The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 234 Pit the money Fang 1 Fan, is the Fang family really happy?

Chapter 234 Fang Yifan is a scammer, is the Fang family really happy?

"Zhou Chen, you are better than me, not only has an affair with Wang Yidi, but also has an affair with Qiao Yingzi."

The students who heard Fang Yifan's explanation gathered around Zhou Chen again.

Zhou Chen said in a flat tone: "Why don't you say that all the beautiful female students in the school have an affair with me?"

"Damn, Zhou Chen, are you so ambitious? Do you want to catch all the pretty girls in the school?"

Fang Yifan is a joker, and He Hongyu, the big bear, is also a naive critic. Apart from not being as smart as Fang Yifan, he is also good at gossip and gossip.

"Get out, get out where it's fun, don't disturb my reading."

Zhou Chen didn't bother to pay attention to these funny comparisons, and took out a book to read on his own, no matter what Daxiong and the others said, he would not be moved.

It has been more than a month since the start of school, and Zhou Chen has learned very fast by virtue of his extraordinary spirit. In addition to the knowledge absorbed in class, he has also read most of the books in the first year of high school, and the next step is to read the books in the second year of high school.

Two days before the National Day, the school organized a preliminary examination, and soon the head teacher came to the class with the score sheet and announced the results.

Relying on Zhou Chen's strong learning ability, in this exam, he directly got No.1 in the basic class. Even if he was placed in the parallel class, it was still above average.

As the homeroom teacher, Pan Shuai couldn't believe it when he saw this result for the first time. After confirming it a few times, he had to admit that Zhou Chen really improved too fast.

Pan Shuai is not as self-motivated as Li Meng, but he is very pleased that the students in his class can make such great progress.

For this reason, he also specially praised Zhou Chen for finding the office, and took out the Chinese test paper, and explained Zhou Chen's mistakes to him.

After two preliminary exams, together with the usual homework, Pan Shuai found that Zhou Chen's Chinese and English were unexpectedly excellent, especially in English. This time, he actually got 146 points in the preliminary exam, which really shocked many people.

Li Meng, who had always been at odds with Zhou Chen, also praised Zhou Chen a few words in the office. To her, whether the students respected her was not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that a student's grades can be excellent, especially a student like Zhou Chen who has climbed up from the bottom and made rapid progress, definitely has great potential.

Fang Yifan sat down next to Zhou Chen in a thief-like manner, and said, "How about it, do you want to thank me for helping you out?"

"Thank you?"

Zhou Chen sneered. It was originally just one scandal, but now it has become two scandals. Is this called relief?

"Thank you, no need, I have a happy thing to share with you."

Fang Yifan said excitedly, "I'm going to move to Shuxiang Yayuan too."

"Have you cheated on your cousin?" Zhou Chen asked.

Fang Yifan said in astonishment: "How could I cheat Lei'er, don't talk nonsense."

It's just that while talking, his eyes are a little evasive. The process of his moving to Shuxiang Yayuan is really a bit of a twists and turns, but he really didn't intend to trick Lin Lei'er.

But he was very strange, only he knew about this matter, not even Lin Lei'er, the person involved, how did Zhou Chen know?
"Ha ha."

"In order to chase Tao Zi, you really worked hard. You cheated your cousin, cheated your parents, I found out now, you are a big cheater, please don't cheat me again in the future." Zhou Chen sneered.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, if you say that, I'm too sad. Am I as bad as you said? Besides, I moved to Shuxiang Yayuan not only for Taozi, but also for myself and Lei'er , Every morning, I don’t have to take the bus hard, wasting so much time, and I don’t need my parents to pick me up at night, so that they can have a good rest, and they can accomplish several things in one fell swoop.”

Fang Yifan argued.

"There is no need to quibble. Have you ever thought about how much your parents can bear? The rent of Shuxiang Yayuan is at least more than 10,000 a month. Your parents gave up their big house and moved with you for you. You came to this small place only for your own convenience, have you considered your parents?"


Hearing what Zhou Chen said, Fang Yifan's face suddenly became very ugly. He never thought that the monthly rent of Shuxiang Yayuan would be more than 10,000. Although he didn't know how much his parents earned every month, he I know it's definitely not too much, more than 10,000 is definitely a lot of money for their family.

Before, he only thought about moving to Shuxiang Yayuan. In order to get closer to Huang Zhitao, he even directly tricked his cousin Lin Leier for this. At that time, he didn't think about that much at all, let alone the thoughts and feelings of his parents.

Now that Zhou Chen brought it up, he just felt that what he did was too selfish?
Looking at Fang Yifan who was lost in thought, Zhou Chen didn't say anything more. Although he and Fang Yifan had a good relationship, he could just mention it when it came to family matters. If he talked too much, it would make people feel He's nosy.

The reason why he said this to Fang Yifan today was because Fang Yifan's actions were too naive. If he didn't use this method and just talked about it well, would his parents disagree?

At the same time, he said these words because he had a good sense of Fang Yifan's parents. Compared with the other two families, Fang Yifan's parents were very similar to many parents in China, and they were more relevant and real.

Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie are good parents, Zhou Chen thinks they deserve happiness.

In the TV series, the Fang family lost their jobs one after another, and then sold the big house in order to pay back the money. In the end, although they relied on their relationship with Song Qian, they bought Song Qian's house.

It is said that it is the price of cabbage, but that is just talk, it cannot be taken seriously, besides, the price of cabbage will definitely not be low.

In the end, the couple lived in Shuxiang Yayuan. The two children were admitted to university and they were pregnant with a second child. They seemed very happy.

But in Zhou Chen's view, this is not happiness at all.

From living in a big house to a small house, neither of the couple has a serious and long-term job, and the source of income is unstable. In addition, they are getting older. The expenses of the three children in the future are really unimaginable.

How could such a family be as happy as it was shown on TV? To put it bluntly, their future life will only be more difficult.

At least it is far from the Qiao family and Ji family in the TV series.

Qiao Weidong is the boss himself, and his family has several houses in the school district, worth hundreds of millions.

Ji's family, Ji Shengli finally became the second in command in the big city, Liu Jing also has a high degree, and his future is limitless.

If there is anything that the Fang family can compare to these two, it should be the filial piety of their two children.

Whether it is Fang Yifan or Lin Lei'er, even though they have shortcomings, Fang Yuan and his wife are definitely very filial and sensible. Whether they can enjoy happiness in the future actually depends on the two brothers.

Zhou Chen is not a saint, he said this to Fang Yifan, he just hoped that Fang Yifan would mature and stop being a monster like on TV, this is his idea as a friend.

Kind people should be happy, this is the simplest idea in Zhou Chen's heart.

"Think about it. From my point of view, your liking for Huang Zhitao is the young Muai. If it's based on your parents' pain, I think it's better to forget it."

Fang Yifan didn't come back to his senses for a long time. It wasn't for Zhou Chen's reminder that he didn't know that what he did would hurt his parents.

At this moment, he felt that he was a very jerk.

(End of this chapter)

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