Chapter 246 Qiao Yingzi skipping class
"You are too good to eat. It costs 200 yuan to order a takeaway. Do you usually eat like this?"

After placing the takeaway order, Fang Yifan looked at his prestige balance with distress. It was not much at first, but now it has gone to nearly two hundred, and there is not much left.

"You think too much, this is already the cheapest meal I've ever had."

Zhou Chen was talking nonsense seriously.

But Fang Yifan believed it, and couldn't help sighing: "You rich people's world is really too extravagant, you can't afford it, you can't afford it."

The takeaway didn't arrive until about 10 minutes later, and then Zhou Chen sat down with Fang Yifan to eat.

Fang Yifan couldn't sit still, he sent messages in the group while eating.

Fang Yifan: Hello everyone, have you eaten yet?
Within seconds, someone replied.

Qiao Yingzi: Fang Hou, where did you go?Your mother is looking for you everywhere.

Huang Zhitao: What, Fang Hou caused trouble again?
Qiao Yingzi: That's right, her mother knew his real purpose of moving to Shuxiang Yayuan, and she was furious looking for him.

Huang Zhitao: The real purpose?

Qiao Yingzi:  …

Fang Yifan: Shut up, Yingzi, that's already in the past tense, and I'm not the one I used to be now, so please stop talking nonsense.

Qiao Yingzi: Well, I won’t talk about it, but where have you been?My mother and I are at your house. If you don't go home, your parents will call the police.

Fang Yifan: It's not that exaggerated. I'm here with Zhou Chen, so just tell them that I'm playing at my classmates' house.

Qiao Yingzi: I said where did you go? It turned out that you went to Zhou Chen's place. Did you go to eat again?

Fang Yifan: Yingzi, do you ever speak like that?I'm not rubbish, I invited Zhou Chen to dinner today.

Qiao Yingzi: Hey, it’s really rare. You, Fang Monkey, can treat guests. I thought you could only treat peaches.

Huang Zhitao: Yingzi, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart ╰_╯!

Zhou Chen looked at the vibrating phone, opened it, and saw a series of unread messages in the group.

Fang Yifan: Is everyone busy this afternoon?If it's okay, let's go to Zhou Chen's place to play together, there are so many people.

Qiao Yingzi: Hehe, Zhou Chen, the master, hasn't even spoken yet, but you actually invited him first.

Fang Yifan: Tch, we have a good relationship, don't care about these, just say whether you will come or not.

Fang Yifan: @乔英子@黄智涛@杨杨杨

Zhou Chen also sent a message at this time.

'If everyone is free, come and play together. '

Qiao Yingzi: Then I'll get rid of my mother and go quietly.

Huang Zhitao: @Ji Yangyang, are you going?
Ji Yangyang, who has been silent all this time, no longer dives: I will go up after eating, is it 405?
Zhou Chen: Yes.

Huang Zhitao: Then I will go there later.

Fang Yifan: Where's Lei'er?
Lin Leier: Cousin, I want to study.

Fang Yifan: What to learn, come here quickly, combine work and rest, understand?

Lin Leier: All right.


"Zhou Chen, everyone will come here later, do you have any snacks here?" Fang Yifan asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen hummed: "You really regard my place as a refuge? I don't have any snacks here, but fruit is enough."

Fang Yifan said: "This is not good, I will send some snacks over."

With that said, he started operating his mobile phone again, and went online to buy snacks.

Zhou Chen ignored him, took out the fruit from the refrigerator, cut it with a knife and put it in the fruit plate.

The first one to come over was Ji Yangyang. His family was not as strict as Qiao Yingzi's. He just told his parents and went upstairs.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yingzi, Huang Zhitao and Lin Lei'er all came.

A group of people sat together, very happy, eating snacks and fruits, watching a movie, and chatting happily.

"Since entering the third year of high school, we haven't been so relaxed for a long time. We all offer a toast to Zhou Chen, thanking him for providing us with a place to gather."

Fang Yifan raised his water glass to Zhou Chen, and the others were also infected, so they raised their water glasses one after another.

Zhou Chen: "Fang Hou, you talk a lot of nonsense and make it look like a wine table. I usually live alone. If you want to come in the future, you can come as you like. You're welcome."

"Daqi, look, this is called Daqi, Zhou Chen, then we can make an agreement, and I will definitely come and chatter often in the future." Fang Yifan said with a playful smile.

Zhou Chen said lightly: "It's fine for others, if you come again, I won't let you in if you don't bring something."

"Hey, it's boring."

Huang Zhitao suddenly asked: "The mid-term exam will be in a while. I heard that this exam will be divided into classes again. How are you all preparing?"

Lin Lei'er pushed her eyes and replied, "I, it's okay."

Qiao Yingzi glanced at him and said, "Of course you're okay, you take the first place every time, and you don't even miss the small test."

Ji Yangyang said coldly: "I don't care."

The relationship between him and his parents has not completely eased, and he doesn't pay much attention to his studies, and he doesn't care too much about how many points he can get in the test.

"We're just here for fun, talking about exams, it's too disappointing."

Fang Yifan changed the subject impatiently. If it was about study, he could also play tricks with Ji Yangyang.

Huang Zhitao frowned slightly when she heard the words, she felt that Fang Yifan had become different from before.

If it was in the past, Fang Yifan would not appear impatient with her questions, but would respond positively. Even if studying is not what he is good at, he would not answer like this.

But this was also a flash in her mind. Compared with Fang Yifan's entanglement before, now that Fang Yifan doesn't entangle her, she feels much more relaxed.

When it comes to study, Zhou Chen has nothing to worry about. With his current level, even if he can't get into the sprint class in the midterm exam, he can still occupy the forefront of the parallel class.

It's just that he didn't think about changing classes at all, he just wanted to get along in the basic class safely.

A group of people ate and drank at Zhou Chen's place, played all afternoon, and after cleaning up Zhou Chen's place, they went back home.

This day, during the exercise between classes, Li Meng suddenly came to the basic class and called Zhou Chen and Fang Yifan out.

"Ms. Li, what's the matter, call us over, you don't seem to be the head teacher of our class anymore?"

Li Meng glared at Fang Yifan fiercely: "Fang Yifan, don't be weird with me, I called you here because I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yifan asked.

Li Meng: "I know you two have a good relationship with Qiao Yingzi, and you often go to and from school together. Do you know how Yingzi is doing recently?"

"What happened to Yingzi?" Fang Yifan asked in surprise.

Zhou Chen's heart skipped a beat, he thought of a possibility.

Sure enough, Li Meng said: "Qiao Yingzi doesn't know what's going on recently, and she always misses the morning reading class. Do you know what's going on with Qiao Yingzi?"

"Yingzi skipped class?" Fang Yifan turned pale with shock.

Zhou Chen understood the reason, and it must be the same as the plot in the TV series, because Qiao Weidong's arrival gave Qiao Yingzi a secret base, which aroused Qiao Yingzi's rebellious psychology and did things that he didn't dare to do before.

In his opinion, this kind of behavior is very undesirable.

Skipping class and lying, if things go on like this for a long time, will gradually form a habit, and it will definitely have a great negative impact on Qiao Yingzi.

It's true that Qiao Weidong dotes on his daughter, but instead of dissuading him from this kind of thing, he commits crimes with Qiao Yingzi, which is really not what a father should do.

(End of this chapter)

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