The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 235 Qiao Weidong Invitation to Dinner

Chapter 235 Qiao Weidong Invitation to Dinner
"What's going on with Fang Hou today? Why isn't Shensi right?"

After the evening self-study get out of class, on the way back to Shuxiang Yayuan, Zhou Chen and his classmates who lived in Shuxiang Yayuan walked together.

But what surprised Qiao Yingzi and the others was that Fang Yifan, who was usually the most active, walked in the front alone at this moment, without any sense of presence in front of Huang Zhitao.

Such a change made them very uncomfortable.

Qiao Yingzi asked Lin Lei'er who was walking beside him, "Lei'er, do you know what's going on?"

Lin Lei'er pushed his glasses and said blankly: "I don't know, he was fine when we went to school together in the morning, and I don't know why he is like this after school."

Even his cousin, who gets along day and night, finds it strange, let alone the others.

Huang Zhitao was the one Fang Yifan cared the least about: "Leave him alone, he's just like that, maybe he'll be fine again in a blink of an eye."

Only Zhou Chen knew why Fang Yifan looked like this. Fang Yifan must still be thinking about what he said today.

Fang Yifan was just heartless, not unfilial, on the contrary, he was more filial than most children, so he fell into this state after realizing his own problems.

From Zhou Chen's point of view, this is a good thing. If Fang Yifan can mature a bit in the future and stop being such a monster, he will definitely be much more reliable.

Fang Yifan's state lasted for two days. Two days later, he became the same as before, but Zhou Chen obviously found that he had changed, and he no longer pursued Huang Zhitao as passionately as before.

In addition to Zhou Chen's discovery of his changes, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, the right masters, also discovered his changes, but they were only surprised and not too entangled.

Huang Zhitao felt even more happy that finally Fang Yifan would no longer cause her troubles.

After returning to Shuxiang Yayuan, everyone went back to their respective homes. Of course, only Huang Zhitao was in the same building as them, and the rest of them lived in the same building.

Ji Yangyang lived on the first floor and went home first, followed by Fang Yifan and Lin Leier who lived on the second floor, and finally Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi took the elevator to the fourth floor.

"Zhou Chen, my dad wants to treat you to a meal."

Qiao Yingzi's words surprised Zhou Chen: "I heard that right, your dad wants to invite me to dinner? What's the situation?"

He and Qiao Weidong only met each other a few times, and it was just a few words. Why did it take so long for him to suddenly remember to invite him to dinner?

Qiao Yingzi said: "You invited me to dinner a few times before. After my dad found out, he decided to treat you to dinner. Thank you."

"Could it be a Hongmen Banquet?"

"Your home is the Hongmen Banquet, just say whether you will go or not."


"It's at home. My dad has moved to the community. It's in another building. If you agree, I'll let my dad prepare it on weekends."

"Your dad has moved here?"

Zhou Chen was a little surprised. It has only been more than a month since school started, and Qiao Weidong's speed is really fast enough. The moving and decoration were completed in more than a month.

"Well, I just moved here, but don't gossip about this matter, if it gets to my mother's ears, then my father and I will suffer."

Zhou Chen gave a different opinion: "I think it's not good for you to do this. If your mother finds out in the future, it will only cause more trouble."

Qiao Yingzi said nonchalantly: "After returning home, it's rare for my dad to move here now. There is a place where I can relax. I must cherish it."

Zhou Chen said: "Is there not enough room in my house for you to relax?"

Qiao Yingzi said with a smile: "Your home is good, but you can't grow old. It's not good if someone finds out, and it's too close to my home."

Zhou Chen said: "I think you should think about it again, but if you insist on this, I will give you a piece of advice, that is, don't delay your studies."

Qiao Yingzi is not a so-called genius. Maybe she has a better learning talent than ordinary people, but her mother's management and education methods also played a big role in becoming a top student.

"I see. On weekends, just give me a call."

"No, when the time comes, I'll come to you and take you there."

A few more days passed, and during self-study last night, Pan Shuai suddenly called Zhou Chen to the corridor.

"Zhou Chen, I asked you to come out because I have something to discuss with you."

Zhou Chen has a good feeling for Pan Shuai. Don't look at Pan Shuai's usual sloppy appearance, but he is actually very responsible to the students. Even if he is not on duty, he will not go home until after the evening self-study and get off work.

But it's hard to say whether he deliberately did this in order to wait for Li Meng.

But no matter what, Pan Shuai is a serious and responsible head teacher, and his management is more cheerful, not as strong and savage as Li Meng, so he is very popular with the students in the basic class.

"What's the matter, Mr. Pan, tell me."

Pan Shuai said: "It's like this. You have made great progress recently, especially Chinese and English are very good, and the other subjects also have great potential. Therefore, several teachers in parallel classes have taken a fancy to your potential and want to recruit you. Transferred to their class, I want to ask your thoughts."

"Don't go."

Zhou Chen refused without hesitation.

Pan Shuai looked puzzled: "Why? The parallel class is better than the basic class. Don't you want to go there?"

Zhou Chen said: "I don't want to go, Teacher Pan, I think it's best to be in your class, let alone a parallel class, even if I'm asked to go to the sprint class, I don't want to go."

"You kid still wants to go to the sprint class, your ambition is big enough."

Pan Shuai smiled, Zhou Chen's answer made him very pleased, but after so many years of teaching, it was the first time he saw someone who didn't want to go to a better class.

In fact, he didn't want to let Zhou Chen go just like that, but Li Meng was right. If Zhou Chen had potential, parallel classes and sprint classes would be more suitable for him. Competing with better classmates is conducive to progress, not always Stay in the basic class.

"But I think you don't want to go to the parallel class. It's not because you don't want me, but because you don't want the environment of the basic class. Don't think I don't know. You are always fishing. The reason why I didn't talk to you is because you didn't delay My own study and your grades are the biggest reason why I didn't find you."

Zhou Chen smiled and said nothing, of course he knows the teacher's ability, if a teacher wants to catch a student's problem, it is really too easy.

The only difference is whether the teacher will do that.

"I'll ask you again, are you really unwilling to transfer?"

Zhou Chen replied firmly: "I don't want to, I don't want to go to any class, I will stay in this class until I graduate from high school."

Pan Shuai nodded: "Okay, then I will go back to those teachers, but you have to study hard for me in the future, I have handed in books for so many years, and I have never had a student from Jingda Shuimu University, you If I can pass the exam, it will also increase my face."

"Teacher Pan, how dare you think that even in our Spring Breeze Middle School, there are not many students who can be admitted to Shuimu University and Beijing University in a year. Your expectations for me are too high."

Although Zhou Chen has the confidence to be admitted to these two most powerful universities in the country, he doesn't want to push himself so hard. We are here to enjoy life, not to suffer. There is no need to push ourselves so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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