The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 259 The Optimistic Fang Family Father and Son

Chapter 259 The Optimistic Fang Family Father and Son

Seeing Tong Wenjie, Fang Yuan became inexplicably emotional, and said so many decadent words. Years of experience in getting along with each other made him immediately know what he was going to do next.

"Honey, you can't think like that, your idea is wrong from the root."

Tong Wenjie asked, "Where did I go wrong?"

Fang Yuan: "You are right to say that Zhou Chen is richer than us, but being rich does not mean happiness. Look, he is rich, but is his family happy? Without a mother, his father found him a stepmother , and forced him to donate bone marrow, anyway, I have never seen such a family, no matter how rich they are, I still think it is unhappy."

"Look at our family again. Although we don't have much money, we are happy and happy. We have enough to eat and live. Our son's grades are not good, but he is very filial. Now we have a nephew who has good grades and is sensible. A family like ours , is true happiness.”

"You envy other people's money, and others envy our family. Therefore, you must be content and happy. There is no need to compare with others. Don't tire people to death."

Tong Wenjie couldn't help but cast a blank glance at Fangyuan after a series of words: "Anything that comes to your mouth can turn into a good thing."

Fang Yuan laughed and said, "I'm optimistic. I have to think about the good in everything. If I struggle with things that don't go my way every day, I'm so tired."


Tong Wenjie sneered and said, "You are no longer purely optimistic, but heartless. Fang Yifan inherited this from you, and that's why he didn't study well."

"No, wife, can we be reasonable, Fang Yifan's grades are not good, even if there is a problem with me, it is genetic inheritance, so it has something to do with optimism." Fang Yuan cried out loudly.

"Okay, don't be poor, I just said something casually, you are still online."

Tong Wenjie took the initiative to end the topic and talked about work.

"Since you have found a job now, no matter whether you have left your relationship or not, you must perform well after you go to the company on Monday. In the current environment, finding a suitable job is really no easier than going to college."

"Also, although you know the boss of the company, you still have to keep a low profile when you are in the company, otherwise the gossip behind you will be enough for you to eat."

Tong Wenjie is also a white-collar elite who has been in the workplace for many years, and she knows what kind of environment the workplace is like.

"Don't worry, wife, I'm not a job novice. I know what to do and what not to do. Besides, your husband and my professional level are absolutely outstanding. I guarantee there will be no problems."

Fang Yuan is extremely confident. He feels that he is a little lazy, but his professional level is absolutely nothing to say, and it should not be a problem to integrate into the working environment.

"Having said that, you still have to be serious and learn more about the company, especially in terms of interpersonal relationships, and pay extra attention."

"No problem. Tomorrow Sunday, you also rest. Wife, in order to celebrate that I found a job, and that Fang Yifan and Lei'er did well in the midterm exam, how about we go out to have a good meal together as a family?"

"Yes, but where do you want to go?"

"It doesn't matter where we want to go, what matters is where the kids want to go and I'll ask them tomorrow morning."

"Then you arrange it, I'll rest first."

On Monday morning, Zhou Chen took the elevator from the fourth floor, and when he reached the second floor, he happened to meet Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er.

"What a coincidence."

Zhou Chen said hello, and Lin Leier also said hello, but Fang Yifan responded with a bad face, not as lively as usual at all.

"Lei'er, what happened to Fang Yifan?"

Lin Lei'er glanced at Fang Yifan, pushed his glasses, and was about to speak when the elevator had reached the first floor.

The three walked out of the elevator, and Lin Lei'er said, "My cousin had a fight with my aunt yesterday."

"in argument?"

Zhou Chen couldn't help laughing, this smile immediately angered Fang Yifan, he asked dissatisfied: "Zhou Chen, what are you laughing at?"

Zhou Chen said: "I think I guessed why you quarreled with your mother. It must be because of the midterm exam."

Fang Yifan, who was still a little dissatisfied at first, stopped when he heard this, and looked at Zhou Chen with wide eyes.

"Zhou Chen, how did you guess that?"

"Parents quarrel with their children for several reasons, such as puppy love, fighting, skipping classes, playing games, etc., without exception, these things will eventually affect grades, so most parents quarrel with their children because of grades; and our latest exam is the midterm exam, do I need to say more?"

Lin Lei'er looked at Zhou Chen with admiration: "Zhou Chen, your reasoning is amazing."

Fang Yifan was also amazed: "You can guess this, it's amazing, it's amazing."

"Tell me what's going on?" Zhou Chen asked.

Fang Yifan suddenly said depressedly: "I thought that my mother would treat me better if my grades improved, but I didn't expect that yesterday I ate well, so she insisted on dragging me to a tutoring institution to attend classes. If I don't Also said me, in the end I couldn't hold back and had a big fight with her."

"That's it?"

Zhou Chen couldn't help shaking his head. In his opinion, this was really not a big deal.

Both Tong Wenjie and Fang Yifan didn't think they were wrong. In fact, they didn't make any big mistakes. Tong Wenjie just hoped that her son would become a dragon, and her mentality was impatient.

As for Fang Yifan, to put it bluntly, he was unmotivated, and to put it bluntly, it was really mud that couldn't support the wall.

One doesn't want to learn, and the other insists on learning, can we not quarrel?
"Isn't it serious to have a fight?"

Lin Lei'er was at a loss by Zhou Chen's tone. In his opinion, arguing with his mother was a very serious matter.

Zhou Chen said: "It's not that it's not serious, but there is no overnight feud between mother and child. I think you are just used to it, and your mother is doing it for your own good."

As a classmate, Fang Yifan could still listen to Zhou Chen's words.

"I know she is doing it for my own good, but if she forces me like that, I will be out of breath. I don't want to live so tired, and it's not that I don't want to learn, it's that I really can't learn. Just go to any university, if it doesn’t work, you can go to a junior college.”

Lin Lei'er said to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, I heard from my cousin that you were also the last one before, but now you have already passed the fourth grade in the whole grade. You are improving so fast, there must be some tricks, how about you teach me?" Teach my cousin?"

"That's right, Zhou Chen, I haven't figured it out until now. How did you turn from a scumbag to a top student? I don't think you spend much more time studying than me?"

Fang Yifan was also very curious, because he was in the same class as Zhou Chen, and he knew how much time Zhou Chen spent studying.

Zhou Chen said lightly: "The trick is to put your heart and work hard, and if you don't take these two things, what else do you want to learn?"

Fang Yifan didn't put his heart on his studies at all, let alone if he worked hard, it's no wonder that he can do well in his studies.

"Oh, forget it, don't think about it so much. Being a monk for a day hits the clock, and one day is one day. As for the college entrance examination, let's talk about it at that time."

Fang Yifan sighed, then regained his mentality, and stopped thinking about these troublesome things.

"Come on, let's go to school."

(End of this chapter)

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