The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 271 Meeting with old classmates, daughter nan nan

Chapter 271 Meeting with old classmates, daughter nan nan
Chen Ying Entertainment!

Zhou Chen was sitting in the president's office, reviewing the documents in his hand, some were signed, and some were put aside.

Chenying Entertainment Company is a company established by Zhou Chen three years ago. The main business involved is the entertainment industry, including but not limited to film and television, singers, brokerage companies and so on.

Because Chenying Entertainment Company is backed by Zhou Chen's Chenying Group, with strong financial resources, and Zhou Chen has registered a large number of songs and music, as well as countless scripts, Chenying Entertainment Company has developed extremely fast.

In the past three years, Chenying Entertainment has entered the second ladder of Yanjing entertainment companies, and it is not too far behind the major entertainment companies on the first ladder.

And because Chenying Entertainment is a new company with good pay, it is very easy to attract newcomers. At the same time, many veteran actors who have acting skills but no traffic also choose to join Chenying.

In the past three years, Chenying Entertainment has produced many TV series, including several hits and two hit movies.

As for the excellent golden songs, there are more and more. It is no exaggeration to say that even the first-rate music companies have been suppressed by Chenying Entertainment in the past three years.

Compared with the top entertainment companies, Chenying Entertainment is inferior to the background and superstars.

After all, Chenying was established for a short period of time. Although relying on excellent golden songs to recruit two kings and queens in the music industry, there are no superstars in film and television. This is the fundamental reason why Chenying Entertainment cannot be promoted to a first-rate entertainment company .

But Zhou Chen is not too anxious, he is very clear about the situation in the entertainment industry, so he would rather accept those actors who are not good at traffic but have acting skills.

I also don't want to spend a lot of money to find those traffic stars, because traffic stars can only be popular for a while, but not forever.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't want to drive up the price.

Money in the entertainment industry is indeed easy to earn, but Zhou Chen is planning to do it for a long time, so the quality of the employees is more important to him.

The secretary knocked on the door and came in, and said to Zhou Chen: "Mr. Zhou, the front desk said that there is a person who is your acquaintance and wants to see you."

"See me? Who is it?"

Zhou Chen was very surprised. Although Chenying Entertainment was founded by him, the number of times he came here was really limited. If he was really an acquaintance, he shouldn't come here to look for him.

"It's a celebrity in the industry, named Wang Yidi."

"Wang Yidi?"


Hearing this name, Zhou Chen suddenly showed a surprised expression. This is indeed a familiar name, but he hasn't seen it for many years.

"Bring her up."

After 10 minutes, there was another knock on the office door, and the secretary walked in with two women.

"President Zhou, someone brought it here."

"Okay, go and make two cups of coffee."

"Yes, Mr. Zhou."

There were only three people left in the office, Zhou Chen looked at the two women in front of him.

One of the women looks more than 30 years old and has an ordinary appearance. The other woman is tall and wears a pair of high-heeled shoes that are not very high. It looks at least 1.7 meters five or more.

Even if Zhou Chen has seen many beauties, he has to admit that this woman is very beautiful and full of charm.

At this moment, the woman was looking at him with a smile.

"Long time no see, old classmate, are you surprised to see me?"

Zhou Chen also showed a smile: "Yeah, long time no see. If you hadn't declared your name and walked in front of me, I might not have recognized you."

Wang Yidi was already very beautiful in high school, but compared to now, she is not on the same level.

Zhou Chen was sure that not only him, but even other classmates, if they hadn't paid attention to Wang Yidi before, they might not be able to recognize him if they saw him again.

Wang Yidi stroked the hair on his forehead and asked, "Then do you think I am more beautiful, or more beautiful?"

"It is indeed more beautiful. I don't know if it has been artificially processed."

"You have only undergone artificial processing. This is pure natural beauty, okay?"

Wang Yidi rolled his eyes, then went straight to Zhou Chen's desk and sat down, put his hands on the desk, and flirted with Zhou Chen.

"When I found out that you were married to Qiao Yingzi, I was sad for a long time."

"is it?"

"Of course, in high school back then, you were the only boy I liked. It's a pity that I didn't have the idea of ​​dating at the beginning, otherwise I would definitely chase you."

"Ha ha."

"What do you mean by your mocking tone? Could it be that I wasn't good enough for you back then?"

"That's not what it means, it's just a little emotional. After so many years, your broken mouth problem really hasn't changed at all."

Although Wang Yidi has become more beautiful and outstanding, her mouth really hasn't changed at all. Seeing you again after many years, she chattered non-stop since she was familiar with her.

"You just broke your mouth."

Wang Yidi snorted dissatisfiedly, then slowly put away her smile, her expression became serious, and pointed to the woman behind her to introduce Zhou Chen.

"Let's get down to business, Zhou Chen, Mr. Zhou, this is my manager, Sister Hua."

Zhou Chen nodded at Sister Hua, "Hello, Sister Hua."

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, please don't call me Sister Hua. My name is Song Cuihua. Just call me by my name."

Sister Hua, that is, Song Cuihua, was flattered when Zhou Chen called her Sister Hua.

When Zhou Chen heard Song Cuihua's rustic name, his expression remained unchanged, and he turned to Wang Yidi and asked, "Who are you?"

Wang Yidi said: "My contract with Jin Huang is about to expire, I am not going to renew the contract with Jin Huang, I want to rely on you and let you cover me."

"Do you want to join Chenying?"

Zhou Chen was really a little surprised. Although he hadn't paid much attention to Wang Yidi, he also knew that Wang Yidi was doing well in the entertainment industry. He had participated in a big-budget movie and many TV series, even though he was not as good as Wang Yidi. A small actress in the entertainment circle, but she is developing well.

Wang Yidi said with a smile, "To be precise, I'm here for you."

Zhou Chen: "I don't dare to take it seriously, I don't think I'm that attractive."

Wang Yidi said: "The big boss of Chenying Group is less than [-] years old and worth more than tens of billions. I don't know how many girls dream of him. You still say that you are not that attractive?"

"Hehe, could it be that after you got married, Qiao Yingzi was so strict with you that you became a strict wife?"

Song Cuihua heard that her own artist was so rude to Zhou Chen, saying that Zhou Chen was a strict wife, she broke into cold sweat, for fear that Zhou Chen would get angry.

Not as angry as Song Cuihua imagined, Zhou Chen still had a smile on his face.

"It's not shameful to have a strict wife. I'm just curious. Jinhuang is a top company in the industry and the salary is good. Why did you change jobs?"

Wang Yidi looked helpless: "There is no way, there are only so many resources, and there are many people in the company who are more famous than me. If I want to go further, I can only suffer slowly, or I can only jump out of the company to find opportunities. "

"Those people have more qualifications than me. I can't compete with them, so I can only jump out of the company. I just know that Chenying is your company, so I don't need to make other choices. Zhou Chen, Mr. Zhou, you should not refuse Me?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Of course we won't reject a high-quality artist like you."

Wang Yidi blinked, and asked again: "We are classmates. We have known each other for so many years, and our relationship is much closer than other people. After joining your company, why don't you give me some preferential treatment?"

"You don't need to say that, I will do that too. There are not many people I can contact with my high school classmates."

Giving Wang Yidi preferential treatment is just a one-sentence matter, not to mention that Wang Yidi's conditions are really good, even if it's just a vase, it's worth a lot.

Wang Yidi was puzzled: "No way, you are so good now, how could it be possible that no classmates contacted you?"

She really didn't understand, with Zhou Chen's current wealth status, there should be more people asking him for help.

Zhou Chen smiled, but did not answer.

Man is a contradictory creature. When you are prosperous, many people will be jealous and ask you for help.

But when your height reaches a level that they cannot touch, many people will not dare to come to you easily.

Seeing that Zhou Chen didn't answer, Wang Yidi didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he asked another question.

"By the way, I met Fang Yifan when I went to Shanghai to film a few months ago. I was really surprised. You have such a good relationship with Fang Yifan. Why didn't he join your company? Joy?"

Zhou Chen shrugged and said: "This is his own choice. Although we have a good relationship, I can't force him to join Chen Ying."


Wang Yidi smiled sweetly at Zhou Chen, "Then let's make an agreement. In a few days, my contract will end. At that time, I will come to you to sign a contract. I hope you will host it yourself. It is also a gift for me." Save face."

Zhou Chen understood what Wang Yidi meant. After working in the entertainment circle for a few years, no matter how simple a person is, he will be tempered with scheming, not to mention that Wang Yidi is very smart.

"They're all old classmates. Of course it's okay. Here's my personal business card. Call me when the time comes."

Zhou Chen took out a platinum card and handed it to Wang Yidi. This is his personal business card, and she will only give it to those who have a good relationship.

"Thank you very much then."

Wang Yidi happily put away her business card. With Zhou Chen's guarantee, she knew that she would go smoothly after joining Chenying, and she would definitely get a lot of resources in the future.

This is also the biggest purpose of her wanting to join Chenying Entertainment.

"This is my phone number, call me if you need it."

Wang Yidi also threw down a business card, and then blinked at Zhou Chen, the provocative meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Watching Wang Yidi leave, Zhou Chen took a look at the business card on the table and burst out laughing.

Women, even if they were innocent in high school, they will change more or less after being in the society for a period of time.

Wang Yidi's actions just now were teasing and tempting him, maybe they were meant to be playful, but it can't be ruled out that they really want to tease him.

A few days later, Wang Yidi officially signed a contract with Chenying Entertainment. The contract he signed was the second A-level contract and the first S-level contract. At present, there are only three people in Chenying Entertainment, so it can be seen that Zhou Chen still gave Wang Yidi a lot of face.

After signing the contract, Wang Yidi took the initiative to invite Zhou Chen to dinner, but Zhou Chen refused because she was going to take Qiao Yingzi to the maternity examination today.

A few months passed quickly, and Qiao Yingzi successfully gave birth to a daughter, which made Zhou Chen's mouth crooked with joy.

Maybe many people value sons over daughters, but for Zhou Chen, he prefers daughters.

In the world where everything is good, it has always been his regret that he did not accompany his daughter to grow up all the way. Now that he has another daughter, and it is the crystallization of being with someone he loves, this kind of joy cannot be expressed in words.

The daughter was born very healthy, but she was a bit small and weighed only five catties. The main reason was that Qiao Yingzi's nutritional intake during pregnancy was not enough.

Before the child was born, Zhou Chen had already arranged for a lot of people, and the confinement wife spent more than a hundred thousand yuan to invite them. Other maternity nutritionists, childcare teachers, etc. had already been booked.

It's not that he is embarrassing, but that he wants to give the best to his daughter. In addition, because Qiao Yingzi was born by caesarean section, she will definitely not be able to keep up with her postpartum physique and lack of energy. Someone must help take care of the child so that she can concentrate on recovery.

Except for the parents Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi, the happiest people are Qiao Weidong and Song Qian. These two people are even more exaggerated than Zhou Chen. I got a phone call to announce the good news.

Uncle Song Yuan, who has already married, was even more heroic, presenting a big golden monkey and a lot of jewelry.

After her daughter was born, Qiao Yingzi's condition obviously improved a lot. After her body recovered, she devoted all her attention to her daughter, and even temporarily put aside her favorite astronomy.

Seeing that Qiao Yingzi returned to normal, Zhou Chen was also relieved. The birth of his daughter made him happy, but Qiao Yingzi's recovery made him the happiest.

After all, the daughter is going to grow up, and Qiao Yingzi must be the one who can stay with him all the time.

Ever since her daughter was born, she has been doted on by thousands of people. Qiao Yingzi, Song Qian, Qiao Weidong and others all love her very much. They use the best for everything. After crying for a while, they are immediately hugged. Get up and coax, complete little princess treatment.

Although Zhou Chen felt that this kind of pampering was not very good, but on second thought, this is his own daughter, so what's wrong with raising her as a princess?
As long as he is around for a day, his daughter will be a princess, even if it is a savage princess, he will recognize it.

"Ninny, come here, come to Mommy."

"Ninny, come to Dad, Dad will buy you delicious food."

Both Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi were squatting on the ground, with a distance of two meters between them. In front of them, a little girl with a mushroom head was leaning on the wall, standing slightly trembling.

Nannan is the daughter of Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi, she will be one year old in a few days, and she has learned to walk now, but she is not steady and wobbly.

Today Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi had a disagreement on who their daughter liked more, so they planned to make a small game to test who their daughter liked more.

The two of them squatted on one side respectively, and then called out to their daughter to see whose arms the daughter would rush to, and whoever rushed to win would win.

The two of them were playing games, while Song Qian and Qiao Weidong sat on the chairs beside them and watched, but their eyes were basically locked on their granddaughter.

Apart from them, Chen's mother also stood aside. Perhaps because of the birth of her granddaughter, Song Qian's temper restrained a lot. Because she had to take care of her granddaughter, she couldn't take care of many family matters, and then Zhou Chen took Chen's mother over. .

Although Chen Ma is over [-] years old, she is still in good health. She has been doing housework all her life. For her, this matter couldn't be easier.

For her, being able to take care of Zhou Chen and her newborn daughter again was the happiest thing for her.

The girl leaned against the wall and tilted her head to look at Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi. She didn't quite understand what her parents wanted to do, but she still staggered over when she heard their shouts.

A child's world is very simple, and whoever she is closer to will naturally go to sleep first.

Although Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi were just playing a small game, they both wanted their daughter to get closer to them, so they all stared at Nannan to see which way she was going.

Qiao Yingzi quickly showed a smile, because the girl was walking towards her, but just when she opened her hands and was about to hug, the girl suddenly turned a corner and rushed towards Zhou Chen, just walking Too fast, I couldn't control my body, and fell to the ground.

Naturally, Zhou Chen couldn't let her fall, so he quickly stretched out his hands to support her, and hugged her into his arms.

"My daughter is awesome, my father likes my father the most, and my father also likes you the most."

Qiao Yingzi walked over angrily, raised her hand and hit the giggling little butt 'hardly' a few times.

"You little heartless, mother takes you every day, but you like your father more, you little thing, little thing."

Zhou Chen laughed loudly, hugged her daughter and ran away: "Mom is too fierce, daughter, let's run, run quickly."

"Don't run away, I'm going to teach you father and daughter a lesson today."

Qiao Yingzi chased after him 'fiercely'.

The girl who didn't know why felt that her parents were playing games with her, so she laughed more happily and louder.

With the addition of a daughter in the villa, the atmosphere immediately changed. Everyone was happy and happy, and there was no quarrel.

In fact, in this family, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi didn't spend the most time with their daughter, Song Qian and Qiao Weidong were actually the ones who accompanied her the most.

Firstly, I feel sorry for my daughter, and secondly, I really like my granddaughter, so whether it's playing with her or feeding her, it's basically taken care of by the two of them, and Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi don't need to worry about it at all.

Song Qian, who has always been rigorous, doesn't even need a job. She takes care of her children all day long, and even makes nutritious meals for her children based on her own experience and understanding. Every day is still different. She really treats her daughter like a princess to raise her. up.

Needless to say, Qiao Weidong, he was originally a slave to his daughter, and now he has become a slave to his granddaughter. He can't wait to hold his daughter in his arms and hurt him every day.

Since weaning, Song Qian justified that Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi had a good night's sleep, and then took her daughter to her room to take care of her, so Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi lived in a world of two at night.

Zhou Chen was also very happy. Finally, the mother-in-law finally stopped staring at the two of them and turned her attention to her granddaughter.

For him, this is definitely a great thing.

Zhou Chen actually has no idea who to take care of his daughter. As long as he can take good care of his daughter and keep her healthy, he will not object.

Qiao Yingzi was reluctant at first, but after a long time, she felt relieved.

At night, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi hugged each other and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Husband, have you arranged your daughter's birthday party?"

Zhou Chen sighed: "Yingzi, you have already asked this question eight hundred times, and the arrangement has been made half a year in advance. Don't worry, I will handle the matter."

"That's good."

Qiao Yingzi nodded and said, "Haven't you heard of it? I've been pregnant for three years and I'm not over yet."

"One more thing, husband, I discussed it with my mother. After my daughter's birthday party, I will go to work in the research institute, and she will take it with her. What do you think?"

Zhou Chen said: "As long as your mother doesn't treat you like she did back then, I definitely have no problem with her."

Qiao Yingzi patted Zhou Chen: "What are you talking about, my mother is also very good to me, okay, and haven't you noticed, since my daughter was born, she has changed a lot, and sometimes I can't believe my own Eyes, is she really my mother?"

Although her mother loved her very much in the past, she was actually very strict with her, but when she was with her daughter, Song Qian's expression and voice were so gentle and outrageous, it was like Liu Jing possessed her, so that it made her She was jealous.

"Well, it has changed a lot, which is a good thing."

"By the way, didn't you say you were going to attend the tenth anniversary party of your senior high school class? Why is there no news yet?"

"They've negotiated it, and it's just two months away."

"AA, who is the treat?"

Zhou Chen was a little curious. The [-]th anniversary class reunion would undoubtedly be a pretentious meeting. He was very curious about what the atmosphere of the reunion in this top student class would be like.

If you pretend to be aggressive, you should pretend to be fresh and refined, right?

Although there is no way to see it with his own eyes, Qiao Yingzi will definitely tell him when the time comes, so he is still looking forward to it.

Qiao Yingzi replied: "I don't know, I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I don't care. I just go to meet my old classmate. I have made an appointment with Tao Zi. I will pick her up when the time comes, and we will go there together."

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "I'll let Hong Fei see you off then."

Because he had read so many novels that he was infected, he specially asked someone for help, and found a veteran of the special forces.

This veteran is Hong Fei. He has been a soldier for more than ten years, and he is a veritable king of soldiers.

Zhou Chen also spent a lot of money to hire Hong Fei to work as his bodyguard and driver. The annual salary is higher than that of ordinary company executives.

"No, sister Yun can just send me off, don't bother Brother Hong."

Qiao Yingzi shook her head and refused, and Zhou Chen also arranged a female driver for her, so she didn't want to trouble Hong Fei very much.

"Okay, listen to you."

Zhou Chen didn't insist either, since he was in Yanjing anyway, nothing would happen.

(End of this chapter)

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