Chapter 241 Flip over and slap the mistress

"What are you doing?"

Fang Yuan shouted and rushed to Zhou Chen's side, first pulled Zhou Chen behind him, then puffed out his stomach, and angrily yelled at the two bodyguards.

Although these two bodyguards are tall and powerful, Fang Yuan is not afraid at all. This is in broad daylight, and he does not believe that these two people really dare to do something.

Fang Yuan's sudden intervention made Zhou Chen and Wang Xue a little dazed, especially Zhou Chen.

Originally, he had gathered his strength and was ready to strike, but under Fang Yuan's pull, he let go of his strength and let Fang Yuan pull him behind him.

"Student Zhou Chen, are you okay?"

Tong Wenjie also came over and asked Zhou Chen.

"Uh, I'm fine, but..."

Zhou Chen was about to say that he could solve the trouble in front of him, but Tong Wenjie said firmly: "Don't worry, since we have seen this matter, we will definitely not let you be wronged."


Zhou Chen opened his mouth, he really didn't know how to refuse Fang Yuan and his wife who were helping each other enthusiastically.

Wang Xue had asked the bodyguards to take Zhou Chen away forcibly, but Cheng Yaojin broke out halfway, which she did not expect.

"Who are you? Don't meddle in your own business. This is our family business. I'm his mother."


Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie stared at Wang Xue's words in shock.

Especially Fang Yuan, who glanced at Zhou Chen and then at Wang Xue, this is mother and son, I really think I am blind.

"Student Zhou Chen, she?" Tong Wenjie asked in a low voice.

Zhou Chen said coldly: "I have nothing to do with her. As for her, she is just a mistress who seduces other people's husbands."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie looked at Wang Xue with weird eyes.

No matter where she is, Xiaosan is an existence that people despise. No matter how rich and powerful she is, it is still difficult to change other people's views of her.

Ever since she followed Zhou Guodong, Wang Xue's good days have come. These years, no one dared to say that she was born as a mistress, and it made her forget her past misery.

But after Zhou Chen publicly told her that she was a mistress, she couldn't hide her anger, wishing to tear Zhou Chen's mouth open.

Wang Xue was too lazy to talk nonsense, and told the two bodyguards: "What are you still doing, take him away with me."

The two bodyguards did not dare to disobey, and immediately pushed Fang Yuan aside.

"Who dares you, now is a society ruled by law, I tell you, I am a lawyer, if you dare to move, I promise to prosecute you and lock you up."

Fang Yuan knew that he was no match for the two bodyguards, so he yelled hoarsely and threatened the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards hesitated for a moment, but Wang Xue said sharply: "Don't worry about him, arrest this kid first, and I will protect you in the future, and your benefits will also be indispensable."

Hearing Wang Xue's assurance, the two bodyguards stopped hesitating and pushed Fang Yuan away.

Fang Yuan was in his forties and lacked exercise all year round. Seeing a big belly, he was easily pushed aside, staggered and almost fell.


Tong Wenjie screamed and immediately rushed towards Fangyuan.

Zhou Chen was also furious, Fang Yuan and his wife came to help him, and now Fang Yuan was almost pushed down, of course he couldn't bear it anymore.

"court death."

Facing the two bodyguards approaching, Zhou Chen suddenly kicked the bodyguard named Wang Meng, and then punched the other bodyguard.

In an instant, the battle started, and Fangyuan and his wife didn't even react.


He was kind enough to help, but was almost pushed down, and saw two bodyguards bullying a student, the honest Fang Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, shouted loudly, and rushed into the battle group.

After 2 minutes, Fang Yuan looked in disbelief at the two bodyguards whose noses and faces were swollen and couldn't even stand still, and felt very dreamy.

He was no match for any of these two tall and burly men, but now that he teamed up with Zhou Chen, he actually defeated these two men.

Looking back at Zhou Chen, he finally realized that Fang Yifan's classmate was different from ordinary high school students. Even without his help, these three people might not be able to bully him.

Zhou Chen's face and body were also covered with scars. It was not an easy task to deal with two tall bodyguards. Fortunately, Fang Yuan was by his side to restrain them, otherwise he would definitely have to pay a greater price to defeat these two. a bodyguard.

Looking at Wang Xue with a pale face, Zhou Chen said coldly.

"Go back and tell him that it's not impossible to ask me to donate bone marrow to him. Let him kneel in front of my mother's grave for three days and three nights first."

Wang Xue's face was pale, and her momentum was a little weaker than before: "Zhou Chen, don't forget, he is your father, and now he is sick, as a son, you have the responsibility to save him, besides, donating bone marrow is not It will not cause harm to your body."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Chen sneered with disdain: "I have the responsibility to save him? Since donating bone marrow is not harmful, why don't you let your son donate it and insist on coming to me?"

"You and I……"

Wang Xue's face became ugly. Theoretically, donating bone marrow would not cause any harm, but it is not absolute. Who knows how much bone marrow Zhou Guodong needs to cure the disease, and her son is so young, she is reluctant to let her son suffer. this sin.

"Zhou Chen, are you still human? That's your own brother, he's only eight years old, and you asked him to donate bone marrow, you..."

"To shut up."

Zhou Chen shouted suddenly: "Don't make friends with me. Your son is your son and has nothing to do with me. Don't think that I dare not beat women. If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will really beat you?"

"you dare?"

Wang Xue pointed at Zhou Chen sharply.


Zhou Chen slapped Wang Xue's face without hesitation, and slapped Wang Xue's face with great force. When Wang Xue was caught off guard, she was stunned by the slap and sat down on the ground.

The severe pain on her face made Wang Xue lose her mind, she was sitting on the ground cursing like a shrew.

"You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, you little bastard, I will kill you."

Regardless of the pain on his face and body, Wang Xue got up and was about to rush towards Zhou Chen again, but Zhou Chen slapped Wang Xue again with his backhand, and slapped Wang Xue on the face again.

"I'll hit you, how about it? If you dare to say one more word, I'll hit you again. I want to see if you can stand a few hits from me."

Wang Xue, who wanted to rush over again, saw Zhou Chen's ferocious expression, and was immediately terrified. His mind suddenly came to his senses, and he hesitated to go forward.

"Sister, forget it, this kid is very good at fighting, let's go back and find a way."

Wang Meng is somewhat related to Wang Xue, seeing that Wang Xue was terrified, he quickly took the opportunity to persuade him.

On both sides of Wang Xue's snow-white cheeks, there were bloodstains from fingers at this time, which were pulled out by Zhou Chen.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xue shouted to Zhou Chen angrily and in fear: "Little bitch, this matter won't just pass like this, I won't let you go."


Zhou Chen scolded again.

Wang Xue's face was gloomy. Because of their fight, there were already many onlookers here. She knew that if this continued, she would definitely be even more ashamed.

"You wait for me."

After saying this, she covered her face and ran away with two bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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