The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 263 Crazy Song Qian, collapsed Qiao Yingzi

Chapter 263 Crazy Song Qian, collapsed Qiao Yingzi
Qiao Weidong didn't let go of any harsh words. After giving Zhou Chen a serious look, he slammed the door and left.


Zhou Chen was also really speechless. It was indeed the parents' responsibility to put an end to their daughter's puppy love, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But the problem is, whether it is Song Qian or Qiao Weidong, what they have done is really speechless. They even said such threats and intimidation. If he really took any action, what did he do to Qiao Yingzi? Not really going to kill him?

For the vast majority of male and female friends, the parents of both parties are definitely the biggest problem.

Some parents really consider it for their children, while others oppose it for the sake of opposition.

I think he has not done anything with Qiao Yingzi yet, and he is already like this. If the two of them are really in love, I don't know what the parents will do.

Qiao Weidong returned to his former home with anger. Song Qian was sitting in the living room waiting, and when she saw Qiao Weidong coming back, she immediately stood up.

"How about it?"

"I didn't agree."

Qiao Weidong's face was gloomy: "That kid is different from ordinary children. He doesn't even use threats and warnings, and his family is not an ordinary family. Even if we want to find his parents, it is not so easy to compromise."

Song Qian shouted angrily: "No, absolutely don't let him get close to Yingzi, otherwise Yingzi will be spoiled by him."

Her daughter is her only spiritual support now, and she doesn't even want to let Yingzi's biological father get close to him, let alone Zhou Chen, who is a stranger.

The most important thing is that this time she felt extremely panic. As a woman, she clearly felt her daughter's different feelings for that boy.

She is someone who has experienced it, and she knows exactly what this kind of affection means. If they don't stop it, the daughter may really be with that boy.

Although her daughter will get married sooner or later, it's definitely not now. She doesn't allow her daughter to fall in love early, and she doesn't allow her daughter to escape her control. Even if she wants to fall in love in the future, she must first pass her test.

"Then what do you want to do? I've heard Yingzi say that his family is an uncle. I've investigated and found that he is indeed a very powerful barrister. If we really want to make trouble, we must be the ones who suffer."

Qiao Weidong has self-knowledge, knowing that although he has a little money, Song Yuan is not bad, and more importantly, he is a lawyer, and it is impossible for them to speak well of each other, whether it is lip service or other aspects.

Song Qian glared at him fiercely: "You are really useless, you can't even protect your own daughter."

Qiao Weidong had long been used to Song Qian's attitude, even if he was scolded, he just scratched his head and didn't say anything.

"How is Yingzi feeling now?"

Speaking of Yingzi, Song Qian became even more angry, and hummed with a sullen face: "She? She has lost her mind. It's this time, and she is still talking about that Zhou Chen. I think she was confused by that brat. Right or wrong."

"I'll go and persuade her." Qiao Weidong volunteered.

"What's the use of you going?"

Although Song Qian said so, she didn't stop her. She knew that her daughter liked her father better, and Qiao Weidong's persuasion might really help.

Zhou Chen didn't know what happened to Qiao Yingzi's family. He took a day off, hung up the water the next day, and didn't go to class until the third day.

In the morning, after Zhou Chen finished exercising and took a hot bath, he was ready to go out to eat breakfast and go to school.

But as soon as he walked to the door of Qiao Yingzi's house, he saw that the door of Qiao Yingzi's house was also opened, and Qiao Yingzi walked out with her mother Song Qian.

Seeing Qiao Yingzi, Zhou Chen was about to say hello, but Song Qian pushed Qiao Yingzi forward.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's go quickly."

As he said that, he dragged Qiao Yingzi to the elevator, without looking at Zhou Chen from the beginning to the end.

Qiao Yingzi could only show a sorry expression to Zhou Chen, while Zhou Chen smiled at her.

It was even more embarrassing in front of the elevator, one had two elevators, Zhou Chen was standing in front of one of the elevator doors, while Song Qian was pulling Qiao Yingzi to stand in front of the other elevator door.

Even if the elevator on Zhou Chen's side came up first, they didn't ride with Zhou Chen, but waited for another elevator.

"What is this?"

Zhou Chen stood in the elevator with a speechless expression on his face. What Song Qian's parents did was really suffocating. No matter how cheerful a child is, if he meets this kind of mother, he will go crazy.

Without a strong psychological quality, I really don't deserve to have such a mother.

Over there, Qiao Yingzi got off the elevator and felt even more depressed when he saw the back of Zhou Chen who had gone away.

"Mom, what do you want to do?"

Song Qian said with a serious face: "From today onwards, I will pick you up and drop you off from school. Also, when you are at school, you have to be conscious and don't get in touch with that Zhou Chen. If you don't listen to me, then I will I can only call your teacher Li Meng and let her keep an eye on you."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yingzi's complexion changed drastically, and he asked in a broken voice, "Mom, how could you do this? Zhou Chen and I really have nothing, and you still need to find a teacher. You are really crazy. If you do this, Let me how to get along with my classmates in the future."

Song Qian said calmly: "I just don't let you associate with that Zhou Chen, and I didn't say that I forbid you to associate with other classmates. Aren't Tao Zi, Fang Yifan, and Lin Lei'er all your classmates and friends? Why do you insist? Playing with that Zhou Chen?"

"I, you, oh."

Qiao Yingzi stomped her feet angrily, but she had nothing to do with her mother. In the end, she could only stomp her feet and walked towards the school angrily.

Seeing her daughter leaving, Song Qian immediately chased after her. She didn't just talk casually, but she would really take action to pick up Qiao Yingzi to and from school.

And she also got angry with Qiao Weidong. If she was too busy sometimes, she would ask Qiao Weidong to pick up her daughter instead.

Qiao Yingzi came all the way to the school, only feeling that all the classmates were watching her, which made her feel very embarrassed.

It is already in the third year of high school, and it cannot be said that it is unique, but it is also very rare, not to mention that most of the parents who send their students are because their home schools are far away.

A house like hers is in the neighborhood next to the school, and it was sent by her mother. It is definitely No. 1 in the Shuxiangyayuan neighborhood.

After Zhou Chen had breakfast at the gate of the community, he went to school Shi Shiran and took two days off, but he was not worried at all that he would delay the class.

"Zhou Chen, you're finally here. You haven't been here for two days. I feel very empty and I can't get excited at all."

As soon as Zhou Chen arrived in class, Fang Yifan came over and said happily.

"Go away, don't be so disgusting."

Zhou Chen pushed Fang Yifan away, and then asked, "Why, your mother has allowed you to take the art test?"

"Why don't you open which pot and lift which pot?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Fang Yifan immediately died down. A few days ago, he went home and told his parents about the art test, but his mother beat him back and told him not to think about it, concentrate on studying, and take the college entrance examination.

He was depressed enough these few days, but now Zhou Chen brought it up again, and he immediately returned to his seat in a self-contained manner.

After Fang Yifan left, Ji Yangyang came over to Zhou Chen and said, "Zhou Chen, are you fully recovered?"

Zhou Chen: "It's completely healed."

They greeted the students who were concerned about them one after another, and they didn't disperse until the teacher came.

When the evening self-study get out of class was over, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were waiting for Zhou Chen and the others in front of the teaching building, and they walked towards the school gate in a group.

"Zhou Chen, I'm sorry, my parents went too far." Qiao Yingzi said to Zhou Chen with an apologetic face.

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, they are them, you are you, I won't have a bad impression of you because of them, I think if it were you, it would definitely be the same as what I think, right?"

"Of course." Qiao Yingzi replied without hesitation.

"That's not it."

"Hey, what charades are you two doing?"

Fang Yifan came over, he didn't understand the conversation between Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi just now.

Qiao Yingzi said depressedly: "I went to the hospital to see Zhou Chen that day, and my mother saw it when I came back. She thought I had fallen in love with Zhou Chen early, so she didn't give Zhou Chen a good face, and asked my father to go find Zhou Chen. Chen is in trouble."

"real or fake?"

Huang Zhitao had already heard about it, but Fang Yifan, Ji Yangyang and Lin Lei'er were all very surprised.

Fang Yifan murmured, "But with your mother's personality, this is really something she can do. I said you are really too, and you don't know how to keep a low profile when you are in love."

"Shut up you."

Qiao Yingzi kicked Fang Yifan aside, and said, "What's even more depressing is that my mother..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Zhitao, who was next to her, bumped into her body and pointed to the school gate.

Qiao Yingzi looked forward, her expression changed immediately, and she saw her mother Song Qian standing at the gate and waving her hands constantly, her yellow windbreaker was very conspicuous.

Although Qiao Yingzi was extremely unwilling, under Song Qian's beckoning, he could only helplessly glance at the crowd, and then walked slowly towards his mother.

Seeing Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian leave, Fang Yifan and the others who didn't know the situation all looked confused.

"What's the situation?"

Huang Zhitao replied: "Yingzi's mother is worried about Yingzi and Zhou Chen, so she has to pick her up and drop off from school every day."

"Is it so cruel?" Fang Yifan and the three of them were dumbfounded.

Ji Yangyang was even more surprised: "These parents are really looking for trouble, they can't stand it."

Fang Yifan asked Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, your prospective mother-in-law is so wary of you, don't you have any idea?"

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes at him, and said, "What do I think? Could it be possible to kill her with an [-]x mirror?"

"Fuck, you are too cruel, you can even say such things."

Since this day, Qiao Yingzi will go to and after school under the 'protection' of her mother every day. Even if it is a holiday, Qiao Weidong will come over to stare at Qiao Yingzi and prevent her from contacting Zhou Chen.

On this point, Qiao Weidong was very obedient, no matter how much he doted on his daughter, he was absolutely on guard against Zhou Chen, no matter what Qiao Yingzi said, he would not let go.

The persecution of her parents made Qiao Yingzi miserable. Even on campus, Zhou Chen tried to enlighten her many times, but the effect was still not good.

Especially after the parent meeting, Qiao Yingzi's state became even more depressed, which made Zhou Chen even more anxious. He felt that he had to take action, otherwise Qiao Yingzi would really be forced into depression.

It's just that before Zhou Chen started to act, Qiao Yingzi went to him first.

Tomorrow is the weekend, Zhou Chen had a rest early in the evening, and he planned to go to the mask factory tomorrow.

Since he took charge of the mask factory, he has been producing medical masks, and the inferior masks like the previous ones have been abandoned by him.

This time he wants to go because he has obtained permission to start producing N95 masks. This is a very important matter for the mask factory, so he is going to watch it in person for two days.

It's just that he hadn't slept for a long time when the phone's ringtone woke him up suddenly. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Qiao Yingzi. The key was the time, and it turned out to be past one o'clock in the morning.

"what's the situation?"

Zhou Chen was a little dazed and had a bad premonition. There must be something wrong with Qiao Yingzi calling him so late.

"Hello, Yingzi."

"Zhou Chen, I'm at your door."

Zhou Chen sat up suddenly: "Are you at my door?"


"Wait, I'll open the door for you now."

He quickly put on a pajamas, and then went to open the door, only to see Qiao Yingzi, who was wearing a coat, standing at the door trembling.

He pulled Qiao Yingzi in and closed the door.

"Yingzi, what's wrong with you? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, and you dare to come to my place, aren't you afraid of being discovered by your mother?"

"It's okay. We suffer from insomnia at night. We all take sleeping pills to sleep. She won't wake up for a few hours."

Qiao Yingzi clapped her hands. She thought for a long time in front of Zhou Chen's door before calling Zhou Chen.

"Come on, enter the room, and turn on the heating inside."

The living room was a bit cold, so Zhou Chen directly dragged Qiao Yingzi into the bedroom.

"Yingzi, if you don't dislike it, just come into my bed to warm up. If there is anything, we will talk about it when it gets warmer."

"No, I'll just sit on the chair."

Qiao Yingzi went to the chair by the bed and sat down. She entered the room of the male classmates in the middle of the night. She didn't feel shy, but more depressed.

Zhou Chen sat on the head of the bed, looked at Qiao Yingzi who was low, and asked softly, "Yingzi, it's so late, can't you sleep?"

"Well, I want to sleep, but I just can't sleep. When I lie down, my mind is full of random thoughts, and I can't fall asleep."

Qiao Yingzi had a painful expression on her face. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She just couldn't sleep. It had been going on for several days. She couldn't bear it tonight, so she thought of going to Zhou Chen to hide.

Qiao Yingzi's state immediately made Zhou Chen realize that it was not good. She might have developed towards depression, or even had mild depression.

But of course he wouldn't tell Qiao Yingzi the truth at this time. He was a senior in high school and knew a little about depression. He was afraid that he would scare Qiao Yingzi if he said it.

"It should be insomnia, it's okay, Yingzi, I know you have been under a lot of pressure recently, both from learning and from other aspects, but no matter what, you must relax your mind and don't think about it. No matter what, you I also support you, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will support you and protect you."

"Thank you."

Zhou Chen's words gave Qiao Yingzi a lot of comfort, and the tense emotions were slowly released.

After Qiao Yingzi calmed down, Zhou Chen continued to ask: "If you have anything you want to say, you can tell me, and if you want to vent, you can also vent it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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