The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 270 Life is always unsatisfactory, Zhou Chen's cruelty

Chapter 270 Life is always unsatisfactory, Zhou Chen's cruelty

After a busy day at work, Zhou Chen returned home and saw Song Qian who looked serious and tired.

"Mom, how is Yingzi feeling today?"

He and Qiao Yingzi have been married for three years. In the first year, both of them were busy with work, and the nanny Chen Ma arranged for them at home.

But after that incident happened in the second year, Song Qian and Qiao Weidong made it clear that they would come to take care of their daughter.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law only had one daughter, Qiao Yingzi, and Zhou Chen naturally had no reason to refuse if he wanted to take care of his daughter.

So he spent money to buy a bigger villa. Originally, he wanted Mama Chen to come with him. After all, Mama Chen took care of him all these years, and Mama Chen knew his habits best.

But Chen Ma didn't come to the new villa for a month, and then left again.

It wasn't Zhou Chen who rushed, but Song Qian was too protective of her daughter. She couldn't understand many of Chen Ma's behaviors, which made Chen Ma very difficult to do.

Although Chen's mother is a servant, she has been with Zhou Chen's mother for a long time, and has taken care of Zhou Chen for more than 20 years. Seeing her suffering here, Zhou Chen can only let her go back to the old villa. , Try not to meet Song Qian.

It's not that Zhou Chen has never encountered this kind of family problem, but this time, Song Qian, the mother-in-law, really left him speechless.

But she has to take care of everything that involves Yingzi. Sometimes, when he comes back from socializing and drinking, Song Qian will say a few words about him, which makes him very depressed.

It has been eight years since I established a relationship with Qiao Yingzi in college and got married now.

In the past few years, under Zhou Chen's management, the relationship between the two of them can be said to be harmonious, like glue, and they are definitely a couple that makes countless men and women envy and envy.

But in the year before last, something happened. Since then, although they are still in love as before, there have been many unavoidable contradictions between them.

It was also because of that incident that Song Qian was picky and dissatisfied.

The year before last, that is, the second year after Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi got married, Qiao Yingzi became pregnant.

This was originally a joyful thing, and Zhou Chen, Song Qian and the others were even more excited.

This is not the first time Zhou Chen has had a child. He also gave birth to a daughter when the world was pretty good.

It's just that he and Yi Fei didn't have a deep relationship at that time, and Qiao Yingzi was his wife who had a crush on each other since high school, and after years of long-distance love, they finally got together.

The relationship between the two can be said to be very deep, and now a child is here, which is the best testimony of their love.

It's just that no one expected that an accident happened, and this accident was caused by Zhou Chen's scumbag father.

At that time, Zhou Chen relied on his own ability and foresight to kill all directions in the shopping malls and frantically amass money. The Chenying Group he founded had seven or eight subsidiaries, including a trading company, a mask joint company, and an astronomical research institute. , logistics companies, entertainment companies and so on.

Although it has not yet been listed, the assets of Chenying Group have already exceeded tens of billions, and it is a veritable business giant.

Compared with Zhou Chen, Zhou Guodong's luck is not so good. Since he was rejected by Zhou Chen that time, he seems to have lost the aura of the protagonist. After several years, his career has not developed much.

Although he can still be regarded as a billionaire now, his life is not a little bit worse than before he fell ill.

Knowing that his son has become a tycoon in the business world, Zhou Guodong approached Zhou Chen again, but Zhou Chen didn't even give him a chance to meet and ignored him many times.

It is precisely because of this that the tragedy happened.

Zhou Guodong felt that there was no way out from Zhou Chen, so he thought of finding a way from his daughter-in-law Qiao Yingzi, and then went to Qiao Yingzi.

But Zhou Guodong didn't know which brain was broken, so he just went by himself, and even brought Wang Xue with him.

The two found Qiao Yingzi licking their faces. Qiao Yingzi was quite polite in his attitude, but knowing that they were here for help, she just talked about him.

Because Qiao Yingzi had been with Zhou Chen for so many years, he already knew what was going on at Zhou Chen's family. Of course, it was impossible to help Zhou Guodong secretly behind Zhou Chen's back.

Zhou Guodong couldn't save face and begged Qiao Yingzi for mercy, but for the future life of himself and his son, Wang Xue was willing to face down, pulled Qiao Yingzi to beg her for help, and even knelt down.

Qiao Yingzi definitely couldn't see this kind of scene, so he wanted to help, the two of them pulled each other, and one accidentally made Qiao Yingzi fall on his back.

Then, a tragedy happened. When Qiao Yingzi arrived at the hospital because of bleeding from the impact, it was too late to rescue him. He could only keep the adults safe, but the child couldn't.

When Zhou Chen found out about this, he went crazy.

You must know that Qiao Yingzi had been pregnant for more than five months at that time, and she would give birth in a few months, and she disappeared all of a sudden. The pain can be imagined.

Even Zhou Chen is like this, let alone Qiao Yingzi.

Knowing that her child was gone, Qiao Yingzi was in great pain. The depression that had not erupted for seven or eight years suddenly reappeared and became more serious.

Although the matter has already happened and cannot be undone, Zhou Chen will naturally not expose it easily.

This time, he was no longer afraid of Zhou Guodong's identity as the original father, but directly retaliated against the Zhou family with thunderous means.

All kinds of crimes committed by Zhou Guodong were exposed by his arrangements. No matter how much Zhou Guodong quibbled, he couldn't change the result, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance.

After the trial, Zhou Chen also went to see Zhou Guodong. At first, Zhou Guodong wanted to take advantage of the father-son relationship and begged Zhou Chen to forgive him.

But Zhou Chen was indifferent. He already disdained Zhou Guodong very much, and now he indirectly harmed his unborn child. If he didn't do anything, he was already being merciful, so how could he let Zhou Guodong go.

After solving Zhou Guodong, Zhou Chen will certainly not let the culprit Wang Xue go.

He didn't show mercy just because Wang Xue was a woman. Under the new and old hatred, he hated Wang Xue even more than Zhou Guodong.

However, Zhou Chen didn't do it himself, but let Wang Xue choose on the condition of Wang Xue's son.

As long as Wang Xue agrees to his conditions, he can let her son go, but if Wang Xue is stubborn, then he will use more despicable and cruel methods.

In the end, under Zhou Chen's persecution, Wang Xue made a choice, jumped from the top of the [-]th floor, and ended her life.

Wang Xue committed suicide because of her own persecution, and Zhou Chen was only ashamed for a moment, followed by a huge sense of emptiness.

He did this as revenge for his unborn child, but it still couldn't erase the pain in his heart, because it was impossible for the child who left to come back.

After living for so many years, Zhou Chen has also seen off friends and relatives, but never once has he felt such extreme grief like this time.

Even though he hasn't met his child yet, he can already understand the feeling of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

He took revenge, but Qiao Yingzi was not happy at all. Distraught, she fell into symptoms of depression again.

That period of time was like a madman, even Zhou Chen couldn't heal the pain in her heart.

This state lasted for several months, and after seeing many doctors, it gradually calmed down.

However, it took more than a year for this kind of pain to recover.

It was only after Qiao Yingzi became pregnant again that her mood began to become a little unsettled again. The first miscarriage made her worry and suspicious all day long.

If it's just Qiao Yingzi's state, Zhou Chen is confident that he can still take care of it. After all, he has lived for so many years, and his temper is much more patient than ordinary people.

But the problem is, this time he has to face not only his wife, Qiao Yingzi, but also her parents.

No matter what dissatisfaction Qiao Yingzi had with her mother in the past, after being hurt, besides Zhou Chen, the first person she trusted was her parents.

Qiao Weidong was fine, but Song Qian was really too difficult to serve.

Chasing Mama Chen away was just an appetizer. Anyway, since living with Song Qian, Zhou Chen has been uncomfortable. Song Qian is really good at finding faults.

Especially after Qiao Yingzi became pregnant, Song Qian's reaction was several times more intense than Qiao Yingzi's. Not only Zhou Chen, but even Qiao Weidong was tossed hard.

Anyway, since Qiao Yingzi was pregnant, as long as Song Qian was at home, he never slept with Qiao Yingzi, and whenever Zhou Chen came back from drinking outside, Song Qian would say a few words.

At first, Zhou Chen was able to bear it. He felt that Song Qian treated him so well because her daughter was hurt and she took all her grievances on him.

But he really couldn't bear this kind of attitude all the time, so what he said to Song Qian now really went in from one ear to the other, and he ignored it if he could ignore it.

When he traveled to the first world, he was tormented by family conflicts. He really didn't want to have such an experience again, so he just ignored it.

"Yingzi is in a good mood today, but she just vomited a few times, so go take a shower quickly, if she smells the smell of alcohol and tobacco on you, she will definitely vomit again."

Song Qian glanced at Zhou Chen with dissatisfied eyes, wondering if it was because of menopause that she was not pleasing to see the two men at home.

Zhou Chen is better, after all, she is a son-in-law, and she is also a big shot outside, so she can only complain a few words.

But Qiao Weidong is different. In the past two years, Qiao Weidong has lived a life that is not human, all kinds of scolding, cynicism, even Qiao Weidong's face has forced him to quarrel with her many times.

"Well, I see."

Zhou Chen nodded and was about to go upstairs, but Song Qian suddenly stopped him again.

"Wait, Zhou Chen, Yingzi is almost seven months old, and she is in the third trimester. During this period, you must not have sex with her anymore, and you must not stimulate him anymore. Spend less time outside and come back to be with her earlier."

Zhou Chen nodded, and replied: "I see, I will arrange the work in my hand recently, and spend more time with Yingzi."

"Well, you go up."

After Zhou Chen went upstairs, he walked into the room lightly, and saw that Qiao Yingzi was sleeping on his side. He didn't bother him, quietly picked up a change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

When he returned to the room after washing, Qiao Yingzi had already woken up, leaning against the head of the bed, looking at him with a smile.

"Honey, you're back."

Zhou Chen walked over, hugged Qiao Yingzi into his arms, and said softly, "Yingzi, are you feeling better today?"

"Well, today is not bad. Although I vomited a few times, I can finally eat."

Qiao Yingzi leaned against Zhou Chen with a smile on her face. She liked being hugged by Zhou Chen like this. Even if she couldn't stick close together because of her pregnancy, as long as Zhou Chen held her, she would feel extra at ease.

Because all these years, when she was in the most difficult time, she relied on Zhou Chen to get through it.

This baby had a big reaction. Since she was pregnant, she couldn't eat dry rice, and she would vomit when she ate it. It was still the kind of severe morning sickness, bleeding in the throat, and bruises on the face and neck.

So during this period of pregnancy, Qiao Yingzi's main food was fruit. Zhou Chen bought him fruits in various ways, even if they were out of season, he tried his best to buy them for Qiao Yingzi.

"That's good. Isn't it too boring to stay at home every day? I'll accompany you out for a walk tomorrow to get some air?"

Looking at Qiao Yingzi's pale cheeks, Zhou Chen felt distressed. Qiao Yingzi hadn't left the villa area much since she was pregnant. Even for pregnancy tests, most of them would ask doctors to go to the villa for checkups. Only large-scale checkups would be done. Hospital.

Qiao Yingzi shook his head and said, "No need, just walk in the garden, don't go out."

It's not that she didn't want to go out, but she didn't dare to go out. What happened back then made her feel like a frightened bird, and she didn't dare to walk around casually.

Zhou Chen had already guessed that it would be this answer, but he still sighed in his heart.

After that miscarriage, Qiao Yingzi became too timid after she became pregnant again. Coupled with Song Qian watching from the side, Qiao Yingzi didn't dare to walk around at all, and everything was focused on protecting the baby.

It's a good thing to be cautious, but in Zhou Chen's view, this kind of reaction is really too much, but he can't say it out.

"Okay, then what do you want to eat, I'll ask someone to buy it."

"No, as long as you can accompany me, I will feel at ease."

"I will definitely be with you, no matter what time it is, I will always be with you."

So many years of long-distance love running, from boys and girls to the current husband and wife.

The two have experienced happiness and quarrels and injuries, but this did not cause a gap in the relationship between them. On the contrary, they fell in love with each other more, from the original love to the current love plus family affection.

"By the way, I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

Qiao Yingzi said: "Isn't it just one year away, it's the tenth anniversary of high school graduation Mom, in today's senior three classmate group, some students proposed a class reunion on the tenth anniversary."

"Is it the classmates in your sprint class?"

Zhou Chen still remembers the matter of the third year of high school very clearly. In fact, some people in their basic class suggested a class reunion, but not many people responded.

Over the past few years, there was only one gathering in the first year. Afterwards, there was loud thunder and little rain.

"Yes, there is one more year. When I give birth to the baby and recover for a while, I can just go to the class reunion."

The friendship in the third year of high school is very precious. Qiao Yingzi cherishes this time very much, so he still wants to participate in this class reunion.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "You've also heard that saying, classmate reunion, break up a pair is a pair, many people go astray after class reunion."

Qiao Yingzi patted him lightly, and then said confidently: "That's because they are not confident enough, but I am very confident. No matter which classmate they are, they are not as capable as my husband. It’s just that it’s not long after I graduated with a Ph. D., so there’s no comparison with my husband.”

Zhou Chen held her face and kissed her hard.

"Husband has such a lofty status in your heart?"

Qiao Yingzi rubbed Zhou Chen's nose with his nose, "Of course, in my heart, if I have to choose a person I admire the most, it must be you."

She and Zhou Chen both studied astronomy at the university. She knew Zhou Chen's learning ability very well. She had a master's degree, but she dared not say that she was more professional than Zhou Chen in terms of astronomy.

In addition to learning, Zhou Chen is also very good in other aspects.

Anyway, in these years of investment, she has never seen Zhou Chen lose money.

Her father, Qiao Weidong, was engaged in investment. In terms of business, even her father had great admiration for Zhou Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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