'll go first."

After Qiao Yingzi finished speaking, she ran out immediately. Instead of going home directly, she took the elevator downstairs first, and then took the elevator up to the fourth floor, pretending to have come back from outside.

"You're such a clever little devil."

Zhou Chen witnessed Qiao Yingzi's series of operations, which really caught his eyes and called Qiao Yingzi in his heart.

In the last month of September, apart from studying, Zhou Chen didn't go to play anymore, but spent the rest of the time on the planning book of the mask factory.

The plan was quickly completed, and Zhou Chen handed it over to his uncle Song Yuan.

Song Yuan looked very surprised when he saw the plan sent to him by Zhou Chen, because this plan looked very professional, and it didn't seem like a senior high school student could do it. Even if he was looking for information on the Internet, he wanted to do this To a certain extent, it is definitely not an easy task.

What was even more shocking was the content of the planning book. Although some places were not perfect, most of the data and content were worthy of recognition.

It was the first time that he was able to achieve this level of planning, which really impressed Song Yuan. He felt that his nephew definitely had the talent for doing business.

So, Song Yuan no longer prevented Zhou Chen from wanting to open a mask factory, but became supportive, and told Zhou Chen that if he needed any help, he could call him directly.

After receiving Song Yuan's guarantee, Zhou Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he can start to act with all his might.

He decided to preliminarily settle the matter of the mask factory during the National Day.

He didn't plan to start a factory from scratch, but planned to buy a small factory directly, so Zhou Chen set his direct target on those small factories that were not doing well.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a mask factory. In fact, even other similar factories are much better to transform than to start from scratch. After all, other workers can directly use it.

Zhou Chen has been searching for a while and found several suitable targets.

These targets are all in the suburbs around Yanjing, and the furthest one is in a small town not very far from Yanjing.

The reason for this is also very simple. He has to go to school now, so it is impossible to leave the area of ​​Yanjing. If he is close, he can drive directly there.

Because he opened the mask factory for the purpose of the epidemic more than a year later, so the most important thing is to stockpile goods. As long as you stock up enough goods before then, whether it is used for donation or selling in the future, it will definitely not lose money. .

And Zhou Chen is also very clear that the disaster will last for a long, long time. In the future, masks are definitely important supplies. As long as there are factories and channels, making money is a matter of course.

The National Day began on the [-]st, and Zhou Chen started to get busy, earning a lap around Yanjing City, and met with the heads of several target factories.

When several people saw that the person who wanted to acquire was Zhou Chen, a boy in his teens, they lost all interest in negotiating. Only a few people were willing to talk to Zhou Chen.

It's just that the reason why these people are willing to talk to Zhou Chen is because of his age. They feel that he is young and easy to bully, and the price is doubled, and they want to cut a piece of Zhou Chen's body.

But their wishful thinking was wrong. After all, Zhou Chen had lived for decades and had been a real estate boss for a few years. How could he be the kind of person who would be bullied.

Zhou Chen naturally didn't bother to pay attention to those who wanted to take advantage of them, and only negotiated with those who were sincere.

It's just that he kept running around until the end of the National Day holiday, but couldn't find a suitable factory, so he had to go back in the end.

After returning home, Zhou Chen was very surprised to see that the living room, bedroom, bathroom and other places were spotless.

You must know that he has not come back to live for a week, so it is impossible to be so clean.

But he thought of the reason in the next moment. He gave Qiao Yingzi his key before, so that she could come and play Lego by herself when she was free.

Now that the house is so clean, Qiao Yingzi must have helped clean it.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yingzi, who is like a woman, is actually a snail girl.

After the school started on the National Day, many students were talking about where and what they played on the National Day, and some academic masters talked about what cram schools they attended and how much they learned.

Of course, the word Xueba is really too unfamiliar to the students in the basic class. They are all talking about what to play and where to play.

Even Ji Yangyang said that he went to Shanghai with his uncle to participate in an informal racing competition.

Of course, he was only in charge of watching, and it was impossible for his uncle to play for him in such a wild scene.

On the other hand, Fang Yifan kept questioning Zhou Chen, asking him where he went and what fun he was having, which made Zhou Chen really impatient.

Compared with the intrigue of negotiating acquisitions with others, the school life really made him feel relaxed and comfortable.

Another thing that is not satisfactory is that the little girl Wang Yidi always looks for him. At the beginning, she just wanted to learn piano music.

But then he slowly talked about other things, and the more he talked, he seemed to regard Zhou Chen as someone to talk about, and sometimes complained to him wronged, saying how hard it was for him to learn to sing and dance.

Zhou Chen originally thought that Wang Yidi, a girl, was annoying and talkative, but after getting in touch with her for a long time, he also discovered many advantages of Wang Yidi.

A broken mouth is really a broken mouth, but at the same time, her heart is also very big. Although Zhou Chen always pissed her off, she was also very angry and angry at the time, but she turned her head and quickly returned to normal, continuing to talk to Zhou Chen , as if nothing had happened.

From Wang Yidi's narration, Zhou Chen also knew how hard Wang Yidi was. When she was very young, her mother decided for her the idea of ​​taking an art test in the future, so she started training since she was a child.

Zhou Chen has been in the music industry for many years, and he is well aware of the hardships in this industry. It is very hard after becoming famous, let alone before becoming famous.

Wang Yidi needs to attend classes during the day, cram school at night, and even art classes during breaks, which can be said to be harder than most of the students.

Under such pressure, she was able to maintain such a mentality, like a chatterbox. To be honest, her psychological quality is really much stronger than that of her peers.

Gradually, Zhou Chen no longer hated this girl so much. Instead, he would talk to her in a few words. It was just about teaching how to play the piano, and he never let go.

"Zhou Chen, why don't you want to teach me? Is it because you composed that song for Qiao Yingzi, so you don't want to teach me?"

During the noon break, Zhou Chen found a corner to rest, but Wang Yidi rushed over again.

Zhou Chen looked helpless. He was thinking about the mask factory just now, and he was planning to go to another factory on the weekend, which was a factory in a small town next to Yanjing.

He had originally listed that factory last because it was relatively small and remote.

But after being rejected by many factories in succession, he decided to go to that factory to have a look. If it was okay, it was not impossible to talk.

While thinking about it, this Wang Yidi came.

"Wang Yidi, why do you have to worry about this? With this time, you can go to other people to learn, there is no need to stare at me."

"How can I do that? No one else is as good as you. The more I know about you, the more powerful I think you are. If I didn't know that you have a crush on Qiao Yingzi, maybe I would still have a good impression of you."

Wang Yidi sat next to Zhou Chen, resting his chin with his hands, blinking his big eyes, very agile.

Even though the girl in front of her was a little more mature than her peers, she was still just a girl, and her youthful aura couldn't be concealed.

Facing the bold girl, Zhou Chen's response method is very simple.

"No problem at all, you can have a good impression of me, you can even fall in love with me, as long as you don't mind doing three things."

"Why are you so shameless?"

Wang Yidi blushed immediately, she just teased Zhou Chen casually, but she didn't expect Zhou Chen's counterattack to be so sharp.

"I'm just so shameless, so, can you change someone else to pester me?"

"I don't, I don't believe that I can't cover you up, I must let you teach me."

Wang Yidi was determined not to back down, she had already made up her mind that she was going to fight Zhou Chen, and she had to let Zhou Chen teach her how to play the piano.

"Then just wait."

In a place not far from Zhou Chen and the others, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao stood together, staring at Zhou Chen and Wang Yidi.

"Wang Yidi is really shameless. There are so many rumors these days that she is chasing after Zhou Chen, but instead of avoiding suspicion, she keeps pestering Zhou Chen. She is too shameless. Are you right, Yingzi? ?”

Qiao Yingzi was expressionless, and said coldly: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Don't pretend, I don't know you yet. I know you must find Wang Yidi very unpleasant. You know that Zhou Chen has a crush on you, but she still wants to entangle with Zhou Chen. She is clearly provoking you."

"What's the provocation? I don't bother to talk to her, let's go somewhere else."

Qiao Yingzi pulled Huang Zhitao away, out of sight.

Although she didn't admit it, Qiao Yingzi was really upset in her heart. She had a good impression of Zhou Chen.

Especially after knowing that Zhou Chen had a crush on her, her mood became more complicated and difficult to understand. She wanted to get close to Zhou Chen, but was also very afraid. This was something she had never been in contact with, so she didn't want to Dare to think about it.

But she had to admit that seeing Wang Yidi pestering Zhou Chen all the time, she felt really uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

It's just that she knew that she was not qualified to say anything, so she could only avoid it.

As soon as Zhou Chen returned to the classroom, a group of people surrounded him.

"Zhou Chen, tell me what's going on between you and Wang Yidi? Don't you really fall in love?"

Big Bear asked Zhou Chen with a smile, which immediately caused a burst of booing from the surrounding friends.

Zhou Chen pushed away the crowd and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Wang Yidi, Big Bear, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will beat you?"

"Tch, who would believe it, we all saw that you are often together, and I heard that Wang Yidi took the initiative, hehehe."

"That's right, we've all seen it, many people have rumored that you are in a relationship, Zhou Chen, there are no waves without wind."

"Zhou Chen, you have a good eye. Although Wang Yidi has a bad mouth, she really has nothing to say about her looks. There are not many people in the school who are prettier than her."


At this moment, the male students all turned into eight women, gossiping wildly about Zhou Chen and Wang Yidi.

At this moment, Fang Yifan suddenly jumped out and said dissatisfied: "You really know one thing, but you don't know the other thing. Sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true."

This magic stick-like speech immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Fang Hou, what do you mean by that? Do you have any different opinions?"

Fang Yifan said loudly: "Of course, let me tell you, the person Zhou Chen likes is not Wang Yidi, but someone else."

"It's true, I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either, Fang Hou, tell me and listen."

Seeing everyone gathered around Fang Yifan again, Zhou Chen sighed, walked to his seat and sat down.

He already knew what Fang Yifan was going to say, but it was not bad to have Fang Yifan attract firepower for him.

 Forgot to correct the typo, it has been corrected now.

(End of this chapter)

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