The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 247 Wronged Yingzi, Zhou Chen's Ideas

Chapter 247 Wronged Yingzi, Zhou Chen's Ideas

As a father, his daughter skipped class to play with toys, and she was right in front of her eyes. Instead of stopping her, she helped her lie and ask for leave. This is not what a qualified father should do.

This kind of behavior is no longer pampering, but doting, bottomless doting.

Although Zhou Chen knew Qiao Yingzi very well, they were not in the same class after all. If Qiao Yingzi wanted to hide on purpose, it would not be easy for him to find out that Qiao Yingzi skipped class.

Li Meng asked again: "Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan, do you know Yingzi's situation? If you don't, tell me quickly, otherwise, I will call her mother to ask about the situation."

When Fang Yifan heard this, he was startled. He and Qiao Yingzi had a very good relationship, and he knew clearly that once Song Qian knew that Yingzi was skipping class, something terrible would happen.

"Yes, we know that Yingzi is actually not feeling well. The main reason is that she stays up late every night to study, which makes her unable to get up in the morning. Her mental state is not very good. She must be sick."


Li Meng expressed a puzzled expression: "You can ask for leave if you are sick. If you miss a class without saying a word, the impact will be very bad."

Fang Yifan muttered that he didn't know how to answer, so he could only use his eyes to signal Zhou Chen to speak quickly.

Zhou Chen thought for a while and said, "Yingzi actually suffered from hypoglycemia, which is why she is dizzy and weak. She can't get up in the morning. It's probably because of this. She forgot to call."

Although it's not good to help lie, but at this time, Zhou Chen naturally couldn't betray his friend, so he could only help find an excuse.

Li Meng was shocked and said, "Yingzi has hypoglycemia? This is not a trivial matter. Hypoglycemia will seriously affect her studies. No, I have to call her again and ask."

Seeing this, Zhou Chen immediately said: "Mr. Li, if there is nothing else, we will go back first."


As soon as he returned to the classroom, Zhou Chen hurriedly said to Fang Yifan: "Call Yingzi quickly, tell her the situation, and let her and her father figure out a solution, otherwise the trouble will come to her mother, and the two of them will really have to fight." Bad luck."

Fang Yifan asked in surprise, "Do you know what's going on with Yingzi?"

"Her father moved to Shuxiang Yayuan and set up a secret base for her. I guess Yingzi skipped class to play with toys at her father's place. You should call her and inform her quickly."

"Okay, I'll go right away, Yingzi is really serious, just play and play, why are you still skipping class?"

Thinking about Qiao Yingzi's truancy, Zhou Chen thought about how to stop it, because he knew that if he didn't stop it, Song Qian would definitely go crazy again if he saw Qiao Yingzi with Qiao Weidong and his girlfriend.

Once Song Qian went crazy, it would be a huge disaster for Qiao Yingzi, and it would probably catalyze her depression outbreak.

Zhou Chen doesn't know much about depression, but he also knows that it is not a short-term outbreak of the disease, but a disease that accumulates over time. You may not be able to see it at ordinary times, but it often breaks out at a certain moment. come out.

In this world, Zhou Chen has no tasks, so he only wants to live according to his own ideas.

He has been in this world for two months, and he has gradually become familiar with it. He decided to learn some majors he is interested in in this world, and accumulate more knowledge and experience, so he must wait for a long time.

Since Zhou Chen wants to stay in this world for a long time, it is naturally impossible for Zhou Chen to let himself be a bachelor all the time. He needs a career and a relationship.

For now, he thinks that Qiao Yingzi is good and suitable to be a girlfriend. As for the hidden dangers of depression, he doesn't think too much about it.

In these days, who dares to say that their body must be healthy?
Even Zhou Chen, whose physical fitness has been systematically improved, dare not say that his body will definitely be fine.

If you really want to find faults, any individual will probably have some faults. It just depends on the size of the impact and whether it will explode.

To put it bluntly, often those who pursue physical health too much, their bodies are not as good as ordinary people.

Fang Yifan ran back in a hurry and reported to Zhou Chen.

"I have already called Yingzi and told us the excuse we said. She said she would play by ear, but you are right. Yingzi is playing with her father. I have told her to come to school quickly. .”

"Yingzi is also true. Skipping classes should be exclusive to scumbags like us. She is a top student, so she has learned to skip classes no matter what."

Zhou Chen said: "Skipping class or not, it has nothing to do with being a bully or a scumbag. Yingzi was squeezed so hard by her mother that when her father came over, he completely released himself, so she would skip class."

At the same time, he prayed silently in his heart: I hope that the bloody drama in the TV series will not happen, and Song Qian will bump into Qiao Weidong's girlfriend Xiaomeng.

It's just that sometimes praying doesn't help, like this time, in the afternoon, Zhou Chen found out that Qiao Yingzi hadn't come to class until now, and he couldn't get through on the phone.

Zhou Chen knew without thinking that something must have happened.

Besides him, Huang Zhitao and Fang Yifan also called Qiao Yingzi, but they also failed to get through.

Until Zhou Chen came home from evening self-study at night, he was surprised to find that Qiao Yingzi was squatting in front of his own door.


Qiao Yingzi raised her head, her eyes were a little red and swollen, and she seemed to have been crying for a long time.

Zhou Chen squatted down, looked at the poor Qiao Yingzi, and asked softly, "Did you quarrel with your mother?"

Qiao Yingzi sobbed twice, the tears couldn't help but fell down, and he said aggrievedly, "Zhou Chen, what should I do?"

Zhou Chen sighed, and gently hugged Qiao Yingzi into his arms.

"It's okay, Yingzi, it's okay."

Lie on Zhou Chen's shoulder for several minutes before Qiao Yingzi recovered and left Zhou Chen's embrace.

"I was really unlucky today. How could it be such a coincidence that my mother happened to see me."

Speaking of what happened today, Qiao Yingzi was really wronged and regretful. It was true that she wanted to skip class today, but Xiaomeng's sudden appearance was something she did not expect.

She gave Xiaomeng the bird's nest cooked by her mother. Coincidentally, she was seen by her mother Song Qian, and Song Qian exploded at that time.

After Qiao Yingzi returned home, she kept coaxing her mother, hoping to get her mother's forgiveness.

But Song Qian is really a ruthless person. Not only did she not forgive Qiao Yingzi, she even had a big fight with Qiao Yingzi, and finally started to attack Qiao Yingzi.

Although Song Qian was very strict with Qiao Yingzi, she had never hit Qiao Yingzi since she was a child. This was the first time she had done anything to Qiao Yingzi.

After doing it, the mother and daughter were all dumbfounded. One ran to the house downstairs, and the other hid in the room. It wasn't until it got dark not long ago that Qiao Yingzi went out and squatted at the door of his house.

"I yelled at my mom today. This is the first time I yelled at my mom. It's also the first time my mom hit me. She must hate me and never forgive me."

Zhou Chen comforted: "Yingzi, if you think so, you are very wrong."

"You think that you yelled at your mother, and your mother beat you in anger, because you were disappointed in you; in fact, there is only one reason why your mother was angry and beat you, and that is that she cared about you. "

"Just imagine, if your mother doesn't love you and doesn't care about you, she will be so angry when she sees you with your father and the others?"

Qiao Yingzi replied without hesitation: "No, I know she cares about me very much, but this time I really broke her heart, what should I do?"

"There is no overnight feud between mother and daughter. You just think too much. In fact, it is not as serious as you think. No matter how fierce your mother is, as her only daughter, will she really ignore you?"

"If you really want your mother to relieve her anger, the thing to do is very simple, just bow your head and admit your mistake without explaining anything."

"However, I have a question, which can be regarded as unfounded worry. If you keep your head down, even if you can solve it this time, if similar things happen again in the future, will you continue to admit your mistakes like that, and repeat like this?"


Qiao Yingzi didn't know how to answer. From the time of the quarrel to now, what she thought most about was to appease her mother, and she didn't think so much about other things.

Now that this matter was brought up by Zhou Chen, she was inexplicably agitated and didn't know what to do. Could it be that she really wanted to be the same as before?

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's hesitation, Zhou Chen also sighed secretly.

It's good that Qiao Yingzi has a cheerful personality. Compared with most girls, she is easier to get along with. She belongs to the type that can take all men and women, and can make friends with both boys and girls.

But when facing the parents, Qiao Yingzi seemed very cowardly, especially when facing his mother Song Qian, he was even more cowardly. He didn't dare to resist Song Qian at all, and he was almost carved out of the same mold as Qiao Weidong.

It was precisely because of this cowardice that Qiao Yingzi gradually fell into a tangle, unable to get out, which slowly led to her depression.

Zhou Chen felt that if Qiao Yingzi wanted to prevent her depression from breaking out, the best way was to change her personality.

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say, but it's not so easy to do it.

After more than ten years of being weak to my mother, it is really difficult to turn around overnight.

As for Song Qian, she only changed after she learned that Qiao Yingzi was suffering from severe depression in the TV series. Before the depression was discovered, it is impossible to expect Song Qian to change.

Since Song Qian couldn't change it, Qiao Yingzi could only make the change.

"Can't make up your mind, can you?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't speak, but nodded silently. Zhou Chen's heart softened when the pear blossoms were raining.

"I can tell by the way you look, you haven't had dinner yet, go, go back with me first, I'll serve you some noodles."

"But my mother might be back soon. If she can't see me, she will be even angrier." Qiao Yingzi hesitated.

Zhou Chen really didn't know what to say to Qiao Yingzi's reaction.

"Don't think about it now. Your mother left you at home for so long and hasn't come back yet. Why aren't you angry? You go back with me now. Instead, you can try your mother's attitude towards you. After she came back, she didn't Seeing you, if she looks around anxiously, it means she cares about you; if she doesn't look for you, it means she might be really angry."

"What you have to do now is to go back to eat with me, and think about other things after you are full."

Zhou Chen pulled Qiao Yingzi up and dragged her towards his home.

At the beginning, Qiao Yingzi was still struggling, but when he reached Zhou Chen's house, he stopped struggling.

This is the first time Qiao Yingzi came to Zhou Chen's house. He didn't touch Lego immediately, but just sat quietly on the sofa.

Zhou Chen skillfully turned on the gas and started to boil the water. In less than 10 minutes, a bowl of vegetables and egg noodles was ready.

Putting the noodles in front of Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen said softly: "Eat, not eating is not good for the stomach, even if you want to cry or get angry, wait until you are full. Isn't there an old saying, people are iron, rice It’s steel, and if you don’t eat a meal, you’ll be hungry.”


The sad-faced Qiao Yingzi couldn't hold back, he burst out laughing, and then gave Zhou Chen an embarrassed look.

"You can talk."

As she said that, she picked up the noodles that Zhou Chen gave her: "I'll take a bite first, if it's not delicious, I won't eat it."

That's what she said, but after she took a sip, she couldn't stop her chopsticks, and a big bowl of noodles was quickly finished by her.

After eating the noodles, Qiao Yingzi was even more embarrassed. He said he didn't want to eat just now, but he finished a big bowl of noodles, and the slap in the face came too fast.

"Are you in a better mood?"

Zhou Chen put the bowls and chopsticks aside, sat on the coffee table, and asked Qiao Yingzi face to face.

Qiao Yingzi said: "It's much better, what time is it?"

Zhou Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was early ten o'clock.

Qiao Yingzi worried: "My mother doesn't know where she went, and she hasn't come back until now. What if something happens?"

After eating and drinking, the first thing I thought of was not myself, but my mother. I have to say that Qiao Yingzi is really filial.

Zhou Chen persuaded: "I don't think you need to worry. Although your mother is angry with you, she is an adult and a teacher after all. She must be very sensible and won't run around. Think about your mother's friends. You should be able to know where she is now."

Qiao Yingzi thought for a while, and immediately replied: "My mother's best friend is Aunt Tong, who is Fang Hou's mother. She must be at Fang Hou's house now."

"Then it's better to confirm. You can call Fang Hou and ask."

After listening to Zhou Chen's words, Qiao Yingzi sent Fang Yifan a message.

Fang Yifan also returned quickly, telling Qiao Yingzi that her mother Song Qian was indeed at their house, but she left shortly after they came back, and she should have returned home by now.

"My mother is going back, Zhou Chen, I'm going back too."

After learning that her mother had returned home, Qiao Yingzi couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately stood up to leave.

Zhou Chen didn't stop her, just sent her to the door, and then said: "Yingzi, you should think carefully about what I said, you can admit your mistakes to your mother, but you can't always admit your mistakes, the reason why you have been controlled by your mother , because you feel sorry for her and have been giving in, in fact, sometimes, you should be able to be stronger."

"You have to remember one sentence. Mothers who really love their children will not really hate their children, nor will they hate their children for getting angry with them. I am not asking you to contradict your mother, but to let you understand this truth. You should be tough. You have to be tough when it’s time to be tough, and be cowardly when you should, as long as you can hold that speed.”

Qiao Yingzi could understand every word Zhou Chen said, but she couldn't fully understand it when connected.

Because she has been here all these years and has formed a habit, she thinks that what Zhou Chen said makes sense, but if she is really asked to do it, she has no confidence at all.

Qiao Yingzi returned home and saw that the curtain of her mother's room had been drawn. She listened at the door for a while, but heard nothing.

But when her eyes turned to the dining table, her expression froze immediately, because there was a bowl on the dining table, she walked over, and the bowl was full of hot noodles, definitely just out of the pot.

Qiao Yingzi's eyes turned red immediately. Although her stomach was already full, she sat down, picked up her chopsticks, and ate noodles while crying.

Unlike the wolfing down at Zhou Chen's just now, this time she ate very carefully, as if she was tasting her mother's love.

After a long time, Qiao Yingzi ate the whole bowl of noodles. She walked to the door of her mother's room again and said, "Mom, I really know I was wrong. I know you won't forgive me so quickly, but I still want to talk to you." You said, I'm really not what you think, for me, you are the most important person, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Song Qian didn't rest, she sat beside her, listening to her daughter's cry, and she also shed tears.

What happened today, she was really angry, angry with her daughter, angry with her ex-husband, but the most angry was Qiao Weidong's girlfriend, Xiaomeng, who even drank the bird's nest she made for Yingzi.

You must know that she got up in the morning to make the bird's nest, and she had to boil it for several hours, just to make up for her daughter.

As a result, the daughter didn't drink, but was drunk by the "rival in love". She was full of anger and grievance.

Her daughter is everything to her, she felt that her daughter betrayed her, that's why she was so angry, and even touched her daughter.

Now that she heard her daughter's crying, she felt uncomfortable, but she really couldn't do it if she let her go now.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Qiao Yingzi talked for several minutes, and was disappointed to see that the mother in the room had not responded. She could only turn around silently and go back to her room.

After a long time, Song Qian came out of the room. She looked at Qiao Yingzi's room and kept silent, but tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.

In fact, their mother and daughter are really similar. Qiao Yingzi is cautious when facing his mother, so why isn't Song Qian not?
It's just that Song Qian was more powerful, and Qiao Yingzi didn't resist, so slowly, the relationship between the two began to become unbalanced.

That night, Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian didn't sleep well, but Qiao Weidong was depressed all day.

After chasing Xiaomeng away, Qiao Weidong invited Fangyuan to have a big drink in the evening, and fell drunk on his bed, sleeping soundly, not as sad as his ex-wife and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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