The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 240 Scumbag Little 3, bloody plot?

Chapter 240 The scumbag boy, the bloody plot?

Looking coldly at Wang Xue who appeared in front of him, Zhou Chen raised his head and glanced at the sky.

He is well aware of this woman's tricks, since his mother passed away, they haven't seen each other again, and they suddenly appeared today, could it be that the sun came out from the west?
Gui saw it, but Zhou Chen didn't pay attention to her meaning. He kept his eyes fixed, pretended not to see them, and prepared to walk around from the side.

But who would have thought that Wang Xue and two bodyguards suddenly blocked the way and stood in front of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen's face turned cold, and he shouted, "Get out."

Wang Xue's real age is more than 30 years old, but her delicate makeup makes her look very young. People who say that she is more than 20 years old will believe it.

"How do you talk? Anyway, I am also your father's current wife, and legally speaking, I am also your mother. Do you ever talk to your mother like this?"

"just you?"

Zhou Chen showed disdain on his face, "A scumbag from a junior background is also qualified to be my Zhou Chen's mother? Seeing you makes me feel sick, so get the hell out of here."

"You little bastard."

Wang Xue's eyes widened, and her anger exploded, making her look very fierce.

"Who does the bastard scold?"

"Bitch scolding..."

Wang Xue reacted suddenly, her face became extremely gloomy, she pointed at Zhou Chen and cursed: "You, you..."

Her chest kept rising and falling, but facing Zhou Chen's cold eyes, she finally didn't curse, but took a deep breath.

"Zhou Chen, I came to you today not to quarrel with you, but to talk to you about something."

Zhou Chen: "I'm sorry, I hate Xiaosan very much, and I have nothing to talk to Xiaosan."

After speaking, he was about to leave, but Wang Xue's two bodyguards stood in his way again.

"Zhou Chen, I'm talking to you, who made you go?"

Zhou Chen stopped and looked at Wang Xue again: "Are you threatening me?"

Wang Xue snorted coldly: "I don't bother with you, it was your father who asked me to come to you."


Zhou Chen had a mocking expression on his face. Naturally, he didn't regard that kind of man as his father, but he was really curious, what was the purpose of that scumbag who abandoned his wife and son, after so many years, came to him again?

But no matter what it is for, he can be sure that it will definitely not be to fulfill his father's responsibility.

"That's right, your dad asked me to come. Your dad is sick and he wants to see you."

Zhou Chen suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Are you sick? Are you going to die?"

Wang Xue's face turned ashen immediately: "Is there any son like you? How can you say such a thing?"

"There's nothing to say to a woman like you. Go back and tell that guy not to come to me again, unless he's really dead. Then maybe I'll burn two pieces of paper money for him."

Seeing that Zhou Chen was unmoved, Wang Xue immediately became anxious: "Zhou Chen, your father is seriously ill and must undergo a bone marrow transplant to recover. You are his son, and your bone marrow must match his. Now you have to go The hospital does the check-matching."

"I see."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen finally understood.

Let's just say, I haven't looked for him for several years, and suddenly came to him at this time, there must be something for him.

It's just that he didn't expect that such a thing would happen, and that guy had the nerve to ask him to do bone marrow matching. What kind of father must be able to do this?

"Then I can tell you clearly now, as far as I can go, I could burn two pieces of paper money for him before, but now, I won't even burn a piece of paper for him. If he dies, I risk At the risk of being caught, they have to buy tens of thousands of firecrackers to set off."

"You can't go."

Seeing that Zhou Chen refused to agree, Wang Xue became even more anxious. She had to get Zhou Chen to agree, otherwise, Zhou Guodong would let her son do the matching.

Once her son is successfully married, Zhou Guodong will definitely force her to agree to his son's bone marrow donation with his cruelty.

So there was only one way to prevent this from happening, and that was to force Zhou Guodong's eldest son, Zhou Chen, to donate bone marrow.

When I came to find Zhou Chen today, I had both Zhou Guodong's order and her own urgency.

Zhou Chen's eyes flickered coldly: "Why, is it possible that you still want to persecute me?"

Wang Xue said eagerly: "Zhou Chen, I can give you money, as long as you are willing to save your father, I am willing to pay, 10 million, 20 million, whatever it is."

She is very greedy for money, but also very rational, knowing that Zhou Guodong is the most important at this time. Once Zhou Guodong falls, their mother and son's ability is not enough to fight those people in the company, so she must ensure that Zhou Guodong is alive.

"10 million, 20 million?"

Zhou Chen laughed contemptuously, not to mention that he is not short of money now, even if he is poor and can't get rid of the blame, it is impossible for him to donate bone marrow to that kind of scumbag.

"Tell you clearly, even if you give me all your property, I can't help you."

"Zhou Chen, don't be too heartless, he is your father, I advise you not to force us, otherwise..."

Facing Wang Xue's threat, Zhou Chen was even more contemptuous: "Otherwise, what about? Do you use force? You can try it."

Then he looked coldly at the two bodyguards standing in front of him, and said coldly, "Say it again, get the hell out of here."

The two bodyguards remained indifferent, but Wang Xue said sharply: "Wang Meng, catch him for me and take him to the car outside."

One of the bodyguards immediately reached out to grab Zhou Chen after hearing Wang Xue's order, but Zhou Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and his muscles tensed up, ready to strike.

The current him is not the original high school student. Not long after the time travel, his physical fitness has been raised to the value on the system panel.

Although these two bodyguards were tall and powerful, Zhou Chen was worthy of them at all. If he really tried to fight, he was sure to bring them down.

But just when he was about to make a move, something unexpected happened.

Today is the weekend, Tong Wenjie did not go to work, but went to the nearby supermarket to buy vegetables with her husband Fangyuan, planning to cook a delicious meal for the two children at noon.

As for Fang Yuan, he didn't go to work either, no, it should be said that even if he wanted to, he didn't have a class, because he had already resigned, so he was waiting to go through the resignation procedures.

"Honey, why do you think it's so hard to find a job now? I'm also a brilliant student who graduated from a prestigious University of Political Science and Law, but now I've fallen to the point where no one wants me. What's wrong with this society?"

Fang Yuan complained endlessly in his heart. Although unemployment made him uncomfortable, it was not decadent.

However, during the period of resignation and re-employment, he has seen what it means to be warm and cold, and the world is cold and cold.

Obviously there are so many friends and alumni, but no one is willing to provide him with job opportunities, which makes him very depressed.

"Husband, it's okay. I still have a job. Don't worry about your job. We'll look for it slowly. You said it. After all, I graduated from the University of Political Science and Law. It's not like I can't even find a job. Maybe it's the timing." It hasn't arrived yet."

Unlike Fangyuan, who has always been muddling along, Tong Wenjie understands the difficulties in the workplace better, and also understands why Fangyuan has not been able to find a suitable job until now.

When people reach middle age, what they fear most is unemployment.

Because middle age is not like youth, everything can be restarted, and it is not like old age, even if you lose your job, you still have children to rely on.

Middle-aged men are the most difficult. There are old and young, and there is a wife in the middle, that is, Tong Wenjie, who has a good personality. Otherwise, the family may be in trouble.

"Maybe, I'll look for it again. If it doesn't work, I'll put down my face and go beg someone. The huge city of Yanjing can starve me to death."

Depression is depression, but Fangyuan is not completely desperate at this time, he is still looking forward to finding a good job.

"But my wife, let me stress again. Don't let the two children know about my unemployment. Now they are in the third year of high school, and they are under a lot of pressure to study. I can't let them be distracted by my work."

Tong Wenjie said, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it secret for you."

"That's good." Fang Yuan felt relieved.

Arm in arm, the two returned to the rented community building, and saw that there seemed to be something wrong in front of their staircase unit.

"Hey, what's the situation over there? Fangyuan, look at that kid, is he in the same class as Fang Yifan?"

"Which one follows which?"

"That's the one, the boy Fang Yifan borrowed the car from last time."

Fang Yuan took a closer look, and immediately called out: "That's right, it's that kid, who seems to be called Zhou Chen, but what's going on with him now, has someone stopped him?"

Tong Wenjie said: "He is Fanfan's classmate, he seems to be blocked by someone, let's go and have a look."

"Okay, Wen Jie, you follow me, I'll go see what's going on, this is in public, what's the purpose of this?"

With that said, Fang Yuan handed the bag in his hand to Tong Wenjie, and trotted over with his belly outstretched.

"What? What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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