Chapter 249 Angry Season Chief

There are still more than ten days before the midterm exam. Because of a bet with Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen also increased his study time.

The bet with Qiao Yingzi is mainly to let Qiao Yingzi ignite his fighting spirit, put more energy on his studies, and stop thinking about it.

Of course, if there is a chance to win Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen will not be polite. He believes that Qiao Yingzi is not the kind of person who breaks promises.

After winning Qiao Yingzi, he can put forward a small condition, ha ha.

After being unraveled by Zhou Chen again, Qiao Yingzi also returned to her usual cheerfulness, the smile on her face gradually recovered, and she became more serious about her studies.

And since that incident, Qiao Weidong hasn't shown up for a long time, and he doesn't know whether he moved away temporarily or was hiding from Song Qian.

In short, during this period of time, Zhou Chen didn't see him, nor did he hear Qiao Yingzi mention him.

Because they lived in the same building and came and went, Zhou Chen saw Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie a few times, and they all greeted each other very friendly.

Zhou Chen didn't forget the last time Fangyuan and his wife helped him, and he was still thinking about how to repay them, or help them.

At present, finding a job for Fang Yuan is the most suitable.

It's just that Zhou Chen also knew that he was Fang Yifan's classmate now. If he went to find Fang Yuan in the past and told him to offer him a job, Fang Yuan would probably be too embarrassed to agree.

So Zhou Chen was waiting for an opportunity. If this opportunity didn't come, he planned to recruit Fang Yuan to the trading company under his name after the midterm exam.

His company is not small, and because of the import and export trade, all aspects of negotiations are more complicated, so there is also a legal department.

Working in a company may not be as good as an independent lawyer in terms of treatment, but it is more stable and relaxed.

The legal department of the trading company is not small, even if there is another person, there is no problem, let alone an old legal department with more than ten years of work experience.

Ji Yangyang's family lived on the first floor. Ji Yangyang used to be a loner, but after getting acquainted with Zhou Chen and the others, he changed a lot.

As for Ji Yangyang's change, Liu Jing, as a mother, saw it, which made her very pleased.

After getting along for nearly two months, Ji Yangyang became closer and closer to them. Although they have not returned to the level of a normal family, Liu Jing is already very satisfied.

She believes that as long as this continues, their family will soon be as harmonious and happy as other families.

On this day, Liu Jing got off work early and was busy with a table of dishes at home, waiting for her husband to come back for dinner, but from six o'clock until nearly nine o'clock, her husband Ji Shengli did not come back.

But as soon as Ji Shengli came back, Liu Jing felt something was wrong.

She has been married to her husband for 20 years and has known her husband for more than 20 years, so she knows her husband very well.

Although Ji Shengli is often serious and likes to put on airs, but in private at home, he is more restrained.

But today, after Ji Shengli came back, his face was very long, and his face was also very ugly. Liu Jing knew something must have happened at a glance.

"Old Ji, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly?" Liu Jing asked with concern.

Ji Shengli said angrily: "What's the matter? I have to ask your precious son."

"Yang Yang?"

Liu Jing was confused, and asked puzzledly: "Yang Yang, what's wrong with you, didn't you feel fine this morning?"

Ji Shengli scolded: "This little bastard, I thought he had grown up during this period of time, but I didn't expect him to be even worse. He caused so much trouble outside, and he didn't even come back to say a word. If it weren't for today's leader Talk to me, I didn't know he did so many lawless assholes."

Listening to her husband's constant scolding of her son, Liu Jing frowned and asked, "Old Ji, don't get angry and explain clearly, what's going on?"

Ji Shengli sat down angrily, took several breaths, and then spoke slowly.

The reason why he came back so late today was that when he was about to get off work, the leader above him called him over to talk.

The content of the conversation was not about his daily work, but about his son Ji Yangyang.

It turned out that someone reported him anonymously, saying that he condoned his son to drive a luxury car, drive fast, break the law and discipline, and also listed conclusive evidence.

There are three things in total. The first thing is that Ji Yangyang drove a luxury car to school when school started, which caused a sensation.

The second case was that Ji Yangyang drove a sports car and was arrested on the spot; the third case was that Ji Yangyang got into a fight with social people in a barbecue restaurant.

Especially the third thing, the fight and the video as evidence, really captured Ji Yangyang's face, this is something that cannot be refuted.

When Ji Shengli learned of this situation, he was also dumbfounded.

As a cadre, he was well aware of the serious consequences these incidents would bring to him, so cold sweat broke out behind his back at that time.

He assured the leader again and again that he didn't know the situation, and he never condoned his son's murder, and hoped that the organization could investigate clearly.

"Liu Jing, what's going on? Three things, I only know about Yang Yang's driving violation. Why didn't you tell me about the other two?"

Ji Shengli thought that Liu Jing knew these things, but deliberately concealed him, so he questioned Liu Jing very angrily.

Liu Jing is indeed a gentle and elegant woman. Even when her husband questioned her in a dissatisfied tone, she did not show dissatisfaction or anger.

"I know about Yang Yang driving to school, but it happened when the school started, and it has already been dealt with. As for the fight between him and others, I really don't know about it; there was indeed one time before. He came back from injury, but he said he played basketball with someone, could it be that time?"

After being reminded by Liu Jing, Ji Shengli also quickly remembered that time. He remembered that the husband and wife were still very distressed at that time, and Liu Jing even took medicine for his son.

"It must be. This little bastard, who has such a serious incident happened, he still hides it from us. He is really about to turn the world upside down."

Liu Jing asked, "Old Ji, is this really serious?"

"very serious."

Ji Shengli calmed down his anger, sighed, and said: "Driving a luxury car, racing fast, and fighting with people in the society, which affects public security. After people know about these things, they will not say Yang Yang, they will only remember it on my head. If ..., then my future career will really come to an end."

He has struggled in this system for many years, and he knows that even if some things are not done, once they spread, they will definitely be affected.

Liu Jing asked worriedly: "Then what should we do now?"

Ji Shengli said: "Let's not talk about what to do. We need to find out the specific situation of these things now. What was the situation at that time? Only when we know these things can we make up for it and solve it."

Liu Jing: "Then let's ask Yang Yang when he comes back, but you have to promise me, don't get angry, we finally eased the relationship with Yang Yang, you can't make it worse."

Ji Shengli snorted twice, but finally said: "I see, don't worry, I will restrain myself."

Liu Jing sighed, she knew why her husband was anxious, it would be difficult for anyone to calm down at this moment.

Ji Yangyang returned home with his schoolbag on his back. Seeing that his parents were there, he immediately called out, "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

(End of this chapter)

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