The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 257 No. 4, Fang Yuan is looking for a job

Chapter 257 No.4, Fang Yuan Looking for a Job

The mid-term exam is a unified exam for the whole district, and Chunfeng Middle School attaches great importance to it. Everyone in the third grade of high school takes the exam separately, just like the college entrance examination.

The exam lasted for two days. After the exam, it happened to be the weekend and I had two days off.

For two days on the weekend, Zhou Chen did not stop, but went directly to Liji Town Guanbing Mask Factory for inspection.

It has been almost a month since he took a stake in the mask factory. With the funds settled in, everything has slowly recovered, and the production rate has increased by more than one level.

Today's mask factory warehouses have stored a large number of masks, neatly placed together.

Zhou Chen came to the warehouse, looked at the masks inside, and felt very satisfied.

Although these masks are not worth much now, but not long ago, these masks will become important supplies that are hard to buy.

Starting from the morning, Zhou Chen visited the factory all over, and did not leave at night, so he stayed in the dormitory of the factory overnight.

Zhou Chen was quite satisfied with the progress of the factory, so he left the next day.

Now most of the management of the factory are his people, and he will know immediately if there is any trouble.

The results of the midterm exam came out on Monday afternoon and were posted on the bulletin board.

Zhou Chen followed Fang Yifan and the others to check the grades. Fang Yifan quickly found his name from the back to the front.

"More than 450, beautiful."

When Fang Yifan saw that his total score was more than 450, he immediately yelled in surprise, especially when he saw that his score was higher than Ji Yangyang, he was so proud that he wanted to let the whole world know.

Ji Yangyang glanced at his results and ranking, then turned and left indifferently, which made Fang Yifan very bored.

Fang Yifan asked Zhou Chen, "Zhou Chen, did you find your name?"

Zhou Chen glanced at him lightly, and said, "I'm different from you. You search from the back to the front, but I want to search from the front to the back."

Fang Yifan looked disgusted: "Zhou Chen, show some face, I admit that your grades are better than mine, but the front is occupied by my cousin and Yingzi, what does it have to do with you?"

Zhou Chen: "Then you look for it slowly and see when you can find my name."

This time, he went all out for the exam. He didn't dare to say that he got the first place in the exam, but he would definitely be in the front row, so he didn't rush to find his name at all.

He didn't look for it, but someone saw his name and let out an earth-shattering howl.

"Fuck, am I blind? Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen."

The one who yelled was another treasure, the big bear He Hongyu, his voice was really loud, and after he yelled, everyone looked at him.

Daxiong rushed to Zhou Chen's side in two or three steps, grabbed him, and said in shock: "Zhou Chen, are you really Zhou Chen? You actually got the fourth place in the whole grade. Are you still the Zhou Chen I know?" ?”

Zhou Chen wasn't surprised to hear that he got fourth in the exam, but Fang Yifan was different, his eyes were bigger than a dog's.

"Big Bear, tell me again, what was Zhou Chen's score?"

"Fourth in the whole grade, ranked in the top 5.00% of the district."

"It's not true, absolutely not."

Fang Yifan pushed Big Bear away, walked quickly to the front, looked down from above, and the first thing he saw was his cousin Lin Lei'er.

"Second, third, fourth: Zhou Chen, hiss, it turned out to be true."

Seeing this ranking, Fang Yifan had no choice but to admit it or not.

Zhou Chen walked behind Fang Yifan and began to search for Qiao Yingzi's name, and saw Qiao Yingzi's name at No.7.

"No.7, not bad."

This ranking made Zhou Chen heave a sigh of relief. Although for Qiao Yingzi, this ranking was a bit behind than before, it was much better than the results in the plot.

Zhou Chen soon saw Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, and when he glanced over, he found that Qiao Yingzi was also looking at him, but his eyes were not so friendly.

"Zhou Chen, how did you improve so fast?"

Huang Zhitao pulled Qiao Yingzi up to Zhou Chen, and asked Zhou Chen very curiously. She was the third grader in the exam this time, only one grade higher than Zhou Chen.

You have to know that she worked so hard for so long before she got third in the exam, but Zhou Chen was able to get fourth in the basic class, which made her really unbelievable, because she saw that Zhou Chen obviously spent more time playing than studying. A lot of time.

Zhou Chen said: "Men, they are all latecomers. I used to count down because I didn't want to learn, but now I want to learn, and progress is naturally easy."

With his current spirit beyond ordinary people, the knowledge of high school is really nothing to him. It took more than two months to achieve this achievement, which cannot be said to be his limit, because he also spent a lot of time on other things .

Huang Zhitao let out a 'tch' and asked, "Zhou Chen, have you mastered any good learning methods, can you tell us some of them?"

Qiao Yingzi also showed a curious look. Zhou Chen's progress was too fast, which made them feel unreal. They instinctively thought that Zhou Chen had mastered some good learning methods.

Zhou Chen: "Based on our relationship, if I really have any good learning methods, will I tell you?"

"Yingzi, I got No.4 in the exam, why do you look unhappy?"

Qiao Yingzi snorted coldly: "Should I be happy? You got fourth in the exam, and I got seventh in the exam. How can you make me happy?"

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "I think you are unhappy, it seems that not only you only got seventh in the exam, but also other reasons?"

Qiao Yingzi dodged his eyes, "What a mess, didn't you just get No. 4 in the exam, I'll make you proud, Tao Zi, let's go back."

"Yingzi, wait."

Huang Zhitao held Qiao Yingzi back and asked Zhou Chen, "Zhou Chen, you passed No.4 this time. According to Teacher Li's regulations, you can already enter the sprint class."

Zhou Chen waved his hand and said, "That's unnecessary, I'll just stay in the basic class and not go anywhere."

"You are really, forget it, whatever you want."

Huang Zhitao didn't know what to say anymore. Others wanted to enter the sprint class, but Zhou Chen was lucky, his grades were enough, but he didn't want to enter the sprint class at all.

"But if you don't leave, my uncle will be very happy."

There is a fourth-grade student in the basic class. As the head teacher, Pan Shuai will definitely be happy.

Zhou Chen didn't care about other things, he kept blinking at Qiao Yingzi, and Qiao Yingzi, who was so funny, hurriedly pulled Huang Zhitao to escape.

Qiao Yingzi still remembers the bet between the two of them not long ago. He thought he would win a bet against each other, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

She was Qiao Yingzi, the schoolmaster Qiao Yingzi, and she was caught up by Zhou Chen in just a nap, which led to the failure of the bet.

She didn't want to repent, but she was afraid that Zhou Chen would raise this matter in public and make her do some embarrassing things, then she would really be ashamed.

So before Zhou Chen made the request, she thought it would be better to leave as soon as possible.

Zhou Chen was just teasing Qiao Yingzi, so how could he really do anything to her.

Because Zhou Chen got the fourth grade in the exam, it caused a sensation in the entire basic class. The students in the basic class were all excited around him, chattering non-stop.

In the next two days, Zhou Chen seemed to be a celebrity in the third grade of high school. From teachers to students, after seeing him, they all paid attention to him, and many people even pointed fingers, which made Zhou Chen impatient. Avoid those people as much as possible.

After school for the past two days, Qiao Yingzi has been avoiding Zhou Chen, and tonight, Zhou Chen finally stopped Qiao Yingzi in the stairwell of the community.

"Yingzi, you have been avoiding me for two days, are you planning to avoid me all the time?"

Qiao Yingzi looked embarrassed: "No, it's mainly because I've been busy studying recently and didn't notice you. Besides, why should I avoid you? I haven't done anything wrong."

Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "A certain person doesn't want to fulfill the bet, does that mean he has done something wrong?"

"Who, who didn't fulfill the bet?"

Qiao Yingzi stiffened her neck, resolutely refusing to admit what she had done.

"Well, since you still accept the bet, then according to the bet, I won, and I can make a request to you, do you have any objection?"

When Qiao Yingzi heard this, he immediately became nervous.

"You, Zhou Chen, what request do you want to make, I warn you, don't go too far."

Zhou Chen spread his hands: "I haven't said the request yet, you warned me, are you really that afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid that you will be out of tune and make random demands."

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's nervous and worried expression, Zhou Chen was so cute that he wanted to laugh, and couldn't help reaching out and pinching her face.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

"Don't be so nervous. I didn't say to make a request now. In this way, in order not to scare you, I will save this bet for the time being. I will ask you later when I think about it."

Qiao Yingzi breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what demands Zhou Chen might make in the future, at least she is safe for the time being.

"Let's go, go home, or your mother will look for you everywhere again."

It was another Friday, and Fang Yifan excitedly sat down next to Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, are you free this weekend?"

"What's the weekend, what's up?"

"My dad wants to invite you to our house for dinner on weekends, so I ask if you have time."

"Would you like to go to your house for dinner? Yes, you can call me directly when the time comes, and I will be there when I go downstairs."

"It's fine if you agree. You don't need to call when the time comes. I'll go upstairs to find you and call Yingzi up."


Fang Yifan invited himself to dinner, and Zhou Chen knew that it was not just for dinner. If he guessed right, it should be Fang Yuan who wanted to talk to him about work.

After watching the TV series, he knew very well how hard it was for Fang Yuan to find a job.

I lost my job not long after I started my third year of high school. I didn’t find a suitable job until I graduated from my third year of high school.

It is two months before he loses his job, Fang Yuan must have experienced too many rejections, that's why he invited him to dinner.

But this is exactly what he wants, he has a good impression of the warm-hearted Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan has helped him, if Fang Yuan is willing, he will definitely help him arrange it.

In fact, apart from his own trading company, Fang Yuan could also be arranged in his uncle's law firm.

If you just go to a law firm, Fangyuan doesn't have a lawyer's certificate. If you start as an assistant, and if you slowly research, it will take time and the salary will not be high.

So he continued to do his old job, which was most suitable for a man like Fang Yuan who didn't have much ambition.

At noon on Saturday, Zhou Chen was dragged to his house by Fang Yifan, accompanied by Qiao Yingzi.

What made Zhou Chen heave a sigh of relief was that Song Qian, who was hostile to him, did not go to Fang's house for dinner with them because of the cram school today. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Zhou Chen to adapt to being at the same table with her.

Fangyuan and Tong Wenjie cooked a large table of delicious dishes today. Although they are not as good as five-star chefs, they are full of home-cooked food, which makes Zhou Chen feel very warm, a bit like his home in the real world.

After the meal, Fangyuan asked Fang Yifan to take Lei'er and Qiao Yingzi to play, while he sat on the sofa with Zhou Chen and chatted.

"Zhou Chen, that, um, cough, I thought about the matter you told me last time, and I think..."

Seeing Fang Yuan hesitating, Tong Wenjie, who was washing the dishes, was in a hurry. The two of them had already discussed and planned to take Zhou Chen's path.

After all, the reality they need to face now is the life of a family of four. Tong Wenjie's salary alone can't support it at all. They can't just sit and eat forever.

So in order to be able to find a job, even if they bow their heads to ask a junior, they want to give it a try.

Zhou Chen was no ordinary boy, he immediately understood what Fang Yuan said.

"That's great, Uncle Fang, what do you mean, are you willing to jump to my company to help?"

Seeing Zhou Chen take the initiative to talk about it, Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, he said with a smile: "Helping is not counted, and I am not a young man, but I am definitely professional in legal affairs."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Of course I believe in your business ability, Uncle Fang. Talents like you are the most scarce in our company. Well, this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. If you have time in the afternoon, Uncle Fang, you can talk to me." Let's go to the company together to have a look, and after reading it, if you are satisfied with our company, we can arrange a job for you next week."

Things went so smoothly, Fang Yuan was a little caught off guard, he asked: "Are you going in the afternoon, will it delay your work?"

"No, Fangzheng, I'm also planning to go out in the afternoon, so I can just go to the company to have a look."

Although he knew that he had a trading company under his name, and he also knew the size and location, but so far, he really hadn't visited it once.

"That's really troublesome for you, Zhou Chen."

"No trouble, you also helped me. Besides, Fang Yifan and I are also classmates and have a good relationship. The most important thing is that it is our honor for a talent like you, Uncle Fang, to join our company."

Fang Yuan was a little flattered by Zhou Chen's praise, and secretly guessed in his heart, is it true that my personality is so high that I conquered Zhou Chen, a rich second generation?
"Fruit, come and eat fruit, Zhou Chen, come and eat fruit."

Seeing that Zhou Chen and Fang Yuan had almost talked, Tong Wenjie immediately brought over the prepared fruit and said with a smile: "Zhou Chen, I heard that you live here alone, and you will come to play more when you have free time. "

"Thank you, auntie. If I have time in the future, I will definitely come to bother you. I just hope that auntie doesn't find me annoying."

"Hehe, how is it possible? If you can come, I will be too happy."

"Mom, why don't you bring me the fruit after you get it."

Fang Yifan brought Lin Lei'er and Qiao Yingzi out, grabbed them and ate them.

"Zhou Chen, what are you talking about with my dad? Are you talking about crickets or grasshoppers? My dad likes this the most."

"Stinky boy, is your dad as miserable as you say?"


(End of this chapter)

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