The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 258 Tong Wenjie's emotion, struggle is worse than birth

Chapter 258 Tong Wenjie's emotion, struggle is worse than birth

After having lunch at Fang's house, Zhou Chen took Fang Yuan to his trading company in the afternoon. To be precise, Zhou Chen also visited 'his' company for the first time.

It was only after I went to have a look that I saw more intuitively the trading company that owns 90.00% of the shares.

The company is not listed. Originally, Zhou Chen was wholly-owned, but Song Yuan found a very powerful professional manager for him. In order to win over this professional manager and let him work better for the company, he gave shares to him. .

So this trading company, apart from Zhou Chen holding 90.00%, the remaining [-]% is in the hands of the professional manager Zhao Lingbo.

It has been five years since Zhao Lingbo took over the company. The company's business has been growing every year, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Zhao Lingbo owes a lot to the company's current scale and performance.

Zhao Lingbo and Song Yuan are classmates, friends for many years, and their character is trustworthy, so Zhou Chen is not worried about his little tricks.

When Zhou Chen went to the company, he didn't go to Zhao Lingbo, but directly to the director of the company's HR department.

The Director of Personnel Department is a distant relative from Zhou Chen's mother's hometown. He followed his mother to start a business for many years, and now holds an important position in the company. He is one of Zhou Chen's most important eyes.

Knowing that Zhou Chen was going to bring someone to apply for the job, the director of the HR department went downstairs to greet him personally. After seeing Fang Yuan, he asked a few simple questions and immediately offered the employment contract.

Fang Yuan stared blankly at the contract in front of him, his mind was empty.

Thinking about the first two months, he got up early and worked late every day, begging his father to ask his grandma to find a job, but he didn't find a suitable job, and he was so angry that he wanted to deliver food.

But now, just because he helped Zhou Chen and asked Zhou Chen to have a meal, he was about to find a job immediately.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang."

Song Chengye saw that the pen in Fangyuan's hand hadn't dropped, so he asked, "If you don't sign it, do you have any opinion on our company's contract?"

As the head of the personnel department, Song Chengye also holds a high position in the company, that is, he will be responsible for signing Fangyuan when the boss comes in person.

There is absolutely no problem with the contract. In terms of salary, he also looked at Zhou Chen's face, and within the scope of his rights, he raised it a bit.

Fang Yuan woke up suddenly, and quickly said: "No, no, I am very satisfied, I will sign now."

He has just read the entire contract, and the salary is relatively high. Although it is not as good as his previous salary, the problem is that he has worked in the previous company for more than ten years.

But now that he has just joined this company and has not yet started working, his salary is already close to his previous salary. This salary can really be said to be very high.

After quickly signing her name, Fang Yuan let out a long breath.

At this moment, he actually had the urge to cry. For his work, he tossed and turned for two months, encountered a big hurdle in his life, and received countless blank stares.

So he feels that this job is hard to come by now. If his son didn't happen to have this classmate, and he happened to have a good relationship, then he would definitely not be able to find this good job today.

In the past, his work was very sloppy and muddling through, but at this moment, he secretly vowed in his heart that he must do this job well and not lose face to Zhou Chen, the boss.

"Well, Mr. Fang, congratulations, you are now a part of our company, please report to the HR department on Monday, and we will arrange for you to join the job."

Fang Yuan immediately stood up, solemnly held Song Chengye's hand, and said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you."

Song Chengye smiled and said: "You shouldn't thank me, I am also ordered to do things, if you want to thank, thank Zhou Chen, he is our boss."

"Yes, yes, thanks."

Fang Yuan nodded repeatedly, of course he knew who he should be most grateful to, but he still had to do his best to save face.

Zhou Chen sat in the rest area outside and waited. When he saw Fang Yuan and Song Chengye coming out, he asked, "Is it done?"

Song Chengye said: "It's done, Mr. Fang can come to work on Monday."

"Thank you, Uncle Chengye."

"Thank you, you are my boss, you should do things for you."

"Then you are still my uncle, so what are you doing out there, how is the company doing recently?"

"Very good, Mr. Zhao is indeed capable..."

Zhou Chen chatted with Song Chengye for a while, and then left the company with Fang Yuan. Now he has never thought about coming back to work.

Anyway, the company is booming now, and he has to go to school again, what kind of class will he be back in?
Even after graduating in the future, he has no plans to come back. Being the boss here is not as interesting as starting his own business.

"Zhou Chen, thank you so much for today's matter."

Walking out of the company building, before getting into the car, Fang Yuan sincerely thanked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen said: "Uncle Fang, why are you talking about this? I am recruiting talents for the company. Besides, Fang Yifan and I are classmates. If you really have to thank me, you can call me next time you make delicious food." Have a meal."

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "That must be done, we have agreed, there is not enough time today, tomorrow at noon, I will ask Fang Yifan to call you, don't refuse."

"Not tomorrow, I have work to do tomorrow."

"Then next week, how about it?"

"Next week."


After Fangyuan returned home, she immediately told Tong Wenjie that she had found a job, and also told the process.

Tong Wenjie was extremely excited when she learned that Zhou Chen really helped Fang Yuan find a job.

Although she always said that she was not in a hurry before, it was because she didn't want to cause Fang Yuan a psychological burden, but in fact she was also very anxious in her heart. Now that Fang Yuan has finally confirmed her job and the salary is good, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

There are four people in a family, and it is definitely much easier for two people to make money than one person to make money.

"Is that company really powerful?"

Fang Yuan recalled what he had seen today, nodded and said: "Well, the office area is very large, much larger than your company, and there are dozens of staff members I have seen, and I am afraid there are many more that I have not seen. , I’m afraid it’s more than hundreds of millions of assets.”

Tong Wenjie exclaimed, "You're really rich, Fang Yuan, do you think the two of us have failed too much?"

Fang Yuan looked puzzled: "Why did we fail, wife, where did we fail, what are you thinking?"

"Look at Fanfan's classmate Zhou Chen. At the same age as Fanfan, he already drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house, and owns a company with assets exceeding [-] million yuan. The only thing we can leave to Fanfan now is a set without After repaying the house loan, we really failed. I always thought that our life was pretty good before, but now compared with others, it’s not even a star.”

Finding a job for my husband is something to be happy about, but for some reason, I saw that it was so difficult for me and my husband to find a job, but he had a child and easily offered a job with good pay, which made Tong Wenjie feel unbalanced Feeling, inexplicably popped up.

It's as if they have worked hard for so many years, but in the end they are not as good as others say. People with a little self-esteem will be more or less unbalanced.

Gratitude and a sense of imbalance do not conflict.

(End of this chapter)

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