Chapter 248 Awakening, Gambling

Song Qian's temper is really big, even Qiao Yingzi apologized many times, still can't dispel her anger.

So much so that in the next few days, although he still cooked for Qiao Yingzi every day, he didn't say a word, which made Qiao Yingzi feel extremely bad these days.

"Yingzi, don't be like this, we feel uncomfortable seeing you like this."

In the rest area, Zhou Chen surrounded Qiao Yingzi and explained to her.

Qiao Yingzi's face was full of bitterness: "My mother hasn't talked to me for a few days. This is the first time we've lived together for so long. She must hate me to death. What should I do?"

A very smart little girl, but after encountering something related to her mother, her IQ instantly dropped to zero.

Zhou Chen had told her so much before, but now, it seemed that it couldn't compare to Song Qian's silent offensive.

Fang Yifan sighed: "I used to think that my mother was the scariest woman in the world, but now I realize, Yingzi, your mother is much scarier than mine. If my mother doesn't talk to me for a few days, I will Can go crazy."

Qiao Yingzi rarely did not hate Fang Yifan, but Lin Lei'er whispered: "Cousin, although my aunt is fierce, she is really nice."

Fang Yifan pouted: "Did you see that this is Lei'er, he thinks everyone is good, Lei'er, then tell me, how should we help Yingzi?"

Immediately, the gazes of several people turned to Lin Lei'er, causing Lin Lei'er's face to turn red all of a sudden.

"I, I, I think, Yingzi, you should apologize. Teacher Song must have become like this because she was too sad. I think all mothers in the world love their children. Please apologize. , she will definitely forgive you."

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, especially Qiao Yingzi, who was even more powerless to speak, because that's what she did, but in the end, it was still useless.

Ji Yangyang complained: "Adults are troublesome. They all like to be angry. You can't figure out what they think. You always hope that we will do what they think. If you don't follow them, you will say all kinds of things about us. It's really annoying."

Fang Yifan nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, so is my mother. She said I'm not good at studying, but she still forces me to study every day, and even enrolls me in cram schools. It was fine before, but now there is one more." Lei'er, with him as a reference, I will be even more miserable."

Ji Yangyang: "According to you, this is still Lei'er's fault?"

Lin Lei'er looked aggrieved: "Cousin."

Fang Yifan immediately broke his defense: "No, Lei'er, my cousin didn't blame you, I was just talking about my mother."

Huang Zhitao: "Hey, you guys, we are helping Yingzi with ideas, why are you complaining?"

"We were also coming up with ideas, but we didn't think of a better way."

Fang Yifan muttered a few words, and then asked Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, you have the most ideas, so hurry up and find a way for Yingzi."

"Fang Hou, if you can't speak, don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Chen glared at Fang Yifan, and then said to Yingzi: "Yingzi, all I can say is that I told you that night, what you want to do depends on your own thinking."

"Have you already discussed it?" Fang Yifan and the others all showed surprise.

Qiao Yingzi remained silent. She hadn't slept well these days, and she also thought about what Zhou Chen said to her. She understood what Zhou Chen meant, but she couldn't do it at all.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry about my affairs, go to your own affairs."

When school was over at night, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi walked together, and Qiao Yingzi was still frowning just like during the day.

Qiao Yingzi in the past few days has been the most decadent period since Zhou Chen met her.

"Yingzi, I don't think you should be so decadent at this time. The cold war between you and your mother will definitely not last long, but there is another thing that I think you should pay attention to."

Qiao Yingzi was a little confused by what Zhou Chen said, and asked, "What's the matter?"



Qiao Yingzi was even more confused. What she was worried about now was the relationship with her mother. Why did it involve the midterm exam?

"Yes, it's the midterm exam."

Zhou Chen explained: "You should know better than me what kind of person your mother is. In her eyes, your academic performance is more important than anything else. Therefore, I think no matter how angry your mother is with you, as long as you If you can get a good grade in the exam, no matter how angry your mother is, it should calm down."

"On the contrary, even if you can coax your mother well this time, if you fail the midterm exam, your mother will probably be even more angry, and your situation may be even more difficult then."

Qiao Yingzi's expression changed suddenly when she heard this, because what Zhou Chen said was right, her mother valued her studies more than anything else.

Every time she takes the test, she will do well in the test, all kinds of supplements, all kinds of supervision, so she will feel great pressure every time she takes the test.

"Yingzi, you know best what your state is like recently. Do you think you can do well in the exam in your current state?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't answer. She is a smart girl, and she also knows that she has been playing around recently and didn't study hard. If she takes the midterm exam, she will probably do worse than usual.

If she really performed abnormally during the midterm exam, with her mother's personality, the trouble might indeed be more serious.

"So, in addition to coaxing your mother, you must also ensure your own studies. At least you can't fail the midterm exam, understand?"

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Qiao Yingzi, who had been worrying all the time, suddenly understood the key point as if enlightened.

"Thank you, Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen snorted softly and said, "I've grown up so much, I've never tried so hard to persuade someone. You are the first one, and it's because you are my crush that I will consume so much money." Brain cells, if I were someone else, I wouldn't take his brain cells with me."

"You're here again, didn't you agree that you won't talk about this again?" Qiao Yingzi rolled her eyes at Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "I agreed, but in order to let you relax, I can only wrong myself and bring up the old matter again."

"As far as you can tell."

Qiao Yingzi said coquettishly, but she was really grateful to Zhou Chen. When she was helpless, having a friend like Zhou Chen support her and comfort her was really more important than anything else.

"Since you're in a better mood, take a bath at night, get a good night's sleep, cheer up tomorrow, study hard, don't skip classes, and try to get a good grade in the midterm exam. You can get a good grade in the exam." Grades should be the best way to please your mother."

"Well, I will pass the midterm exam, Zhou Chen, you have to work hard and try to get a good grade in the exam."

"Of course, at my current level, as long as I work hard, I might even surpass you."

"just you?"

Qiao Yingzi looked Zhou Chen up and down, and then said with disdain: "If you want to surpass me, dream."

"Yingzi, you can't be too confident, how about we make a bet?"


"Yes, just bet on whether my final score will surpass yours in this midterm exam."

Qiao Yingzi asked in amazement: "Zhou Chen, you won't come for real, will you?"

She admitted that Zhou Chen had made great progress in her studies recently, but no matter what she said, she was in the top three in her age. Even if she didn't take it seriously recently, as long as she was serious in the future, she would at least be in the top ten of her grade.

She would never believe that Zhou Chen wanted to surpass her.

"Why, don't you dare to bet with me?" Zhou Chen deliberately showed a contemptuous expression.

Qiao Yingzi was indeed stimulated. In other aspects, she dare not say that she was comparable to Zhou Chen, but in terms of study, this was her strength, and she didn't think Zhou Chen could compare to her.

"What dare not, what do you want to bet on?"

"Just keep the bet simple. If I score higher than you in the test, you promise me one condition; if you score higher than me, I promise you one condition."

Seeing Qiao Yingzi suddenly showing a vigilant expression, Zhou Chen hehehe.

"Don't worry, I won't make any excessive demands, and I won't let you agree with me. You can rest assured."

Qiao Yingzi's expression changed immediately, and he said with a look of disdain: "I'm not afraid, I'm just thinking about what conditions I want to raise."

"Yo, quite confident."

"Of course."

"I hope you won't cry then."

"The last one to cry must be you. I must think carefully about what I want you to do."

"You should pray that I don't make it difficult for you."

"Ha ha!"


(End of this chapter)

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