Chapter 239 Going to College Together
Zhou Chen carried Qiao Weidong to the bed almost by himself.

"Yingzi, don't be afraid of your mother, daddy, daddy will protect you, Song, Song Qian, I, I warn you, you, if you dare to bully Yingzi again, I, I..."

Falling on the bed, Qiao Weidong was still uttering harsh words and dancing, as if he wanted to fight someone.

"Yingzi, your father is really interesting."

When watching the TV series Xiao Huanxi, Qiao Weidong was a funny character, but that was for watching after all. Now after getting in touch with him personally, he found that Qiao Weidong is indeed very funny, especially when he is drunk.

Qiao Yingzi looked ashamed, she was not stupid, she could tell that her father wanted to get Zhou Chen drunk.

But in the end, after the meal, Zhou Chen was still fine, but he himself had already collapsed on the bed, still muttering drunken words there.

"Zhou Chen, what happened today is really embarrassing. I didn't think of my dad either."

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, I've already made a promise to Brother Qiao. Between brothers, it doesn't matter so much, but you will call me uncle in the future."

Qiao Yingzi was furious and said, "Zhou Chen, don't talk nonsense, my dad is drunk, so it doesn't count at all."

Zhou Chen: "It's not up to you to decide whether to count or not. I think you don't want to count. Are you afraid that if I become brothers with your father, you will have no chance to be with me?"

Qiao Yingzi said hehe: "Your skin is really getting thicker and thicker. It's you who have a crush on me, not me."

The words that came out of her mouth made her face turn red all of a sudden.


"I won't tell you anymore. I have to clean up. If I don't go home, my mother will go to check again."

"I'll help you."

Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi worked together, quickly cleaned up the dining table, and then they left together.

"My dad wakes up tomorrow. If he knows what happened tonight, he doesn't know how embarrassed he will be."

Qiao Yingzi's face was full of gloating, and he didn't feel distressed at all because he was his father. On the contrary, he was looking forward to seeing his father's embarrassment.

"Your father is really happy to have a daughter like you." Zhou Chen teased.

Qiao Yingzi: "I see that you have been patronizing drinking today, and you haven't eaten much food. This time it won't be counted. I will treat you to another meal next time."

"That's a good relationship, but what about the two of us next time? Don't get another light bulb."

Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes at Zhou Chen, and said coquettishly, "You think beautiful."

"Zhou Chen, I heard that you did well in the basic test this time. A teacher in a parallel class wanted to transfer you there, but you refused?"

"Well, Teacher Pan talked to me, but I refused. I think it's good to be in the basic class. I have plenty of time and won't delay my own review; if I go to the parallel class, there are so many tasks and homework every day. free time."

"Besides, if I have any problems, I can also find you. Will you not help me?"

"Of course not, but I'm not a teacher, so I can't understand everything. I think if you want to go to a good university, you'd better go to a good class. The learning environment and competitiveness of a good class are comparable to those of a bad class." Than."

Qiao Yingzi suggested to Zhou Chen that she sincerely hoped that Zhou Chen could improve his studies and get admitted to an ideal university.

Zhou Chen said confidently: "Don't worry, Yingzi, I promise to get an excellent result in next year's college entrance examination, and I will report to Jinling University with you."

Qiao Yingzi's face turned red all of a sudden: "Who said I want to go to Jinling University with you?"

"You don't agree that I also want to take the Jinling University. Anyway, I will go to Jinling University."

"Hmph, let's wait until you pass the exam."

"You mean, if I pass the exam, you agree to report with me at Jinling University?"

"I didn't say, don't misunderstand."



The next day was still the weekend. Zhou Chen got up early in the morning to run and exercise. While running around the community, he met Wang Yidi's mother and daughter who also woke up early to practice their voices.

Seeing this pair of mother and daughter, Zhou Chen ran away without saying a word. He didn't dare to be entangled with these two people, otherwise he would not be able to get away.

After washing up, Zhou Chen made breakfast by himself, simple egg noodles.

Randomly swiping prestige, he found that Xie's father and son had no reply, and he was not in a hurry. Guanbing Mask Factory was not the best choice. If Xie's father and son were unwilling, he would not force it.

Taking a step back, even if there is no suitable factory to buy, he can build one by himself, but it will take a lot of time.

But Zhou Chen also thought of a countermeasure. If the factory cannot be put into production quickly, he can buy a large number of masks first. In this way, even if a disaster occurs in the next year, he can deal with it calmly.

Zhou Chen took out his high school physics book, flipped through it carefully, and did calculations on the paper from time to time, very seriously.


A pleasant piano sound sounded, Zhou Chen picked up the phone, and the caller showed an unfamiliar number.



A few seconds later, Zhou Chen hung up the phone abruptly, his face became extremely cold.

He never expected that the person who called him just now turned out to be 'his' father, that is, the man who cheated on his wife when his wife was seriously ill.

So after knowing the other party's identity, Zhou Chen didn't give him a chance to speak, hung up the phone directly, and then quickly blocked his phone number.

Don't talk to me about being filial or not. When you meet this kind of scumbag, it's not bad if you don't yell at him. How can you expect to talk to him politely?
After a while, another strange call came. After Zhou Chen connected, he quickly hung up again.

It was still that man, which made Zhou Chen very upset, and blocked the call again.

After hanging up twice in a row, the caller didn't continue to call, and Zhou Chen soon forgot about him and continued with his homework review.

Lunch is not as easy to make as breakfast, so Zhou Chen is not going to make it at home, but is ready to go out to eat after taking the key.

When he came out of the stairwell, Zhou Chen was still thinking about which restaurant to go to today. After all, there are dozens of restaurants around here, and there are many good ones, not to mention that he still has a car and time, so he can go to a restaurant further away .

It's just that he just walked out of the stairwell a few steps, his face changed.

In front of him, there were three people standing there, two men and one woman. The two men were dressed in neat suits and protected the woman in the middle. They seemed to be bodyguards.

It was that woman, and Zhou Chen's face changed when he saw her. Although in his memory, 'he' had only seen this woman a few times, it was still deeply imprinted in his mind, making him see this woman again. I recognized it.

Wang Xue.

The scumbag's father's cheating partner during his mother's serious illness is now also the scumbag's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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