The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 262 Unlucky, Qiao Weidong's threats and intimidation

Chapter 262 Unlucky, Qiao Weidong's threats and intimidation

"Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Eat, boiled white rice porridge, and drank a bowl."

"Then have you taken antipyretics?"

"have eaten."

"Besides the fever, is there any other discomfort?"

"Throat, it should be tonsil inflammation."

"Tonsillitis is the most uncomfortable thing. After seeing the doctor later, let's go eat some light food."



Qiao Yingzi kept asking questions. Although Zhou Chen was a little uncomfortable, he still answered patiently.

It feels good to be cared about, even if Qiao Yingzi is just a girl.

"Aren't you afraid that Li Tiegun will tell your mother if you skip class like this?"

Zhou Chen was very touched that Qiao Yingzi could ask for leave to take care of him, but at the same time, he also worried about Qiao Yingzi.

Because he knew very well how strict Song Qian was on Qiao Yingzi. If he knew that Qiao Yingzi asked for leave to take care of him, and he didn't know what would happen, Qiao Yingzi would definitely suffer.

Qiao Yingzi narrowed her eyes and said, "It's okay. I told Mr. Li that my stomach hurts. I'll just go home and take medicine. She probably won't call my mother."

"You still have to pay attention, don't be so impulsive next time, at least discuss it with me first."

"Oh, why are you talking so much nonsense, who am I asking for leave for?"

Qiao Yingzi looked very impatient, and then said to Zhou Chen: "Give me the things, I'll go and scan them, the report should be out soon."

The report had indeed come out, Qiao Yingzi took the report and looked at it for a few moments before handing it to Zhou Chen.

"Come on, let's go to the doctor now."

Looking at the report in his hand, Zhou Chen found that several items were not in the standard value, but the difference was not too great, and only one item was on the high side, which showed that the blood items were still normal.

After waiting for a doctor for a long time, he was busy, and finally prescribed three bottles of intravenous drip.

The three bottles of water were hung for almost an hour.

"How do you feel now?"

When Zhou Chen hung up the water, Qiao Yingzi stayed by his side all the time, pouring him some hot water, and calling the nurse to help him change the medicine, just like a little girlfriend.

Zhou Chen said: "It's much better and more relaxed, and my throat doesn't hurt as much as before."

The advantage of hanging water is that the effect is quick. After three bottles of water, Zhou Chen is obviously refreshed again.

"The doctor said that your high fever is a bit serious. Although you've recovered today, you still have to hang out for a day to consolidate tomorrow."

"Okay, I see, Yingzi, I found out why you are acting like a housekeeper?"

"Go away, dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths."

"Haha, just kidding, but if you are willing to be my housekeeper, I definitely have no objections."

"Who wants to be your housekeeper? It's a beautiful idea."

The two took a taxi from the hospital back to Shuxiang Yayuan. Qiao Yingzi was about to enter the community with Zhou Chen, but Zhou Chen stopped her.

"Yingzi, I'm much better now, I can go back to rest by myself, you should go to class quickly."

Qiao Yingzi: "How can this be done? How can you make people feel at ease with your appearance? Besides, I have already asked for a day off. If I go back at this time, I will reveal myself."

Zhou Chen smiled wryly and said, "But if you go back with me and your mother sees us, we will be finished."

"It's okay. My mother should not be at home at this point. At noon, she will go to the institution to make up lessons for students."

"Still making up lessons at noon?" Zhou Chen asked in astonishment.

"Yes, some schools have a two-hour break at noon, and some students will go to the institution for a class."

"Did you fight so hard?"

Zhou Chen still knows a little about tutoring institutions. After all, he also worked as a tutoring agency in Xiao Shede World.

But he has never seen an institution that still attends classes during the lunch break. Is he too ignorant, or is the world too crazy?
"What's the matter, as far as I know, there are many senior three students who make up classes until twelve o'clock every night."

"School during the day, class at night, and stay up until the early hours of the morning. This is the third year of high school."

Qiao Yingzi's words made Zhou Chen refresh his understanding of Great Yanjing. He felt that the learning atmosphere in their province was exaggerated enough. Looking at the situation here now, it seems that it is even worse, at least when he was in the third year of high school. Time didn't boil like this.

With this kind of crazy energy, I can't pass the 985 exam, I am sorry for the hard work of this year.

The two quickly took the elevator to the fourth floor, and then walked towards Zhou Chen's house, but when they passed the door of Qiao Yingzi's house, there was a sound of the door opening, and then a woman came out.

It was Song Qian.

Is there such a coincidence?

At this moment, all three of them stood there dumbfounded, and Qiao Yingzi was even more frightened.

Zhou Chen's reaction was relatively quick, and he immediately called out to Song Qian: "Hello, Aunt Song."

Song Qian didn't even look at him, she just stared at Qiao Yingzi, and asked with a cold face: "Yingzi, why did you come back, and you're still with him?"

Qiao Yingzi was completely frightened and stupid, muttering that she didn't know what to say. There was only one thought in her mind, and that was that she was finished.

Zhou Chen saw that Qiao Yingzi was already stupid, so of course he didn't want her to be scolded by Song Qian, so he continued: "Aunt Song, Qiao Yingzi asked for leave from the teacher because of a stomachache, so she came back. As for me, it's because of me. I had a fever and couldn't go to class, so I happened to meet Qiao Yingzi, so we came back together."

Song Qian looked at Zhou Chen with cold eyes: "I'm talking to my daughter, what does it have to do with you, who asked you to interrupt, I don't know you well, leave our house immediately."

Zhou Chen's face suddenly became ugly. He was about to speak, but saw Qiao Yingzi looking at him beggingly. He understood what Qiao Yingzi meant, and suppressed his anger.

Not talking anymore, he turned and left the door of Qiao Yingzi's house, walked to his own door, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, he heard Qiao Yingzi yelling: "Mom, don't pull me, I will go by myself."

"Didn't you say that your stomach hurts? Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital right now. I want to see how the pain has become. You can't even go to school, and you're fooling around with a rich second generation who doesn't study well. "

"Mom, don't pull me, Mom, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing, take you to see a doctor, let's go."

"I'm not going, I'm going home."

"Go home, you have a stomachache, I'll take you to see a doctor, why, are you lying to me?"

"Mom, what on earth do you want to do? Let's go home and talk about what's going on. It's so embarrassing to shout here."

"Ashamed, you still feel ashamed, you skipped class with the boys, are you still afraid of being ashamed?"


Zhou Chen stood behind the door, listening to Qiao Yingzi's cries, and slowly clenched his fists. He wanted to rush out to save Qiao Yingzi, but reason stopped him.

He knew very well that if he rushed out at this time, it would only make things worse.

The current situation is not that his wife is being bullied, he can stand up.

It was the mother and daughter who were arguing, and he was just an outsider. If he passed, it would only make Song Qian worse, and it would be Qiao Yingzi who would suffer.

So Zhou Chen could only hold back the urgency in his heart and suppress his discomfort.

After all, this is not the world of martial arts where there is joy, kindness and hatred. If he intervenes by force, it will be unreasonable everywhere.

Among the world's affairs, family disputes are the most difficult to resolve, especially when you meet Song Qian, an extremely strong mother, there is no other way.

Zhou Chen didn't know what kind of quarrel Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi had, but he knew that the quarrel between Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian this time was entirely because of him.

Zhou Chen has been watching the movement of Qiao Yingzi's house. He found that after the two of them went in, they never came out again. It seemed that Song Qian didn't even go to work.

Knowing that Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi might not come out again this day, Zhou Chen could only lie helplessly on the bed.

Zhou Chen didn't plan to eat anything at noon, he just reheated the white rice porridge cooked in the morning, ate two bowls, and then began to rest.

When you are recovering from a serious illness, what you need most is rest.

At night, Zhou Chen was awakened by knocking on the door. After waking up from sleep, Zhou Chen didn't have a fever anymore, but his body was still a little uncomfortable and weak.

Opening the door, it turned out to be Qiao Yingzi's father, Qiao Weidong.

"Uncle Qiao." Zhou Chen called out proactively.

But Qiao Weidong snorted coldly: "No, I'm not your uncle, we don't know each other that well."

After speaking, he walked into the living room on his own, sat down on the sofa, and stared at Zhou Chen with a gloomy expression.

Seeing Qiao Weidong's posture, Zhou Chen knew that he must have come to find fault, and Song Qian must have asked him to come.

Zhou Chen didn't panic, and he didn't do anything wrong, so after closing the door, he walked to Qiao Weidong and sat down.

"Uncle Joe..."

"No, as I said, we don't know each other well, so don't call me uncle."

Qiao Weidong pushed his glasses, "Zhou Chen, do you know why I came to you today?"

Qiao Weidong was so rude, Zhou Chen no longer spoiled him, and replied blankly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao, I really don't know why you came to me."

Qiao Weidong was even angrier when he saw Zhou Chen pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

"Don't be sloppy with me. Let me ask you, did I tell you not to have bad intentions against my daughter? Why didn't you listen?"

Zhou Chen: "First of all, I have no intentions against you, Yingzi. We are just classmates and friends. Secondly, Mr. Qiao, I am not your subordinate or employee. I have no obligation to obey your orders. , if you want to show the aura of your boss, please go to your subordinates."

He thought he had never done anything outrageous to Qiao Yingzi, and even if he wanted to pursue Qiao Yingzi, he was not prepared to do so now.

But Song Qian just stared at him as if she was watching her father and enemy being killed, and now Qiao Weidong looked like he was being dragged down, she really thought Zhou Chen was a bully.

Qiao Weidong was pissed off by Zhou Chen, and he became even more angry.

"How do you talk? Have you ever talked to elders like this?"

"Elder? I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao, you just said that we don't seem to be familiar with each other. Since we are not familiar, why are you my elder? Is it because you are more than [-] years older than me?"

"Sharp-toothed brat."

Qiao Weidong snorted coldly: "I don't care who you are, what your family does, how much money you have, let me tell you, Yingzi is my daughter, I will not, and I will not allow you to get close to her, otherwise don't blame me for treating you You're welcome."

Hearing Qiao Weidong's threat, Zhou Chen immediately laughed.

"Mr. Qiao, if you didn't say this to me, I would really admire your love for your daughter, but I'm sorry, I am the person who is least afraid of threats."

Qiao Weidong said coldly: "Don't underestimate a father's methods. If you dare to approach my daughter again, I can really do anything."

Zhou Chen sneered, if it wasn't for Qiao Yingzi's face, he would have kicked Qiao Weidong out a long time ago.

In the TV series, each character is described too positively, but if you really look at it.

In fact, Qiao Weidong is really nothing.

He is unfaithful to his wife, let alone being counted or something. A truly loyal man will never give other women a chance to plot against him. The biggest reason he has sex with other women is himself.

Not to mention my girlfriend Xiaomeng, when you need someone, you can come when you call, and when you don't need someone, you can go away.

After talking with her for several years, she has been hanging on to others, but she is unwilling to get married, and she finds all kinds of reasons to pretend to be innocent. In the end, it seems that Xiaomeng took the initiative to ask for a breakup, but in fact, she was also forced by him.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no hope, how could Xiaomeng break up so easily, and she didn't ask for anything.

Qiao Weidong really cared for his daughter, but that was spoiling.

In the plot, if he hadn't appeared one after another, to be honest, Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian wouldn't have made such a fuss in the end, and Qiao Yingzi wouldn't have collapsed so quickly.

When it comes to friends, Qiao Weidong is not really a qualified friend.

As a big boss, his best friend Fang Yuan has been out of work for more than half a year, and he knows it very well, but he never thought of helping Fang Yuan.

Don't say that Fang Yuan doesn't need him to pull, or that Fang Yuan will lose face.

If he really wanted to help Fang Yuan, he would have countless ways to make Fang Yuan unaware that it was him who helped.

But he really didn't do anything, watching his good friend Fang Yuan getting more and more embarrassed.

Zhou Chen didn't have any objections to Qiao Weidong and Song Qian because of Qiao Yingzi's affairs, but watched the TV series Xiao Huanxi, and the three families. In fact, Qiao Weidong and Song Qian were the most bottomless and impersonal.

Song Qian turned upside down just because the two children might fall in love early, and even belittled Fang Yuan in various ways in front of Tong Wenjie, and looked down upon her in various ways.

Is this what a qualified girlfriend should say?

Among other things, just now, Qiao Weidong actually said such threatening words in front of Zhou Chen, and it is not an exaggeration to accuse him of a crime of intimidation.

"Mr. Qiao, let me say it again. Yingzi and I are just classmates and friends. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yingzi. If Yingzi really wants to keep a distance from me, I won't say anything, but if you do Threatening me, I'm sorry, I still say that, I am the least threatened person."

Qiao Weidong's face became ugly. He was indeed threatening Zhou Chen. In his opinion, as long as he behaved a little more fiercely, Zhou Chen, a high school student, would definitely be frightened.

But he underestimated Zhou Chen. Instead of being frightened, Zhou Chen looked at him sarcastically, as if he disdained his methods.

This put Qiao Weidong in a dilemma.

Of course he didn't dare to really do anything to Zhou Chen, not to mention whether it was illegal or not, as far as he knew, Zhou Chen's family background was unusual, probably richer than him, and he also had an uncle who opened a law firm.

If he really wanted to play tricks, he might not be able to outplay others.

It's just that he was right in saying that he would do anything for his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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