The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 237 Qiao Yingzi's Great Change of Beauty

Chapter 237 Qiao Yingzi's Great Change of Beauty
Zhou Chen saw Qiao Yingzi at the elevator entrance on the fourth floor, but when he saw Qiao Yingzi clearly, his eyes almost fell out.

"Yingzi, what's your situation? Are you really Qiao Yingzi?"

I saw that Qiao Yingzi's hair was not tied up, but casually scattered on her shoulders. She was wearing an off-white mid-length floral skirt with a waist, and a pair of small white shoes under her feet.

In Zhou Chen's impression, Qiao Yingzi has always been a hero of the female high school, and her clothes are also simple, and she is rarely seen dressing up.

But Qiao Yingzi in front of her, in a dress and white shoes, looks very pure and beautiful, maybe not alluring, but it can also make it difficult to move one's eyes at a glance.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhou Chen has known Qiao Yingzi for so long, and Qiao Yingzi at this moment is undoubtedly the most touching.

Qiao Yingzi gave Zhou Chen a blank look, "What? Don't you recognize me?"

Zhou Chen said: "It's true that I almost didn't recognize it. You have changed too much. The female man becomes a pure school girl in seconds."

"Go away, a dog can't spit out ivory, you are a woman." Qiao Yingzi cursed at Zhou Chen 'viciously'.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "I'm not the only one who said that, everyone said that, you are the only girl in Chunfeng Middle School who dares to play basketball with a group of boys."

Qiao Yingzi snorted, "That's because you boys are too good, and you need a girl like me to save you."

"Yes, you are amazing."

Zhou Chen folded his hands on his chest, touched his chin with his thumb and index finger, and looked Qiao Yingzi up and down.

"However, Yingzi, you are really beautiful in this suit. If you go to school dressed like this, I don't know how many people will be shocked."

"You're stunned, let's go."

Qiao Yingzi walked into the elevator quickly to hide the blushing on her face.

She dressed up specially today, and it took her nearly an hour, which was no easier than studying.

Now that her makeup results have been praised by Zhou Chen, she feels sweet in her heart, which proves that her time was not wasted.

"Yingzi, it's the first time I'm going to your father's place, should I buy some presents?"

"What gift to buy, it's just a meal."

"That's hard to say. It may also be the first meeting between the father-in-law and his son-in-law. Of course, it must be taken seriously."

Qiao Yingzi's face turned red all of a sudden, and he wanted to hit Zhou Chen, but seeing Zhou Chen's half-smile expression made him even more embarrassed.

"Zhou Chen, I realize that you are becoming more and more shameless now. Who is your father-in-law? Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, I was wrong, it's the quasi-father-in-law, okay?"

"Zhou Chen, do you still want to eat? If you want to eat, shut your mouth quickly, or you will get to my father later and see how he will deal with you."

Qiao Yingzi's coquettish look made Zhou Chen pinch her face.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you."

Qiao Yingzi roared and rushed towards Zhou Chen.

The two fought and walked out of the stairs. In the end, Qiao Yingzi still couldn't hold back Zhou Chen, and accompanied Zhou Chen to the gate of the community.

Zhou Chen didn't buy any valuables, he just carried a few catties of fruit, and then went to Qiao Weidong's place with Qiao Yingzi.

"Warning you again, when you get to my dad's side, don't talk nonsense, do you understand?"

Although Qiao Yingzi already had a crush on Zhou Chen, she only had a crush on Zhou Chen and didn't think about what to do with Zhou Chen. She was also afraid that Zhou Chen's vague relationship with herself would be known, especially her parents.

"Don't worry, I understand that even if I want to chase you, it won't affect your studies, let alone your college entrance examination."

"Who wants you to chase after me, I hate it to death."

Zhou Chen asked: "That's hard to say, Yingzi, are you planning to take the Jinling University exam? I have already decided that I will also take the Jinling University exam in the future."

Compared to going to university in Yanjing, Zhou Chen really wants to go to other cities. Jinling is very close to his real world city. Even if it is different from the real world, but being able to get closer will give me some comfort.

"How did you know that I was going to be admitted to Jinling University?" Qiao Yingzi asked Zhou Chen in surprise.

Zhou Chen: "Of course I guessed it. You like astronomy the most, and the astronomy department of Jinling University is the best in the country. With your personality, you must apply for the astronomy department of Jinling University in the college entrance examination."

Qiao Yingzi: "I didn't see it, you still have this kind of research on me?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Of course, after all, I have been secretly in love with you for more than two years, so I should get some useful information more or less."

Qiao Yingzi looked helpless: "Zhou Chen, can we discuss it, and don't always bring up this matter in the future, okay?"

She really couldn't understand that Zhou Chen was able to say such a thing so unscrupulously and without shyness in front of him. If it were her, she wouldn't be able to say it.


Zhou Chen was smiling, and he was deliberately making fun of Qiao Yingzi. In fact, there was no such thing as a crush, but now he didn't mind making Qiao Yingzi take it seriously.

The longer he has been in contact with Qiao Yingzi, the more he has discovered that Qiao Yingzi is indeed a treasured girl. If she becomes a girlfriend, it will be very interesting.

Qiao Yingzi knocked on the door, and the door was opened soon. Qiao Weidong looked at them with a smile.

"Yingzi, you are here, classmate Zhou Chen, you are here too, come in and sit down."

"Uncle Joe."

Zhou Chen called out, then walked in with Qiao Yingzi, and put the fruit he bought on the kitchen table.

There was already a lot of food on the dining table in the living room, and there was a big hot pot in the middle.

"Wow, hot pot, I like hot pot the most, Dad, you know me best."

Qiao Yingzi cheered and rushed to the table, happily looking at the hot pot and the surrounding ingredients.

Qiao Weidong was full of smiles. Although he was a rich man, the most important thing to him was his daughter. As long as he could see his daughter's smiling face, he was more happy than making money.

"Student Zhou Chen, I heard from Yingzi that you take good care of her. Uncle, I want to thank you very much. I will eat hot pot tonight. Do you think it will work?"

Zhou Chen immediately replied: "Of course there is no problem, I also like hot pot very much."

"is it?"

Qiao Weidong showed a meaningful smile, "I heard Yingzi say, how many times have you treated her to dinner? The students nowadays are really rich. High school students have so much pocket money to treat girls to dinner. Your family members still don't like it. It's really worth it."

Zhou Chen's expression didn't change. He heard the meaning of Qiao Weidong's words, that he was very dissatisfied with Qiao Yingzi's invitation to dinner.

But Zhou Chen wasn't too surprised. Qiao Weidong was a daughter slave to begin with. For a father like him, any boy who dared to play tricks on his daughter was an enemy.

In the TV series, even Fang Yifan, who has known each other for many years, hugged Qiao Yingzi, which would make him so nervous that he would explode, and even almost turned against his friends. One can imagine how far this daughter slave has reached.

Qiao Weidong and Song Qian are essentially the same kind of people, especially when it comes to daughters, there is no lower limit, they are only for their daughters, and they can give together for this.

Qiao Weidong is better than Song Qian in that he will not deny his relatives like Song Qian. If it were Song Qian today, Zhou Chen would have been blasted away long ago, and still wants to eat?
"Dad, stop talking."

Qiao Yingzi quickly pulled his father away, and explained to him the situation at Zhou Chen's house in a low voice.

After hearing this, Qiao Weidong was very surprised. Is this child's life experience so complicated?

(End of this chapter)

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