Chapter 269 Respective paths, marriage
"Everyone, listen to me, listen to me."

After the group of six gathered together, the room suddenly became very lively. Every word you said and what I said seemed very happy and active.

Lin Lei'er's personality has changed a lot after half a year's career in Chunfeng Middle School, and she is no longer as timid and afraid as when she first came here.

At this moment, he was standing up, beckoning everyone to listen to him first.

"Okay, Lei'er has something to say, so please be quiet and listen to our Lei'er."

Lin Lei'er was a little embarrassed by Fang Yifan, but she was used to it.

Lin Lei'er said full of emotion: "I had a very happy Spring Festival this year. This is the best year I have had since my mother passed away. I am very grateful to my aunt and uncle, and also to my cousin, Yingzi. Zhou Chen, Yang Yang and Tao Zi, thank you for your help, you are my best friends, I would like to offer you a toast."

As he spoke, he raised the cup in his hand and drank the drink inside.

Fang Yifan was the first to respond: "Come on, come on, come on, this is the first time Lei'er has said such emotional words in front of us, we must give face, come on, let's do it together."

Naturally, Zhou Chen and the others would not shirk, and they all followed suit.

Among their group of six, Lin Lei'er was the most miserable one.

Fang Yifan, Qiao Yingzi, Ji Yangyang, and Huang Zhitao all have living parents. Huang Zhitao loves him even though his parents are far away.

Among the six, only Zhou Chen and Lin Lei'er had no mother, and their father was the same scumbag.

But Zhou Chen has an uncle who treats him very well, and he has a lot of money, so he doesn't need to depend on others, and he lives a good life.

But Lin Lei'er is different. He came to Yanjing from his hometown and lived in Fang's house. Although his aunt and uncle were very kind to him, and his cousin was also very kind to him, he was an outsider after all. But he has been under a lot of pressure and has always been cautious.

But Lin Lei'er has a very good personality compared to ordinary children. At least she doesn't blame others, nor is she too sensitive. That's why she can live a good life in Fang's family, like a real family.

"It's not enough just to be happy this year. We will be as happy as we are today during the next New Year."

Fang Yifan seemed very happy, and he suggested: "It would be too boring if we didn't make some videos on such a happy day. Come on, let's record a video together."

Several people crowded together, Fang Yifan was holding the phone, facing everyone and the screen.

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

"happy New Year everyone."

"Happy New Year."


Several people were talking, and they changed the topic to Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, you are really good now, you are the second in grade, will you give us scumbags a life?"

Fang Yifan kept complaining to Zhou Chen: "You don't know, when my mother mentions grades now, Lei'er is the first one mentioned, and Zhou Chen is the second one mentioned. What about Zhou Chen? How smart, how hardworking, from the bottom to the second in the grade, let me take him as an example and a goal."

"Really, I'm not exaggerating. Now whenever I hear my mother mention Zhou Chen, I get a headache. Even when I see Zhou Chen now, I feel very awkward."

Zhou Chen sneered and said, "You deserve it, I'm impatient to see you."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Fang Yifan, and turned to Qiao Yingzi and asked, "Yingzi, I haven't seen you much recently, how are you doing now?"

Qiao Yingzi smiled and said, "I'm fine. I'm fine. My parents have been very nice to me recently, which made me feel uncomfortable."

Compared with a month ago, she is indeed much better. She no longer has such a sad face, and her mood is much better. Even if she goes to bed at night, she can fall asleep peacefully without listening to Zhou Chen's songs occasionally.

The main reason is that in order to cure her, his parents pretended to reconcile and remarry, and treated her very well, so she felt very happy recently.

When people are happy, they will naturally stop thinking wildly, and when they are in a good mood, depression will naturally not become serious and attack again.

Huang Zhitao said with a smile: "To be honest, I was really shocked when I heard that Yingzi was sick, but looking at Yingzi's condition, she is going to be sick, so I'm afraid it's almost the same, because I'm much older than her." More anxiety."

Fang Yifan also said: "Taozi is right, Yingzi, think about how I am treated? If you have depression, then am I not schizophrenic?"

Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi said that they would not spread the word about her illness, but in the end Qiao Weidong told her about it. While drinking with Fang Yuan and Ji Shengli, she didn't shut up for a while and let it out, so Fang Yifan and the others They all knew about Qiao Yingzi's situation.

Fortunately, Qiao Yingzi was in a good state of mind, and a few good friends cared for her after they found out, so it didn't irritate her.

Qiao Yingzi said: "Everyone don't have to worry about me, I'm fine and healthy now."

Zhou Chen: "Blame me. You shouldn't say such unhappy things during the Chinese New Year. Let's say something happy."

"Yeah, let's talk about something fun."

Several people played late at Qiao Yingzi's secret base. This night, it was rare for the parents of several families to let the children play to their heart's content without urging them.

The new year is coming to an end soon, because it is the third year of high school, so Zhou Chen and the others started school early, and then started the last semester of high school career.

After entering the second half of the third year of high school, the pressure on the students has increased invisibly, and the students' emotions have become more and more anxious.

Zhou Chen is one of the few people who has not been affected. After half a year of study, he has completely mastered the knowledge of high school. Even if he stops studying from now on, he will not do badly in the college entrance examination.

In addition, he wasn't going to get any number one in the college entrance examination, so he was very relaxed and there was no pressure.

In the basic class, this group of students who did not study well also reduced their playfulness and began to study hard.

Among them is Ji Yangyang.

Ji Yangyang's changes are really too great. Since his mother fell ill, he seems to have matured overnight and started to study hard, surpassing everyone in the basic class.

As for Fang Yifan, the tense study atmosphere doesn't seem to have any effect on him. What he was like before is what he is now. He and Zhou Chen are the two most leisurely people in the basic class. For this reason, Pan Shuai talked to him many times .

It's a pity that Fang Yifan is Fang Yifan, even if he was told, he only worked hard for two or three days, and then he returned to his original state.

Fang Yifan put most of his energy on the art test, training singing and dancing more seriously than studying culture.

Everyone has their own choice, and Zhou Chen didn't try to persuade Fang Yifan. Although they were friends, he was not qualified to dictate to Fang Yifan.

Months passed in the blink of an eye.

June [-]th is the first day of the college entrance examination, and it is also the most important day for countless high school students across the country.

Although college cannot determine a person's life, a good college diploma is definitely an important stepping stone.

For those students who have not left school, they still don't understand the meaning of this. When they go out to work in the future, they will understand how important a diploma is.

The college entrance examination lasted for a few days. When the college entrance examination was over, Fang Yifan excitedly invited everyone to hang out together.

Speaking of Fang Yifan, this guy is indeed capable and lucky. He took the art test and passed four schools, which is one more art school than in the plot.

At that time Fang Yifan was so visceral, as if he wanted to tell the whole world.

But whether he can pass the exam or not depends on the results of the culture class in the end, so Fang Yifan's grades in the culture class are the biggest factor in deciding which school he will go to.

In addition to Fang Yifan, several people from Chunfeng Middle School also took the art test. Among them, Wang Yidi had the best score in the art test and was admitted to more than a dozen art academies. Academy of Arts.

Wang Yidi is beautiful, has practiced art since she was a child, and has a solid foundation. It is not surprising that she has achieved such results.

After the college entrance examination, Zhou Chen felt pretty good. It would be no problem to get a high score in the exam. As for whether he could get the top score, he couldn't guarantee it. After all, China has never been short of top students;
It's just that he has already discussed with Qiao Yingzi that no matter how many points he gets in the test, he will only go to Jinling University in the end.

As for Lin Lei'er, since he was in the same exam room as Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen also specially gave him a psychological counseling before the exam, which relieved him a lot of pressure.

Anyway, after Lin Lei'er finished the exam, he looked more confident, and he must be satisfied with the exam results.

Not only Lin Lei'er, but a few good friends, Qiao Yingzi, Huang Zhitao, Ji Yangyang, and Zhou Chen also gave them encouragement and hoped that they would get good grades in the exam.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Qiao Weidong and Song Qian actually remarried just like in the TV series, and showed Qiao Yingzi their marriage certificate.

Anyway, Zhou Chen felt embarrassed watching the scene at that time.

This plot means that it looks a bit touching in the TV series, but it really needs to be put into reality. Unless the person concerned really doesn't care about the eyes of others, it will be really embarrassing to death.

Qiao Yingzi's expression at the time was very happy, but also very embarrassed. After saying hello to his parents, he immediately ran away.

This shows that Qiao Yingzi still hasn't realized the truth, he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

After the college entrance examination, everyone got together and briefly talked about the college entrance examination. Even Fang Yifan was full of confidence, let alone the others. Only Huang Zhitao was very nervous, not sure what he was going to do Can you do well in the exam.

The time waiting for the results is the most tormenting, but it is for candidates who are not confident.

Confident candidates, after comparing the answers after the test, have already estimated their own scores by a large margin.

Therefore, if you have a good mentality, you will not suffer, and if you have a bad mentality, you will collapse on the spot.

On the day when the results of the college entrance examination came out, Zhou Chen had already received a call from the school before he checked it himself. It was the head teacher Pan Shuai who called him.

No. 2 in Science in Yanjing College Entrance Examination, with a score of more than [-].

The reason why he was not the champion was because the champion of this year had extra points. The total score plus additional points surpassed Zhou Chen and won the champion of the college entrance examination.

In fact, based on the results of the college entrance examination, Zhou Chenna is definitely the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but the result is like this. Most people don't understand the reason, they only look at the total score, and they don't know about the extra points and so on.

When Pan Shuai called, he kept talking about this matter on the phone, and he almost won the first place in the college entrance examination. For a senior high school teacher, that is definitely the highest honor.

It's a pity that such a good opportunity slipped away from him for nothing, the remorse in his tone.

After Zhou Chen heard it, he didn't feel any regrets. He didn't have that plan in the first place, but he just tried his best, and he didn't feel anything when he missed it.

This result was expected for Zhou Chen, and he could choose any major at Jinling University.

Soon Zhou Chen also knew the scores of several other people. Lin Lei'er also scored more than [-] points. It is absolutely no problem to go to the Department of Physics of Shuimu University.

Huang Zhitao's grades are also good, which should be enough for some of Shuimu University's majors. Qiao Yingzi is a little worse than Huang Zhitao, but it is enough for the Astronomy Department of Jinling University.

Even Ji Yangyang got good grades in the exam, but Fang Yifan was too complacent, and his grades in cultural subjects were relatively poor, but he was still able to go to art school.

After the results came out, everyone filled in their volunteers, and then there were activities in each class of the school. After all, after this farewell, I am afraid that there will not be many opportunities to meet each other in the future.

Before saying goodbye, Wang Yidi went to Zhou Chen to cry and complained to him, saying that after the third year of high school, he hadn't taught her "To Qiao Yingzi".

In the end, Lin Leier was admitted to the Physics Department of Shuimu University as he wished, Ji Yangyang went abroad to study languages, and Huang Zhitao finally chose Peking University.

In the group of six, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi went to Jinling University, while Fang Yifan had no choice but to go to Jinling Academy of Art.

Before school started, Zhou Chen also returned the house in Scholarly Yayuan. He should not come to this neighborhood too many times in the future.

Time flies!

College life should be said to be the most memorable, because Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi were in the same university, so not long after entering the university, they became boyfriend and girlfriend, and they often paired up and had a vigorous talk Campus love.

Because Fang Yifan is very close to the school, he often comes to play with Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi, and the relationship between them has never been fruitful.

When returning to Yanjing every semester, Lin Lei'er and Huang Zhitao would also get together with Zhou Chen and the others. Only Ji Yangyang hadn't been in touch for a long time, and he hadn't sent a message in their prestige group for a long time. up.

Such a result had been expected by Zhou Chen.

After high school, Ji Yangyang will not have much contact with them, especially after going abroad, even if he returns to China later, the relationship will probably fade.

Zhou Chen majored in astronomy in college. In fact, he originally wanted to study finance or management, but after seeing the majors of Jinling University, he finally decided to choose the same major as Qiao Yingzi, because the astronomy department of Jinling University Truly world class.

He studied astronomy in college, but during college, most of the things Zhou Chen did had nothing to do with astronomy, such as starting a company, making money, investing in stocks, and so on.

Zhou Chen didn't plan to work in an agency in the future. He studied astronomy not only to enrich his knowledge, but also to accompany Qiao Yingzi.

He is going to stay in this world for a long time, so it is very important to have a common language with his girlfriend and even his wife.

Using his foresight, knowledge and ability, Zhou Chen quadrupled his net worth during the four years of college, and his personal assets exceeded one billion.

After graduating, Zhou Chen simply spent his own money to open a research institute to study astronomy. Because he contributed a lot during the epidemic, the Yanjing government also gave him a lot of discounts and help in terms of the research institute, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Studying astronomy is definitely a bottomless pit of consumption, so Zhou Chen started making money non-stop again.

As for the research institute, it was handed over to a more professional person, that is, the tutor he met during college, and asked the tutor to lead Qiao Yingzi and others to study.

In the third year after graduation, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi ended their long-distance love run and held a wedding in a five-star hotel in Yanjing. Amid thousands of congratulations, they officially became husband and wife.

Zhou Chen originally thought that he and Qiao Yingzi would have a very happy married life, but in fact, he really thought things too simply.

(End of this chapter)

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