The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 256 Hesitant Fangyuan, Yingzi's Impatience

Chapter 256 Hesitant Fangyuan, Yingzi's Impatience

"Uncle Fang, thank you so much. If there is a chance, let's have dinner together. It happens that my uncle is a lawyer and graduated from the University of Political Science and Law. If you are together, you must have something to talk about."

Zhou Chen took the car key from Fang Yuan and said it sincerely.

Fang Yuan said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, but I must treat you when the time comes."

He already knew that Zhou Chen's uncle was a very powerful lawyer. If he could get to know such a person, it would also be a network resource for him.

Zhou Chen bid farewell to Fang Yuan and Fang Yifan and his son at the gate of the community. The two had to wait for Tong Wenjie and the others, so he went back by himself.

After tossing and tossing all night, it was past twelve o'clock when Zhou Chen got home. He was a bit hungry, so he ordered a shrimp dumpling, and went to bed after eating.

The Fang family on the second floor was not so peaceful.

Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie put Lin Lei'er and Fang Yifan on the bed first, and only after they fell asleep did they wash up and go to bed.

Fang Yuan, who was lying on the bed, couldn't fall asleep for a long time, so he woke up his wife Tong Wenjie, and told Tong Wenjie what Chen had just said to him in the car.

"Wen Jie, do you think this is reliable?"

Tong Wenjie was also very surprised after hearing this: "That classmate of Fanfan's family background is really so good?"

Fang Yuan: "I think it should be true. Look at the sports car he drives, more than 100 million. Fang Yifan also said that he lives in a villa and his uncle is a barrister; by the way, do you still remember the day we When I met him, his suspected 'stepmother' woman, with two bodyguards, looked like she was not from an ordinary family, so if you think about it carefully, this Zhou Chen is definitely not a child from an ordinary family."

"According to what you said, the trading company he mentioned should not be a fake. By the way, did you ask him the name of the trading company? If you know it, you can check it online."

"Oh, I forgot."

Fang Yuan slapped himself hard on the forehead, he actually forgot such an important thing, he really didn't turn his head around at that time.

"But it's okay. When Fang Yifan is in class, let him ask Zhou Chen."

"Daughter-in-law, I just want to ask you, if all this is true, do you think I should accept this child's invitation to practice business in his company?"

Tong Wenjie said: "If the trading company is really large in scale, it must be better than your original company in terms of doing business, right?"

Fang Yuan nodded and said: "Of course, although they are all legal affairs, the legal affairs of a large company are not at the same level as the legal affairs of a small company. The company before me was not strong enough, so it was easily acquired by others."

"In this case, I think it's an opportunity. Anyway, you just don't have a job right now. If you can enter that trading company, it would be the most suitable for you."

Tong Wenjie is very aware of her husband's recent anxiety. She really wants to help, but she can't help at all. Now that she sees an opportunity, she certainly hopes that her husband will seize it.

Fang Yuan was still worried.

"But Zhou Chen is Fang Yifan's classmate. If I work in his company, it's equivalent to working for him. Will it cause a burden to their relationship?"

Tong Wenjie frowned and said, "Are you afraid that after going to that trading company, Fang Yifan will feel that he is inferior to his classmates?"

"I have this concern, and I also feel a little awkward, so I want to ask your opinion."

Tong Wenjie didn't answer right away, because she knew that although Fang Yuan was usually careless, he was actually a person who wanted face. What's more, what Fang Yuan said was right, and she didn't want her son to have the idea of ​​being inferior psychologically.

"I mean, you choose according to your own ideas."

Fang Yuan didn't get discouraged when she didn't get an answer from Tong Wenjie, she just started to think again.

Another family in the same building was still awake, and there was a little dispute.

After Qiao Weidong sent Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi back, Song Qian didn't even let him in, so she let him go back by herself.

After returning home, Song Qian was not stable either. After the cold war between Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi, in fact, she never recovered.

What happened today, out of concern for her daughter, she wasn't very angry, but she was still angry, and the reason for her anger was because of Zhou Chen.

"Yingzi, tell me honestly, Zhou Chen is the real leader of what happened today, right?"

Qiao Yingzi was about to go to bed when she was asked by her mother sitting on the bedside, and she was very upset by asking this question.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Are you prejudiced against Zhou Chen? Zhou Chen is not a leader at all. He was actually the last one who agreed to go."

Song Qian: "I have no prejudice against him, I just think that he is a student, driving a sports car and taking you to drink. This is not what a student should do at all. If you play with him, it will only hurt you. "

Qiao Yingzi: "Mom, you are really worrying for nothing. What happened to you when someone drives a sports car? Why do you have such a big opinion? Then why don't you have any objection to others driving a sports car?"

Song Qiandao: "You should do what you are. You are senior high school students now, so you should study instead of driving a sports car to show off. Yingzi, you are a girl, you have to learn to protect yourself. I saw that week Chen, you know he has bad intentions for you, so don't be fooled by him."

After all, she was most worried about her daughter, and she didn't want her daughter to have too much interaction with Zhou Chen.

"I'm not stupid. I have eyes. I can see clearly who treats me well and who treats me badly."

Qiao Yingzi muttered dissatisfiedly, and then said: "Mom, I'm very sleepy. If you have nothing to do, just turn off the light. I'm going to sleep."

After speaking, without waiting for Song Qian to respond, she covered her head with the quilt.

"Hey, you kid."

Song Qian patted, seeing that Qiao Yingzi didn't respond, she had no choice but to give up persuasion, turned off the light in the room, and walked out of the room.

After Song Qian left, Qiao Yingzi lifted the quilt. She really couldn't understand why her mother had such a big opinion on Zhou Chen.

From her personal point of view, Zhou Chen is a very good friend. At least during the time they got acquainted, Zhou Chen gave her a lot of happiness and help, and would enlighten her when she was angry and sad.

She was originally a good classmate and friend, and she had a little affection for Zhou Chen, so it was even more difficult for her mother to always say that Zhou Chen was not good.

On the contrary, after Ji Yangyang's family of three went back, they became much more harmonious.

After these two days, Ji Shengli also figured out that work is important, but his son is more important, so he doesn't want his son to keep hating him.

After the hotel incident this time, life continued, and the mid-term exam came in a blink of an eye.

Before this mid-term exam, Li Meng, the leader of the third-year senior high school, repeatedly urged that this mid-term exam is a unified exam for the whole district, so that everyone should prepare well and pass the unified exam for the whole district. Be aware of your current learning situation.

After such a long period of reviewing, Zhou Chen already has enough confidence that he will definitely go all out for this midterm exam and become a blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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