The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 261 Cold and fever, nervous Yingzi

Chapter 261 Cold and fever, nervous Yingzi
Fang Yifan sneakily sat next to Zhou Chen, with a hesitant expression on his face, he wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Chen closed the Chinese document in his hand, and asked helplessly, "What's wrong with you?"

Fang Yifan: "It's nothing, I just heard Wang Yidi's art test, and I think it's very suitable for me. Zhou Chen, do you think I can pass the art test if I take it?"

"Do you want to hear the truth, or do you want to hear a lie?"

"What are you doing, tell the truth, lie, tell the truth."

"Now you are useless."

"What do you mean, why am I out of action? Although I'm not as good as you in dancing, I can sing very well. Why are I out of action?"

Fang Yifan was very unconvinced. He admitted that he was not as good as Zhou Chen in dancing, but Wang Yidi also said that the art test is not only a test of dancing, but also other aspects. He feels that he still has great hope. Why did he come to Zhou Chen? , to say that he is out of action?

Zhou Chen said: "Fang Hou, I really didn't hit you. You really can't do it now. You think the art test is just a joke, and you can just sing a song or dance? To tell you the truth, the admission of the art test The rate is even scarier than the college entrance examination, not as easy as you think."

The college entrance examination is only about grades, but the art test, in addition to cultural points, also has to test talent, and even the facial features are restricted. The most important thing is that the admission rate of the art test is too low, often not necessarily thousands of people. Enrolling 100 people is even more difficult than the college entrance examination.

In all fairness, Fang Yifan's appearance is not outstanding, and his talent has not been trained. In the eyes of laymen, he is still a little level, but in the eyes of insiders, he is an amateur.

With Fang Yifan's current level, if he takes the art test, it is [-]% impossible to be admitted.

"Is it that difficult?"

Although Fang Yifan heard Wang Yidi talk about the art test, in fact, even Wang Yidi didn't know how difficult it was.

But Zhou Chen is different. He has been in the entertainment industry for over twenty years. Although he has never taken an art test, he has seen too many boys and girls chasing their dreams. Those people are better than Fang Yifan. But still can't get into a good art school.

Therefore, without a few outstanding talents and abilities, it is as difficult as heaven to pass the art test.

Otherwise, do you really think those art schools are for charity and will accept you as a student with no special skills?
Unless you are really handsome and handsome, maybe there is still a possibility.

"Of course it is difficult, but you are not hopeless. There are still a few months before the art exam. You can find someone to help you train. If you are really talented, maybe use these few months to improve. Really Some of them can be admitted to art school."

In fact, Zhou Chen was also very surprised that Fang Yifan was able to pass the examinations of three art academies in only a few months in the TV series.

You must know that normal art candidates start preparing early, some have been preparing for more than ten years, and some have been preparing for several years.

Fang Yifan was able to pass the exam after only studying for a few months. It can only be said that the aura of the protagonist is too strong.

"Zhou Chen, do you think I have talent?" Fang Yifan asked expectantly.

Zhou Chen: "Why are you asking me? I'm not an art test teacher. If you want to know if you are talented, go find those professionals. But the premise is that you must be able to convince your parents. In the eyes of the older generation, the college entrance examination is the right way.”

Fang Yifan said: "What is the right path? As long as you can get into university, it is the right path, and I think art university is more interesting than ordinary university. Don't worry, I will be able to convince my mother."

"Then I wish you all the best."

Zhou Chen hehe, he knew that for the art test, Fang Yifan would fight fiercely with her mother Tong Wenjie, and in the end he would lose miserably at his mother's hands.

However, there are very few parents in the world who do not consider their children. Although Tong Wenjie disagreed verbally, she began to search for news about the art test in private.

Not long after the midterm exam, the school is planning to hold a parent meeting for the third graders, and this time the parent meeting is different from the past, but will recruit psychologists from outside to provide psychological counseling and consultation for the senior students and their parents.

This made Zhou Chen very emotional. When he held a parent-teacher meeting at school, he just sat in the class, then the principal spoke, the head teacher spoke, and finally they left.

Good guy, here at Chunfeng Middle School, there is an swearing-in meeting and expert psychological counseling...

Zhou Chen was going to inform his uncle about this parent meeting, but he estimated that uncle Song Yuan would not be available in all likelihood.

In addition to the parent meeting, there is another important thing in the school, and that is the upcoming winter camp.

Winter camps are held by major universities. Students who are willing can sign up, which is equivalent to participating in the school's independent admissions assessment and interview. If they perform well in the winter camp, they can get the school's independent admissions admission discount.

Therefore, this winter camp is very attractive to many students, especially outstanding students.

Regarding this winter camp, Zhou Chen didn't have much idea, and he wasn't ready to participate. He had absolute confidence in his ability. Even if he didn't pass self-enrollment and early admission, he could still get into the ideal university in the college entrance examination.

If you have time to go to winter camp, why not do something you want to do during the winter vacation.

"Let's go, Zhou Chen, go to physical education class."

Fang Yifan dragged Zhou Chen out of the classroom. The third year of senior high school was busy. For most senior high school students, physical education was one of the few pastimes.

"We're still playing basketball today, I'm going to abuse you once."

Speaking of playing basketball, all the boys in the basic class were very sad, because they were all tortured by Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen's physical fitness has reached the level of a professional athlete. Coupled with his basketball skills and awareness, he can abuse a group of high school students.

The boys in the class were basically convinced by Zhou Chen's abuse, and they couldn't accept it, because the difference in strength was too great.

But there are also people who are not convinced, Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang.

Fang Yifan was unconvinced like a brat, and Ji Yangyang was unconvinced because of his personality. Every time they had physical education class, the two of them would challenge Zhou Chen.

The results of the challenge, without exception, were all bloody abuse.

Today's physical education class is the same. Fang Yifan, who dances the most, finds Zhou Chen in a bullfight. An 11-0 bloodbath makes him close to himself.

"Ha embarrassment~ha embarrassment!"

Zhou Chen tightened his coat, he felt a little cold, and his nose was a little uncontrollable.

"Zhou Chen, what's the matter with you, did you catch a cold?"

Qiao Yingzi, who was walking with Zhou Chen, saw Zhou Chen sneezing several times, and immediately asked with concern.

Zhou Chen wiped his nose and said, "Maybe it was because I froze in physical education class today. It's fine. I'll be fine after a night of sleep. I'm in good health."

"Then you have to pay attention. Now that the season is changing and the weather is getting colder, don't catch the flu, or it will be very troublesome."

Yanjing is located in the north, and it is already relatively cold in November. When the seasons turn cooler, people are most likely to catch a cold and have a fever.

"Well, I see. I'll make a cold drink when I go back, and then I'll sleep again. I should be fine tomorrow morning."

Colds come as soon as they are said, sometimes no matter how good your physical fitness is, you can't avoid it.

But Zhou Chen didn't worry too much. He is in good physical condition now and is very young. Even if he really catches a cold, he can recover quickly.

It's just that this time he overestimated himself. Although he drank the cold medicine at night, he still had a fever in the early morning.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Chen only felt his mind was in a daze, as if spinning, and when he swallowed, his throat hurt even more, which made him immediately realize that he was in trouble.

After being dizzy for a long time without recovering, Zhou Chen could only turn on the bedside lamp, propped up his body, and picked up the thermometer that was placed on the bedside table last night.

The thermometer is the original mercury thermometer. Although the current temperature gun is very advanced, Zhou Chen still feels that it is not very accurate, and the accuracy of the mercury thermometer is higher.

Putting the thermometer under his arm, Zhou Chen lay down again, glanced at his phone, and started the timer.

"At least 38.5 degrees or more."

The result hasn't come out yet, but Zhou Chen has already guessed that what can make him feel so uncomfortable is definitely not the low temperature.

A few minutes later, Zhou Chen took out the thermometer and took a look.

39.6 degrees!
"This came too fast, it must be an inflammation of the tonsils, an old problem."

Zhou Chen had a wry smile on his face. Didn't he just froze during physical education class? It's only been a dozen hours, and his tonsils are inflamed and he has a fever, which even reached a scary 39.6 degrees.

There was only one person in the house, so Zhou Chen had no choice but to do it himself, tore off the prepared cooling patch and pasted it on his forehead, then poured some antipyretics and drank it.

I don't know how long it has passed. Although my throat is still uncomfortable, my head is finally much more comfortable, and I am no longer dizzy like before. This is due to the effect of the antipyretic medicine.

But Zhou Chen knew that this was only a temporary reduction of the fever. If the inflammation of the tonsils was not eliminated in time, the temperature would rise again in a few hours.

Looking at the time, it was only past four o'clock. Now that he is in this state, he must not be able to drive to the hospital alone, so he can only wait until dawn.

Under the effect of the anti-fever medicine, Zhou Chen fell asleep for a while, and when he woke up again, he felt his body temperature start to rise again.

It was already past seven o'clock, and Zhou Chen didn't intend to go to school, so he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Pan Shuai, asking him for leave.

Pan Shuai was very nervous when he learned that Zhou Chen had a fever, and said he wanted to see him and take him to the hospital, but Zhou Chen refused.

Enduring the discomfort, Zhou Chen went to the kitchen to wash rice and cook, preparing to cook a pot of white rice porridge.

This is what his mother taught him. When you have a cold and a fever, you should not eat casually. It is best to drink warm water and rice porridge soup.

When he was at home, his mother cooked for him, but now he can only cook by himself.

"It's really uncomfortable."

It was just a simple washing of rice and cooking porridge, but it made Zhou Chen very uncomfortable, and couldn't help cursing.

He hadn't had a fever for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce this time that people were caught off guard.

Lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, in a daze, I don't know how long it has been. Zhou Chen picked up the mobile phone next to him and checked, it was already 42:[-].

After drinking a bowl of rice porridge soup, my throat felt a little better, but my body temperature was getting higher and higher, starting to approach the trend of last night.

Seeing that it was past nine o'clock and he could take antipyretics again, Zhou Chen immediately drank the antipyretics, then quickly changed his clothes, put on a mask, wrapped himself tightly and went out.

He stopped a taxi at the entrance of the community, and Zhou Chen went straight to the hospital.

During the school break, Qiao Yingzi came to the basic class and wanted to find Zhou Chen, but after looking around, he couldn't find Zhou Chen.

It happened that Fang Yifan walked over and saw Qiao Yingzi looking around, so he walked over and patted her on the shoulder.


Qiao Yingzi was taken aback, seeing that it was Fang Yifan, he immediately scolded dissatisfiedly: "You want to scare me to death."

Fang Yifan asked with a grin, "What are you looking at furtively here?"

Qiao Yingzi said: "I'm looking for Zhou Chen, what about others? Have you gone out?"

Fang Yifan: "No, Zhou Chen didn't come today. I just asked Teacher Pan and said that Zhou Chen asked for leave."

"He asked for leave, what's going on?" Qiao Yingzi asked in surprise.

"Teacher Pan said he was not feeling well, he seemed to have a cold and a fever."

Fang Yifan shook his head and said, "This guy, usually looks quite strong, but I didn't expect his body to be worse than mine."

"Look what you can."

Qiao Yingzi kicked Fang Yifan and ran away.

After returning to the classroom, the more Qiao Yingzi thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She remembered that when Zhou Chen walked with her last night, she seemed to have a tendency to catch a cold. She didn't expect that after one night, instead of getting better, it would get worse. Will take time off from school.

"I don't know what's going on with him. He lives alone, and no one takes care of him when he has a cold and a fever. That's not okay."

She knew that Zhou Chen lived alone, and if he got sick, there would be no one to take care of him, so the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

"Hey, Yingzi, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly a face appeared in front of Qiao Yingzi, which shocked her, "Tao Zi, why did you learn from Fang Hou? It's scary."

Huang Zhitao smiled and said, "I didn't mean to scare you, it's because you're too preoccupied with things, Yingzi, what's the matter with you, you're not in the right state."

Qiao Yingzi said: "Zhou Chen didn't come to class today, he said he had a fever and asked for leave."

"Zhou Chen has a fever?" Huang Zhitao looked very surprised: "Then how is he doing now, has he been to the hospital?"

Qiao Yingzi shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I'm a little worried. He lives alone. If he has a severe fever, no one will take care of him. Whether he can go to the hospital or not is up for debate."

Huang Zhitao said calmly: "Then you should call him quickly and ask him where he is now, how is he doing?"


Only then did Qiao Yingzi realize that she quickly took out her cell phone and dialed Zhou Chen's number.

As soon as Zhou Chen got off the taxi, he heard his cell phone ring.

"Hello, Yingzi."

"Zhou Chen, do you have a fever, where are you now?"

"I just arrived at the hospital by car, and I'm going to see a doctor. Don't worry, I'm fine. I think I'll be fine with a sling."


Qiao Yingzi hung up the phone. Although she knew that Zhou Chen had gone to the hospital, she was still not at ease.

"Tao Zi, I'm a little worried about Zhou Chen, so I'll ask for leave to find him now, and don't forget to take notes for me when I'm in class."

"Oh, Yingzi..."

Huang Zhitao was just about to speak, but Qiao Yingzi had already rushed out of the classroom, which made her very helpless.

"Don't tell me what happened to Zhou Chen..."

Qiao Yingzi found Li Meng and said that his stomach was uncomfortable, probably because of his menstruation, he was very uncomfortable, and wanted to ask for half a day off.

Although Li Meng pays attention to the students' study, she is also very concerned about the physical safety of the students. When she saw that Qiao Yingzi's expression was not right, she wanted to take Qiao Yingzi to check.

But how dare Qiao Yingzi go with her? He quickly found a reason, saying that he had medicine at home, and he would be fine after taking the medicine when he went back and rested for half a day.

So Li Meng didn't stop her, and wrote a note to Qiao Yingzi, allowing her to leave the school.

After leaving the school, Qiao Yingzi immediately took a taxi to the hospital that Zhou Chen mentioned.

Zhou Chen waited in line for a long time, and finally saw the doctor. Before he could say a few words to the doctor, the doctor gave him an order for him to have a blood test. We will discuss everything after the results of the blood test.

Zhou Chen is used to this kind of operation by doctors. In today's society, most doctors only look at the checklist, and don't say anything without the checkup report.

Honestly, I went to the inspection department to queue up to get the number, and after more than ten minutes of tossing, I finally got the blood drawn, and then waited with the barcode.

Looking around, there wasn't even a place to sit, so Zhou Chen could only stand leaning against the wall.

Looking at the hospital with people coming and going, Zhou Chen couldn't help feeling that as long as human beings don't perish, the business of the hospital will probably never be bad.

While waiting for the report, the phone rang again, and it was still Qiao Yingzi.

"What? You came to the hospital?"

Hearing Qiao Yingzi talk about the hospital, Zhou Chen was startled. Is this bitch so stupid?
"Okay, I'm right here at the laboratory, come here."

Zhou Chen hung up the phone with a wry smile. He never expected that after Qiao Yingzi found out that he was sick, he didn't even go to class and went to the hospital to find him.

This moved him very much. Although Qiao Yingzi was still young, being able to care about him so much showed that he had a different status in her mind.

Qiao Yingzi's school uniform was so conspicuous that Zhou Chen saw her as soon as she entered the hall.

"Yingzi, this way."

Qiao Yingzi supported Zhou Chen as soon as he ran over, and asked out of breath, "Zhou Chen, how are you? Have you seen a doctor? What did the doctor say?"

"What are you in a hurry for? Seeing you running, I can't even breathe well. I'm fine. I just had my blood drawn and I'm checking it. It's probably water."

"Then what's wrong with you?"

When Qiao Yingzi was speaking, he put his hand on Zhou Chen's forehead: "Ah, why is your head so hot? How high is the fever?"

Zhou Chen took her hand off, smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, it's not as exaggerated as you think, I just have a cold and fever caused by inflammation of the tonsils, the blood should be fine, and the results will come out later , find a doctor to have a look, just hang two bottles of water."

"It's you, you did well in class, why did you run out?"

Qiao Yingzi: "It's not because I'm worried about you. You are alone in the hospital. I'm afraid you can't take care of yourself, so I come here to help."

"I'm so touched by you."

Zhou Chen smiled gratifiedly, and saw two people leaving beside him, so he pulled Qiao Yingzi: "There is a seat over there, let's go and sit down."

After sitting down, he asked again: "How did you get out of school, shouldn't you be over the wall?"

Qiao Yingzi gave him a blank look, and said, "Am I so unreliable in your eyes? I said I had a stomachache and asked for leave."

"You're such a clever little devil."

Zhou Chen reached out and tapped her forehead, then took out a mask from his pocket, "Put the mask on, the hospital has a lot of germs."

(End of this chapter)

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