Chapter 236 Factory Negotiation
Another weekend, Zhou Chen drove to a small town in a county east of Yanjing early in the morning.

Although this small town is close to the capital, it is not prosperous. It is just a very ordinary town. Zhou Chen's goal is a mask processing factory in this small town.

This factory was originally the one with the farthest distance and the most remote location among the target factories listed by Zhou Chen, and it was also Zhou Chen's last choice.

Now the managers of other factories have clearly rejected him. There is no other way. Zhou Chen can only find this factory to try. factory.

It’s just that in that case, it will be more time-consuming and labor-intensive, the investment may be greater, and the cycle to get on the right track will be longer.

After driving for two hours, they arrived at their destination. Not long after entering the town, Zhou Chen stopped beside the black van that lit up in front.

"Plate N376, that's right, it's this one."

Before coming here, Zhou Chen had already talked to the other party on the phone, and the other party said that he would wait for him at this place, and the license plate number was 376.

There were two people standing next to the van. When they saw Zhou Chen's car stop, they had no time to express their feelings, and immediately greeted them.

As soon as Zhou Chen's car window was rolled down, the two men immediately bowed down and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Zhou Chen?"

Zhou Chen looked at these two people, a man who looked a little old, and a young man who was about more than 20 years old. They looked very similar, they were not father and son, but they must be relatives.

"Yes, I am Zhou Chen, and you are the director Xie of the Guanbing mask processing factory?"

The middle-aged man immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I am Xie Guanbing from the Guanbing Mask Factory."

So Zhou Chen got out of the car, shook hands with the middle-aged man, and said, "Xie the factory manager, hello, I am Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen was wearing casual clothes today. Although he still looked young, Xie Guanbing and the two of them were not surprised, because they already knew what kind of person the boss who was coming this time was.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, welcome to our Liji Town."

Xie Guanbing shook hands with Zhou Chen very happily. Looking at the sports car Zhou Chen drove over, he knew that Zhou Chen was definitely a second-generation rich man. For such a person, even if the investment is just for fun, it is a life-saving straw for a small factory like them. .

"Xie the factory manager, you can just call me by my name, you don't have to be so polite."

"Then I'll call you Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, the roads in our Liji Town are not very good. I'm afraid it will be difficult for a sports car like yours to drive to our factory."

Liji Town is just a small town, and their factory is located in a relatively remote place. There will inevitably be potholes on the roads in the countryside. If the sports car is driven past regardless, it may be seriously damaged.

Zhou Chen understood: "Then do you have a good parking place here?"

Xie Guanbing immediately replied: "Yes, we can drive to the town government first, there is a parking place there, which is convenient and safe."

"Okay, then you lead the way, and I will follow you behind you."

The town government is not far from here, and they arrived very quickly. Xie Guanbing seemed to be very familiar with the guard here, and after Zhou Chen stopped the car, he gave a special instruction to the guard.

Zhou Chen got into the van, first shook hands with the young man, and after introducing him, he found out that this young man is Xie Guanbing's son, named Xie Jialin, and now manages the family's factory together with his father.

While in the car, Xie Jialin was in charge of driving, while Xie Guanbing introduced the situation of their factory to Zhou Chen.

Guanbing Mask Factory was founded by Xie Guanbing, and it has been more than ten years. Judging from the name of the factory, we can know how deep his affection for this factory is.

Guanbing Mask Factory is the only factory in Liji Town with more than 300 workers. It goes without saying that Xie Guanbing was able to develop a small factory with a few workers into a large factory with more than 300 workers.

It's just that in today's society, it doesn't mean that one can accomplish things with the ability.

Over the years, the factory has continued to expand, from the previous one production line to the current three production lines, workers, managers, dormitories, canteens and so on.

Prices are constantly rising, and workers' wages are also rising, but the factory's profits have not risen, and have been declining year by year in the past few years.

In such a situation where they can't make ends meet, the Xie family and his son are relying on their own family property to support them, and even the town government has given them great preferential treatment, hoping that they can continue to open the factory.

After all, it is a factory with more than 300 employees, and [-] to [-] percent of the workers in the factory are from the town, and many people in the surrounding area live by this small factory.

If the factory closes down, hundreds of people may be laid off and lose their jobs. This is something that the town government absolutely does not want to see.

So in order to keep the factory open, the town government gave them various preferential treatment, and even helped them with loans to make them struggle.

It's just that no matter how hard Xie's father and son try, their performance is difficult to improve. The main reason is that there are too few sales channels, so that the factory has too much inventory that cannot be sold.

There is too much inventory to sell, so naturally there is no money to turn back, but Xie's father and son are considered real people, in order to ensure workers' wages, they did not suspend work.

If this vicious circle continues, it is not easy for them to persist until now. They have been looking for investors everywhere, but those people dare not invest in shares after learning about the situation of their factory.

You can think about it, most of the workers in a factory know each other. If they really play tricks, outsiders can't beat them at all.

Small capital is unwilling to invest, and big capital looks down on such a small factory, so that Xie Guanbing and his son are anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Seeing that they were about to be unable to hold on, Zhou Chen suddenly appeared, so even though Zhou Chen was young and seemed unreliable, they still approached Zhou Chen with the most sincere attitude.

What if it succeeds?

However, Xie Guanbing didn't fully say these things. Although he is a real person, he is also a businessman. Naturally, it is impossible to explain all the problems in his factory.

But even if he didn't say anything, Zhou Chen already knew about it, because before he came, he had already asked his uncle Song Yuan to investigate the situation of the Guanbing Mask Factory, and he knew very well the plight that the Xie family and his son were facing now.

Now in the car, it is not a place to negotiate, and Zhou Chen wants to go to the factory to see the specific situation before making a conclusion.

Liji Town is not big, so I drove a van and arrived at my destination in less than 10 minutes.

Zhou Chen got out of the car and took a look. Oh, what I saw in front of me was a dilapidated factory building. Although the tallest one was only three floors, it occupied a large area.

There are no residents around the factory, and there are vacant lands everywhere, and it cannot be said to be vacant land. It should be said that it is a field that has been harvested. The next crops have not yet been planted, so it looks like wasteland.

"Mr. Zhou, this is our factory. Although our factory doesn't look good on the outside, our factory is actually very strong, and the workers are also very hardworking. They are even more diligent than those workers in the city."

Xie Jialin took the initiative to introduce Zhou Chen, and when he talked about his factory, he looked very proud.

Although their Xie family is not the richest man in Liji Town, but because of the mask factory, they are definitely the biggest force in the town, and they are especially respected and treated preferentially.

It is also part of the reason why their father and son are determined to keep the factory open despite knowing the difficult situation.

Xie Jialin's words made Zhou Chen smile, he didn't know why Xie Jialin had such an idea.

Country people must be more diligent than city people?
This is completely a kind of prejudice, country people must be hardworking, and city people must be lazy?
Zhou Chen admits that some rural people are very hardworking, but he can't say that they are all. On the contrary, he knows that many people in the city are as hardworking as the farmers in the countryside, and even work harder.

It can even be said that the pressure of rural people is far less than that of urban people.

For most rural people, their thinking is very simple. As long as they have a place to live, a piece of land to cultivate, and they can chat with their neighbors and play cards, their days will pass.

It looks like hard work, but it's actually not too stressful.

On the contrary, those who want to gain a foothold in the city, or those who have already gained a foothold in the city, their pressure is really huge.

Jobs, houses, medical care, insurance, children going to school, etc., are all things that make people fearful when they think about it.

In this case, can the pressure not be too much?Dare you work hard?
Xie Jialin on the side didn't know what Zhou Chen was thinking, so he continued to introduce.

"From top to bottom, our factory has more than 300 people, nearly 400 people. Because most of them are locals, there are very few staff dormitories, but they have their own canteens, playgrounds, etc."

The countryside is vast, so such a small factory also has its own playground. If it is located in an urban area, ordinary factories really dare not plan it that way.

Zhou Chen didn't express any opinions, but just walked around the factory with Xie's father and son.

First the periphery, followed by the internal production line.

The number of workers is indeed quite large, but Zhou Chen discovered many problems.

In a factory, the clothes are not uniform, and all kinds of clothes look very uncomfortable.

Zhou Chen was also very dissatisfied with the hygienic environment of the production line.

You must know that this is a place where masks are produced. It was supposed to be hygienic, but the production line turned out to be unhygienic. What kind of work attitude is this?

In addition to these two aspects, there are various other problems, more than Zhou Chen imagined.

But apart from problems, there are still some advantages. For example, several production lines are indeed well-equipped, and the site is really large. Many workers are veterans and the speed is relatively fast.

But Zhou Chen didn't know that it was because he wanted to come here, and he deliberately showed that he was still in normal working condition.

After shopping around, it happened to be noon, Xie Guanbing did not discuss investment with Zhou Chen immediately, but took Zhou Chen to a restaurant in the town first.

"Mr. Zhou, we are a small place, please don't mind."


Of course Zhou Chen didn't care, it was just a meal.

After lunch, Zhou Chen walked around the factory with Xie Guanbing and his son, and then went to the office to talk to them about the purpose of his visit.

Xie's father and son are not good negotiators, especially now that the factory is in crisis, their needs are too urgent.

So much so that from the very beginning, Zhou Chen took the initiative, put forward various demands, and then tempted them with various benefits, and gradually led them into his plan.

With the previous suggestion, and meeting a father and son who urgently needed investment, Zhou Chen quickly set out his own conditions.

"The condition is what I just said. I am responsible for the capital injection. You father and son can keep their current positions, but I will send more professional management personnel. The workers in the factory must obey the arrangements of the management personnel. If the requirements cannot be met, I will Let people directly warn and expel, and..."

The Xie family's father and son's face became more and more ugly the more they heard it. According to Zhou Chen's meaning, this was to deprive them of most of their power, which was unacceptable to them.

"Mr. Zhou, your conditions are difficult for us to accept. What we need is investment, not selling the factory."

Zhou Chen nodded, and said: "Since we have talked about it, it will be easier to talk about it. I have invested money, and of course I don't want my money to go to waste. I must arrange my people to come and watch; now there are two options Let you choose, one is that I directly buy your factory, and you offer a price, and the second is that I invest in shares, but if this is the case, I must ensure that my investment returns, and the conditions I just mentioned you will You must agree."

Xie Guanbing didn't speak, but Xie Jialin asked, "If it's a purchase, how much can you pay?"

In fact, he had long planned to sell the factory, but he also knew his father's feelings for the factory, so he never raised it before.

However, they have repeatedly hit the wall and made their survival more difficult. If they continue to hold on like this, their family will really be ruined.

Feelings are feelings, but the life of the whole family must also be taken care of.

"One thousand and five million."

"How many?"

Xie's father and son couldn't believe their ears.

"One thousand and six million." Zhou Chen said again.


Xie Guanbing shouted angrily: "Zhou Chen, do you know what you are talking about? There are more than 300 people in my factory, and the annual revenue alone is tens of millions, and the profit is even more impressive. 6 million want to buy My factory is like a dream."

Hearing the figure of tens of millions, Zhou Chen really wanted to laugh. In this year, the revenue of the Guanbing mask processing factory did not exceed 10 million. I really don’t know where they got their confidence.
Zhou Chen said calmly: "Listen to me clearly, the 6 million I said is not the price of the entire factory, but I will give you 6 million to your father and son. I will take over your factory, including the debts in the factory. , loans, inventories, and wages owed, etc.”

The father and son, who were still very angry just now, seemed to be strangled by the neck, unable to make a sound.

As the managers of the factory, they are very clear about the current situation of the factory. In the past few years, the annual profit dividends could be several million for their family alone.

But that was in the past after all, and now, because of poor management, let alone profits, the relatives who have partnered with them have already made trouble because of the past few years.

After hesitating for a long time, Xie Guanbing said: "President Zhou, give us some time, we need to think about it."

Zhou Chen said: "Sure, then I'll go back today and call me when you're done thinking about it, but I won't wait too long, I'll only give you a month to think about it."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Chen didn't stay here any longer, but drove back to Yanjing City.

Zhou Chen returned home, took a shower, and then dressed neatly.

Tonight, he was going to have a banquet with Qiao Yingzi at Qiao Weidong's place. Although he felt that the banquet this time might not be a good one, he still did not refuse.

'Zhou Chen, are you ready? '

Looking at the text message from Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen replied: Ready, how can I go there?

'I'll be waiting for you at the elevator entrance. '

'it is good. '

He knew that the reason why Qiao Yingzi was so bold was because Song Qian was not at home today, otherwise, she would not have dared to wait for him to go with him at the elevator entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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