The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 260 Recalling old things, Zhou Chen exploded

Chapter 260 Recalling old things, Zhou Chen exploded

"and many more."

Qiao Yingzi trotted up from behind, "You guys left early today, this is not like your style."

Because it is close to the school and the class management is not strict, both Zhou Chen and Fang Yifan set off relatively late, and most of the time they got stuck at school, even with Lin Lei'er.

And Qiao Yingzi was woken up on time by her mother every day to wash, eat, and go to school. This should have been initiated by Qiao Yingzi, but in fact it was arranged properly by her mother.

Zhou Chen smiled and asked Qiao Yingzi: "You passed No. 8 this time, your mother must have troubled you, right?"

"you still need to ask?"

Qiao Yingzi glared at Zhou Chen angrily. Now that several good friends know about her family's situation, she will tell everyone about her grievances.

"My mother hasn't given me a good face these days, and I don't dare to provoke her. Alas, Zhou Chen, I really envy you."

"What do you envy me, no father and no mother?"

"Go away, you can't say something nice."

Qiao Yingzi rolled his eyes, then looked at Fang Yifan, and asked, "Fang Hou, what's wrong with you, why do you look more decadent than me, why not?"

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "He is the same as you, it's all because of the midterm exam results. The difference is that you had a cold war with your mother, while he had a big fight with his mother."

Qiao Yingzi showed a sympathetic expression, and the elder sister patted Fang Yifan on the shoulder in style.

"Fang Hou, you are still very good and dare to quarrel with your mother, but haven't your grades been stable all the time? Why did Aunt Tong go crazy this time?"

Fang Yifan replied angrily: "What else could be the reason? Isn't it because I'm afraid that I won't be able to pass the college entrance examination? I really don't understand what these parents think. Who stipulates that they must go to college? Is there no way out?"

Hearing Fang Yifan's naive questioning, Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "No one says that if you can't go to university, you have no future, but those who have gone to university must have more prospects than those who haven't, most of them. "


Fang Yifan looked at Zhou Chen with question marks all over his face: "Zhou Chen, which side are you on? Both Yingzi and I were bullied by my old lady, and you still help them talk, are you still a brother?"

"Besides, what qualifications do you have to say such things? You are only a rich second generation, or a super rich second generation. Does it make any difference to you whether you go to college or not?"

Zhou Chen: "So, don't compare me. People like me, who have a future in college or not, are studying hard. I passed the fourth grade. Do you still have the right not to study hard?"

"What am I..."

Fang Yifan was stunned speechless.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Fang Yifan with caring eyes, "Fang Hou, you are really asking for trouble by arguing with him."

"Cousin, Zhou Chen, Yingzi, the time is almost up, if we don't hurry up, we will be late."

Lin Leier suddenly said weakly.

"Oh, yes, I'm going to be late, hurry up."

During the morning reading class, Zhou Chen was called to the office by Pan Shuai. Besides Pan Shuai, there was also Li Meng in the office.

"Zhou Chen, I called you here. Teacher Li has something to ask you." Pan Shuai pointed at Li Meng and said.


Zhou Chen nodded, then looked at Li Meng, and asked, "Mr. Li, what do you want from me?"

Li Meng was still the same as before, with clean and tidy clothes and a serious expression. Although he was young, he did have the air of a grade leader.

"Zhou Chen, you did very well in the midterm exam this time. It only took you two months to go from the bottom of your entrance exam to the fourth in your current grade. This fully demonstrates your great potential, so I Decided to transfer you to the sprint class."

When he heard that Li Meng was going to transfer himself to the sprint class, Zhou Chen quickly shook his head and refused: "No, Teacher Li, I did well in the basic class. I prefer the atmosphere of the basic class, so I'll stay in the basic class. You should leave the sprint class quota for other people who need it."

"Hey, why are you talking like that, kid? The sprint class is the best class in the third grade. The goal is Jingda Mizuki. You have this potential. Why don't you want to enter the sprint class and insist on staying in the basic class?"

Li Meng was very dissatisfied. Zhou Chen's progress was so fast, and there were still about seven months before the college entrance examination. As long as Zhou Chen worked harder, he might be able to get a champion by then.

So when she heard that Zhou Chen didn't want to go to the sprint class, but only wanted to stay in the basic class, she felt anxious.

Zhou Chen said: "Mr. Li, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I just like the atmosphere of the basic class. If you insist on letting me go to the sprint class, maybe my grades in the exam may not be as good as those in the basic class."

"The sprint class is full of the best top students. After you go, there will be greater competitive pressure. This pressure will push you forward. If you go to the sprint class, you will definitely improve more than if you stay in the basic class. "

Although teachers should treat students equally, good students and poor students must have different positions in the teacher's heart.

In Li Meng's eyes, the basic class is definitely not as good as the sprint class, so she desperately hopes that Zhou Chen can join the sprint class.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I really don't want to go to the sprint class. If you insist on transferring me to the sprint class, then I can only apply for self-study at home."

"What's your attitude?"

"Ms. Li, although you are a teacher, you can't force the students."

Zhou Chen's attitude is also very firm. It's not that he doesn't like the sprint class, but that the sprint class is really strict, and Li Meng is in charge.

Li Meng has a strong sense of responsibility, which is a good thing for others, but not for him.

If he entered the sprint class, it would be difficult for him to be distracted to do other things during school.

But it was different for him in the basic class. After Pan Shuai knew his academic performance, he would no longer find fault with him. Usually, even if he was a little distracted or doing other things, he would turn a blind eye and close one eye. .

It's not that Pan Shuai has no sense of responsibility, but that Zhou Chen's two big exams and the peacetime quiz fully demonstrated his learning ability, so he did this.

"Oh, Mr. Li, Mr. Li, calm down, calm down."

Seeing that Li Meng and Zhou Chen were fighting again, Pan Shuai hurriedly stood up to stop him. She knew Li Meng's temper.

As for Zhou Chen, even though he was a student, he was not afraid of the teacher when he first got up, so he saw that the two had a tendency to confront each other, so he immediately stood up to stop it.

Li Meng snorted, "I'm not angry, Teacher Pan, look at the good students you teach."

Pan Shuai hurriedly scolded Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, why did you talk to the teacher? Students should respect the teacher. This is a basic attitude. Go back to the classroom and reflect on it first."

Zhou Chen understood Pan Shuai's meaning in seconds, and said along the way: "Then I'll go first, Teacher Pan."

Watching Zhou Chen leave, Li Meng was still angry.

"Ms. Pan, what's going on with Zhou Chen? In just two months, he has gone from the bottom of his grade to the fourth in his current grade. Especially his English and Physics almost got full marks, so he can go to participate in the national competition." gone."

"Tell me, he obviously has such potential, but he just stays in the basic class all day, how does your class teacher do ideological education?"

Pan Shuai said helplessly: "Mr. Li, it's because you don't know him well. This kid is not a good guy. He has his own opinions. He won't accept the teacher's arrangement at all. As for participating in the national competition you mentioned, I think you should stop thinking about it."


Li Meng asked in confusion: "In some competitions held by the country, if you win an award, you will get extra points in the college entrance examination."

Pan Shuai shook his head and said: "Zhou Chen doesn't care about these at all. This kid is very capable. In two months, he has gone from bottom to fourth, and he is not as hardworking as the students in the sprint class. It shows that he His IQ and ability are very strong, so whether his academic performance is good or not depends on whether he is willing to learn."

"More importantly, this kid's family is extremely wealthy. To put it bluntly, even if he doesn't get into college, he may have a better future than those college students who went to Jingda Shuimu. In such a situation, you think he would care about going to the university. If you don't go to the sprint class, will you care about whether you can get extra points in the college entrance examination?"

"What kind of fallacies are you talking about?"

Li Meng disagreed with Pan Shuai's statement: "The college entrance examination is for him. No matter how rich his family is, his parents earned it. It has nothing to do with him. Only when he has learned knowledge in his stomach can it be regarded as his own. A good university can enrich his vision and increase his ability, which is different from whether his family has money."

"Yes, what you said makes sense, but Zhou Chen is used to being a maverick. He may not appreciate you for his own good, and may even find you annoying. If he wants to stay in the basic class, you can let him stay. At worst, after a period of time, let’s see how his final exam results are, if the decline is serious, it won’t be too late to find a way to transfer him to the sprint class next semester.”

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Li Meng, Pan Shuai could only change his strategy and use another method of persuasion.

Li Meng thought about it for a while, and felt that what Pan Shuai said was somewhat reasonable. Looking at Zhou Chen's next test results, if she regressed, she had to take measures. If she did not regress, but continued to improve, then she He could only let Zhou Chen choose.

"Zhou Chen, there is a question I really want to ask you."

During the break between classes, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi Huang Zhitao were sitting and chatting in the rest area, when Qiao Yingzi suddenly asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen: "What's the question? You can ask."

Qiao Yingzi asked: "You said that you have improved so fast in other subjects, but why have you improved so fast in English? They are almost full marks. Isn't English based on accumulation?"

Zhou Chen: "English is a thing that needs to be accumulated, but there is another kind of person who is very talented and can learn everything quickly."

"Hey, just blow it up. I seriously doubt that you used to always come last in the exam. Is it intentional, just to become a blockbuster when you are in the third year of high school?"

"Then I have to have great acting skills to be able to act for such a long time. I used to simply not want to learn, but now I want to learn. With my super high IQ, it is naturally a breeze to get in the top few exams."

"Tell you a few words, and you're still proud."

Qiao Yingzi and Zhou Chen laughed and made a fuss, time passed quickly.

Huang Zhitao lay on the side watching and listening. Ever since the incident of falling into the water last time, she had an inexplicable emotion towards Zhou Chen. Every time she saw Zhou Chen, she would think of what happened at that time, which was very awkward.

Since she grew up, Zhou Chen was the first boy who had intimate contact with her, so even after several days, she still hadn't completely let go.

After chatting with Zhou Chen for a while, Qiao Yingzi suddenly said to him: "Zhou Chen, I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time, why don't you go over there and play the piano for us?"

Zhou Chen asked with a half-smile, "What song are you listening to, for Qiao Yingzi?"

Qiao Yingzi has gradually gotten used to Zhou Chen's more and more teasing, so she replied calmly: "You said it was called this name, so let's call it that name."

Qiao Yingzi pushed Zhou Chen towards the piano, and Zhou Chen didn't refuse her. He walked to the piano, brewed for a while, and then started playing.

The melodious sound of the piano quickly attracted the attention of all the students who came to the rest area, and they all gathered quickly to listen to Zhou Chen's playing.

A few minutes of music was played quickly, and the students around gave warm applause.

Chunfeng Middle School is a key high school in the district. Most of the students who come here are for the university entrance exams. Students like Zhou Chen who can play such a good piece of music are really unique.

But after Zhou Chen finished playing, everyone left in twos and threes. After all, it was not an art school, and everyone just thought it sounded good, and they hadn't risen to the level of art.

"Zhou Chen, you guys are really getting better at pretending."

Fang Yifan said sourly to Zhou Chen who came over, just now he saw so many girls staring at Zhou Chen excitedly, he was very envious.

Qiao Yingzi said hehe: "Fang Hou, if you have the ability, you can also go up and pretend."

Fang Yifan looked at Qiao Yingzi with disdain: "Yingzi, you have not become a family yet, have you already started to unite to hate me?"

Zhou Chen: "Fang Hou, you will die with your mouth sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter whether I die or not. The important thing is that your song To Qiao Yingzi really sounds good. If I have your level, I will definitely have no disadvantages in picking up girls."

"Zhou Chen, why don't you take the time to teach me how to play the piano?"

Fang Yifan was not entirely joking, he was really envious of Zhou Chen's ability, if he could have Zhou Chen's level, he would laugh out loud just thinking about it.

"Fang Hou, forget it. If Zhou Chen wants to teach, he must teach me first." Wang Yidi came over suddenly, and Fang Yifan said.

Fang Yifan reprimanded angrily: "Wang Yidi, why are you everywhere? Zhou Chen is already famous, can you stop pestering him?"

Wang Yidi retorted: "I just asked him to teach me how to play the piano, and it's not about doing something shameful. Is it your turn to take care of it?"

Fang Yifan said disdainfully: "Of course I don't care about you, but Zhou Chen is my brother, and Yingzi is also my buddy. The two of them are destined to be together. I can't let you, a catfish spirit, come out to make trouble."

"Fang Hou, what are you talking about, you are the catfish spirit." Wang Yidi shouted angrily.

"Cousin, stop arguing, Zhou Chen is gone."

Seeing Fang Yifan and Wang Yidi who were still arguing, Lin Lei'er's weak voice sounded.

Fang Yifan and Wang Yidi hurriedly looked back, and sure enough, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi had walked more than ten meters away.

Fang Yifan pointed at Wang Yidi: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, don't follow me anymore."

Zhou Chen was just about to get a glass of water to drink when Da Xiong suddenly ran over with his phone in his arms.

"Zhou Chen, look quickly, the person dancing in this video is you, right?"

Da Xiong pointed the screen of his phone at Zhou Chen. This was the interface of the Kuaiyin app, and a picture of a man in short-sleeved dancing was playing on it.

When Qiao Yingzi saw it, he was shocked and said, "It's really you, Zhou Chen, isn't this what happened the time before we started school?"

Huang Zhitao also saw it clearly: "Yes, it was that time, but how did your dancing video be uploaded to Kuaiyin?"

Qiao Yingzi: "It must be that time when he was dancing and was photographed and uploaded. Let me see, it has more than 300 million likes and more than 30,000 comments."

Da Xiong said, "Yes, you're amazing, Zhou Chen, I didn't expect you to be so awesome in dancing besides playing the piano well."

Fang Yifan squeezed over with Lin Lei'er, and asked curiously, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Da Xiong immediately handed the phone to Fang Yifan, "Fang Hou, look, Zhou Chen's video has exploded."

Fang Yifan quickly took it over, and recognized it at a glance, then clicked on the comment, and looked at it seriously.

The comment section was filled with a series of compliments, some praised Zhou Chen for his good dance, some praised Zhou Chen for his handsome looks, and others praised Zhou Chen for his good figure, all kinds of weird comments.

Of course, in addition to praise, there are also many sunspots, all kinds of criticism, saying that the dancing machine is simple, saying that Zhou Chen deliberately hyped it up, and so on.

Wang Yidi also followed behind to join in the fun. After seeing Zhou Chen's dance video, she exclaimed in surprise: "Zhou Chen, you can play the piano, write music, and dance. If you go to participate in the art If you take the exam, with your grades, you will definitely be admitted to the best art school in Yanjing."

"Art exam?"

Fang Yifan originally wanted to continue talking, but when he heard the art test, he asked strangely: "What is the art test?"

Seeing Fang Yifan's dazed look, Wang Yidi was extremely proud.

"That's right, Fang Hou, you don't even know about art exams? Are you too ignorant?"

Fang Yifan didn't want to give Wang Yidi a chance to be proud, but he was really curious, so he asked Zhou Chen, "Zhou Chen, you know a lot, so you must know what the art test is?"

Zhou Chen didn't bother to explain, "Wang Yidi is about to take the art test, she knows more than me, you can just ask her, I'm not interested in the art test, so I'll go back to the classroom first."

Of course he knows what the art test is, but he hasn't studied the art test after all, so he really doesn't know much about what to test and when to test it.

With his ability, it would be easy for him to take the art test, but he didn't plan to take the artistic route in this world, so he had no interest in the art test.

Seeing that Zhou Chen had left, Fang Yifan could only ask Wang Yidi, "Wang Yidi, tell me, what is an art test, and what does the art test test for?"

Wang Yidi was even more proud, she raised her head and said: "Then I will popularize it for you, this art test is..."

(End of this chapter)

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