The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 268 The cheap father, the New Year's party

Chapter 268 The cheap father, the New Year's party
"Wife, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's easy to hurt the fetus."

Fang Yuan pressed his wife, Tong Wenjie, and persuaded softly, "They are also kind-hearted. They knew there was a problem at home and wanted to help, so they did that."

Tong Wenjie said angrily: "Help? Why do you want them to help? You are students now, and the responsibility of students is to study hard. Studying is your job."

"Yes, yes, Fang Yifan, Lei'er, don't hurry to apologize." Fang Yuan scolded Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er.

Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er also practiced well, and immediately bowed their heads to apologize.

"Mom, I know I was wrong."

"Auntie, I know I was wrong, don't be angry, if you are angry, hit me."

Tong Wenjie said angrily: "If beating you is useful, I will beat you all to death."

She was so angry because Lin Lei'er gave up the winter camp. This is the winter camp of Shuimu University. If Lin Lei'er performed well this time, she will have a great advantage when Shuimu University enrolls students independently in the future.

She knew that her nephew's dream was to be admitted to the Physics Department of Mizuki University, so she could imagine the anger in her heart as she watched the opportunity pass by.

"Mom, we also want to make money and reduce your burden. Look, you even sold your house. Where will you live in the future?"

Fang Yifan understood his mother's temper very well. Seeing his mother's appearance, he knew that most of her anger had subsided, so he spoke.

"Even if we live on the street, we will not lose your food, drink, housing and transportation. This kind of thing is not something you need to consider at all. As long as you can study hard and get admitted to a good university, that is the greatest reward for me."

Tong Wenjie gave Fang Yifan a hard look. She didn't need to think about it to know that it was because of his son's evil idea that his nephew lost such a good opportunity.

Fang Yifan murmured: "Lei'er and I are also part of the family. Now that we encounter difficulties, of course we have to contribute."

"Mom, is our family really that short of money? If so, I'll borrow some from Zhou Chen. He has money and we have such a good relationship. He will definitely lend it to me."


As soon as Fang Yifan finished speaking, he was slapped on the back of the head.

Fang Yuan looked at Fang Yifan dissatisfied, and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? How did you remember borrowing money from your classmates?"

He admitted that his family's current economic conditions are not good, but he never thought of asking acquaintances to borrow money, because his family has not yet reached that level.

Neither of them had thought about it, but Fang Yifan actually thought of borrowing money from his classmates. If he was really asked to do that, where would the embarrassment of the two of them be?

Tong Wenjie also shouted and cursed: "Fang Yuan, look at your son, what he has learned, he has no skin or face, just like you."

Fang Yifan spent a miserable day under the mixed doubles of his parents.

Ji Yangyang's mother, Liu Jing, underwent the operation during the winter vacation. The operation went very smoothly, and the cancer cells did not spread. in many ways.

During the winter vacation, in order to improve Ji Yangyang's grades, Liu Jing spent a lot of favors and money, and invited the four heavenly kings in the education field to make up lessons for Ji Yangyang.

And Qiao Yingzi and Fang Yifan also took Ji Yangyang's excellent class with the help of their parents.

As for Zhou Chen, not long after the winter vacation, after confirming that Qiao Yingzi was in good condition, he left Shuxiang Yayuan and returned to live in his own big villa.

Although Shuxiangyayuan's house is not small, it is far inferior to his villa, and after returning to the villa, there are people waiting for food and drink, so naturally it is not comparable to Shuxiangyayuan.

During the winter vacation, Zhou Chen went to the mask factory a few times, and then stopped.

Now that the mask factory is on the right track, even the sales channels are gradually increasing, and the benefits of the factory are booming, so naturally he doesn't need to think too much.

Soon came the New Year's Eve, which was supposed to be a good day for family reunion, but unfortunately, Zhou Chen lived this year alone again.

Nanny Chen Ma asked for leave after preparing dinner in the afternoon and left. Uncle Song Yuan originally agreed to celebrate the New Year with him, but something happened suddenly.

So in the end, Zhou Chen spent the New Year alone again.

There was only one person in the huge villa, so there was no fear, it just made Zhou Chen feel lonely again.

It's not the first time he celebrates the New Year alone. This feeling is really uncomfortable. It's fine if he doesn't have relatives, but he has relatives, but due to various reasons, he can't reunite, and his mood is naturally depressed.

I spend New Year's Eve alone, but there is a lot of food, more than a dozen dishes, all prepared by Chen Ma in advance.

The dishes were very good, and there were a lot of them, but Zhou Chen didn't have much appetite, and he didn't enjoy eating very much. Instead, he felt very boring.

"Lack of a woman."

Zhou Chen thought of this involuntarily. In several other worlds, he was accompanied by women, but in this world, because of his age, he has never experienced women, and he has no woman who can accompany him.

When he was halfway through eating, someone suddenly rang the doorbell of the villa. Zhou Chen walked to the door and saw the situation at the door from the display screen.

I saw a middle-aged man standing in front of the big iron gate. Although it was only through the display screen, Zhou Chen recognized it at a glance. This middle-aged man was the father of the original body, the scum of the scum, who abandoned his wife and son asshole stuff.

Zhou Chen frowned and thought for a while, but instead of opening the door, he walked out of the room and came to the big iron gate of the villa.

"Xiao Chen." The middle-aged man shouted happily when he saw Zhou Chen appearing.

Zhou Chen walked over and asked with a cold face, "What are you doing here?"

Zhou Guodong smiled all over his face: "Today is New Year's Eve, of course I am here to accompany you to celebrate the New Year."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Chen showed a disdainful sneer: "Accompany me for the New Year? No need, you should hurry back and accompany your mistress and son."

Zhou Guodong was not embarrassed by his son, and continued: "You are my first son. Even if I want to accompany you, I will accompany you first. As for them, they are not even as good as one of your fingers."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen felt goosebumps all over his body, feeling sick and wanting to vomit.

He knows exactly what kind of person his cheap father is, so it's not normal for him to show this appearance.

"Say what you have to say, don't beat around the bush."

Zhou Guodong kept a smile on his face: "You child, I have already told you that you are still suspicious when you come back to spend the New Year with you. You are my son. Is it possible that I can plot against you?"

Zhou Chen said mercilessly: "That's hard to say."

Zhou Guodong's face froze. He didn't expect that his eldest son would be so disrespectful to him, which filled him with anger, but thinking of his purpose this time, he could only hold back his anger and still maintain a smile.

"Xiaochen, today is New Year's Eve, are you going to talk to me through the gate and not let me in?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but that my mother made a special confession before she died that she doesn't want to see you again. Now her spiritual seat is here, so I'm sorry, I really can't let you in."

I don't want to see Zhou Guodong again, these are indeed the original words of my deceased mother, and although Zhou Chen doesn't know why Zhou Guodong came, he knows that Zhou Guodong is definitely not a good person, so in order not to cause trouble, it is best not to contact Zhou Guodong s Choice.

Putting aside the original body's memory of Zhou Guodong, the only contact he had with Wang Xue after he came to this world made him understand what kind of person Zhou Guodong was.

What is the bottom line for a father who forced his son to donate bone marrow in order to survive?
Zhou Guodong's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a very bad tone: "Xiaochen, I am your father, is this how you treat me?"

Zhou Chen replied indifferently: "How did you treat my mother and me back then, I will treat you now. Also, don't use your father's status to oppress me. A person like you is not worthy of being my father at all. I don't have a father like you, that's all I have to say, you are not welcome here, please leave."

Zhou Guodong was very angry at Zhou Chen's words, and he could no longer pretend to be kind.

"I gave you your life. If you want to sever the father-son relationship with me, then pay me back what you owe me."

Zhou Chen sneered, and said, "That's it. If you have any request, just ask. Why pretend to be a loving father and make us all uncomfortable. Tell me, what is your purpose in coming to me?"

Zhou Guodong no longer concealed it, and directly stated his purpose.

"I was forced to divorce back then. Most of the property was given to you mother and child, so you can live such a good life. Now, it's time for you to repay my father."

"You really impressed me again."

Zhou Chen was really speechless, he finally understood that the reason why Zhou Guodong came to him was for money.

It's just that what he didn't understand was how Zhou Guodong would come to ask him for money. According to him, Zhou Guodong's company assets exceeded two billion yuan, and his personal assets were less than one billion yuan, which was not much different. Nor does it look like someone short on money.

In fact, he didn't know that Zhou Guodong did have a lot of money, but that was in the past tense, and now, he was in a lot of trouble.

All of this was also because of his previous illness. During his illness and treatment, there were big problems within his company. Some shareholders united to cheat him and messed up the company.

Even after he recovered from his illness and came back later, the company had been completely destroyed, although relying on his strong ability and prestige, he temporarily stabilized the company.

But the company has problems in many aspects, other aspects are fine, but there are many problems in terms of funds.

He has thought of many ways, but the financial loophole is too big, and coupled with the company's situation, he can't even get a loan.

In desperation, Zhou Guodong had no choice but to come to Zhou Chen in person.

Originally, he was thinking of using the reunion on New Year's Eve to show his fatherly love, capture Zhou Chen with family affection, and then step by step get Zhou Chen's money.

But he never expected that Zhou Chen would be so ruthless that he wouldn't even let him in the door, what a joke.

Zhou Chen said coldly: "I don't have any money here. If you want money, you can go to my uncle. If he is willing to give it to you, you can ask for it."

Zhou Guodong looked ugly, so he asked Song Yuan to ask for money?Even if he had this face, Song Yuan would not give him face.

"Xiaochen, do you just have the heart to treat Dad like this?"

It's not good to be tough, Zhou Guodong put on a pitiful look again, and it's time to be soft.

Zhou Chen still had a cold face, "Today is New Year's Eve, I don't want to make it too ugly, but if you still don't leave and want to stay here, then I can only call security."

In an instant, Zhou Guodong's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he stared closely at Zhou Chen.

"It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, and it seems to be true. He is worthy of my offspring and has inherited my ruthlessness. Good, good."

"I am very happy to have your son, but I hope that there will be a day when you don't beg me."

Zhou Guodong is also considered a character, capable of bending and stretching, and after leaving a harsh word at the end, he turned and left.

Looking at Zhou Guodong who was leaving, Zhou Chen sneered. Zhou Guodong is indeed capable, but he is not a vegetarian. With the knowledge and ability he has mastered, at least in the next ten years, he will definitely have an advantage. Not a difficult task.

He didn't think too much. After Zhou Guodong left, Zhou Chen didn't intend to continue eating. He turned on the TV and started watching the Spring Festival Gala.

The next day was the Spring Festival, and Zhou Chen didn't go out. Anyway, he was alone, and it was boring to go out, so he played games at home alone.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Chen suddenly received a call from Fang Yifan, inviting him to play with him in Scholarly Garden.

It turns out that Fang Yifan's family, Qiao Yingzi's family, and Ji Yangyang's family are all celebrating the New Year in Shuxiang Yayuan this year.

Fang Yifan and his family returned to Shuxiang Yayuan after having dinner at their grandparents' house at noon, and after the three families discussed it, they invited Fang Yifan and his family to gather for the New Year.

During the meal, the three adults sat and drank together, while several children sat and played together.

Later, Qiao Yingzi and the others felt bored, so they ran to the secret base Qiao Yingzi's father prepared for her to play together, and invited Huang Zhitao and him.

Zhou Chen agreed without much thought. Anyway, he was alone at home. There was actually no difference between living here and Scholars Garden. What's more, after going there, he didn't have to celebrate the New Year alone.

So Zhou Chen immediately left the villa and drove a sports car to Shuxiang Yayuan.

The Yanjing road, which is usually busy on weekdays, seemed very empty on this New Year's Eve, and there were very few vehicles on the road. Zhou Chen drove to Shuxiang Yayuan twice as fast as before.

Zhou Chen knew the location of Qiao Yingzi's secret base, so after parking the car, he went upstairs directly.

As soon as Zhou Chen knocked on the door, the door opened, and Fang Yifan and others shouted loudly, "Happy New Year's Eve."

It was Fang Yifan who opened the door for him, Lin Lei'er, Ji Yangyang, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were also in the room, plus him, it happened to be a group of six.

New year, new weather, today is a new year, Zhou Chen is wearing new clothes, and Fang Yifan and the others are also wearing new clothes, and they are all in a more festive red color.

When Zhou Chen arrived, the group of six was assembled. Several people sat around the sofa and coffee table, which was full of snacks.

(End of this chapter)

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